E - Indico

Side effects caused by overdose of Metocloperamides (Reglan) by mouth in
Pediatric ages
1. Pediatrics Departament, Regional Hospital Elbasan. University "A.Xhuvani" Elbasan
2. Nursing Faculty, University "A.Xhuvani" Elbasan
3. Maternity Hospital " Koco Glozheni"
Pediatric age for the treatment of frequent vomiting, especially at the age of 3 years under medication
used as sol Meteclopamid (raglan) sol against vomiting originating from gastro-intestinal disorders, etc.
The most frequent use is Reglanit solution but its dose should be respected precisely because it is
limited therapeutic dose, overdose is easily reachable to give side effects expressed touch the central
nervous system ekstrapramidale.
The aim of the study: To identify the common side effects of extrapyramidal nervous system touch
that comes from giving the overdose of the mouth Reglanit pediatric ages.
Material and methods. Our study is made in the years 2012-2013 which are recorded all hospitalized
cases of intoxication or overdose Reglanit sol given by mouth in outpatient care. These cases are treated
in the pediatric service, Elbasan. After being diagnosed with nerve system ingested overdose of Reglanit
were surveyed in terms of dose taken, duration of use, age, etc
Results. 17 cases diagnosed in our service, which have a relatively serious clinical and contracted neck
body associated with somnolence. Of these nine children were under age 1 year, 5 children 1-4 years,
and 3 children were aged 4-8 years. Of these children under 1 year had taken on sol raglan 3 times
higher dose of 1 tsp brown (ie 5 - fold the dose) while therapeutic doses for sol reglanin 0.1 mgr / kg at
3-4 making.
Conclusion: The side effects of the sol dosing Reglanit (Metocloperamides) are frequent in pediatric
ages that come from not adhering to the correct dose and dose while the distance between terapeutic
dose and damaging dose is closing. From this comes as a task for the family doctor but especially the
pharmacists that are adding more and not appropriate qualifications that children, especially under a
year to get reglanin sol drops and no coffee spoon (2.5 mL) or jam (5ml).
Key words : vomiting, doses, reflux, raglan ,drops