Decree of the Government of RA N313 ON THE APPROVAL OF THE DELIMITATION OF THE SAFETY ZONES OF ENERGY SECTOR OBJECTS AND ORDER OF THEIR USE Adopted May 26, 1998 Ratified May 26, 1998 In force June 06, 1998 040.013.260598 «I RATIFY» PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA May 26, 1998 DECREE OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA May 26, 1998, N 313 Yerevan ON THE APPROVAL OF THE DELIMITATION OF THE SAFETY ZONES OF ENERGY SECTOR OBJECTS AND ORDER OF THEIR USE In conformity with article 11 of the law of the Republic of Armenia “On Energy”, the Government of the Republic of Armenia decrees To confirm the delimitation of the safety zones of energy sector objects and order of their use (attached). Confirmed by the decree of the Government of RA N 313 as of May 26, 1998 Delimitation of the Safety Zone of Energy Sector Objects and Order of Their Use I. General Provisions 1. Safety zone of the energy sector objects is the territory ensuring regular activity of these objects, safety of the citizens and the exploiting staff and the property protection. 2. The safety zones of the energy sector objects are used according to their purpose. It is prohibited to fulfill any activities in the specified zones which may represent any danger to the natural activity of the objects, life and health of the citizens and the exploiting staff, as well as the property protection in conformity with the acting norms and rules. 3. The ministry of energy of the Republic of Armenia, state territorial governing authorities and local governing bodies implement control over the protection of the safety zones within the scope of their authorities in the order specified by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. 4. The utilization of the land, related to the safety zones definition, is specified in conformity with the law of the Republic of Armenia. 5. The damages caused to the landowner or the land lessee as a result of the definition of the land utilization are reimbursed in conformity with the order set by the law of the Republic of Armenia. 6. Upholding of the parameters of the safety zones of the functioning, draft energy objects and those under construction, as well as implementation of the requirements set forth by the construction standards and rules and other normative documentation are obligatory for all the legal entities and individuals. II. Parameters of the Safety Zones of the Hydropower Objects and the Order of Their Use 7. The safety zone of the reservoirs and the head office structures is the territory adjacent to them with a special regime aimed at preservation of waters from pollution and exhaustion, as well as safe exploitation of these objects. The implementation of agricultural activities on the territory of the safety zones is prohibited. The parameters of the safety zone are represented in the table hereunto: Minimal Width of the Safety Zone from the Normal Exterior Level and Depending on the Slant of the Slopes Adjacent to the Reservoirs Slant of the adjacent slope Safety zone width (m) Note: Up to 15օ 10 15օ - 30օ 10 - 15 30օ - 45օ 15 - 20 In case of slants exceeding 45 degree the safety zone width is determined in accordance with the project confirmed by the established order. 8. The width of the earth layer required to ensure the safety of the diversion canals and pipelines, from the edge of the diversion canal or the pipeline to the objects, constructions, structures of different destination and the lands in use by the land users, shall be no less than 6 meters. In case the canal passes through a slope, the safety zone width is determined on the basis of the slant in conformity with then table hereunto: Width of the Safety Zone of the Canals passing through Slopes Slant of the adjacent slope Safety zone width (m) Note: Up to 15օ 6 15օ - 30օ 6-10 30օ - 45օ 10 - 20 In case of slants exceeding 45 degree the safety zone width is determined in accordance with the project confirmed by the established order. III. Parameters of the Safety Zones of the Highway Pipelines and the Order of Their Use 9. Highway pipelines are the pipelines transmitting oil and oil products, natural and artificial hydrocarbon gases and condensates, liquefied hydrocarbon gases, as well as other liquefied hydrocarbons. 10. The highway pipelines include: Pipelines with branching and bypasses, valve fittings, bypass of natural and artificial obstructions, plants of junction of the pump and compressor stations, junctions of cleansing and emitting devices, gas meter junctions, condensate collectors, pipelines with devices of methanol penetration, Electrochemical stations protecting the pipelines from decay, processing telecommunications and structures, means of the pipelines remote control, Electric transmission lines and valve fittings, power supply and remote control equipment having stations of electrochemical protection, Fire safety equipment, erosion-preventive and protective constructions, Tanks of condensates maintenance and degasification, over ground and subterranean stores of oil, oil products, condensates and liquefied hydrocarbon, emergency emission earth storages, External plants of pipelines use, roads and helipads, which are located in the direction of the pipelines section and the approaches to them, as well as the differential signs and pointers of the pipelines, Main and intermediate pumping stations of transportation and fill up, collecting tanks, gas-distributing and compressor stations, Subterranean gas-holders, Fill up and drainage overpasses. 