Drug treatments for Parkinson`s booklet Word version

Drug treatments
for Parkinson’s
While there is no cure yet for Parkinson’s, there are many different
drugs that can help manage the symptoms.1 This booklet is for
people with Parkinson’s and their families. It provides information
about the drugs most commonly used to help manage the condition.
This booklet starts with some practical points about the drugs used for treating
Parkinson’s, then gives further details about each individual drug, including:
its name
how it works
how it’s used
There is also a section that explains more about clinical trials and possible new drug
treatments, and a glossary to explain the meaning of unfamiliar medical words or terms
and how to say them phonetically.
No booklet is a substitute for advice from your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse. Choosing
the right medication is always a decision you should make with them. With this in mind,
you can show this booklet to your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse and ask them questions
about the information here. You may find it a useful starting point when you are talking
about the next steps in your treatment.
The content in this booklet is designed to be dipped in and out of – don’t feel like you need
to read everything in one go.
Drugs used to treat Parkinson’s – an overview
Individual treatment
Getting it right
How the drugs work
Managing other (non-motor) symptoms
Practical points
Dos and don’ts
Taking special care with Parkinson’s drugs
If you have other conditions or take other medications
Get It On Time
Drugs to avoid
Types of Parkinson’s drugs
Other names: co-beneldopa (Madopar, Madopar CR) co-careldopa (Caramet CR,
Duodopa, Sinemet, Sinemet Plus, Sinemet CR, Half Sinemet CR, Lecado,
Dopamine agonists
Other names: pramipexole (Mirapexin, Mirapexin prolonged release), ropinirole (Ralnea
XL, Requip, Requip XL, Spiroco XL), apomorphine (APO-go PEN, APO-go PFS),
bromocriptine (Parlodel), cabergoline (Cabaser), pergolide, rotigotine (Neupro),
Monoamine oxidase type B (MAO–B) inhibitors
Other names: rasagiline (Azilect), selegiline (Eldepryl, Zelapar)
Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors
Other names: entacapone (Comtess), co-careldopa plus entacapone (Stalevo/Sastravi),
tolcapone (Tasmar),
Glutamate antagonist
Other names: amantadine
Other names: orphenadrine (Disipal, Biorphen), procyclidine (Arpicolin, Kemadrin),
trihexyphenidyl (benzhexol) (Broflex)
Managing your medication
Developing new drugs
More information and support
Summary of drugs used to treat Parkinson’s
Non-motor symptoms questionnaire
We’ve made every effort to make sure the information in this booklet is correct at the time
of printing. But Parkinson’s UK cannot take responsibility for the correctness, sufficiency or
completeness of this information or any recommendation.
You should speak to a medical professional about your individual healthcare needs.
Because everyone with Parkinson’s is different, Parkinson’s UK cannot advise on ideal
combinations or provide details about the strengths or duration of action for each
medication. Your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse (if you have one) will be able to give
advice or information that’s relevant to your particular circumstances. You can also speak
to a pharmacist for more information about your medication.
Please remember that information about drugs can change. This booklet does not list all
the uses and side effects of these drugs. For full details, please see the drug information
leaflet that comes with your medication.
“My Parkinson’s nurse has been marvellous – very knowledgeable, encouraging and
helpful about medication. He has seen my condition progress and has been able to make
appropriate suggestions.” Caroline, diagnosed in 2003
Drugs used to treat Parkinson’s – an overview
“No two people with Parkinson’s have the same symptoms, so at first, it’s a case of trial
and error. But once the right combination is found for your symptoms, the drug treatment
for Parkinson’s is very good.” Steve, diagnosed in 1999
Research has led to a range of different medications that are now available for Parkinson’s
that can help manage or reduce symptoms, such as tremor or problems with co-ordination,
balance and movement.1
Since the 1960s, the standard drug to treat Parkinson’s has been levodopa.1 It works by
boosting the levels of dopamine in the brain and can help to manage the symptoms (see
page 13 for more information).
Other drugs have been developed since then that also work to increase dopamine levels.
These include MAOB-inhibitors,1 which first became available in the 1970s and dopamine
agonists1 that were developed in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.
More recently, drug companies have been working to refine the way Parkinson’s
medications can be delivered to provide longer lasting symptom control. 1
But while current medications can help to manage symptoms, we don’t yet have any
treatments that can cure, slow, stop or reverse the development of Parkinson’s.1 This
means the condition continues to progress as do the symptoms and side effects of taking
more medication.
Individual treatment
Every person with Parkinson’s has a different experience of the condition. Some
symptoms may trouble you more or less than they do another person. Your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse will work with you to find the treatment that is best for you as an
Finding the best medicine, dose and timing may take some time and will need some
changes along the way. Because the symptoms of Parkinson’s change over time, your
medication may have to change, too.1
While you may be able to talk to your GP about any side effects of your medication or
issues that aren’t related to your condition, ideally, you should discuss Parkinson’s
medication with your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist.
It is important not to make any changes to your medication, or to stop taking it, without
talking to your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse first.2
Getting it right
When you are diagnosed with Parkinson’s you will have a consultation with your specialist
to discuss whether you need to start treatment immediately. For a lot of people who have
just been diagnosed, Parkinson’s drugs can be a great help. Carefully introducing the best
drug for treating Parkinson’s can often improve the symptoms.2
Drug treatment for Parkinson’s is often started at low doses and increased gradually,
stepping up the doses, the frequency, or adding new drugs until your symptoms are as
controlled as possible.3 If your symptoms are mild, you might decide, together with your
specialist, to postpone drug treatment until your symptoms increase.1
“My specialist is very easy to talk to and allows me to take an active part in my treatment.
He makes sure that I have the relevant information to decide on medication – I am in the
driving seat.” Josie, diagnosed in 2007
How the drugs work
The symptoms of Parkinson’s appear when dopamine levels – a chemical messenger in
your brain – become too low. This is because many of the cells in your brain that produce
dopamine have died or are dying.1
When dopamine levels in your brain get low, you will find that your movement slows down
and it takes you longer to do things. You may lack co-ordination or your hands or other
parts of your body may shake.1 This is known as tremor and can make everyday activities
difficult or frustrating.
You may find it difficult to move freely and that your muscles might become stiff. Some
people with Parkinson’s freeze suddenly and this leaves them unable to move.4 This is a
Parkinson’s symptom, but can also be a sign that medication is not working as effectively
as before.4 Sometimes a person’s symptoms will recur before the next dose of medication
is due. This is sometimes called ‘wearing off’.4
When the effects of wearing off happen quickly, this is called ‘on/off’.5 Being ‘on’ describes
when a person’s symptoms are controlled and they are feeling at their most capable.
Being ‘off’ is when Parkinson’s symptoms recur and are at their most debilitating. Some
people have described this as like a light switch being turned on and off, or going up-anddown like a yo-yo.
Most drug treatments for Parkinson’s aim to ease these symptoms by:3
increasing the amount of dopamine in the brain, or
acting as a substitute for dopamine by stimulating the parts of the brain where
dopamine works, or
blocking the action of other factors (enzymes) that break down dopamine
Managing other (non-motor) symptoms
People with Parkinson’s can also have non-motor symptoms – symptoms that aren’t
connected to movement problems. These include anxiety and depression, pain and
Parkinson’s drugs are not always used to treat these types of symptoms.1 Some types of
non-motor symptoms will be treated separately, depending on the problems you
experience. Constipation and depression, for example, may be treated with drugs
designed to treat those symptoms.
There are too many different treatment options to include all of the drugs for other
symptoms in this booklet. Also, people with Parkinson’s will often receive the same or
similar treatment for other symptoms as people without Parkinson’s, for example sleeping
problems (as long as the medication is compatible with their Parkinson’s medication and
other factors of their condition).
Some people may experience side effects of Parkinson’s medication.3 These are
explained throughout the booklet. It is important to speak to your specialist or Parkinson’s
nurse about anything you experience.
We have a range of free information sheets about particular symptoms and side effects.
See the inside back cover for details of how to order these.
Always tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse about any other symptoms you have. This
can be done by giving them a copy of our non-motor questionnaire that you’ve filled in.
The questionnaire is available on page 45. You can also download it from our website at
It’s also important to remember that not every health issue you experience will be related
to Parkinson’s. So try not to worry that every symptom is caused by Parkinson’s or is a
sign that your condition is getting worse. Just make sure you talk to your healthcare
professional about any concerns you may have.
Practical points
Whatever treatment you and your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse decide on, you may find
it helpful to bear these tips in mind.
Keep a record of all the medications you are taking for Parkinson’s and what time you
take each drug. Do this for medication you take for other conditions as well.
Ask questions or have your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist explain
something again if you don’t understand. They won’t mind. You can also ask for written
Keep a diary or chart when your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse starts you on a new
drug, changes your drugs or adjusts the dose or frequency. Record the dose and time
you took the drug and what happened to your symptoms. This information can help the
healthcare professional who is adjusting your medication.
Tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse if you think you could be pregnant.
