Уважаемый господин Иванов

5 of april 2009
AVK won first place in the contest PR-projects"
Silver Gull "
The project of the”AVK” company (www.avk.ua) took first place at the International Competition "Silver Gull»
(http://www.pr-liga.org.ua/2/18) in the nomination "The Corporation and the media”. The Case-study "How to
improve the efficiency of staff: the experience of companies” The highest estimates of the jury. Developers and
organizers of the event were members of the Communications Department of AVK, together with colleagues from
the Directorate of Personnel of the company.
Program of the project-winner consisted of the mix of information and educational activities, including training
seminar, a case-studio (http://www.avk.ua/data/htmldoc/uacomment09.07.2007.html), as well as briefing .All
events had a common theme - the development of the company's staff as a way to improve business efficiency.
HR-specialists of the large Ukrainian companies operating in different markets were invited to roundtable AVK.
Understanding the experiences of companies from different industries with different characteristics from each
other business, besides generalizing information, supplemented by independent consultants and researchers, and
journalists allowed to provide ample material for publication.
The project has created an atmosphere for critical discussion of company actions, the conditions for a
comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of staff. That is why reporters and commentators accepted this kind of
discussion as a source of objective information, and actively participated in the activities of the project. Developed
set of actions has allowed us to provide the journalists with objective picture, not lacquered facade of corporate
"building", - said Director of Communications of thecompany AVK Gennady Garmash. - A requirement for such
projects, of course, is the company's attractiveness as an employer. AVK is holding an open and clear staff
development policy, so we could afford to organize an "uncontrolled" discussion of its activities ".
« Competition in the field of public communication "Silver Gull" was second time. He established a new level of
transparency and democracy in the organization of such events, focuses on important social problems in Ukraine.
The winners - leaders of Ukrainian industry of public relations, specifying their communication projects standards
of professionalism in the industry "- says President of the Ukrainian League of Public Relations, Head of the
Organizing Committee Andrew Rotovsky.
Main objective of the competition "Silver Gull-2008" - to reflect the important changes that have occurred in the
field of public communications for the past two years. To ensure the highest possible level of objectivity,
Organizing Committee, invited as experts most respected professionals in various fields of social communication.
The AVK Company is one of the largest confectionery manufacturers in Ukraine. The company was established in 1991.
The AVK Company has started its activity in 1991 as a supplier of cacao products to the Ukrainian confectionery
factories. It has been needed only three years the first sweets – hollow chocolate figures, were produced.
Now AVK incorporates 4 factories based in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Luhansk and Mukacheve.
On the Ukrainian market AVK is the leader in chocolate confectionery.* ТOP AVK’s brands in chocolate confectionery
are: “Shedevr”, “Domior”, “Krem-sufle”, “Korolivskyj Sharm”, “Major”, “Frutta - smachna hvylyna”. AVK
Company is the first company which has started the jelly-chewing sweets production in Ukraine. And now the
company’s brand “Zhuviland” is the absolute leader of this category.The quality of the AVK products is proved by
international certificates.
Central office Kiev. Ukraine, 04080, Kiev, 82-a, Mezhyhirska Str., building B, www.avk.ua Informational
service 0 (800) 5000 12.