Web Services Profile for HL7 Draft Date: August, 28th 2003 This version: [insert link to this version here] Latest version: [insert link to previous version here] Editors: Roberto Ruggeri, Microsoft Copyright © 2003 [insert copyright notice here]. All Rights Reserved. Notice If part(s) of this contribution is(are) included in a final HL7 Standard, and if Microsoft has patent rights (pending and/or issued patents) that are Essential Patent Claims (as defined in HL7’s Policy and Procedure Manual dated June 2, 2003) to implement such final HL7 Standard, Microsoft is prepared to grant a nonsublicenseable license to the Essential Patent Claims of those Microsoft patent rights that read on this contribution on reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions, provided a reciprocal license is granted to Microsoft. MICROSOFT’S CONTRIBUTION AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITH ALL FAULTS, AND MICROSOFT HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY. IN NO EVENT WILL MICROSOFT BE LIABLE TO ANY OTHER PARTY, INCLUDING HL7 OR ITS MEMBERS, FOR THE COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES, LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, LOSS OF DATA, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES WHETHER UNDER CONTRACT, TORT, WARRANTY, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THIS OR ANY OTHER AGREEMENT RELATING TO THIS DOCUMENT, WHETHER OR NOT SUCH PARTY HAD ADVANCE NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Abstract Status of this document The document is currently in draft format and subject to review by the relevant HL7 SIGs and TCs before inclusion in the HL7 v3 ballot. This document will be updated to reflect changes in the referenced specifications and publications as well as to include new standards as they are published and they become part of the XML Web Services family of standards. Revision History v0.1 Document creation v0.2 General revision Roberto Ruggeri (rruggeri@microsoft.com) David Boliek (davidbo@microsoft.com) Roberto Ruggeri 12/10/2002 7/1/2003 Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 Purpose........................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................ 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 An Introduction to the Relevant Standards ......................................................... 6 2.1.1 SOAP 1.1 .................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 WSDL 1.1 ................................................................................................... 6 2.1.3 UDDI........................................................................................................... 6 2.1.4 Why are XML Web Services Relevant to HL7? ........................................ 6 The Web Services Profile ........................................................................................... 7 3.1 Vision .................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................... 8 3.2.1 Use Case Scenario....................................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Detailed Workflow...................................................................................... 9 WSDL Processing ................................................................................... 9 SOAP Message Construction................................................................ 10 Sending the SOAP Message ................................................................. 10 SOAP Message Receipt Processing ...................................................... 10 SOAP Reply Message Construction ..................................................... 10 Sending the SOAP Reply Message ....................................................... 11 SOAP Reply Message Processing ........................................................ 11 3.3 Design ............................................................................................................... 12 3.3.1 Application Layers .................................................................................... 12 3.3.2 WSDL ....................................................................................................... 12 3.3.3 Bindings/Transports .................................................................................. 16 3.3.4 SOAP Header Extensions ......................................................................... 16 References ................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix ................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 Convention Used in WDSL Document............................................................. 17 5.2 Sample SOAP Request and Response .............................................................. 17 5.2.1 SOAP Request .......................................................................................... 17 5.2.2 SOAP Response ........................................................................................ 19 5.3 Sample Not Typed WSDL Document .............................................................. 19 5.4 Attachments ...................................................................................................... 21 5.5 Applicability to Other HL7 Standards .............................................................. 