ALLAH TRITUNGGAL DALAM INJIL YOHANNES M.W. WIJANTO Abstract: Confronted with the teaching of Gnosticism and of Docetism, and used Greek philosophy – hence under the influence of the way of thinking of the philosophy, the early centuries Church had introduced and developed the conception about the ‘nature’ of Jesus. The church was debating whether the nature of Jesus is ‘of a man’ or ‘of God’. This debate consequently led the Church also debating the conception of Trinity, which became un-ended debate to this day. Learning what the Gospel of John proclaim, we can realize that the early centuries Church had took a wrong direction in her debate. The Bible (in this paper: the Gospel of John) proclaim the dynamic love of God in Jesus, and not the ‘nature’ of Jesus as she did. Civil Society dan Abrahamic Religions Bernard Adeney-Risakotta, Ph.D. Abstract: This article examines how the discourse on civil society provided an alterative social vision for Indonesia, especially during the period before and after the fall of Soeharto. The article considers the similarities and differences between the concepts of civil society, madani (civilized) society, and Pancasila, the national ideology. Civil society, in the end, is a basic prerequisite for building a society that is faithful to Pancasila. Civil society can be defined in relation to the three main meanings of the word “civil” in English. The first is a minimalist definition of the word civilized. For people to act civil (or civilized) towards each other, they must be polite and respect each others differences. Secondly, a civil society is one in which the people are free to form non-governmental, civil organizations to reach their own goals without intervention by the government. Thirdly, a civil society is a society that is not dominated by the military. A civilian is a non military person. Similarly, a civil society is a non-militarized society in which, within the boundaries of the law, people are free from violent coercion. By building a civil society, Indonesia can move towards fulfilling the noble vision of Pancasila. HARGA DIRI ORANG MISKIN, SEBUAH RENUNGAN SPIRITUAL ATAS PERSOALAN KEMISKINAN DI INDONESIA ROBERT SETIO Abstract When poverty is so predominant, any religion should face it as a challenge for it to find the way to overcome the uggliest yet the longest problem of humanity. Religion may not ignore it with reason that material matters are not theirs. In fact, religion has been inseparable from economy since the very beginning of its existence. With regards to Christianity, in the time of Roman Empire, modern colonial time, even recently, its life has been closely connected with economy. On the other hand, Christianity has yet to prove itself as a religion which can make use of economy to free people from poverty. This article offers a spiritual path embedded within Christianity which might bring the needy to regain their own dignity which has been robbed by those who have made them incessantly living in poverty. This can keep the hope in the middle of the failure of Christianity to perform a transformative model of diakonia. HAK ASASI MANUSIA : TANGGUNGJAWAB KOMUNAL ATAS MASALAH KEMANUSIAAN (TINJAUAN TEOLOGI POLITIK – KONTEKSTUAL DALAM KONTEKS INDONESIA) HANDI HADIWITANTO Abstract Sometime issue of human rights is suspected as a Western issue by some groups, and related to that, issue of human rights is thought not always relevant within Eastern people. On another side, we could not deny that human rights are a universal need, and it can increase the quality of our humanity. This paper will discuss about how to talk the issue of human rights, particularly in the context and keyword of Indonesian people. From this discussion we are headed to make a contextual theological reflection on our responsibility of humanity and human rights. CITRA YESUS DI INDONESIA JOSIEN FOLBERT Abstract. ‘The Indonesian Jesus’ is a chapter of Martien Brinkmans book De niet-westerse Jezus. Jezus als bodhisattva, avatara, goeroe, profeet, voorouder en genezer. Because the Indonesian context is coloured by a majority of islam, the author has learned that several theologians try to bridge the gap between christianity and islam. Based on written materials of these theologians Brinkman describes Jesus in several different Indonesian contexts. He distuingeshes two approaches in the way Jesus is represented to bridge the gap between christianity and islam: one way is the approach