Lecture 2 - Forces Reading: ‘Molecular Biophysics’, M.Daune, ‘Intermolecular and Surface Forces’, J.Israelachvili Study a whole series of mesoscopic forces: Van der Waals, hydrogen bonding, electrostatics, steric and fluctuation forces, depletion forces, hydrodynamic interactions and experimental measurements. Nature has used all these forces to determine the interactions of biological molecules. 2.1) Van der Waals ~1kJmol-1 Act between all atoms and molecules (even neutral ones) –dispersion forces an attractive dispersion force of quantum mechanical origin operates between any two molecules, which arises form the interaction between 2 oscillating dipoles. disp 12 V R nm0 1 1 24 0 2 1 R6 nm0 E n, k n 1 2 km0 1 0 1 2 E E 2k E 20 C12 R6 is the transition dipole moment from state n to 0, R is the distance between the two molecules, and E1n is the energy of state n. Called a dispersion interaction because the same quantities determine the optical properties of the molecules. The dispersion interaction is the main cause of cohesion in condensed matter states. 1 a) They are long range forces and can be effective from large distances (>10nm) down to interatomic spacings (<0.2nm). b) Forces may be repulsive or attractive. In general it does not follow a simple power law c) Dispersion forces tends to bring molecules together, but also tend to mutually align or orient them. d) Unlike gravitational and coulomb forces, van der waals forces are not generally additive. e) At larger separations (>10nm) the effect of the finite speed of propagation (c) becomes important. This is the retardation effect - r-7 dependence on separation rather than r-6, and semi-infinite sheets h-3 rather than h-2. Note that with the Van der Waals forces between two bodies the geometry is very important. See figure. 2 WORKED EXAMPLE QUESTION: Many small molecules have ionization potentials I close to 2*10-18J. If their polarizability can be modelled in terms of the Bohr atom show that the strength of a typical van der Waals ‘bond’ is always approx. a few kT at room temperature, irrespective of the size or polarizability of the molecules. ANSWER: The strength of a van der Waals bond is given by w(r) at a separation r=2a, where a is the molecular radius. From the Bohr atom model of polarizability =40a3, so with r=2a into the London equ 3 02 I 4 w(r ) 4 0 2 r 6 W(r=2a)2*10-20J, which is a few kT independent of a or . 3 2.2) Hydrogen Bonding Water exhibits unusually strong interaction between molecules, which persist into the solid state. Eg. See figure Hydrogen bonds ~ 10-40kJmol-1 Plays a central role in molecular self-assembly, micelle formation, biological membrane structure and determining the conformation of proteins. They occur between a proton donor group D, which is strongly polar FH, OH, NH, SH and a proton acceptor atom A which is slightly electronegative F, O, N. Clathrate structures form around hydrophobic compounds. These are labile, but the water molecules are more ordered in the cages. For hydrocarbons the free energy of transfer is proportional to the surface area of the molecules. Ab initio methods to quantify the strength of hydrogen bonds are still at the rudimentary level. One stumbling block is the possibility for bifurcation of bonds. Another is the wide dynamic spectra of behaviour. O=C NH O=C SFA evidence has been provided on the long range nature of the hydrophobic effect. It is still an active area of study. The energy of repulsion has the form 4 W W0 e D / is the decay length ~nms. 2.3) Electrostatics Ionic bond (~500kJmol-1) The electric ‘double layer’ Charging of a surface in a liquid can happen in two ways i) by the ionisation or dissociation of surface groups (eg surface carboxylic groups -COOH-COO-+H+) which leave behind a – vely charged surface. ii) By the adsorption of an ion from solution onto a previously uncharged surface eg binding Ca2+ onto zwitterionic head groups of lipid bilayers surfaces charging he surface +vely. -vely charged surface - + + - + - Water + + Diffuse Counterion cloud The chemical potential (total free energy per molecule) is the sum of two terms ze kT log is the potential and is the number density of counterions. This