MATCHPLAY DRAW - 2011 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chris Neaves Steve Dollery Alex McKenna v Rob Goodwin Matt Jackson Bernie Jillins Roger Blackwell v Terry Sims Mark Mawditt v Ash Carpenter John Durdle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Winners 1 v Winners 2 Winners 3 v Winners 4 Winners 5 v Winners 6 Winners 7 v Winners 8 Winners 9 v Winners 10 Winners 11 v Winners 12 Winners 13 v Winners 14 Winners 15 v Winners 16 Second round to be played by 30 June Third round will be the winners of 1 play 2, 3 play 4 etc Third round to be played by 4 August Semi-finals to be played by 1 September Final to be played by 29 September DOUBLES - GREENSOMES – FIRST ROUND 1. 2. 3. 4. Roger Blackwell/Bernie Jillins v Ian Marsden/John Spears Barry Huntley/Dennis Silverosa v Ash Carpenter/Mike Webb v Cyril and Mark Mawditt Peter Gale/Ron Harwood v Matt Jackson/Rob Goodwin Second round will be the winners 1 play 2, 3 play 4 etc FIRST ROUND TO BE PLAYED BY 2 June Second round to be played by 28 July Semi-final to be played by 1 September Final to be played by 29 September THESE DATES WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO July2 2011 SOCIETY CHAMPIONSHIP What a tussle – Dennis and Peter fighting it out right to the end, with Dennis just taking the honours on count back. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dennis Silverosa Peter Gale Steve Dollery Peter Metalli Ron Harwood Rob Goodwin Barry Huntley Cyril Mawditt Gordon Weller Bernie Jillins Chris Neaves Les Hooper Rob Gravely Roger Blackwell Steve Gowan James Boyce 70+66 68+68 70+73 73+71 73+74 73+76 69+81 74+77 79+75 83+73 83+75 83+76 77+82 78+83 82+83 91+86 136 136 cb 143 144 147 149 150 151 154 156 158 159 159 cb 161 165 177 Jim Flack Mick Webb John Durdle 74 and Non return Non return Non return . HANDICAP ADJUSTMENTS Dennis Silverosa 21-3=18 James Boyce 19+1=20 Steve Gowan 10+1=11 Rob Gravely 11+1=12 Peter Gale 11-3=8 Barry Huntley 23+1=24 Les Hooper 20+1=21 Ron Harwood 10+1=11 Steve Dollery 11+1=12 Roger Blackwell 22+1=23 July2 2011 SUMMER BOWL – BURNHAM ON CROUCH GC As usual, we were treated very well on our visit to Burnham. We had a great turn out, with 19 members and five guests. We played a nine hole, yellow ball competition in the morning, and for the Summer Bowl in the afternoon. Barry Huntley took the title, with countback separating him from his good friend Gordon. Both nearest the pins were won by Pat Heatherson (who together with Vince have become the best dressed golfers in the society), and Peter Metalli had the honour of taking Digby home. 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 Barry Huntley Gordon Weller Terry Sims Rob Gravely Dave Naulls Cyril Mawditt Mike Webb Pat Heatherson Dennis Silverosa Roger Blackwell Steve Dollery Ron Harwood Bernie Jillins Rob Goodwin Peter Gale Steve Gowan Les Hooper Chris Neaves Peter Metalli 35pt 35pts cb 34pts 33pts 33pts cb 33pts cb 32pts 32pts cb 32pts cb 31pts 30pts 30pts cb 30pts cb 28pts 28pts cb 26pts 25pts 25pts cb 22pts HANDICAP CHANGES Barry Huntley 24-1=23 Terry Sims 18+1=19 Rob Goodwin 7+1=8 Chris Neaves 21+1=22 Dennis Silverosa 18+1=19 Bernie Jillins 14+1=15 Steve Gowan 11+1=12 Les Hooper 21+1=22 Peter Metalli 15+1=16 July2 2011 THREE SEASONS – AFTER TWO EVENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. Terry Sims Gordon Weller Steve Dollery Cyril Mawditt Peter Gale Bernie Jillins Dave Naulls Rob Goodwin 72pts 69pts 68pts 67pts 66pts 63pts 63pts 60pts ORDER OF MERIT – AFTER SUMMER BOWL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Gordon Weller Cyril Mawditt Bernie Jillins Peter Metalli Terry Sims Barry Huntley 84pts 75pts 73pts 72pts 69pts 68pts July2 2011