21 1 Purpose The purpose of the Web Services Profile (WSP) is to provide implementation guidelines to promote interoperability between implementers that want to exchange HL7 Version 3 messages using standards that fall under the general definition of Web Services. With the objective of leveraging the effort of the industry to promote interoperability, recommendations from organizations like WS-I, W3C and other will be taken into account. A complete list of standards, publications and organizations involved in the development of the standards referenced in this document is available in the References section. In the appendix 5.5 we will explore the applicability of this profile to other HL7 standards like CDA and HL7 Messaging 2.x and 2.XML. 1.1 Prerequisites This document is meant to illustrate an application of several standards to the context of HL7 and therefore does not provide a full explanation of the specifications referenced. To fully comprehend this document it is suggested that the reader meets the following prerequisites: A knowledge of XML and XML Schema Language as defined in [1] and [2] A knowledge of the SOAP protocol as defined in [3] A knowledge of the WSDL format as defined in [4] A knowledge of the HL7 Version 3 ballot as defined in [10] A complete list of resources can be found in the References chapter. 2 Introduction Web Services are a way for applications to expose software services using standard interoperable protocols, regardless of the platform on which they are implemented. The development of interoperable standards and the focus on communication and collaboration among people and applications have created an environment where Web Services are becoming the protocol/technology of choice for application integration. There are many definitions of Web Service, but almost all definitions have these things in common: Web Services expose useful functionality to users through the Web Services protocols. Web services provide a way to describe their interfaces in enough detail to allow a user to build a client application to talk to them. This description is usually provided in an XML document called a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) document. Web services are registered so that potential users can find them easily. This is done with Universal Discovery Description and Integration (UDDI). Advanced Web Services Protocols (WS-* Protocols) are built on top of the foundation for Web Services constituted by XML, SOAP and WSDL to express additional functionalities. These are specifications that are developed with the intention of broad adoption and interoperability and focus on security, reliability, transactions, description and discovery. While the first implementations of Web Services were build with the Internet in mind, there is really nothing in the specifications themselves that prevents the use of these standards with other protocols (protocol binding), extending the use of Web Services from business to business (B2B) integration over the internet and HTTP, to Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) inside the company’s firewall using different protocols like TCP/IP or MLLP (Minimum Lower Layer Protocol as defined by HL7). Here are some of the design principles of the Web Services standards: Modularity: the standards were built with extensibility in mind so that a gradual approach could be taken to the development of a complete messaging infrastructure. Implementer can pick and choose what standards to implement based on their needs. All of the specifications included in the Web Services standards are very simple and easy to use and can be composed for additional functionality. General purpose: Web Services standards are not tied to any particular messaging protocol or platform forming the basis for a universal mean of communication between organizations, applications and processes. Being built on SOAP and XML imposes very few requirements on applications that can be deployed on traditional servers and desktops, down to PDA and embedded systems like medical devices. The nature of these standards allows also for multiple integration paradigms like Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), Business to Business (B2B) and Peer to Peer (P2P). In addition Web Services specifications support both synchronous and asynchronous communications. Based on interoperable standards: one important factor that determines the rapid development and adoption of Web Services standards is the fact that these are build on other standards like XML, HTTP and SOAP were multiple implementations on multiple platform are available WS-Security, Secure Conversation, Trust, … Reliable Messaging Transactions WS-Transactions, WS-Coordination … WSDL, Policy Security Metadata Figure 1 - Web Services Architecture Messaging WS-Addressing … XML and SOAP XSD, XPath, … Network Transports HTTP, TCP, UDP, … Figure 1 shows the architecture and the relation between the different WS-* protocols. At the bottom of the stack, different network transports provide connectivity between applications and service consumers and providers. The rest of the WS-* specifications are largely independent from the specific network transport chosen. XML and SOAP, along with the XML standards like XML Schema Definition, XPath and so on, constitute the basis on which the rest of the specifications are built upon. Core messaging standards like WS-Addressing