Take your Parkinson’s drugs as recommended by your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse.
Make sure you understand what to do if you forget a dose.
Tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse straight away if you experience any side
effects from the drugs you take to treat Parkinson’s, but don’t stop taking your
Parkinson’s drugs until you are advised to do so.2
Tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse about how your treatment is working for you.
Making notes before your appointment can help you remember what you want to say.
Remember that your pharmacist can also be a very good source of advice. They will
also help you dispose of all your unused drugs if necessary.
Keep your medication out of the reach of children or other people who might be
confused and take it by mistake. Store it as advised on the packet.
Assume that you will have serious side effects from the drugs you take to treat
Parkinson’s. Not everyone does. However, if you think you are having side effects or if
you are worried about them, talk to your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist
right away.
Assume that your treatment, dose or the timing of your medication should be the same
as other people with Parkinson’s. Everyone is different.
Change the dose or how often you take your medication on your own. You should
speak to your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse if you think your medication needs
changing in any way.2
Forget to tell the doctors and nurses you are taking drugs to treat Parkinson’s, if you go
to hospital. You should make sure staff understand that you need your medication on
time. Some hospitals will allow you to look after your own medication, so that you can
self-administer medication outside of the usual drugs round.1
Find out more: see our booklet Going into hospital when you have Parkinson’s.
Forget to wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace if you want to make health
professionals aware of your condition and the drugs you are taking in the event of an
emergency. These are items of jewellery that can be inscribed with important medical
information and are widely available. You can also order our medication card, on which
you can write down the drugs you are taking, and store this in your purse or wallet. You
can download the medication card from parkinsons.org.uk/publications or use the
details on page 48 to order a print copy.
Do not stop taking your Parkinson’s medication unless your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse
tells you to. This can be dangerous and should only be done or stopped gradually with
medical supervision.2
“It is important that other people realise the ‘on/off’ nature of Parkinson's, otherwise they
may not give the help needed because they believe the person with Parkinson’s is 'putting
it on'.” Beryl, diagnosed in 1996
Taking special care with Parkinson’s drugs
It’s important that you tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse about any other medical
conditions you have and any other medications you are taking.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or suspect you may be pregnant tell your specialist
or Parkinson’s nurse.
Some Parkinson’s drugs can make you very sleepy.1 Sometimes this happens
suddenly and without warning. Make sure you understand what safety precautions you
need to take – whether you can drive, for example.7
Sometimes it can be hard to know whether your sleep problems are part of the
condition or whether they are a side effect of your Parkinson’s medication. It’s
important to talk to your healthcare professional to find out the cause of these
Find out more: see our booklets Driving and Parkinson’s and Sleep and night-time
problems in Parkinson’s.
Some Parkinson’s drugs can make your blood pressure fall very quickly1, causing you
to feel dizzy or faint.8 Again, find out what safety precautions you should take in case
this happens.
With some Parkinson’s drugs, particularly dopamine agonists (see page 17) and in a
small number of cases levodopa (see page 13), some people have problems with
impulsive or compulsive behaviour (see page 21).9 Examples include gambling,
becoming a ‘shopaholic’, binge eating or focusing on sexual feelings and thoughts,
which may get in the way of everyday life.4 This behaviour can have a huge impact on
people’s lives, so if you think this is happening to you or the person you are caring for,
tell your GP, specialist or Parkinson’s nurse straight away.
Find out more: see our information sheet Impulsive and compulsive behaviour
in Parkinson’s.
If you think you are experiencing any side effects (you can find examples of these in
each section of this booklet), tell your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse right away, but do
not stop taking your Parkinson’s drugs unless they tell you to.2
If you have other conditions or take other medication
If you take medication for other medical conditions, they may have an effect on your
Parkinson’s symptoms and how effective your Parkinson’s drugs are. Some medications
for other conditions can make Parkinson’s symptoms worse.10 Speak to your GP,
specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist if you have any concerns about this.
Also, if you have a problem with your digestive system, such as constipation (which is
often experienced by people with Parkinson’s), this may affect how well your drugs enter
your bloodstream. This may reduce the effectiveness of your medication.11
Parkinson’s drugs can interact with the drugs used for other conditions.10 The different
drugs can make each other weaker or stronger. This can be dangerous. Herbal or
complementary treatments, for example St John’s Wort, may also affect your Parkinson’s
If you want to take a non-prescription medicine, check with your pharmacist first that it is
safe. It’s important that you give every healthcare professional who treats you details of
the drugs you are taking for Parkinson’s.
Your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist can give you advice on specific
interactions with different medications.
Get It On Time
Our Get It On Time campaign aims to raise awareness of the importance of people with
Parkinson’s getting their medication on time, every time, with hospital and care home staff.
It is important for them to be aware that drug timings will vary from person to person and
may be different to ward drug rounds. If people with Parkinson’s don’t get their medication
at the right time, it leads to their symptoms becoming uncontrolled, and it can take some
time for this to be put right again.1
Find out more at parkinsons.org.uk/getitontime
“We had some trouble with getting medication on time when mum was first admitted to
hospital. But then we had one fabulous nurse who picked up on the importance of mum’s
medication on her admission to the ward. Mum was put as a priority on the drugs round.”
Julie, whose mum has Parkinson’s
Drugs to avoid
Some drugs can bring on Parkinson’s-like symptoms or react badly with Parkinson’s drugs
and should be avoided unless they’re recommended by a specialist.10
These are some (but not all) of the drugs to avoid in Parkinson’s:
chlorpromazine13 (Largactil)
fluphenazine13 (Modecate)
perphenazine13 (Fentazin/Triptafen)
trifluoperazine13 (Stelazine)
flupenthixol13 (Fluanxol/Depixol)
haloperidol13 (Serenace/Haldol)
metoclopramide10 (Maxalon)
prochlorperazine10 (Stemetil)
Decongestants or cold remedies can affect some Parkinson’s medications 10. If you need to
use these, it’s very important to check with your pharmacist which one is safest to use.
Anti-sickness drugs
Domperidone14 (Motilium) is the anti-sickness drug of choice to prevent and treat nausea
and vomiting caused by levodopa. Domperidone can cause heart rhythm problems
(arrhythmia) in some people over the age of 60.14 If you are prescribed this medication,
your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or pharmacist should talk to you about how to recognise
signs of irregular heart rhythms.14 You may also have an electrocardiogram (ECG) before
starting treatment. An electrocardiogram measures heart rhythm and electric activity and
can identify problems,15 which may mean domperidone is not suitable for you to take. 16
Other anti-sickness drugs that are generally considered useful include cyclizine (Valoid)17
and 5-HT3 receptor antagonists like ondansetron.18
If you have any queries about medication, contact your specialist, Parkinson’s nurse or
Types of Parkinson’s drugs
There are many different drug treatments for Parkinson’s. The tables in each of the
following sections give you a summary of the main types, their names and how they are
Drug names
Sometimes, the same drug goes by a number of different names – even if the ingredients
are the same and they do the same job.19
Each drug belongs to a class – a wider group of drugs that work in the same way.
Unbranded (generic) and brand name
All types of drug have a common or generic name. Every drug that has the same active
ingredient will have this name, no matter who it is made by.
In addition to its common name, some drugs will also have a brand name, decided by the
company who makes it.
For example, in the levodopa class of drugs, co-beneldopa is an unbranded or generic,
name of a drug. Roche, one of the companies that makes co-beneldopa, sells it under the
brand name Madopar.
Many medications used to treat Parkinson’s are available under their generic name.
The active ingredient of the unbranded drug is the same as the branded version and lots of
people won’t have any problems using the generic medication. But some people may find
they respond a bit differently to different versions. It is advised that you don’t regularly
switch between branded and unbranded versions as in some cases this can have negative
effects. If you have any concerns you should discuss these with your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse.
This section explains what levodopa is and how it works, and looks at other
considerations, including possible side effects.
How levodopa works
How levodopa is used
Advantages of levodopa
Disadvantages of levodopa
Side effects
Levodopa is always given combined with either benserazide or carbidopa. 20 These help
the levodopa get into the brain where it’s needed.
(generic) name
(benserazide plus
Brand names
Forms available
dispersible tablets
Madopar CR
Controlled release
(CR) capsules (see
page 15)
Available in
unbranded form
Caramet CR
Controlled release
(carbidopa plus
Co-careldopa plus
entacapone (see
page 25 for
information about
Intestinal gel
Sinemet Plus
Sinemet CR
Controlled release
Half Sinemet CR
Controlled release
Prolonged release
Available in
unbranded form
Taking special care with levodopa
If you are prescribed this drug for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the important
safety advice that comes with it and the general information on page 10.
How levodopa works
The symptoms of Parkinson’s appear when levels of dopamine – a chemical messenger in
your brain – become too low. This is because many of the cells in your brain that produce
dopamine have died or are dying.1
Unfortunately, taking dopamine as a drug doesn’t help as it can’t cross into your brain
where it’s needed.23 Doctors can get around this by using levodopa.
