Baytree School Drugs Policy October 2013 RATIONALE Drug abuse is prevalent throughout society and we need a policy which will enable children to be educated about their choices, how to keep safe, the danger and consequences DEFINITIONS This policy refers to all drugs - legal and illegal. ‘On school premises’ - means wherever children are under the care of the school staff including trips and other such activities. AIMS We are committed to the health, well being and safety of all members of the school community and will respond to any individual in need of support. The misuse of drugs, solvent abuse, alcohol or tobacco by any members of the school community will not be tolerated. The illegal supplying of these substances will be treated as extremely serious. To provide clear guidelines and appropriate responses for unacceptable behaviour on school premises. DRUGS EDUCATION This will be secured by: Working in partnership with parents or carers to give children full information and opportunities for discussion and disclosure. This will help them to make informed choices about drugs and understand the consequences of their misuse. Supporting teachers in providing a drug education programme within the PSHE curriculum through relevant training and resources, including the appropriate outside agencies. Providing all staff with clear guidance on drug related issues. Organisation of Drugs Education Drugs education is taught through the formal and informal curricula, although the main vehicle is via the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme. 1 There is a rolling programme of schemes of work throughout the school, which ensures coverage of drugs education at each key stage. This allows for repetition but promotes development of knowledge and understanding at each key stage. Lessons are carefully differentiated to meet the needs of pupils within classes. Content of Drugs Education Early Years Foundation Stage & KS1 – “Personal Safety” Recognising household products, including medicines which are safe / unsafe to eat, drink or play with. Key Stage 2 – “Keeping Myself Safe” Exploring dangers associated with smoking, use of drugs, alcohol and domestic chemicals. Key Stage 3 – “My Body” Learning how misuse of alcohol, tobacco and drugs affects health. Being assertive and saying “no”. The Foundation Curriculum (14 -19) – “Personal Care and Safety” Identifying implications & consequences of the misuse of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol, including health and social issues. Personal responsibility and taking medicines safely. RESPONDING TO DRUG RELATED ISSUES This can cover a whole range of incidents not necessarily involving actual drug use on school premises. Prescribed Medicines: Refer to school policy No.27 ‘Administration of Medication’. Tobacco: This school adopts a non-smoking policy within the school and campus grounds. Volatile Substances: COSHH (Control of substances hazardous to health) Refer to school Health and Safety Policy regarding the correct storage and handling of those volatile substances on the school premises. Alcohol: No alcohol to be possessed or consumed on school premises by children or by staff during work hours Illegal Drugs: No illegal drugs to be brought onto school premises under any circumstances, except where part of an authorised educational lesson, by people with legal permissions to do so. RESPONSE PROCEDURES The school will consider each substance incident individually and recognise that a range of responses, including permanent exclusion, will be needed. Immediate 2 response is detailed at Appendix A. The school will seek to balance the interest of the individual involved, the other school members and the local community. Permanent exclusion is seen as a last resort. PERSONNEL Nominated Teacher : To co-ordinate drugs education within the curriculum for children and staff. Head/Nominated Teacher: To be a source of direction, advice and support for all members of the school community, including parents (NB cross refer to “Safeguarding policy” re disclosure of information). School First Aider: To be aware of correct procedures in drug related incidents. Headteacher: To be informed of any drug incident in the school and to take responsibility for its management. Nominated Governor: To monitor implementation of this policy. REVIEW OF POLICY This policy will be reviewed by the Buildings, Finance, Health and Safety policy in accordance with policy schedule. A copy is available from the Clerk of Governors 3 APPENDIX A SCHOOLS ARE DRUG FREE ZONES This list is intended as a check sheet for Headteachers to consider their actions and to detail the various relevant documents. Drug abuse, Suspected Illegal Substances. Protect yourself – students to empty their pockets/bags gloves, no hands in bags, pockets etc. danger of needles. Log details, actions. MAJOR INCIDENTS MINOR INCIDENTS Has child/student taken substance? Has child/student taken substances? Call ambulance Medical advice ? Call ambulance Inform Police & Parents/Carers Is this a child protection issue? Partnership investigation should take place Should child/student to home? Consult documentation Should child/student remain at school? 1. North Somerset Exclusion procedure Decide who to inform 2. Circular 10/94 Social Services, EWO. 3. Croner’s Directory Disciplinary Action to consider: Possession merits consideration of Permanent Exclusion Fixed Period Exclusion under 5 days – Head’s decision. 1st serious offence - Exclusion - Fixed Term (min) 2+ serious offences - Permanent Exclusion to be given consideration Use of illegal drugs on school premises. Passing/dealing in illegal drugs. Permanent Exclusion. Further Actions: Inform Governors. May need to deal with Press – contact local authority press office. Complete Log in School Incident/Accident Book. 4