is consistent with the Boltzmann distribution 0 e ze / kT 0 e / kT Poisson equation for the electrostatics is. r 0 2 freeion 5 Solving for the density of counterions away from the surface. Combining with the Boltzmann distribution gives the Poisson Boltzmann equation ze 0 ze / kT d 2 ze e 0 dx 2 0 When solved the PB equation gives the potential , the electric field E=/x and counterion density at any point in the gap between the surfaces. Limitations of the PB equ. at short separations include: Ion correlation effects, finite ion effects, image forces, discreteness of surface charges and solvation forces are involved. Pressure between 2 charged surfaces in water: contact value theorem P(r ) kT S r S The pressure is given by the increase in the ion concentration at the surfaces as they approach each other – contact value theorem. Valid as long as there is no interaction between the counterions and the surfaces (see discussion of cartilage later). It is a very general theory valid for double layer interactions, solvation interactions, polymer associated steric and depletion interactions, undulations and protrusion forces. 6 WORKED EXAMPLE QUESTION: Is the electric field near a charged surface (=0.3Cm-2) sufficiently intense to immobilise the water molecules adjacent to it? E-field needs to be greater than 109 Vm-1 for this to happen. ANSWER: D/2 zedx 0 D/2 0 Surface charge density 0 d 2 dx dx 2 Sum up the charges Substitute Poisson’s equation d d 0 0 E dx D / 2 dx s 0.3 ES 4.2 *10 8 Vm 1 12 0 808.85 *10 0 Z valency E electronic charge D distance form the surface potential x displacement dielectric permitivity of free space r relative permitivity No QUESTION: The solution to the PB equation near a plane surface is: kT log cos 2 Kx ze K 2 ze2 0 2 0 kT If two surfaces with =0.2Cm-2 are placed at D=2nm and K=1.34*109m-1 what is the repulsive pressure between them? 7 ANSWER From the contact value theorem we have 2 kT P kT 0 2 0 K 2 1.7 *10 6 Nm 2 ze This a large value equivalent to 17 atmospheres 0 is the ion concentration P is the pressure K is from the solution of Poission equation kT thermal energy 8 Electrostatic interactions Explicitly the electrostatics can be calculated in a MD simulation. Coulomb’s law EC q1 q 2 4 0 r dielectric constant Ion-dipole interaction qm p O EP p2q2 4 0 2 3kTr 2 Dipole-dipole EP p1 p 2 K 4 0 r 3 DLVO A surprisingly successful theory for forces between colloidal particles. It has received confirmation from optical tweezers, light scattering (+neutron and X-ray), coagulation and surface force apparatus. The competition between attractive van der Waals and repulsive double layer forces determines the stability or instability of many colloidal systems. Sketch the potential between colloidal particles 64kTc0* 02 h H 121 V h e 2 area 12h Van der Waals Component Electrostatic Component 9 WORKED EXAMPLE QUESTION: For a number of colloidal systems it is found that the critical coagulation concentration varies as the inverse sixth power of the valency z of the electrolyte counterions ie 1/z6. Is this empirical observation, known as the Schultz-Hardy rule, consistent with the DLVO theory? ANSWER: The total DLVO interaction potential between 2 spherical particles interacting at constant potential is: 64kTR 2 D AR e W D 2 6D D is the interparticle distance A Hamaker constant density of colloids kT thermal energy -1 Debye screening length surface potential R radius of particle The critical coagulation concentration occurs when both W=0 and dW/dD=0. This leads to 2 / 384kTD 2 e D / A The second condition leads to D=1, this show that the potential maximum occurs at D=-1 . Inserting this above leads to 3 / 768kT 2 e 1 / A Now 2 z 2 / T is constant at high surface potentials (=1) 10 z 6 3T 5 4 / A 2 Therefore 1/z6 11 2.4) Steric and Fluctuation Forces > Packing constraints produce oscillatory force curves with a period determined by solvent size and are most readily observed between two smooth hard surfaces. Eg between two hard surfaces 2h h / e F pack h const * cos Where h is the separation of the surfaces and is the diameter of a molecule >Polymers at surfaces eg proteins on the surface of interacting membranes, synovial