provide the infrastructure for message exchange allowing transport independent addressing and enabling composition with other specifications like WS-Security. The information that is needed beyond what WSDL provides (ports, types …), is specified by metadata and policies attached to the message definition. Policies define a base set of constructs that can be used and extended by other Web Services specifications to describe a broad range of service requirements, preferences and capabilities. Other specifications address security (in order to be able to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of a SOAP message and still being able to route messages through various intermediaries), reliable messaging and transactions among different parties. Future versions of this document will include recommendations for additional WS-* protocols to take advantage of these additional functionalities as detailed in the roadmap in §3.1. 2.1 An Introduction to the Relevant Standards 2.1.1 SOAP 1.1 From [3]: SOAP is a lightweight protocol for the exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment. It is an XML-based protocol that consists of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing what is in a message and how to process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing instances of application-defined data types, and a convention for representing remote procedure calls and responses. SOAP can potentially be used in combination with a variety of other protocols. This profile does not specifically address SOAP 1.2 in this particular version. SOAP 1.2 has recently become a W3C recommendation, but implementations are not yet widely available. Future versions of this document will address the changes required by SOAP 1.2. Note that compliancy with the WS-I Basic Profile allows for a smoother migration to SOAP 1.2 as most of the features from SOAP 1.1 that did not make it to version 1.2 are deprecated in the profile. 2.1.2 WSDL 1.1 From [4]: WSDL defines an XML-based grammar for describing network services as a set of endpoints that accept messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented information. The operations and messages are described abstractly. They are bound to a concrete network protocol and message format to define an endpoint. Related concrete endpoints are combined into abstract endpoints (services). WSDL is extensible to allow the description of endpoints and their messages regardless of what message formats or network protocols are being used to communicate. 2.1.3 UDDI From [13]: The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a SOAP-based Web service for locating WSDL-formatted protocol descriptions of Web services. UDDI provides a foundation for developers and administrators to readily share information about internal Web services across the enterprise and public Web services across the Internet. 2.1.4 Why are XML Web Services Relevant to HL7? In order to foster adoption of the HL7 standard is important to reuse wherever possible standards and efforts carried on by broad industry initiatives such as this one. 3 The Web Services Profile 3.1 Vision The ideal situation that we will be looking at is a Healthcare environment where “plug-nplay” interoperability via Web Services is a reality. In this environment Independent Software Vendors (ISV) and corporate developers implementing HL7 interfaces can write generic and reusable classes, subroutines, and modules consistent with the guidelines set forth by the HL7 standard for Web Services standards in order to handle HL7 message traffic from a potentially unlimited number of connecting applications and services. Applications that “expose” HL7 messages will do so according to the HL7 Web Services Profile (WSP) guidelines; “consumers” of HL7 messages can be written without prior knowledge of the application that they will ultimately end up talking to. In addition, this “plug-n-play” environment will take advantage of supporting discovery protocols such as UDDI to break the rigidity of the current hard-coded message routing infrastructures of most Healthcare enterprises. As an example, imagine an application that consumes ADT (Admission Discharge Transfer) messages that is installed in a hospital data center, using the Web Services discovery protocols such as UDDI is possible to get the physical endpoints of all the applications that expose the ADT service. The list of service providers can be presented to the user or administrator that is installing the application and the specific endpoint set as part of the configuration steps. Protocols, document definitions, security and policies are defined in the service descriptions and all the complex interfacing configurations are avoided. Attached to the definition of the Web Service will be a set of policies that specify additional messaging requirements like security, message reliability levels, transactions and so on. Once the service is located, the appropriate bindings and configurations are accomplished and the applications are ready to start exchanging messages in a secure, reliable way, all of this with minimal user intervention. In order to make this vision a reality we are presenting the work in this document to coordinate the work done in the industry around Web Services and the development of the HL7 standards. For the development of the HL7 WSP we chose