Levodopa is a chemical building-block that your body converts into dopamine.1 Levodopa
already occurs naturally in your body and taking it as a drug treatment boosts the supply,
meaning the nerve cells can make more dopamine.
How levodopa is used
Levodopa has been used to treat Parkinson’s since the 1960s. 24 Later, it was found that
adding benserazide or carbidopa could allow more levodopa to get into the brain and
make it work better. Levodopa is now always given with one of these, combined in the
same pill.20
Levodopa can be used at all stages of Parkinson’s, however, it can have side effects that
build up as symptoms progress.1 One side effect of levodopa is fluctuations, or ‘on/off’.5
During ‘off’ periods your body can become stiff and slow so you are unable to move.
During ‘on’ periods your symptoms will be controlled and you’ll feel at your most capable.3
Another side effect that can happen with long-term use of levodopa is involuntary
movements (dyskinesia).3
Although levodopa may be taken at any time during your condition, based on current
scientific evidence, there is no particular time to start taking levodopa that is right for
everyone.25,1 You and your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse will need to talk about it and
agree what is the best choice for you.
Treatment will usually start with a low dose. This is gradually increased until you and your
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse agree that your symptoms are under control.3
If you have problems with swallowing, you may be able to take a different form of
medication. There may be a suitable option that is easier to swallow, if you can’t easily
take tablets, for example.20 There are some options that release the active ingredients
slowly (controlled or prolonged release capsules or tablets), which allow you to take fewer
tablets in a day.20 However, these will not be suitable for everyone who takes levodopa.
The different forms of levodopa are:20
These come in different strengths, depending on the dose your specialist or Parkinson’s
nurse thinks you need.
Controlled release (CR) or prolonged release capsules or tablets
These let the levodopa enter your body slowly instead of all at once. Involuntary
movements (dyskinesia) can be a side effect of taking high doses of levodopa. Controlled
release options can sometimes reduce the number of times this happens. They are
particularly helpful if they are taken before going to bed to reduce stiffness during the
Dispersible tablets
This form can be mixed with water to make a drink. It takes effect more quickly than
capsules because it doesn’t need to be broken down in your stomach to release the active
ingredient. It can also be used if you have trouble swallowing tablets or capsules. If you
are prescribed non-dispersible tablets or capsules, these should not be crushed or put into
Intestinal gel26
This option is only suitable for a very small number of people whose symptoms can’t be
controlled with the more common forms of treatment. The drug is pumped continuously
through a tube that is surgically inserted into the intestine. If you are prescribed this option
you are less likely to experience involuntary movements. You might also have fewer ‘off’
periods. It may also help to control your symptoms at night.
Advantages of levodopa
Levodopa is an effective treatment for Parkinson’s symptoms. You may experience a big
improvement in your symptoms when taking it, especially with stiffness and slowness of
Disadvantages of levodopa
Becomes less effective over time as symptoms progress3
After a while, you may have a less predictable response to levodopa. This happens as
more of the nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine die. You may get ‘off’ periods
when you feel weak and can’t move well. The effect of your dose may wear off more
quickly, maybe even before your next one is due or has begun to work. When this
happens, sometimes your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse will change or increase your
dose, the form of drug or how often you take it. They may also add other Parkinson’s
drugs to take alongside levodopa. This will help it to be more effective in treating your
Parkinson’s symptoms.
Movement problems
One of the main problems with levodopa is dyskinesia.3 These are spasms or muscle
movements that you can’t control. Dyskinesia may increase over time, although not
everyone will have this side effect.
Sleepiness and fainting
Levodopa drug treatment can make you feel very sleepy. Sometimes this happens quite
suddenly and without warning.20 Levodopa can also make you faint or feel dizzy.20
Impulsive and compulsive behaviour
A small number of people taking levodopa have problems with impulsive or compulsive
behaviour.9 This can also be called impulse control disorder. It affects fewer people taking
levodopa than those taking dopamine agonists9 (see page 17), but it is still a possible side
Find out more: see our information sheet Impulsive and compulsive behaviour in
Withdrawal syndrome with levodopa
Research has shown that withdrawal symptoms can happen when someone stops taking
levodopa very suddenly, perhaps because they are experiencing impulsive and
compulsive behaviour. It can lead to symptoms including depression, anxiety or pain. 29
Any withdrawal from Parkinson’s drugs needs to be done gradually, under the supervision
of a health professional, to avoid the risk of developing this syndrome.
Taking levodopa with food can sometimes help to reduce feelings of sickness. However,
for some people, protein (which is found mainly in meat, fish, eggs, cheese and beans)
seems to interfere with the way levodopa medication works, by affecting how well the drug
is absorbed by the body.27
Your body needs protein, so it’s important not to stop eating it. However, some people may
benefit from taking their medication at least 30 minutes before they eat.28 Your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse can advise you on timing your doses and this should be discussed with
them when you are first prescribed the drug. They can also refer you to a dietitian.
Find out more: see our booklet Diet and Parkinson’s.
“If I have food and particularly if I have protein, I find that levodopa doesn’t work and I
experience freezing. I’m amazed when I hear that other people with Parkinson’s haven’t
always been told that this can happen. It has a huge effect on me.”
Paul, diagnosed in 2001
Side effects20
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with levodopa include nausea and
vomiting, low blood pressure (hypotension), loss of appetite, psychological problems,
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling things that aren’t there), and sleep
Dopamine agonists30
This section explains what dopamine agonists are and how they work, and looks at other
considerations, including possible side effects.
How dopamine agonists work
How dopamine agonists are used
Advantages of dopamine agonists
Disadvantages of dopamine agonists
Impulsive and compulsive behaviour
Side effects
Unbranded (generic)
Available in
Forms available
Prolonged release tablets
Available in
Ralnea XL
Prolonged release tablets
Requip XL
Prolonged release tablets
Spiroco XL
Prolonged release tablets
Eppinix XL
Prolonged release tablets
Skin patch
Pre-filled pen
for intermittent injection31
Pre-filled syringe
for infusion. Can be used
with a continuous infusion
Tablets, capsules
Available in
Available in
Available in
Taking special care with dopamine agonists
If you are prescribed these drugs for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the
important safety advice that comes with them and the general information on page 10.
How dopamine agonists work
Dopamine is a chemical messenger made in the brain. The symptoms of Parkinson’s
appear when dopamine levels become too low. This is because many of the cells in your
brain that produce dopamine have died or are dying.1
One treatment option is to use levodopa, which is converted into dopamine in the brain (see
page x). Another possible approach is to use dopamine agonist drugs, which act like
dopamine to stimulate your nerve cells.3
How dopamine agonists are used
Dopamine agonists are used at all stages of Parkinson’s.1 You might take them alone
when treatment is being started or alongside levodopa to help the levodopa work better. 3
Treatment with dopamine agonists has to be started carefully, with the dose gradually
being increased until you and your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse are happy that your
symptoms are under control.3
Some dopamine agonists are now available as ‘one-a-day’ tablets.32 These can be a
convenient option for people and may help both movement and other symptoms of
Several different forms are available:
Tablets and capsules
These come in different strengths, depending on the dose your specialist or Parkinson’s
nurse thinks you need.
Prolonged release tablets
These can be taken less frequently and they work longer in the body, compared to normal
capsules and tablets.
Skin patch
A dopamine agonist patch is also available (Neupro).33 It may be useful if you have trouble
swallowing tablets.
The patch should be held in place for 30 seconds, but it is left on for 24 hours.34 The patch
may cause a skin reaction, such as reddening or itching, but this is usually mild or
moderate.34 It will only affect the area the patch has been and will normally disappear after
a few hours when you remove the patch. Moving the patch to a different part of your body
every day will help to avoid irritation.34 Some, but not all, patches may need to be stored in
a refrigerator – check the instructions included with your medication or speak to your
Injection or infusion
Apomorphine is a strong dopamine agonist that is given by injection or infusion pump.35 It is
saved for more advanced Parkinson’s that does not respond as well to oral drug treatments
or when most oral Parkinson’s medication becomes less effective or does not work.1 If you
continue to have unpredictable changes in your symptoms that aren’t controlled by other
Parkinson’s medications, apomorphine may help.4
Apomorphine injections are taken in a similar way to insulin for diabetes. There is a readyto-use injection pen that works within 10 minutes36 and is often used as a ‘rescue’
measure.37 This is very useful if you have a sudden ‘off’ period.
If you need more than 10 injections a day, you may be changed to a syringe driver.38 This
is a small, battery-driven pump that delivers a continuous dose of medication from a
syringe through a needle under the skin.38
Ideally, apomorphine will be started in hospital, under the guidance of a specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse.1 Once you are settled on this treatment, you and your carer (if you
have one) can be trained in how to use it. If you or a carer are unable to do this, district
nurses will be able to help you with this treatment.39 APO-go nurse advisors can also start
you on treatment. They are registered general nurses with specialist experience in APO-go
injections and infusions as well as the general management of Parkinson’s.