of dialogue; the other way is the contextual approach. MAKAM YESUS: ANTARA ILMU DAN IMAN (KATOLIK) Kees de Jong Abstract: Near Easter 2006 and 2007 the results of the investigations of the Gospel of Judas and of the grave of Jesus and his family were published in a very commercial way with slogans as: a discovery that will change Christianity, history. To give an impression of the investigations around the grave of the Jesus’ family and the Jesus Dynasty published in two books the main topics of these books are presented. As a possible answer to the question in how far these publications have an impact on the faith of Christian believers, the dynamic and dialogical relation between science and religion is presented and compared with the influence of the belief in Mary for Roman Catholics. Also several considerations are given, in how far such books give or do not give a contribution to a better mutual understanding between Muslims and Christians. APAKAH YUDAISME DAN HELLENISME MERUPAKAN DUALISME YANG ANTITETIK DALAM PEMIKIRAN PAULUS? SEBUAH PERDEBATAN BARU E.G. SINGGIH Abstract This article is a summary and evaluation of an anthology edited by the Danish New Testament Scholar, Troels Engberg-Pedersen (ed.), Paul Beyond The Judaism/Hellenism Divide, (Louisville: Westminster-John Knox Press, 2001). This anthology contains a new debate on the old issue of Judaism and Hellenism as an antithetical dualism in the mind of Paul. A new proposal is stated based on more recent research; that Judaism and Hellenism are two complementary entities in the Mediterranean area, and the one is influencing the other, and vice-versa. “Hebrew thought and “Greek thought” are (ideological) constructs which ought to be acknowledged before we can go on to envisage Pauls’s range of thought. Here the new proposal is described and related to the theological situation in Indonesia, where very often the Judaism background of Paul is placed in a confrontational stance against Hellenism. There is a proposal to go beyond this traditional stance, for the sake of contextual theology in Indonesia. In the end David Anne’s interpretation of 2 Corinth 4:16-5:10 is used as an example of an exegesis, which tries to go beyond this dualism. YUDAS MURID YANG TERHILANG? DISCOURSE ANALYSIS DARI PENELITIAN NARATOLOGI TERHADAP MATIUS 27:1-10 DANIEL K. LISTIJABUDI Abstract: The discourse analysis approach on the narration of Judas – usually claimed as the lost disciple- is an effort to reveal the tensions contained in the story related to the power and sense of guilty. The character’s dynamics of Judas and the Council of the Chief Priests and Elders were told and performed by the narrator using the discourse of the holy and unholy matters, in order to examine the characterization in agency and/or structural level. The narratological approach of the text then brings us as the reader to discern the tragic death of Judas as a critical point in one side, and also as a service to salvationic death of Jesus. MELACAK KEMBALI METODOLOGI RASUL PAULUS DALAM BERTEOLOGI YUSAK TRIDARMANTO ABSTRACT In fulfilling his ministerial responsibilities, the apostle Paul had to grapple theologically with the problems encountered by gentile believers, problems which, to a large extent, were culturally conditioned. In many cases this involved grappling with issues for which there was no precedents in the Jesus tradition. This task involved having the skills to communicate theological principles to those living in a lively socio-cultural context. The way in which the apostle Paul fulfilled this responsibility raises interesting questions. In fact how the apostle did his theology has been subject to serious study up until now. Scholars are still left struggling with the complexity of Paul’s way of doing theology. Among many different approaches to understanding Paul’s theology, approach which pays a serious attention to “communication” as the very basic element of Paul’s way of doing theology, has not been explored sufficiently. The most important task is to determine the centre of gravity in the communication. It has been a custom to put the centre of gravity on Paul rather than on the original readers. My article will argue that the centre of gravity should be better put on the addressees rather than on Paul. When it is done it will be apparent that Paul was doing theology inductively rather than deductively. Tinjauan Buku Cara Baru Memahami Yesus Melampaui Teisme Leonard Andrew Im