a phased approach, where we gradually introduce Web Services specifications as these standards mature and consolidate and solid implementations become available on the market. This is the roadmap set for the development of this profile at the time of writing: Include SOAP 1.1 [3], WSDL 1.1 [4] to define the HL7 WSP and consider recommendations set in the draft WS-I Basic Profile [11]. Include WS-Security and WS-Policy specifications and recommendations from the final WS-I Basic Profile and the draft WS-I Security Profile Include changes for SOAP 1.2 Future versions of the WSP will include additional specifications and refinements as well as changes to the vision/scope scenario as the Web Services specifications mature 3.2 Requirements In order for this recommendation to be successful and ultimately enable the realization of the previously stated vision there are organizational, process, and technical requirements that must be met. Web Services are supported by the work of several organizations each contributing their respective piece of the complete solution. Among these are: W3C IETF OASIS WS-I From an HL7 organizational perspective it is recommended that the ongoing efforts of coordination with other SDOs be continued and extended to other organizations like WSI, whose charter is to promote interoperability among different Web Services standards implementations by writing profiles such as this one. From a process perspective the introduction of the HL7 WSP establishes the beginning of a continual process that will facilitate the adoption and implementation of HL7 solutions based on Web Services and will contribute to the evolution of the Web Services standards. From a technical perspective the HL7 interoperability recommendation must be based on interoperable industry standard specifications and protocols. The HL7 WSP must also support the concept of strongly-typed definitions and the ability to enforce message correctness. Particular focus should be put on balancing the ease of implementation with the technical merits of the WSP by providing recommendations that take also into consideration the landscape of tools and technologies that are available to implementers of the profile. 3.2.1 Use Case Scenario This use case scenario will serve as an illustration of how the applicable specifications, WSDL, SOAP, WS-I Basic Profile, and HL7, are applied to accomplish a specific task and will highlight the various areas that need to be addressed as part of the ongoing profile development. This scenario corresponds to the “Send Message Payload – with Accept Acknowledgement (MCCI_ST000001)” storyboard found in the Version 3 Ballot. The following interaction diagram illustrates the basic flow and the HL7 message types referenced in the scenario. Figure 2 - HL7 WS Scenario Sequence Diagram MCCI_MT000101:Message_Sender: Requests accept ack MCCI_MT000201:Message_Reciever :Returns accept ack Send Message Payload: MCCI_MT000101() Accept Acknowlegement: MCCI_MT000201 3.2.2 Detailed Workflow In accomplishing this simple task the Message Sender and Message Receiver will take advantage of the guidelines set in this document. Following is a step-by-step breakdown of the workflow illustrating the application of each of these standards. The Message Receiver is the application or service that exposes the Web Service and provides the WSDL document that is analyzed in §3.3.2. The Message Sender is the application or service that acts as a client and consumes the Web Service. Note: the workflow is intended to outline the pertinent tasks and is not prescriptive as to the sequence of fine grained steps. WSDL Processing Once the definition for the message is located and downloaded to the client machine, the Message Sender can process the WSDL describing the selected business service. Steps include: o Retrieve necessary schemas and document definitions referenced in the message definition (WSDL) o Parse the schemas/documents o Cache information necessary to subsequently construct the specified SOAP message according to WSDL specifications (proxy) o Industry standards to address: Options for encapsulating the HL7 payload (SOAP body, attachments, MIME, DIME, etc) (section 5.4) SOAP Message Construction Message Sender constructs the HL7 Version 3 message payload, control wrapper and wrapper (MCCI_MT000101). Message Sender constructs SOAP message headers. o Industry standards to address: Application of WS-I Basic Profile recommendations [11] Message Sender constructs SOAP message body and or attachments. Message Sender secures the SOAP message. Steps include: o Message encryption o Message signing o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Sending the SOAP Message Message Sender sends the SOAP message to the selected service end point. o Industry standards to address: Transport protocol bindings (section 3.3.3) Routing specification Message is routed and delivered to service end point. SOAP Message Receipt Processing Message Receiver receives SOAP message containing the MCCI_MT000101 document. Message Receiver filters according to WS-Security policy and validates the message for: o Authenticity – message signature verification o Integrity – message encryption verification o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Message Receiver extracts, parses, and validates encapsulated MCCI_MT000101 document. o Industry standards