Apomorphine can cause severe short-term nausea and sickness,1 so an anti-sickness drug
called domperidone (Motilium) will also be given at least two days before this treatment is
started1 and continued for at least two weeks or more, once your treatment is underway
(see page 12 for more information).
Soreness or nodules can develop at the place where the needle enters your skin.38 If this
happens, do not stop the treatment and make sure to get advice from your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse. It is important to change the injection site each time to minimise skin
becoming sore or nodules forming. Simple massage,40 silicone gel patches41 or
ultrasound38 can help to reduce any nodules that form.
Find out more: see our information sheet Apomorphine.
Advantages of dopamine agonists
Delaying levodopa treatment
Dopamine agonists may be effective treatments for several years when used alone.1
However, this will not be the case for everyone.
Lowers levodopa needs
Taking dopamine agonists may mean you can take lower doses of levodopa as your
condition progresses. This can reduce the risk of experiencing involuntary movements
(dyskinesia) or reduce how severe they are.3
Fewer movement problems
Your symptoms may be controlled for longer than is usually the case with levodopa. You
may also be less prone to long-term side effects such as dyskinesia (movements that you
can’t control).3
Helping levodopa work better
Dopamine agonists can also be taken with levodopa, at all stages of Parkinson’s. They
can help when the effect of levodopa wears off or doesn’t work as well. Dopamine agonists
may help to smooth out the ‘on/off’ effect that you may have with levodopa.1
Fewer tablets to take (in some cases)
There are now some once-daily preparations that could make a big difference by reducing
the number of tablets you take.32 But this option may not suit everyone.
Positive effects on non-movement symptoms
Some dopamine agonists have recently been shown to have a good effect on the
symptoms of Parkinson’s not related to movement, including sleep problems, pain and
Disadvantages of dopamine agonists
Heart problems
Some of the older dopamine agonists increase the risk of heart problems.1 As a group,
these are known as the ‘ergot’ types and they include bromocriptine, pergolide and
cabergoline.1 Because of this risk, these Parkinson’s drugs are not commonly used.
All newer dopamine agonists are non-ergot in type. These are apomorphine, pramipexole,
ropinirole and rotigotine. They have not been associated with an increased risk of heart
damage. Doctors prefer to use these if possible.30
Sleepiness and fainting
Dopamine agonist drugs can make you feel very sleepy, faint or dizzy.3 This is most likely
to happen when you start taking the drugs. Once a stable dose is reached, this effect often
wears off. In a few people, sleepiness happens quite suddenly. Sudden onset of sleep,
without any warning, has been reported.30 If this happens, it’s important that you tell your
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse.
Impulsive and compulsive behaviour
Some people taking dopamine agonists have problems controlling compulsive and
impulsive behaviour. It may also affect people taking levodopa, but more frequently it
affects people taking dopamine agonists.9
Impulsive behaviour is when a person can’t resist the temptation to carry out certain
activities that could lead them to harm themselves or others. This includes a strong urge to
gamble, shop or binge-eat.4 Some people with Parkinson’s experience hypersexuality,
where they become so preoccupied with sex that it can cause problems with their work or
personal life.4
Compulsive behaviour is when a person has an overwhelming drive or urge to act in a
certain way, often repetitively, to reduce the worry or tension that they get from their drive
or urge. This can include collecting, sorting and organising objects. 43
In a lot of cases, this behaviour is out of character. The person experiencing this behaviour
may or may not experience distress, and may not realise the effects their behaviour will
If you think this is happening to you or the person you are caring for, tell your GP,
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse right away.
It is important that everyone with Parkinson’s is assessed for any potential risk of impulsive
and compulsive behaviour before they start taking their medication.
There are certain factors that may mean you’re more likely to experience this behaviour.
These include a family history of gambling or alcohol abuse, a personal history of addictive
behaviour, being male, being a younger person with Parkinson’s, being a smoker, being
single and living alone.45
Even if you do not fit any of these categories, your treatment should be monitored over
time. People with Parkinson’s, their carers, friends and family members should work with
healthcare professionals to monitor any changes in behaviour.
Find out more: see our information sheet Impulsive and compulsive behaviour in
“If you’re aware that you, or a friend or relative, may be experiencing impulsive and
compulsive behaviour, use the information available. Don’t live in denial. Speak with a
healthcare professional. I don’t want anyone else to go through what I’ve been through
with impulsive and compulsive behaviour.” Stephen, diagnosed in 2001
Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
When people have the compulsion to take more medication than is needed to control their
Parkinson’s symptoms this is known as dopamine dysregulation syndrome. 1 This is a type
of impulsive and compulsive behaviour.
If you think this is happening to you or the person you are caring for, tell your GP,
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse right away.
Dopamine Agonist Withdrawal Syndrome46
This happens when a person’s dopamine agonist treatment is stopped or reduced.
This could be when a person is experiencing impulsive or compulsive behaviour as a side
effect and needs to stop taking (or reduce the amount of) the medication causing the
Symptoms of dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome can include anxiety, panic attacks,
depression, insomnia, irritability and drug cravings.46
Stopping or reducing treatment should always take place in consultation with
your specialist and must be done gradually.
Side effects
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with dopamine agonists include
nausea, constipation, low blood pressure (hypotension), headaches, psychological
problems, hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling things that aren’t there) and
movement problems.1,3,30
MAO–B (Monoamine oxidase type B) inhibitors47
This section explains what MAO–B inhibitors are and how they work, and looks at other
considerations, including possible side effects.
How MAO-B inhibitors work
How MAO-B inhibitors are used
Advantages of MAO-B inhibitors
Disadvantages of MAO-B inhibitors
Side effects
(generic) name
Brand names
Forms available
Available in
unbranded form
Tablets that dissolve
on the tongue
Taking special care with MAO–B inhibitors
If you are prescribed these drugs for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the
important safety advice that comes with them, and the general information on page 10.
How MAO–B inhibitors work
Dopamine is a chemical messenger made in the brain. The symptoms of Parkinson’s
appear when dopamine levels become too low. This is because many of the cells in your
brain that produce dopamine have died or are dying.1
Unfortunately, taking dopamine as a drug treatment for Parkinson’s can’t help because it
can’t cross into your brain where it’s needed.23
MAO–B inhibitors can help your nerve cells make better use of the dopamine that it does
have. They do this by blocking an enzyme called monoamine oxidase type B (MAO–B),
which breaks down dopamine in your brain. This helps to increase the amount of
dopamine that the brain can use, which helps to relieve the symptoms of Parkinson’s. 3
How MAO–B inhibitors are used
A MAO–B inhibitor can be used on its own in early Parkinson’s, or in combination with other
drugs at all stages of Parkinson’s.47 These drugs are mainly available as tablets.47 There is
also a form that dissolves on the tongue.47 This may help if you have trouble swallowing.
Advantages of MAO–B inhibitors
Improving Parkinson’s symptoms
On its own, an MAO–B inhibitor can help with some Parkinson’s symptoms,47 but effects
are modest and may become less effective over time.
Not all have to be stepped up gradually
Many drug treatments for Parkinson’s have to be started gradually, with the dose slowly
being increased over time. This is not the case for MAO-B inhibitors.48
Delaying levodopa treatment
By taking an MAO–B inhibitor at an early stage of Parkinson’s, you may be able to delay
taking levodopa until your symptoms become more difficult to manage.47
Helping levodopa work better
When you have been taking levodopa for a while, you may find that its effects wear off too
quickly. An MAO–B inhibitor can help with this.47 Taking an MAO–B inhibitor may also
reduce the dose of levodopa you need and lengthen the time between your doses of
Disadvantages of MAO–B inhibitors
Combination with antidepressants
If you’re taking some types of antidepressant, you might not be able to take MAO–B
inhibitors, as these drugs can interact with each other to raise blood pressure to a
dangerous level.48
If you are taking antidepressants, your specialist should be able to advise you on how to
take these alongside your Parkinson’s medication.
Combination with decongestants
Decongestants or cold remedies can affect some types of MAO–B inhibitors.50 If you need
to use one of these products, check with your pharmacist to find out which one is safest to
Worse levodopa side effects
Because MAO–B inhibitors strengthen levodopa, the side effects of levodopa, including
unwanted movements and sickness, may get worse, too.50 If this happens, your specialist
or Parkinson’s nurse can help you reduce the dose of levodopa.
Side effects
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with MAO–B inhibitors include
headache, aching joints, indigestion, flu-like symptoms and depression.47
COMT (Catechol-O-methyltransferase) inhibitors51
This section explains what COMT inhibitors are and how they work, and looks at other
considerations, including possible side effects.
How COMT inhibitors work
How COMT inhibitors are used
Advantages of COMT inhibitors
Disadvantages of COMT inhibitors
Side effects
(generic) name
Brand names
Forms available
Co-careldopa plus
Taking special care with COMT inhibitors
If you are prescribed these drugs for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the
important safety advice that comes with them, and the general information on page 10.