11. The following safety zones (protection zones) are defined with the purpose of ensuring normal conditions of the highway pipelines exploitation and exclusion of the possibility of their damage (in case of any kind of installation): The land area extended along the border of the pipeline, which is demarcated by two sides of the pipeline by the conditional lines passing at the distance of 50 m from the axis. The safety zone in the agricultural territories is demarcated from both sides by the conditional lines passing at the distance of 25 m from the axis, The land area extended along the border of the multilinear pipelines, which is demarcated by the conditional lines passing at the distance of 50 m from the axis of the edge pipelines on each side. The safety zone in the agricultural territories is demarcated by the conditional lines passing at the distance of 25 m from the axis of the edge pipelines on each side. The safety zone for the pipelines transmitting natural gas and other matters along the submarine passages is the water territory from the water surface to the bottom, confined by the parallel planes at the distance of 100 m from the edge pipelines of each side. The safety zone in the neighborhood of tanks of condensates maintenance and degasification, emergency emission earth storages of oil, oil products, condensates and liquefied hydrocarbon is the land area demarcated by the line encircling the territory bordering the indicated objects at the distance of 50m on each side, The safety zone around the main and intermediate pumping stations of transportation and fill up, collecting tanks, gas-distributing and compressor stations, subterranean gas-holders, fill up and drainage overpasses hydrocarbon is the land area demarcated by the line encircling the territory bordering the indicated objects at the distance of 100m on all the sides. 12. The land areas located within the safety zone of the highway pipelines are used by the land users with the purpose of agricultural and other works in conformity with requirement of the rules of protection of the highway pipelines affirmed by the ministry of energy of the Republic of Armenia. 13. Conformity to the technical requirements given by the controlling institutions (organizations) is necessary for the implementation of any kind of economic activity within the safety zone of the highway pipelines, including Construction of any building or construction, Planting of any kind of trees and bushes, storing forage, fertilizers and other matters, stacking grass and straw, animal breeding, allotting fishery lots, extracting fish, as well as water animals and plants, organization of irrigation, implementation of ice-breaking and ice collection Construction of passageways over the border line of the pipelines, stationing of vehicles, tractors and other mechanisms, Fulfillment of land reclamation works, construction of irrigation and drainage systems, Implementation of any types of mining works, construction setting and undermining works, earthworks, Reconnaissance surveys, implementation of exploring, geodesic and other research activities which are connected to the bore-holes and investigation holes digging and taking soil samples (except land sample). IV. Parameters of the Safety Zones of the Electric Networks and the Order of Their Use 14. Electric networks, as used here, are high-voltage substations (exceeding 1000V), distribution devices, current wires, overhead power lines, underground and submarine cable lines of electric transmission and nearby buildings. 15. The following parameters are defined for the safety zones of the electric networks: a) At the length of overhead power lines covering the air space and the surface of the land bounded by the imaginary vertical planes which are located on the following distance from the both sides of the line (in case their position against the marginal power lines is not inclined ) Line voltage (kV) Up to 35 110 150, 220 330, 500 Distance (m) 10 15 20 25 30 b) At the length of subterranean power lines covering the lot of land bounded by the imaginary vertical planes which is located at the distance of one meter from the both sides of the line (from the marginal cables) c) At the length of submarine cable lines of electric transmission, covering the water space bounded by the imaginary vertical planes which is from the water surface till the bottom and is at the distance of 100 m from the both sides of the line (from the marginal cables) d) At the length of overhead power lines passing over basins (rivers, water channels, lakes, etc.) and covering the air space bounded by the imaginary vertical planes which are located on the distance of 100m from the both sides of the line (in case their position against the marginal power lines is not inclined) in case the basin is navigable. In case the basin is not navigable, the safety zones of the power transmission air lines are determined in conformity with the delimitation set forth in sub clause “a” of clause 15 herein contained. 16. The land areas located within the safety zone of the electric networks are used by the land users with the purpose of agricultural and other works in conformity with requirement of the rules of protection of the electric networks with 1000V and high voltage, affirmed by the ministry of energy of the Republic of Armenia. 17. Conformity to the technical requirements given by the controlling institutions (organizations) is necessary for the implementation of any kind of economic activity within the safety zone of the electric networks, including Construction, reconstruction, overhaul or demolition of any building or construction, Implementation of any types of mining works, loading and discharge operations, wellboring, earthworks, undermining works, land reclamation works, trees and bushes planting and felling, camps placing, building of enclosures, wire fences, vineyard and other gardens fences, as well as agricultural crops irrigation, Traffic of vehicles with total height (together with or without the load) exceeding 4.5 meters over the road surface (within the safety zone of electric networks protection), earthworks implementation deeper than 0.3 meters, and in the presence of croplands – deeper than 0.45 meters (in the safety zones of underground power transmission cable lines).