to address: Document validation criteria SOAP Reply Message Construction Message Receiver constructs the MCCI_MT000201 acknowledgement document. Message Receiver constructs SOAP reply message headers. o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Message Receiver constructs SOAP reply message body and or attachments. Message Receiver secures the SOAP reply message. Steps include: o Message encryption o Message signing o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Sending the SOAP Reply Message Message Receiver sends the SOAP reply message to Message Sender’s end point. o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Message is routed and delivered to Message Sender’s end point. SOAP Reply Message Processing Message Sender receives SOAP reply message containing the MCCI_MT000201 document. Message Sender filters reply message according to policy and validates the message for: o Authenticity – message signature verification o Integrity – message encryption verification o Industry standards to address: Security policy violation procedures Message Sender applies remaining Web Services specifications. o Industry standards to address: Application of security and privacy requirements, message reliability levels, policies … Message Sender extracts, parses, and validates encapsulated MCCI_MT000201 acknowledgement document. o Industry standards to address: Document validation criteria 3.3 Design This section will present a description of how the related WS specifications are applied to the specific scenario outlined in the Requirements section to produce WSDL and SOAP instance samples. 3.3.1 Application Layers Enabling HL7 payloads to be delivered in a plug and play fashion over a Web Services infrastructure is best achieved by supporting a layered and loosely coupled architecture. The following diagram illustrates application layers involved in a Web Services communication between a consumer and a provider of a service that want to exchange an HL7 payload. Appropriate abstraction is maintained at each level to hide implementation or configuration details in the lower levels. At the upper level we find the actual HL7 payload, moving towards the bottom of the stack we have WS-* protocols that define policies that describe application and business level requirements as well as security requirements. Figure 3 - HL7 Web Service Application Layers Consumer Provider HL7 HL7 WS-* (Profile, Security, etc) WS-* (Profile, Security, etc) SOAP SOAP Transport Bindings (HTTP, SMTP, MLLP) Transport Bindings (HTTP, SMTP, MLLP) Network (TCP/IP, UDP) Network (TCP/IP, UDP) 3.3.2 WSDL A WSDL document can be logically divided into two sections: Abstract definitions: defines things like datatypes, messages, and the way messages can be combined as request/response pairs for RPC-like operations and how the messages will be sent using a particular protocol, such as SOAP or HTTP-GET. Concrete definitions: defines the physical location of the endpoint. The following is an example WSDL document describing the service supporting the previously described usage scenario. The document provided shows a strongly typed service definition that can be used to enforce XML Schema validation for message instances, an example of WSDL that does not enforce types is presented in the appendix 5.3. Figure 4 - Strongly Typed WSDL Example 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/" xmlns:ns="urn:hl7-org:v3:ws" xmlns:hl7="urn:hl7-org:v3" targetNamespace="urn:hl7-org:v3:ws"> <types> <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="urn:hl7-org:v3"> <!-- Include the schema for the messages itself --> <xs:include schemaLocation="POLB_MT002102.xsd"/> <!-- Include the schema for the messages wrapper --> <xs:include schemaLocation="MCCI_MT000101.xsd"/> <!-- Include the schema for the acknowledge message --> <xs:include schemaLocation="MCCI_MT000201.xsd"/> <!-- Define the body of the message --> <xs:complexType name="MCCI_MT000101.ControlActEvent"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="observationOrder" type="hl7:POLB_MT002102"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> <!-- Define the element for the message --> <xs:element name="elPOLB_MT002102" type="hl7:MCCI_MT000101.Message"/> <!-- Define the element for the acknowledge --> <xs:element name="elMCCI_MT000201" type="hl7:MCCI_MT000201.Message"/> </xs:schema> </types> <message name="msgPOLB_MT002102In"> <part name="ptPOLB_MT002102" element="hl7:elPOLB_MT002102"/> </message> <message name="msgPOLB_MT002102Out"> <part name="ptMCCI_MT000201" element="hl7:elMCCI_MT000201"/> </message> <portType name="portPOLB_MT002102"> <operation name="opPOLB_MT002102"> <input message="ns:msgPOLB_MT002102In"/> <output message="ns:msgPOLB_MT002102Out"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="bindingPOLB_MT002102" type="ns:portPOLB_MT002102"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <operation name="opPOLB_MT002102"> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:#opPOLB_MT002102" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 </input> <output> <soap:body use="literal"/> </output> </operation> </binding> <service name="svcPOLB_MT002102"> <port name="POLB_MT002102" binding="ns:bindingPOLB_MT002102"> <soap:address location="No Target Address"/> </port> </service> </definitions> Let’s go over some of the details of the WSDL document: Lines 1-7: relevant