How COMT inhibitors work
Dopamine is a chemical messenger made in the brain. The symptoms of Parkinson’s
appear when dopamine levels becomes too low. This is because many of the cells in your
brain that produce dopamine have died or are dying.1
Unfortunately, taking dopamine as a drug treatment for Parkinson’s doesn’t help, because
it can’t cross into your brain where it’s needed.23 However, you can boost the supply in
your brain by taking levodopa, a drug that acts as a chemical building-block to help your
body produce more dopamine.1
COMT inhibitors can block an enzyme that breaks down levodopa.1
How COMT inhibitors are used
These drugs are used alongside levodopa, to help it work more smoothly.1 They can be
tried if your dose of levodopa is not working for long enough (end-of-dose deterioration) or
it ‘wears off’.51
COMT inhibitors do not help to manage Parkinson’s symptoms on their own – they have to
be used with levodopa.51
COMT inhibitors come as tablets.51 If you take entacapone, you should take it at exactly
the same time as your levodopa medication to get the best results.52 There is also a
combined tablet that includes levodopa, carbidopa (one of the ‘helper’ drugs that are
always given alongside levodopa) and the COMT inhibitor entacapone. Brands include
Stalevo and Sastravi (see page 13).
Advantages of COMT inhibitors
Helping levodopa work more smoothly
COMT inhibitors can help when levodopa is not working long enough and starts to wear off
between your doses.51 It can help to reduce the ‘off’ time when you have more trouble with
your Parkinson’s symptoms and it can increase the amount of ‘on’ time when your
symptoms are better controlled.1
Taking less levodopa
In many cases, levodopa can be taken less often and at a lower dose. 53
Improving Parkinson’s symptoms
Sometimes, adding a COMT inhibitor to your medication regimen may help your
Parkinson’s symptoms.53
Disadvantages of COMT inhibitors
Liver damage
With tolcapone, there is a risk of liver damage that can be fatal. It is rare, but for this
reason, it is a second choice, only used if you can’t take entacapone, where the risk of
liver damage has not been seen. If you take tolcapone, you will need regular blood tests to
check the health of your liver.1
Worse levodopa side effects
Because COMT inhibitors strengthen levodopa, the side effects of levodopa, including
unwanted movements and sickness, can get worse, too. 52 If this happens, your specialist
or Parkinson’s nurse can help you reduce the dose of levodopa.
Side effects51
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with COMT inhibitors include
sleeping problems, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, dizziness, fainting, falls, hallucinations
(seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling things that aren’t there), headache, confusion, dry
mouth, chest pain and sleepiness. These drugs can also discolour your urine.
“Parkinson’s is a progressive condition. Medicines can help, and over the years I will take
newer and stronger types. I know that some will make me feel sick and a lot of
adjustments will need to be made along the way.” Keith, diagnosed in 2001
Glutamate antagonists54
There is only one glutamate antagonist that can be prescribed. This section explains what
a glutamate antagonist is and how it works, and looks at other considerations, including
possible side effects.
How a glutamate agonist works
How is a glutamate agonist used
Advantages of a glutamate agonist
Disadvantages of a glutamate agonist
Side effects
(generic) name
Brand name
Forms available
Capsules, syrup
Taking special care with a glutamate antagonist
If you are prescribed this drug for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the important
safety advice that comes with it, and the general information on page 10.
How a glutamate antagonist works
It’s not known exactly how this drug works for Parkinson’s.1 It may affect how the brain
reacts to certain chemicals.54
How a glutamate antagonist is used
Amantadine can be used to treat tremor and stiff muscles. 55 It isn’t used very often and it is
unlikely to be prescribed alone. It is usually given with other drug treatments for
Parkinson’s56 and can be used at all stages of Parkinson’s.1
It is started at a lower dose and the amount is stepped up gradually.56 Amantadine is
available as capsules and syrup.56
Advantages of a glutamate antagonist
Fewer movement side effects
The SIGN guidelines for the NHS in Scotland and the NICE guidelines for the NHS in
England and Wales (which are also recommended for use in Northern Ireland), say there
is not enough scientific evidence to support this drug as a first choice in early Parkinson’s.1
But for some people, amantadine may reduce dyskinesia (involuntary movements) caused
by your other Parkinson’s drugs, without making your Parkinson’s symptoms worse. 1
Disadvantages of a glutamate antagonist
Limited effects on Parkinson’s
Amantadine is not a first choice for the treatment of Parkinson’s1 and it may have only a
mild effect. Over time, amantadine can become less effective.54
Blurred vision, fainting, confusion or dizziness54
If you have these side effects, it is not safe to drive or use machinery.
Side effects54
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with a glutamate antagonist
include feeling nervous, anxious or overexcited, poor concentration, headache,
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling things that aren’t there), movement
problems, sleep problems such as insomnia, fast or irregular heartbeat, loss of appetite,
nausea and vomiting, constipation, sweating, swollen hands and ankles, and skin
This section explains what anticholinergics are and how they work, and looks at other
considerations, including possible side effects.
How anticholinergics work
How anticholinergics are used
Advantages of anticholinergics
Disadvantages of anticholinergics
Side effects
(generic) name
Brand names
Forms available
Available in
unbranded form
Tablets, liquid
Tablets, injection
Available in
unbranded form
Available in
unbranded form
Tablets, syrup
Taking special care with anticholinergics
If you are prescribed these drugs for Parkinson’s, please make sure you read the
important safety advice that comes with them, and the general information on page 10.
How anticholinergics work
These drugs block the action of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger that is found in your
brain and body. Acetylcholine helps to send messages in the brain and from your nerves
to your muscles.59, 57
How anticholinergics are used
These drugs are old and are not used very often for Parkinson’s today. Sometimes they
are prescribed for reducing tremor and muscle stiffness.1 They can be used on their own,
especially in the early stages of Parkinson’s, before levodopa is prescribed. 1
Anticholinergics can also be used with levodopa or a glutamate antagonist. 1 They are
taken as tablets or as a liquid.57
Advantages of anticholinergics
Possible effect on mild movement symptoms
Older medical studies have found some benefits from taking anticholinergics for
Parkinson’s symptoms. They can be effective for younger people in the early stages of
Possible effect on other Parkinson’s symptoms
Anticholinergics may also be used to reduce saliva production if you have a problem with
Oxybutynin is an anticholinergic that is used in people without Parkinson’s to reduce
bladder contractions that can cause a strong, frequent urge to urinate. It is only used very
cautiously in people with Parkinson’s as it may reduce how much levodopa your body can
be absorb.60
Disadvantages of anticholinergics
Limited effect on movement symptoms
These drugs are not recommended in guidelines for the NHS in Scotland. The authors of
these guidelines say the advantages do not outweigh the disadvantages.4
Memory problems
Anticholinergics are not very often given to people with Parkinson’s because they can
cause memory problems or make them worse. This can happen at any age, but
particularly for older people.57 If you’re taking anticholinergics, your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse must closely monitor your situation.1
Side effects57,61
We can’t list all the possible side effects of all Parkinson’s drugs in this booklet. However,
some of the most common side effects that can happen with anticholinergics include dry
mouth, blurred vision, constipation, dizziness and trouble urinating, confusion,
hallucinations (seeing, hearing, feeling and smelling things that aren’t there) and
Managing your medication
If you have Parkinson’s, it is important to take your Parkinson’s medication as advised by
your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse.
Do not stop taking your Parkinson’s medication unless your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurse tells you to.2
Taking your medication for Parkinson’s at the right time will help you to manage your
symptoms better.1
Keep a chart
Having a written record of all your medications, including when and how you take your
drugs may help you to keep track of what you take – especially if you have a complicated
regimen with a number of tablets. We have free resources to help you with this, including a
medication record and medication card. See page 48 for more information on how to order
Taking it on time
From using alarms on a digital watch to setting the oven timer, we hear of many tools
people with Parkinson’s use to remind them to take their medication on time. The trick is
to find a solution to suit you.
Pill timers
A pill timer is a box that you can store your Parkinson’s drugs in to remind you when to
take each dose. They are useful if you have to take lots of different tablets or if you have
trouble remembering to take your medication.
There are many different types and sizes of pill timer. Some have sections for different
times of day, so you can store all of your Parkinson’s drugs for one day. Others are big
enough to hold your tablets for a whole week, with sections for each day. Some weekly pill
timers are also split into times of day.
When you choose a pill timer, make sure it has enough space for the number and size of
the tablets you have to take.
Some pill timers have labels on each section that show days or times. Others have a timer
or a digital clock face with an alarm to remind you to take your medication.
Pill timers vary in cost, depending on the type and who it is made by. An occupational
therapist or pharmacist can help you to choose the right option.
The Disabled Living Foundation, an organisation that provides information on a range of
equipment for disabled and older people, can also advise you on options available.
Contact them at:
Disabled Living Foundation
Helpline: 0300 999 0004
(10am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays)
Help from your pharmacist
If you have difficulty taking your medication, your pharmacist can arrange an assessment
and see how they can help. For example, they can offer large-print labels, non ‘click top’
bottles or a medication reminder chart.