joints, DNA on histones etc. a) for a polymer to be effective at stabilising a colloid the solvent must be a good solvent for the polymer. b) Range of interaction is governed by the distance from the surface the polymer chains extend. c) Chains can be attached by absorption or chemical means. D Steric forces The repulsive energy per unit area is roughly exponential W D 36kTe D / Rg Rg is the unperturbed radius of gyration and D is the separation between the surfaces. Interacting membranes Undulation forces 12 Entropic force per unit area between 2 surfaces PD kT S ( D) S () (D) volume density of molecular contacts S(D)=1/(volumeof mode)=1/x2D D S()=0 . x 2k Eb 2b R Per unit area R Each mode occupies an area x2 and has an energy of kT 2x 2 k b 4Dk b kT R R2 ‘Chord theorem’ x 2 2 RD kT kT P(D ) 2 x D 2RD2 P(D ) kT 2 kb D 3 This has been verified experimentally. Note that there are also peristaltic and protrusion forces between membranes which are weaker, but also measureable. 2.5) Depletion forces Lowering a solvents osmotic pressure creates depletion forces that drive colloidal surfaces together. This is a trick often used to promote protein crystallisation for structural studies. Water soluble Polymer chains (eg PEG) Depletion force Colloidal sphere 13 For a dilute solution of polymers N kT V PosmVdep Posm Fdep Vdep is the volume between the spheres for which the polymer is depleted. Rg is the radius of gyration, N/V is the concentration of polymer molecules. You want a high Mw and a high polymer concentration for a strong depletion potential. The equation was first verified by the measurement of the force between 2 interacting bilayer surfaces in a concentrated dextran solution. 2.6) Hydrodynamic Interactions These mesoscopic forces have a time scale associated with them and the dynamics of solvents, counterion clouds and tethered polymers need to be understood to gauge the interaction potentials. 2.7) Experimental Measurements of Intermolecular and Surface Forces i) Thermodynamic data on gases, liquids and solids (PVT data, boiling points, latent heats of vaporisation, lattice energies). Adsorption isotherms provide information on interactions of molecules with surfaces. Information on short range potentials. ii) Physical data on gases, liquids and solids (eg molecular beam scattering experiments viscosity, diffusion, compressibility, NMR, 14 x-ray, and neutron scattering) provide information on short range interactions of molecules especially their repulsive forces. iii) Thermodynamic data on liquids and liquid mixtures (phase diagrams, solubility, partitioning, miscibility, osmotic pressure) provide information on short range solute solvent and solute-solute interactions. iv) Particle detachment and peeling experiments provide information on particle adhesion forces and the adhesion energies of solid surfaces in contact. v) Measuring the force between 2 macroscopic surfaces as a function of surface separation can provide full force law of interaction. vi) Surface studies such as surface tension and contact angle measurement gives information on liquid-liquid and solid-liquid adhesion energies. vii) The thicknesses of free soap films and liquid films absorbed on surfaces can be measured as a function of salt concentration or vapour pressure. viii) Dynamic interparticle separation and motion in liquids can be measured using NMR, light scattering, X-ray scattering and neutron scattering. ix) Coagulation studies on colloidal dispersions, the salt concentration, pH or temperature of suspending liquid medium is changed until 15 the dispersion becomes unstable and the particles coalesce (coagulate or flocculate). light Adsorbed Liquid film f) Stable colloid e) Unstable colloid piston solution Semipremeable membrane Light, x-rays, neutrons salt clear x-rays, neutron s g) Plate-like particles h) Particles coagulated Particles dispersed i) a) adhesion measurements b) peeling measurements c) direct measure of force d) contact angle measurement e) equilibrium thickness of thin films f) equilibrium thickness of thin adsorbed films g) interparticle spacing in liquids h) sheet like particle spacing in liquids i) coagulation studies 16