namespaces are defined in this section, note that the namespace for the document is defined as "urn:hl7-org:v3:ws", this convention is arbitrary and can be changed. Lines 8-27: this is the declaration of the types that will be used for the definition of the messages. Line 11: the schema that defines the specific HL7 Version 3 message that will be exchanged is included. In this case the definition for POLB_MT002102 has been included. Different schemas can be included to define Web Services for other HL7 Version 3 message types. Line 13: the schema that defines the message wrapper is included Line 15: the schema that defines the message acknowledge is included Lines 17-21: if this section the type for ControlActEvent is redefined to correctly identify the payload of the HL7 Version 3 message to be of type POLB_MT002102 Line 23: the element that defines the type of the input parameter is declared. This element will be used later in the document. Line 25: the element that defines the type of the output parameter is declared. This element will be used later in the document. Lines 28-30: this is where the input parameter is defined; the element previously declared in the types section is used. The convention used to define input parameters is “msg<HL7 Message Name>In”, in this case msgPOLB_MT002102In. The convention is arbitrary and can be changed. Lines 31-33: this is where the output parameter is defined; the element previously declared in the types section is used. The convention used to define output parameters is “msg<HL7 Message Name>Out”, in this case msgPOLB_MT002102Out. The convention is arbitrary and can be changed. Lines 34-39: this is where input and output parameters are combined together to define a port type. The convention used for port types is “port<HL7 Message Name>”, in this case portPOLB_MT002102. The convention is arbitrary and can be changed. Lines 40-51: the port type defined above is then bound to a specific protocol, in this case HTTP. The convention used to define bindings is “binding<HL7 Message Name>”, in this case bindingPOLB_MT002102. The convention is arbitrary and can be changed. Line 41: the particular binding chosen in this case is HTTP. This line also defines the style used for including the HL7 message payload in the SOAP body. In this case the style selected is “document”, for message-oriented exchanges this is the most appropriate setting. Line 45: this setting defines the encoding for the HL7 message payload that will be included in the SOAP body for the input parameter. The setting “literal” specifies that the payload should be included as-is in the body. For messageoriented exchanges this is the most appropriate setting and the recommended value when selecting “document” for the binding style. Line 46: this setting defines the encoding for the HL7 message payload that will be included in the SOAP body for the output parameter. The setting “literal” specifies that the payload should be included as-is in the body. For messageoriented exchanges this is the most appropriate setting and the recommended value when selecting “document” for the binding style. Lines 52-56: in this section the abstract Web Service definition declared so far in the WSDL document is bound to an actual implementation and a real endpoint. The convention used to define services is “svc<HL7 Message Name>”, in this case svcPOLB_MT002102. The convention is arbitrary and can be changed. The WSDL presented was developed according to the guidelines set in the WS-I Basic Profile at [11] and tested with the draft version of the WS-I Testing Tools available at [12]. This example also demonstrates that typical HL7 message patterns can be standardized as abstract WSDL definitions and then implemented in an enterprise to provide much of the necessary underpinnings for a plug-n-play environment. A list of conventions used in the sample WSDL document is provided in the appendix 5.1. Sample instances of SOAP messages are provided in the appendix 5.2. 3.3.3 Bindings/Transports The previous section presented a sample WSDL definition for a service that specified that a SOAP envelope be delivered over the wire via HTTP. It is possible for WSDL to specify that the SOAP envelope be delivered over other transport mechanisms such as SMTP or MLLP. At the moment of the writing the only widely implemented transport type is HTTP, no other protocol has been standardized or proposed as a standards besides HTTP itself. Since SOAP and Web Services are in no way tied to HTTP, it should be expected that new specification for bindings to other protocols will be developed by the industry. 3.3.4 SOAP Header Extensions When using the WSDL define above, it is not necessary to define HL7 specific SOAP header extensions to facilitate inspection and/or routing of the SOAP message based on the content of the payload. The examples presented in the appendix 5.2 are “on the wire” message instances formatted according to WSDL definition. The “soap:Body” element can be queried via XPath to look for HL7 payload specific information. 