Developing new drugs
Every drug, treatment and therapy available today is the result of a long and expensive
development process.62
It starts in the lab when researchers identify a promising idea for a new treatment. These
ideas must first be turned into drug-like molecules, that can then be tested in the lab to see
how effective they might be and how safely they might be used.
Of every 5,000 drugs initially tested, around five make the leap to clinical trials. 62 Clinical
trials are the way that new treatments are tested on people.
They are often sponsored by the manufacturer of a drug. Sometimes they are funded by
public organisations such as the NHS or a government research council. 63 Parkinson’s UK
also funds some clinical trials that examine the effects of new treatments and is committed
to delivering new and improved treatments, faster.
Before a trial can go ahead, it has to be approved for safety and ethics by an independent
committee of experts.64
During thorough testing, researchers can understand whether a drug may work, check it is
safe and understand possible side effects. Only then may a new treatment be approved
and made available to the wider public.
A new treatment may take more than 10 years to make its way through clinical trials.62 And
only around one in five that enter clinical trials is eventually approved for use. 62 This
means that clinical trials are the most costly and time-consuming part of bringing new
treatments to patients, but they are crucial to ensure we get new and better treatments.
Joining a clinical trial
You may be invited to join a clinical trial or take part in other research studies by your
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse. You can also ask your doctor if you can take part in
research. Details of clinical trials and research studies are posted on the Parkinson’s UK
website at parkinsons.org.uk/research, with details of who to contact for further
Before you decide to take part in a trial or study, you should always ask for written
information about it. You should also have time to talk about the pros and cons with your
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse and your family before you decide whether to take part.
You should never feel under any pressure to take part or to continue in a clinical trial.
Saying no or leaving the trial will not affect the way you are treated – it is your right to do
this and your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse will continue to do their very best for your
Clinical trials for drugs generally go through four phases:65
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
volunteers take
the drug. In
some cases,
people with the
condition may
take part in
this stage of
the trial.
People with the
volunteer to
take the drug.
A larger
number of
people with the
volunteer to
take the drug –
some may get
a ‘dummy’
Once the drug
is approved for
doctors to
people with the
volunteer for
Assesses the
safe dose, side
effects and
how it works in
the body.
Why? Studies
how well the
drug works,
how safe it is,
what an
effective dose
is and if there
are side
Why? Studies
and side
effects over a
longer period
and compares
the new drug to
Continues to
study safety
over a longer
What treatments are currently being developed for Parkinson’s?
It can take many years before a treatment is ready to be tested in clinical trials. The
following is just a small example of some of the most promising new treatments currently
being explored for Parkinson’s.
Drug repurposing66
Finding new uses for old drugs shows lots of promise for quickly bringing new treatments
to people with Parkinson’s. As these drugs are already widely used for other conditions,
we know they’re safe to use – an important element of a clinical trial.
One promising example is exenatide – a drug already used by people with type 2 diabetes.
Lab studies funded by Parkinson’s UK helped to show that exenatide could improve
symptoms and even rescue dying nerve cells. Exenatide is being tested in people with
Parkinson’s in London and the first results are expected in 2016.
We are funding studies and initiatives to search for more current drugs that may have
untapped potential for Parkinson’s.
Growth factors
Growth factors are special proteins that are naturally produced inside the brain. They
support the growth and survival of many types of brain cell.67 Harnessing the power of
growth factors to protect or even restore the cells that are lost in Parkinson’s is an exciting
Parkinson’s UK is currently funding a trial of one growth factor called GDNF, which is
testing the therapy in people with Parkinson’s. We hope that our trial will show that GDNF
can slow the course of Parkinson’s. Results are expected in late 2016.
Gene therapy
Gene therapies work by inserting genes into cells that aren’t working properly. The genes
provide instructions that change the way the cells behave. 68
There are currently a number of gene therapy treatments being developed for Parkinson’s.
One of these is being developed by a British company and uses three genes that help
nerve cells in the brain make their own dopamine – the chemical that is lost in the brain in
Researchers are working to develop vaccines that can be used to treat Parkinson’s. The
aim is that these vaccines will help the immune system to identify and remove proteins that
are thought to be involved in brain cell death in Parkinson’s. It would then be able to slow
or stop the development of the condition.
Small trials have so far been carried out and suggest this approach is safe but more
research is needed to see how effective it could be.
Find out more: to keep up to date with the latest research, see the research pages on our
website, parkinsons.org.uk/researchnews
More information and support
If you have more questions about your drug treatment, talk to your specialist or
Parkinson’s nurses
Parkinson’s nurses provide expert advice and support to people with Parkinson’s and
those who care for them. They can also make contact with other health and social care
professionals to make sure your needs are met.
The role of the Parkinson’s nurse varies. Each will offer different services, aiming to
meet local needs. Some nurses are based in the community, whereas others are based
in hospital settings.
Many Parkinson’s nurses are independent prescribers. This means they can prescribe
and make adjustments to medication, so someone with Parkinson’s doesn’t always
need to see their specialist for changes to or queries about their Parkinson’s drugs.
Parkinson’s nurses may not be available in every area, but your GP or specialist can
give you more details on local services.
You can find out more at parkinsons.org.uk/nurses
Reporting a side effect
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority (MHRA) is the government
body that makes sure that drugs work and are safe. It is keen to receive feedback about
medication side effects.
To report a side effect, you should complete a Yellow Card form, available from your
pharmacist, GP, specialist or via the Yellow Card information service (0808 100 3352).
You can also complete this form online, or download and print it out from
Speak to your pharmacist, GP, specialist or Parkinson’s nurse if you need any help to fill in
this form.
You can also report any side effects from your Parkinson’s medication directly to your GP,
specialist or Parkinson’s nurse.
Information and support from Parkinson’s UK
You can call our free confidential helpline for general support and information. Call 0808
800 0303 (calls are free from UK landlines and most mobile networks) or email
hello@parkinsons.org.uk. We run a peer support service if you’d like to talk on the
phone with someone affected by Parkinson’s who has faced similar issues to you. The
service is free and confidential – ring the helpline to talk to someone about being matched
with a volunteer.
Our helpline can also put you in touch with one of our local information and support
workers, who give one-to-one information and support to anyone affected by Parkinson’s.
They can also provide links to local groups and services.
We also have a self-management programme for people with Parkinson’s, partners and
carers. It is an opportunity to reflect on life with the condition, learn about self-management
and think about the future. To find out if there is a group near you visit
Our website parkinsons.org.uk has a lot of information about Parkinson’s and everyday
life with the condition. You can also find details of your local support team and your
nearest local group meeting at parkinsons.org.uk/localtoyou
You can also visit parkinsons.org.uk/forum to speak with other people in a similar
situation on our online discussion forum.
More resources
More information on Parkinson’s is available from Parkinson’s UK. We produce a wide
range of free booklets, information sheets and cards about every aspect of living with the
Details of how to order resources are available on page 48.
Summary of drugs used to treat Parkinson’s
Unbranded (generic)
Brand names
Levodopa20,21 (see page 13)
Levodopa is always given combined with either benserazide or
carbidopa.20 It can be used at all stages of Parkinson’s.1
(benserazide plus
Available in unbranded form
Madopar CR
(carbidopa plus levodopa)
Available in unbranded form
Caramet CR
Sinemet Plus
Sinemet CR
Half Sinemet CR
Co-careldopa plus
entacapone (see page 25)
Dopamine agonists 30 (see page 17)
These drugs may be given on their own or prescribed alongside
levodopa or other drugs.1
Available in unbranded form
Mirapexin prolonged release
Ralnea XL
Requip XL
Spiroco XL
(Unlike other dopamine
agonists, apomorphine is
usually reserved for late
Parkinson’s when
symptoms are severe and
levodopa is not working
well all the time.)1
Available in generic form
Available in generic form
Available in unbranded form
MAO–B inhibitors47 (see page 23)
These drugs are sometimes used alone in early Parkinson’s, or
with levodopa and sometimes other drugs, in late Parkinson’s.3
Available in unbranded form
COMT inhibitors51 (see page 25)
In late Parkinson’s, COMT inhibitors are used alongside levodopa
to help it work more smoothly.1
Co-careldopa plus
Glutamate antagonist54 (see page 27)
This is usually used with other Parkinson’s medication and has an
effect on tremor and stiff muscles.1,55
Anticholinergics57 (see page 29)
These drugs are not used very often for Parkinson’s but
sometimes they are used for reducing tremor and stiff muscles. 57,1
Available in unbranded form
Available in unbranded form
Available in unbranded form
Here you can find the meaning of the some of the medical and unfamiliar words used in
this booklet. We have also included, in brackets, how to say the names of the most
common drugs prescribed for Parkinson’s as they sound.
Acetylcholine59 (AH–suh-tile-KOH-leen)
A chemical messenger found in the body that sends messages between nerve cells and
muscles. These messages can affect the way muscles work. Anticholinergic drugs work on
Amantadine56 (a–MAN–ta–deen)
A glutamate antagonist only rarely prescribed to help treat tremor and stiff muscles in
people with Parkinson’s.
