AMERICAN HUMANICS STUDENT PHILANTHROPY PROJECT at California State University, Fresno Part of the Students4Giving Initiative of Campus Compact and Fidelity® Charitable Gift Fund with additional financial support from Fresno Regional Foundation and American Humanics, Inc. ATTACHMENT A PROPOSAL COVER SHEET Organization Information Name of organization: Contact Person and Title: Address (Street/City/State/Zip): Federal ID, 501(c)(3), number: Total Operating Budget: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: Board Size (# of Members): Percentage of Board Members financially contributing to this organization: Program/Project Information Title of Program/Project: Total Program/Project Amount: Amount Requested from American Humanics Philanthropy Project: Please provide a brief summary of the proposed program/project: Certification I certify that the information contained in this proposal is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I further certify that this grant proposal is submitted with the full knowledge and endorsement of the governing board of this organization, which is empowered to enforce compliance with all contract conditions. (If awarded the grant, I will provide an original hard copy of this proposal with signatures.) __________________________________________ ____________________________________ Name/Title of Authorized Agent Signature of Authorized Agent Date ATTACHMENT B American Humanics Student Philanthropy Project California State University, Fresno PROPOSAL CHECK LIST The following attachments and components must be completed and submitted via email to in the order shown below before 5:00 p.m. on March 19, 2008 (clearly indicate “American Humanics (AH) Student Philanthropy Project 2008” on the subject line of the email). Proposals which are late or missing any of these items will be considered non-compliant and will not be reviewed. Attachments and Components Proposal Cover Sheet (Attachment A) Proposal Checklist (Attachment B) Narrative (not to exceed two pages) (Attachment C) Itemized Budget and Budget Narrative (Attachment D) Checkmark () ATTACHMENT C American Humanics Student Philanthropy Project California State University, Fresno NARRATIVE (85 points) (not to exceed two pages) Please answer the questions in the exact order in which they are asked. A. Program Summary (5 points) Briefly summarize the proposed program, including target population, proposed approach, expected results, and the estimated number of individuals served by the program. Please also indicate if this is a new program or an enhancement of an existing program. B. Applicant Capability (25 points) 1. Summarize your organization’s background, mission, history, and experience with either of the two RFP focus areas. What are your organization’s strengths that align with the proposed program? Describe your organization’s experience and success within the community you are proposing to serve. 2. Describe your organization’s administrative capability to administer, manage, and account for grant funds. 3. If a formal collaborative is proposed in which more than the applicant organization will receive funds, describe the structure of the proposed collaborative, the collaborating partners, and the primary roles of partnering organizations. Briefly describe the capacities of the proposed subcontractors to fulfill their roles. C. Program Design (50 points) 1. What documented and substantiated community need related to one of the RFP focus areas are you proposing to address with this proposal? 2. Clearly describe what specific changes (outcomes) you plan to achieve in the particular RFP focus area as a result of the proposed program and how you will evaluate your achievements. 3. How are you choosing to respond to this community need? Be sure to discuss the key strategies or activities you will undertake as well as your rationale for choosing these strategies/activities. 4. Briefly describe the target population, including their own unique characteristics and their need for the proposed program/services. Be sure to include the estimated number of individuals served by the program during the 6-month contract period. 5. Provide a timeline for the planning, startup, implementation, and evaluation of the program. If the proposal is for the enhancement of an existing program, the timeline should show when the new components will be implemented and evaluated. 6. Describe how input and other information was gathered to ensure all aspects of the program are most responsive to those intended to benefit. 7. Describe the proposed evaluation activities you will implement to assess achievement of the proposed program outcomes identified in question C2. D. Staffing (5 points) Provide a detailed staffing plan that includes a brief summary of each job description and primary responsibilities of each position. Be sure to indicate if the position(s) are new or if they will be filled with existing staff. ATTACHMENT D American Humanics Student Philanthropy Project California State University, Fresno ITEMIZED BUDGET AND BUDGET NARRATIVE (15 points) The Itemized Budget and Budget Narrative are a one-page summary and explanation of expenses for the program/project to operate. The budget must be reasonable, necessary, allowable, and allocable to the proposed program/project. The budget is a controlling mechanism for expenditures and the basis for approval of payments. Once approved, the budget will be incorporated into the contract. Itemized Budget Instructions Prepare an itemized budget for the entire program term being proposed. Only use whole numbers and round to the nearest dollar. Please include the following categories: Salaries, Facility Costs, Operational/Supplies, Training/Travel, and Program Supplies. If category does not apply, simply insert a zero (0) for that category. I. Personnel Salaries………………………………….._______________ II. Operating Expenses Facility Costs……………………………_______________ Operational/Supplies.....………………..._______________ Training/Travel…………………………_______________ Program Supplies.………………………_______________ Budget Categories I. Personnel o Salaries: Include title, FTE, and amount that will be charged to the contract based on the percentage of time that the position is charged to the contract. Indicate the total amount of salary that will be charged for each position to the contract. II. Operating Expenses a. Facility Costs: Building rent, maintenance, utilities, and telephone expenses that are direct costs to the program. b. Operational/Supplies: Include expenses such as office supplies, printing, advertising, etc. that directly support the staff. c. Training/Travel: Include local and out of town travel and conferences. Travel costs are allowable when they directly attributable to the specific work under the proposed program. d. Program Supplies: Specific items or expenses that benefit the participants in the program/project. Matching Funds Matching Funds are encouraged where applicable and should be shown in the Itemized Budget and explained in the Budget Narrative. Budget Narrative The Budget Narrative should explain the reasons for each requested budget item and provides the basis for its cost. All requested items must be thoroughly justified and clearly related to the proposed project or they will be deleted from the budget. The justification must include the following: how the cost or price proposed was estimated how the amounts were allocated to the cost categories