4 References [1] [2] [3] W3C Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Second Edition) http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml W3C XML Schema http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema W3C Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1 http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/ [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] W3C Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1 http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl IETF WS-Attachments specification http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draftnielsen-dime-soap-01.txt IETF DIME specification http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-nielsen-dime02.txt OASIS WS-Security specification http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/wss/ WS-Routing specification http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/enus/dnglobspec/html/ws-routing.asp (submitted as a note to W3C) XML Web Services Specifications http://msdn.microsoft.com/webservices/understanding/specs/default.aspx HL7 Version 3 Ballot http://www.hl7.org/v3ballot/html/foundationdocuments/welcome/index.htm WS-I Basic Profile Version 1.0 http://www.ws-i.org/Profiles/Basic/200210/BasicProfile-1.0-WGD.htm WS-I Testing Tools http://www.ws-i.org/implementation.aspx OASIS UDDI Specifications http://uddi.org/specification.html 5 Appendix 5.1 Convention Used in WDSL Document All of the following conventions are arbitrary and can be changed. Element names used in the type section: el<HL7 Message Name> Input message names: msg<HL7 Message Name>In Output message name: msg<HL7 Message Name>Out Part names used in message definitions: pt<HL7 Message Name> Port types: port<HL7 Message Name> Operations defined in port types: op<HL7 Message Name> Bindings: binding<HL7 Message Name> URN for soapAction: same as the operation name defined in the port type Services: svc<HL7 Message Name> 5.2 Sample SOAP Request and Response The sample SOAP request and response presented in this section use the HL7 Version 3 Schemas and sample data developed for HIMSS 2003 HL7 Demo. 5.2.1 SOAP Request POST /targetAddress/svcPOLB_MT002102.asmx HTTP/1.1 Host: hostAddress Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length SOAPAction: "urn:#opPOLB_MT002102" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema-instance xmlns:xsd=http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema xmlns:soap=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/ xmlns:hl7="urn:hl7-org:v3"> <soap:Body> <elPOLB_MT002102 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3.\schemas\envPOLB_MT002102.xsd"> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349' extension='347782'/> <hl7:creationTime value='20030103170600'/> <hl7:sender> <hl7:servedBy> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349' extension='EpicCare'/> <hl7:name>EpicCare Patiçnt Medical Records</hl7:name> </hl7:servedBy> </hl7:sender> <hl7:receiver> <hl7:servedBy> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.369' extension='InternalLab'/> <hl7:name>NeoTool Excellent Lab Systems</hl7:name> </hl7:servedBy> </hl7:receiver> <hl7:versionId>v3r1b3</hl7:versionId> <hl7:interactionI€cf5 root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.5' extension='POLB_IN002120'/> <hl7:processingCo€'e7 code='P'/> <hl7:processingMo€'e7Code code='T'/> <hl7:acceptAckCode code='AL'/> <hl7:applicationAckCode code='AL'/> <hl7:hasPayload> <hl7:observationOrder> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349' extension='34522'/> <hl7:code code='P3-30100' codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.6.5' codeSystemNamç='SNOMED' codeSystemVersion='20020829' displayName='Complete_u66 ?lood Count'/> <hl7:effectiveTime value='20030103170100'/> <hl7:priorityCode code='N' displayName='Normal'/> <hl7:participant typeCode='VRF'> <hl7:assignedEntity> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.210.3' extension='5332443'/> <hl7:assigneePerson> <hl7:name> <hl7:given>Keiko</hl7:given> <hl7:family>Jones</hl7:family> </hl7:name> </hl7:assigneePerson> </hl7:assignedEntity> </hl7:participant> <hl7:patientParticipation> <hl7:patient> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.211' extension='344253425'/> <hl7:addr> <hl7:streetAddressLine>2222 Home Strçet</hl7:streetAddressLine> <hl7:city>Ann Arbor</hl7:city> <hl7:state>MI</hl7:state> <hl7:postalCode>99999</hl7:postalCode> <hl7:country>USA</hl7:country> </hl7:addr> <hl7:telecom value='tel:213-555-4344'/> <hl7:patientPerson> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.4.1' extension='333224444'/> <hl7:name> <hl7:given>George</hl7:given> <hl7:given>Simon</hl7:given> <hl7:family>Wigny</hl7:family> </hl7:name> <hl7:administrativçGenderCode code='M' codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.5.1'/> <hl7:birthTime value='19740423'/> </hl7:patientPerson> </hl7:patient> </hl7:patientParticipation> </hl7:observationOrder> </hl7:hasPayload> </elPOLB_MT002102> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> 5.2.2 SOAP Response HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: length <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <elMCCI_MT000201 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/X_LSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v3./schemas/MCCI_MT000201.xsd"> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.369' extension='231112'/> <hl7:creationTime value='2002106170601'/> <hl7:sender> <hl7:servedBy> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.369' extension='Internal_Lab'/> <hl7:name>NeoTool Excellent Lab Systems</hl7:name> </hl7:servedBy> </hl7:sender> <hl7:receiver> <hl7:servedBy> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349' extension='EpicCare'/> <hl7:name>EpicCare Patiçnt Medical Record</hl7:name> </hl7:servedBy> </hl7:receiver> <hl7:versionId>v3r1b3</hl7:versionId> <hl7:interactionI€cf5 root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.5' extension='MCCI_IN000200'/> <hl7:processingCo€'e7 code='P'/> <hl7:processingMo€'e7Code code='T'/> <hl7:has typeCode='AR'> <hl7:errorDetailCode code='42'/> <hl7:noteText>This is a notç explaining code 42</hl7:noteText> <hl7:acknowledges> <hl7:id root='2.16.840.1.113883.9876.349' extension='347782'/> </hl7:acknowledges> </hl7:has> </elMCCI_MT000201> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> 5.3 Sample Not Typed WSDL Document This is a sample WSDL definition that does not enforce any specific type for messages that are exchanged. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <definitions xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:http="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/http/" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:mime="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/mime/" xmlns:ns="urn:hl7-org:v3:ws" xmlns:hl7="urn:hl7-org:v3" targetNamespace="urn:hl7-org:v3:ws"> <types> 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="urn:hl7-org:v3"> <xs:element name="hl7Message"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:any/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:schema> </types> <message name="msgHl7MessageIn"> <part name="ptHl7Message" element="hl7:hl7Message"/> </message> <message name="msgHl7MessageOut"> <part name="ptHl7Message" element="hl7:hl7Message"/> </message> <portType name="portHl7Message"> <operation name="opHl7Message"> <input message="ns:msgHl7MessageIn"/> <output message="ns:msgHl7MessageOut"/> </operation> </portType> <binding name="bindingHl7Message" type="ns:portHl7Message"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/> <operation name="opHl7Message"> <soap:operation soapAction="urn:#opHl7Message" style="document"/> <input> <soap:body use="literal"/> </input> <output> <soap:body use="literal"/> </output>" </operation> </binding> <service name="svcHl7Message"> <port name="Hl7Message" binding="ns:bindingHl7Message"> <soap:address location="No Target Address"/> </port> </service> </definitions> As you can see, the WSDL definition is greatly simplified because there is no type declaration and the Web Service method is described as a method accepting generic XML as input and returning generic XML as output (line 13). This same definition can be used to exchange a different number of HL7 messages (or any XML message) and although the type of the messages is not enforced, the SOAP body can still be queried using XPath expressions to determine the type of the payload and route the message accordingly. 5.4 Attachments When sending HL7 messages over Web Services there are two main options: Include the HL7 message in the SOAP body: Include the HL7 message as an attachment to the SOAP message The first option is presented in §3.3.2. Advantages of this option include the fact that the HL7 data elements are readily available and accessible via XPath expressions. If the HL7 message is attached to the SOAP message, standards like MIME, DIME or WS-Attachments can be used. This option is not recommended for HL7 Version 3 messages (and any other HL7 message/document that uses XML as its format) as it does not provide any significant advantage and creates some issues with the routing of messages where intermediate SOAP nodes need to decode the attachment in order to decide what to do with the message. A way to address this particular issue would be to replicate part (or all) of the HL7 message header in the SOAP body or as SOAP header extension. In the case where the HL7 payload is included in SOAP messages as an attachment, the WSDL definition would need to be modified accordingly. The resulting HL7 Web Services Profile should address the various methods of encapsulating the payload. The individual specification for handing attachments will eventually be addressed in future versions of this document. At the moment of the writing there is significant consolidation happening in the area of attachments and new standards or revisions of the current one are expected to be published in the near future. 5.5 Applicability to Other HL7 Standards The same concepts described in this document can be applied to other HL7 standards as follows: HL7 V2.x: since version 2.x of HL7 Messaging is not natively represented as XML, the Web Services implementation is forced to use attachments (MIME, DIME or WS-Attachments) or include the HL7 2.x payload as a string in the SOAP body. Furthermore some routing information needs to be extracted from the original 2.x message (MSH, PID …) and included as a SOAP header extension or in the SOAP body if that information is necessary to route the message. A profile for version 2.x messages can be included in future versions of this document. HL7 V2.XML: HL7 messages in version 2.XML can be easily exchanged using Web Services and the recommendations set in this document. A profile for version 2.x messages can be included in future versions of this document. HL7 CDA: CDA documents can be easily exchanged using Web Services and the recommendations set in this document. A profile for CDA documents can be included in future versions of this document.