Bulletin of the Ethicists Network January 2011 Dear Colleagues, I hope that 2011 will be a wonderful year for you. There is also much to look forward to this coming year. I attach the first Call for Abstracts for the September ICNE conference. Please circulate this to colleagues who may be interested. I will look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible. Registration information will be available soon. The conference promises to be an exciting and truly international and wideranging applied ethics event with keynote speakers confirmed from: Canada (Jan Storch); Finland (Riitta Suhonen); Germany (Helen Kohlen); and the UK (Steve Edwards and Susanne Gibson). I also hope we will be joined by Professor Isabel Mendes from Brazil. The Human Rights and Nursing awards will also be presented at the conference with citations read by Verena Tschudin, the new ICNE President. In addition, this Bulletin has dates for your diary regarding key nursing ethics events. Please make a note of the memorial event in June for the late Professor Paul Wainwright, who had been a friend and colleague to many of us. Please also look out for the Paul Wainwright Nursing Ethics Student Essay Prize that will appear in Nursing Ethics. Please encourage your students to apply. Do send me notice of events in your countries so I can advertise in the Bulletin. 1 *** Call for Abstracts 12th International ICNE conference Researching Nursing Ethics and the Ethics of Research 7th – 8th September 2011 The International Centre for Nursing Ethics, University of Surrey Venue : Continuing Education Centre, Senate House, University of Surrey We invite abstract submissions on the theme of ‘Researching Nursing Ethics and the Ethics of Research’ for the annual nursing ethics conference hosted by the International Centre for Nursing Ethics, University of Surrey, UK. This conference places a special emphasis on research ethics and ethical issues that arise in healthcare research. The scientific committee invites abstracts from those engaged in empirical research and philosophical work on all aspects of ethics research and research ethics in healthcare. The conference will be comprised of plenary presentations and concurrent oral presentations. We welcome and encourage both experienced and first time presenters. The aims of the conference are to: strengthen the network of researchers, teachers, practitioners and students in the field of nursing and healthcare ethics develop an international dialogue in relation to ethics and research provide a retrospective and the opportunity to reflect critically on nursing ethics as a developing discipline anticipate and prepare for ethical challenges in health and social care research in a global context A condition of submission is that if accepted one of the authors will present at the conference. Closing date for submission of abstracts: 15th May 2011 Abstracts are to be submitted to: Ann Gallagher (a.gallagher@surrey.ac.uk) Abstracts should include: Purpose, theoretical/conceptual framework, subjects, method, and results and conclusions, as applicable. The text may not exceed 300 words and should be single-spaced. The abstract should include: title of research; name(s) and credentials of author(s); current position; mailing address, email address and phone number of author who is to be notified regarding selection. Please put this subject for your email submission - ICNE-2011Abstract. Thank you 2 *** Commemorative Conference for Professor Paul Wainwright Institute of Life Science College of Medicine, Swansea University 28th June 2011, 10am-4pm, ILS Seminar Room 1 This conference will commemorate the life and work of the late Professor Paul Wainwright, Muriel Powell Chair of Nursing, Kingston University and St George’s University of London, and will focus on a range of academic perspectives including: health services research, medical humanities, philosophy and nursing ethics. Speakers Professor Martyn Evans, Professor of Humanities in Medicine, Durham University Dr Ann Gallagher, Reader in Nursing Ethics, Surrey University Professor Helen Kohlen, Professor of Care Policy, Ethics and Community Nursing, University of Vallendar, Germany Professor Frances Rapport, Professor of Qualitative Health Research, Swansea University Professor Derek Sellman, Professor of Nursing, University of Alberta, Canada Further details may be obtained from: Professor Steven Edwards S.D.Edwards@swansea.ac.uk OR Professor Frances Rapport F.L.Rapport@swansea.ac.uk To register, please contact Professor Steven Edwards: email s.d.edwards@swansea.ac.uk This event is free of charge and we would like to acknowledge the kind contribution of the Royal College of Nursing, and the International Centre for Nursing Ethics, to this conference". *** QUESTION FOR DEBATE You are invited to respond to the following question in 500 words or less: What is the role of moral theory in everyday nursing ethics? 3 There is ongoing debate regarding the nature and helpfulness of moral theory in healthcare ethics. A future issue of Nursing Ethics (March 2011), for example, focuses on ethics of care. Is moral theory necessary for ethical practice? What moral theory, if any, is most helpful? What role does or should moral theory play in supporting ethical practice? How should moral theory be integrated into the professional curriculum? Who is best placed to do this? Please send your responses to this question to the journal email (nursing-ethics@surrey.ac.uk) by 28th February 2011. A selection of your responses will be published in Nursing Ethics. **** An invitation to share your views and news I am keen to develop our networks and to ensure that innovations, good practices, events and resources in nursing ethics are disseminated as widely as possible I look forward to hearing from you and developing the Bulletin and the website in the light of your responses. Email your responses to me at the email address below. Thank you. In the meantime, please use this Network to inform colleagues of initiatives, conferences, news or events that you would like to disseminate here or send to the e-mail addresses below. **** I look forward to hearing from you. Very best wishes and Season’s Greetings Ann Gallagher a.gallagher@surrey.ac.uk 4