Anticholinergics57 (AN-tee-koh-lin-ER-jiks)
These drugs block the action of acetylcholine, a chemical messenger that helps to send
messages from your nerves to your muscles.
APO-go PEN/APO-go PFS31 (A-poh–go)
A branded type of dopamine agonist that is given by injection or infusion pump.
(Unbranded name: apomorphine).
Apomorphine1 (A-poh-MOR-feen)
An unbranded type of dopamine agonist given by injection or infusion pump. It is saved for
more advanced Parkinson’s that does not respond as well to oral drug treatments or when
most oral Parkinson’s medication becomes less effective or does not work.
Arpicolin57 (AA–pee–KO-lin)
A branded type of anticholinergic taken as a syrup. (Unbranded name: procyclidine).
Azilect47 (A-zih-lekt)
A branded type of MAO–B inhibitor taken as tablets. (Unbranded name: rasagiline).
Benserazide20 (BEN-zur-a–zide)
A drug given alongside levodopa to help get the levodopa into the brain where it is
Biorphen57 (bi–OR–fen)
A branded type of anticholinergic taken as a liquid. (Unbranded name: orphenadrine).
Broflex58 (BRO–fleks)
A branded type of anticholinergic taken as a syrup (Unbranded name: trihexyphenidyl
Bromocriptine30 (bro–mo–KRIP-teen)
An unbranded form of dopamine agonist.
Cabaser30 (ka-BA-suh)
A branded form of dopamine agonist taken as tablets. (Unbranded name: cabergoline).
Cabergoline30 (ka–BER–go– leen)
An unbranded type of dopamine agonist.
Caramet CR20 (KA-ra–met)
A branded form of levodopa. (Unbranded name: co-careldopa).
Carbidopa20 (kar–be–DOH-puh)
A drug given alongside levodopa to help get the levodopa into the brain where it is
Co-beneldopa20 (koh–BEN–el –DOH-puh)
An unbranded form of levodopa – levodopa with benserazide. It is available in the branded
forms of Madopar (capsules, dispersible tablets) and Madopar CR (controlled release
Co-careldopa20 (koh–KA-rul-DOH-puh)
An unbranded form of levodopa – levodopa with carbidopa. It is available in unbranded
form as tablets and branded as Caramet CR (controlled release tablets), Duodopa
(intestinal gel), Sinemet/Sinemet Plus (both tablets), Sinemet CR (controlled release
tablets), Half Sinemet CR (controlled release tablets) and Lecado (prolonged release
COMT inhibitors1 (KOMT in-HIH-bit-ers)
Drugs which block an enzyme that breaks down levodopa.
Controlled release tablets/capsules
Tablets and capsules which release a drug over time, rather than all at once.
Comtess51 (KOM–tess)
A branded type of COMT inhibitor taken in tablet form. (Unbranded name: entacapone).
Dispersible tablets
This form can be mixed with water to make a drink. It takes effect more quickly than
capsules because it doesn’t need to be broken down in your stomach to release the active
Dopamine (DOH–puh-meen)
A chemical messenger made in the brain. It transmits messages from the brain to other
parts of the body, mainly to the ones that control movement. People with Parkinson’s have
less dopamine because the brain cells that make it have died or are dying. Parkinson’s
symptoms are caused by this loss of dopamine. 1
Dopamine agonists30 (DOH-puh-meen-A-gu-nists)
Drugs which act like dopamine to stimulate the nerves cells in the brain.
Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome46
When someone very suddenly stops taking dopamine agonists, perhaps because they are
experiencing impulsive and compulsive behaviour. It can lead to symptoms including
depression, anxiety or pain.
Dopamine deregulation syndrome1
Where someone with Parkinson’s takes more of their Parkinson’s medication than they are
Duodopa20 (DO-o-doh-puh)
A branded type of levodopa – levodopa with carbidopa. It is a gel which is fed into the
intestine with a continuous pump. It is mainly used for the treatment of advanced
Parkinson’s with severe motor fluctuations.
Dyskinesia4 (dis-keye-NEE-zih-uh)
Involuntary or unusual movements, such as jerking, twitches or spasms. They can affect
any part of the body. Dyskinesia happens because of the combination of the condition and
Parkinson’s medication. It is most common in people who have been taking levodopa for
many years. Their prescription often has to be adjusted to find a balance between enough
medication to control the symptoms, and a dose that does not bring on too much
Eldepryl47 (EL-duh-pril)
A branded type of MAO–B inhibitor taken as tablets or as a liquid. (Unbranded name:
An unbranded type of COMT inhibitor. There is only one form of entacapone that is
prescribed for people with Parkinson’s. Its branded name is Comtess and its taken in
tablet form.
Enzyme (EN-zime)
Complex proteins made by living cells, which speed up chemical reactions in the body,
such as breaking down drugs. Some Parkinson’s drugs work by acting on enzymes in the
Ergot dopamine agonists1(ER-got DOH-puh-meen-A-gu-nists)
Older types of dopamine agonists that are only used to treat people with Parkinson’s if
more modern, non-ergot versions do not work well. They are not prescribed as a firstchoice drug because they can increase the risk of heart problems. Ergot dopamine
agonists include bromocriptine, pergolide and cabergoline.
Glutamate antagonist56 (GLOO-tuh-mate AH-guh-nist)
A type of drug rarely prescribed that may help with tremor and stiffness. It’s not known
they work in people with Parkinson’s – it’s thought they may modify levels of certain
chemicals in the brain. The only glutamate antagonist prescribed for people with
Parkinson’s is Amantadine.
Half Sinemet CR20 (SI-nuh-met)
A brand of levodopa – levodopa with Carbidopa. The tablets are controlled release
meaning they slowly release the drug over time. (Unbranded name: co-careldopa).
Impulsive and compulsive behaviour
Impulsive behaviour is when a person can’t resist the temptation to carry out activities that
could lead them to harm themselves or others.4 Compulsive behaviour is when a person
has an overwhelming drive or urge to act in a certain way, often repetitively, to reduce the
worry or tension that they get from that urge.43
Intestinal gel26 (in-teh-STY-nul-JEL)
This option is only suitable for a very small number of people, whose symptoms can’t be
controlled with the more common forms of treatment. The drug is pumped continuously
through a tube that is surgically inserted into the intestine (See Duodopa) .
Kemadrin57 (KEH-muh-drin)
A branded type of anticholinergic, which is taken as tablets or given as injections
(Unbranded name: procyclidine).
Lecado20 (LEH–kah–doh)
A brand of levodopa – levodopa with carbidopa. The tablets are prolonged release
meaning they slowly release the drug over time. (Unbranded name: co-careldopa).
Levodopa20 (LEE-vuh-DOH-puh)
Levodopa is one of the main ways of treating Parkinson’s and has been used since the
1960s. It is a chemical building-block that your body converts into dopamine – it replaces
the dopamine that is lost in Parkinson’s. Levodopa is always given combined with either
benserazide or carbidopa. These help the levodopa get into the brain where it’s needed.
Madopar/Madopar CR20 (MAH-doh-par)
A brand of levodopa – levodopa with benserazide. Madopar is taken as capsules or as
dispersible tablets. The tablets for Madopar CR are controlled release meaning they slowly
release the drug over time. (Unbranded name: co-beneldopa).
MAO–B inhibitors47 (MAU-bee-in-HIH-bi-tuz)
MAO–B inhibitors are drugs that can help your nerve cells to make better use of the
dopamine that they have. They do this by blocking an enzyme called monoamine oxidase
type B (MAO–B), which breaks down dopamine in your brain. This helps to increase the
amount of dopamine that the brain can use, which helps to relieve the symptoms of
Mirapexin/Mirapexin prolonged release30 (MIH-ruh-pek-sin)
A branded form of dopamine agonist taken as tablets. (Unbranded name: pramipexol).
Neupro30 (NEW-pro)
A branded type of dopamine agonist. It comes as a skin patch that is held in place for 30
seconds, but it is left on for 24 hours.
Non-ergot dopamine agonists30 (non-ER-gut-DOH-puh-meen AH-gu-nists)
Newer types of dopamine agonists that aren’t associated with an increased risk of heart
damage, unlike the older, ergot dopamine agonists. Non-ergot versions are preferred for
treatment for Parkinson’s. The unbranded names of these drugs are apomorphine,
pramipexole, ropinirole and rotigotine.
Non-motor symptoms1
Symptoms of Parkinson’s that aren’t related to movement, for example, constipation,
fatigue or depression.
Describes changes in the ability to move, which happens in some people with longstanding Parkinson’s who take levodopa. In the ‘on’ state, the person can move, while in
the ‘off’ state they can stop moving altogether. People can switch from one state to the
other in minutes.
Orphenadrine57 (or-FEN-ah-dreen)
An unbranded type of anticholinergic. It is available in unbranded form as a tablet or liquid
or branded as Disipal (tablets) or Biorphen (liquid).
Oxybutynin60 (OK-sih-BEW-tin)
Oxybutynin is an anticholinergic that is used in people without Parkinson’s to reduce
bladder contractions that can cause a strong, frequent urge to urinate. It is only used very
cautiously in people with Parkinson’s as it may reduce how much levodopa your body can
Parlodel30 (PAR-luh-del)
A branded type of dopamine agonist taken as tablets or capsules. (Unbranded name:
Pergolide30 (PER-guh-lied)
An unbranded type of dopamine agonist taken as tablets. (No branded versions available).
Pramipexole30 (PRA-me-PEK-sol)
An unbranded type of dopamine agonist. It is available in unbranded form as tablets and
branded as Mirapexin (tablets) and Mirapexin prolonged release (tablets).
Procyclidine57 (pro–SIGH-klih-deen)
An unbranded form of anticholinergic available in unbranded form as tablets. In branded
form it is available as Arpicolin (syrup) and Kemadrin (tablet and injection).
Prolonged release (tablets/capsules)
Tablets and capsules which release a drug over time, rather than all at once.
Ralnea XL30 (RAL–nee– a)
A branded type of dopamine agonist given as prolonged released tablets. (Unbranded
name: ropinirole).
Rasagiline47 (ra-SAH-ji-leen)
An unbranded form of MAO–B inhibitor taken as tablets. These can, unusually, be taken at
full dose straight away. Rasagiline is only available under the brand Azilect.
Requip/Requip XL30 (RE–kwip)
Requip is a branded form of dopamine agonist taken as tablets. Requip XL comes as
prolonged release tablets. (Unbranded name: Ropinirole).
Ropinirole30 (roh-PIH-nih-roll)
An unbranded form of dopamine agonist. It is available in unbranded form as tablets as
well as branded as Adartrel (tablets), Eppinex XL (prolonged release) Ralnea XL
(prolonged release tablets), Requip (tablets), Requip XL (prolonged release tablets) and
Spiroco XL (prolonged release tablets).
Rotigotine30 (ra-TIH-goh-teen)
An unbranded form of dopamine agonist. It is available as the Nuepro-branded skin patch.
Selegiline47 (seh-LEH-ji-leen)
An unbranded form of MAO–B inhibitor available in unbranded form as tablets. Also
available branded as Eldepryl (tablets and liquid) and Zelapar (tablets that dissolve on the
Sinemet/Sinemet CR/Sinemet Plus20 (SIH-nuh-met)
A brand of levodopa – levodopa with carbidopa – available in several forms. Sinemet and
Sinemet come as tablets and Sinemet CR is taken as controlled release tablets.
(Unbranded name: co-careldopa).
Skin patch
An adhesive (sticky) patch that is put on the skin and gradually delivers medication into the
body. Dopamine agonist patches are used to treat people with Parkinson’s (See Neurpro
and Rotigotine).
Spiroco XL30 (SPY-roh-koh)
A branded type of dopamine agonist available as prolonged release tablets. (Unbranded
name: ropinirole).
Stalevo22 (sta-LE-voe)
A branded drug made up of levodopa (co-careldopa) and the COMT inhibitor entacapone.
(Unbranded name: co-careldopa plus entacapone).
Tasmar51 (TAZ–mar)
A branded form of COMT inhibitor taken as tablets. (Unbranded form: tolcapone).
Tolcapone51 (TOLL-kuh-pone)
An unbranded type of COMT-inhibitor. It is available in the branded form of Tasmar
Trihexyphenidyl57 (Benzhexol) (try–HEK-see-fen-ee-dill)
An unbranded type of anticholinergic. Available in unbranded form as tablets or syrup and
as the branded Broflex (syrup).
Unbranded (generic name) (jeh-NEH-rik)
All types of drug have a common or generic name. Every drug that has the same active
ingredient will have this name, no matter who it is made by.
Withdrawal syndrome
Research has shown that withdrawal symptoms can happen when someone stops taking
Parkinson’s medication very suddenly, perhaps because they are experiencing impulsive
and compulsive behaviour.46 It can lead to symptoms including depression, anxiety or
pain. Any withdrawal from Parkinson’s drugs needs to be done gradually, under the
supervision of a health professional, to avoid the risk of developing this syndrome.
An effect experienced by many people who have been taking Parkinson’s drugs for some
time. The dose does not work for as long as it used to and the beneficial effects wear off
before it is time to take the next dose.
Zelapar47 (ZEH-luh-par)
An branded type of MAO inhibitor. It comes as tablets that dissolve on the tongue.
(Unbranded name: selegiline).
Non-motor symptoms questionnaire69
Assessing the full range of Parkinson’s symptoms – especially those
not related to movement – can be difficult. It may be helpful to fill in this questionnaire.
This questionnaire should be completed and given to your GP, specialist
or Parkinson’s nurse at your next appointment. Please do not return it
to Parkinson’s UK. Thank you.
1 Dribbling of saliva during the daytime.
2 Loss or change in your ability to taste or smell.
3 Difficulty swallowing food or drink or problems with choking.
4 Vomiting or feelings of sickness (nausea).
5 Constipation (less than three bowel movements a week) or having to
strain to pass a stool.
6 Bowel (faecal) incontinence.
7 Feeling that your bowel emptying is incomplete after having been to the
8 A sense of urgency to pass urine makes you rush to the toilet.
9 Getting up regularly at night to pass urine.
10 Unexplained pains (not due to known conditions such as arthritis).
11 Unexplained change in weight (not due to change in diet).
12 Problems remembering things that have happened recently or
forgetting to do things.
13 Loss of interest in what is happening around you or in doing things.
14 Seeing or hearing things that you know or are told are not there.
15 Difficulty concentrating or staying focused.
16 Feeling sad, ‘low’ or ‘blue’.
17 Feeling anxious, frightened or panicky.
18 Feeling less interested in sex or more interested in sex.
19 Finding it difficult to have sex when you try.
20 Feeling light-headed, dizzy or weak standing from sitting or lying.
21 Falling.
22 Finding it difficult to stay awake during activities such as working,
driving or eating.
23 Difficulty getting to sleep at night or staying asleep at night.
24 Intense, vivid or frightening dreams.
25 Talking or moving about in your sleep, as if you are ‘acting out’
a dream.
26 Unpleasant sensations in your legs at night or while resting,
and a feeling that you need to move.
27 Swelling of the legs.
28 Excessive sweating.
29 Double vision.
30 Believing things are happening to you that other people say are not.
You can also download a copy of this questionnaire at parkinsons.org.uk/publications
Thank you to everyone who contributed to and reviewed this booklet:
Uzma Chaudhry, Pharmacist, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust
Tom Foltynie, Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Neurologist in Movement
Disorders, University College London
Paul Hughes, Senior Pharmaceutical Advisor, NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning
Group, Cornwall
Lucy Partington, Movement Disorders Nurse Specialist, Salford Royal Hospital,
Greater Manchester
Thanks also to our information review group and other people affected by
Parkinson’s who provided feedback.
Parkinson’s UK makes every effort to make sure that its services provide up-to-date,
unbiased and accurate information. We hope that this will add to any professional advice
you have had and will help you to make any decisions you may face. Please do continue
to talk to your health and social care team if you are worried about any aspect of living with
How to order our resources
0845 121 2354
Download them from our website at parkinsons.org.uk/publications
Can you help?
At Parkinson’s UK, we are totally dependent on donations from individuals and
organisations to fund the work that we do. There are many ways that you can help us to
support people with Parkinson’s. If you would like to get involved, please contact our
Supporter Services team on 020 7932 1303 or visit our website at
parkinsons.org.uk/support. Thank you.
Every hour, someone in the UK is told they have Parkinson’s. Because we’re here,
no one has to face Parkinson’s alone.
We bring people with Parkinson’s, their carers and families together via our network of
local groups, our website and free confidential helpline. Specialist nurses, our supporters
and staff provide information and training on every aspect of Parkinson’s.
As the UK’s Parkinson’s support and research charity we’re leading the work to find a
cure, and we’re closer than ever. We also campaign to change attitudes and demand
better services.
Our work is totally dependent on donations. Help us to find a cure and improve life for
everyone affected by Parkinson’s.
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Text Relay 18001 0808 800 0303
(for textphone users only)
Last updated August 2015. Next update available August 2017.
© Parkinson’s UK, August 2015. Parkinson’s UK is the operating name of the Parkinson’s
Disease Society of the United Kingdom. A charity registered in England and Wales
(258197) and in Scotland (SC037554).
Drug treatments for Parkinson’s (2015)
If you have comments or suggestions about this information sheet, we’d love to hear from
This will help us ensure that we are providing as good a service as possible.
We’d be very grateful if you could complete this form and return it to Resources and Diversity,
Parkinson’s UK, 215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ. Or you can email us at
publications@parkinsons.org.uk. Thanks!
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If you would like to become a member of Parkinson’s UK, or are interested in joining our
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