Web Server Workload Forecasting – Fuzzy Linguistic Approach Chin Wen Cheong , Amy Lim Hui Lan & V.Ramachandran Faculty of Information Technology Multimedia University 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia E-mail : wcchin@mmu.edu.my ABSTRACT I. Web server workload forecasting is one of the essential considerations in web server management and network upgrading. Due to variability of server workload distribution originated from unpredictable users’ surfing behavior, the measurement of Web server performance metrics is characterized and modeled in fuzzy manner. A fuzzy inference system is formed using four Web server performance metrics and server utilization index are derived to determine the servers’ utilization states for every time period(s). A fuzzy Markov model is proposed to illustrate the state transitions of server resource utilization based on experts’ linguistic evaluation of stationary transition probability. A steady state algorithm is applied to explore the convergence of server resource utilization after n transition period(s). The WWW to date is revolutionarily growing and web service responsiveness is degrading due to unprecedented workload. The exponential growth of the clients’ demand causes the imbalanced workload distribution for homogenous and heterogeneous web servers. Traffic congestion becomes critical when the DNS scheduling [1,2] of a multiserver system fails to provide scalability and flexibility to handle the load traffic. Additionally, the existence of the traffic burstiness phenomenon in the peak hour [3, 4] at certain time scales has caused the web servers services to come to a crawl state. Thus, in order to provide highly reliable service in the business oriented WWW, workload handling and forecasting is vital. Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Inference System, Markov Chain. INTRODUCTION A great deal of literature works has been carried out in forecasting including statistical and artificial intelligence approaches. The statistical approach comprises moving average, exponential smoothing, time series, regression and economic modeling [5]. By the way, the artificial intelligence (AI) concepts which include knowledge engineering, expert system, fuzzy logic, neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA) are introduced to the forecasting methods. However, the traditional as well as the AI forecasting methods are having several drawbacks where the statistical methods are ill defined to represent vague input data and human judgement. Likewise, despite the fact that genetic and ANN forecasting possesses powerful searching and learning of past data, GA as well as ANN are more suitable dealing with numerical data instead of linguistic values. Due to fluctuation of server workload distribution, the numerical data collected is vague. To increase the typicality and accuracy, the forecasting method is expected to process numerical information incorporating with expert judgements for future workload estimation. Thus, fuzzy control seems to be a better candidate, since it is an effective approach to utilize linguistic rule derived from numerical data pairs. Currently, a lot of fuzzy forecasting models have been proposed such fuzzy self-regression by Feng and Guang[6], fuzzy neural approach to time series prediction by Nie [7] and forecasting method from Wang and Mendel[8]. In this paper, a fuzzy Markov model is formed to represent the transitions of the server resource utilization and to forecast the future server workload state based on expert linguistic evaluation of state transition matrix. The judgement of experts may refer to the distribution of server utilization index derived from a fuzzy inference system, which is characterized by four Web servers’ performance metrics namely server’s latency(millisecond), service rate(connection per second), throughput(megabits per second) as well as the occurrence of error(error per second). Fuzzy rules are established by taking into account of different combinations of fuzzified workload metrics values with regard to pre-defined membership functions. A fuzzy algorithm is utilized to explore the steady states of the server workload after n transition periods. II. WEB SERVER MODELING WORKLOAD The performance in terms of server system throughput is normally viewed as the rate of the requests that have been served. Owing to the fluctuation of the user requested file size over the WWW, throughput[9] is sometimes measured in megabits per second as well. Additionally, response time or the CPU time of a server system as a part of the overall latency is considered as a metric to evaluate the web server performance. Normally, it depends on the availability of bandwidth, server’s overall performance as well as the client’s machine performance. Finally, the existence of connection queue will fail the users from interacting with the particular server. Consequently, the degradation of the servers’ response is measured in terms of error per second. For every time window the server utilization index is governed by four predefined Web server performance metrics which specified by 4-tuples such that [10]: I = { M1, M2, M3, M4 } where: M1 - server’s service rate(connection per second) M2 - server’s throughput (megabits per second) M3 - server’s latency(milliseconds) M4 - server’s error frequency(error per millisecond) Let A1, A2, A3 and A4 represent the fuzzy sets for M1, M2, M3 as well as M4 over time window Tc , where c is the integer number. The fuzzification of the four metrics values are based on predefined membership function as illustrated in Table 1. At a specific instant of time, all the measured data for M1, M2, M3 and M4 are fuzzified by membership function to their associate fuzzy sets A1, A2, A3 and A4. inference engine. Fuzzy inference system involves some procedures to conclude either a fuzzy or crisp result depending on the user intention. The components of a fuzzy system include fuzzification (fuzzy input memberships), inference engine and defuzzification respectively. III. FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM FOR SERVER’S UTILIZATION DETERMINATION For instance the workload metrics are fuzzified into four fuzzy linguistic spaces as follows: Fuzzy inference system [11] is based on fuzzy set theory and fuzzy rules-based approach in decision analysis and variety of fields, especially dealing with uncertain and complex systems. The portability of fuzzy system allows human linguistic language approach to determine the grade of membership as well as the fuzzy rules for the A1 ={Low, Medium, High} A2 ={Small, Fair, Large} A3 ={Slow, Moderate, Fast} A4 ={Not frequent, Moderate, Very frequent} The rules which decide the utilization values are given as below: Table 1: Fuzzy Rules IF THEN A1 O A2 O A3 O A4 Utilization State Low And Small And Slow and none Not Significant Low And Small And Moderate And Not Not Significant Low And Small And Moderate And Moderate Not Significant Low And Small And Moderate And Very Normal Frequent Frequent High And Large And Moderate And Moderate Extremely Critical High And Large And Moderate And Very Extremely Frequent Critical High And Large And Fast And Not Extremely Frequent Critical High And Large And Fast And Moderate Extremely High And Large And Fast And Very Extremely Frequent Critical Critical Fuzzy inferencing is used as a max-min composition in the calculation of server’s utilization value. Fuzzy inference with predefined rules will integrate all the 4tuples intensity that finalizes a server’s utilization states with four states such as Very Critical, Critical, Normal and Insignificant. Fig. 1 illustrates the linguistic input and output of the model system. IV. FUZZY MARKOV OF SERVER UTILIZATION MODELING RESOURCE Let a finite process in discrete time be discrete state space (S1, S2 , S3 ,…, Sn ). A fuzzy process is similar to a stochastic process, therefore a finite fuzzy process can be established based on the following condition: (a) The transition probabilities in a finite square nn matrix P with the following structure which is known as fuzzy state transition matrix of a fuzzy process: M = ( mij ) S1 S2 Sn S1 m11 m12 m1n S2 m21 m22 mnn Sn mn1 mn2 mnn = where mij represents the grade of membership of the transition going from state i to state j which confines in 0 < mij < 1. (b) Generally the fuzzy state UX(k) at each time interval as a row vector as below: (c) UX(k) = ( Vi1(k) , Vi2(k) , …, Vin(k) ) Figure 1: Parameters and Associate Memberships Function where k denotes the instant of time, V denotes the grade of membership of sets with respect to fuzzy set X. Additionally, for a row vector with initial time k=0 is known as the initial state designator of X with the following form: UX(0) = ( Vi1(0) , Vi2( 0) , …, Vin(0) ) Hence, the state designator of X at time T=n can be obtained by the following equation: UX(n) = UX(0) M(n) = UX(0) [ mij(n) ] normalized values are illustrated in Table 4. IV. NUMERICAL ESTIMATES OF SERVER RESOURCES UTILIZATION C/s Table 2: Utilization States References States Extremely Critical(1) Critical(2) Normal(3) Insignificant(4) Server’s utilization State > 0.600 0.400-0.600 0.200-0.400 < 0.200. The initiated predefined workload parameters are shown in Table 3. Based on Table 2, the occurrence of each state within the time period is counted and their M/s t/ms e/ms FIS Server output Time period utilization state in an hour(3minute s) Time 1 5.5 2.0 3 0.001 0.28 Normal(3) Time 2 12.5 3.5 4 0.005 0.38 Normal(3) Time 3 18.3 4.0 16 0.002 0.57 Critical(2) Time 18 The existence of imprecision and vagueness in a server’s resources utilization is represented by assigning the linguistic variable as the utilization index. Consideration of a web server that delivers few types of objects such as images, HTML pages, audio and video clips, as well as some formatted document as a monitoring target analyzes the four predefined metrics. Initially, it is assumed that a web server is monitored for each hour. By implementing the FIS, Web administrator compromised the web server’s utilization status as illustrated in Table 2. as Table 3: Server’s Utilization States Determination Average where the multiplication between the initial designator row vector and the fuzzy transition matrix involve union and intersection basics operations. determined 15.0 3.0 15.0 0.0 0.51 Critical(2) 0.33 Normal(2) 0.31 Normal(1) 06 Time 19 1.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 05 Time 20 4.0 3.0 5.0 0.0 01 Table 4 : Normalized Value of State Occurrence States Number of Normalized occurrence value Extremely critical(1) 6 0.75 Critical(2) 8 1.00 Normal(3) 4 0.50 Not significant(4) 2 0.33 The state transition matrix is determined by experts' subjective evaluation by referring to Table 4 on the distribution and changes of server utilization index. It is assumed that the state transition matrix and initial designator vector for this specific case are given as follows: H VM P M L VH M EH L L M VL M L VL L L with the discrete state space( 1,2,3,4 ), and UX(0) = [ VH EH M L ] The state space diagram is illustrated in Fig. 2. = 0.81/0.1+0.49/0.2+0.16/0.3+0.04/0.4+0.01/0.5 Very Medium (VM) = 0.09/0.2+0.25/0.3+1.0/0.4+ 0.49/0.5+0.04/0.6 Very High (VH) = 0.04/0.5+0.49/0.6+1.0/0.7+0.25/0.8 + 0.04/0.9 1 2 Very Extremely High (VEH) = 0.36/0.6+0.49/0.7+0.64/0.8+0.81/0.9+ 1.00/1.0 4 3 Figure 2: State Space Diagram The web server resource utilization state transition may occur due to the users implosive demands or variability of network condition. The experts’ subjective judgements, the fuzzy grades of membership of linguistic variable Low, Moderate, High and Extremely High are defined by the below fuzzy sets: Low (L) = 0.9/0.1+0.7/0.2+0.4/0.3 + 0.2/0.4 + 0.1/0.5 Moderate (M) = 0.3/0.2+0.5/0.3+ 1.0/0.4+ 0.7/0.5+ 0.2/0.6 High (H) = 0.2/0.5+ 0.7/0.6+ 1.0/0.7+ 0.5/0.8+ 0.2/0.9 By using maxmin decision principle [12], every state transition is selected for P for time T=2. The multiplication of the fuzzy state transition matrix P 2 is illustrated in the tree diagram in Fig. 3. The tree diagram will demonstrate the state status after 2 steps given that the fuzzy process started in state 1, state 2 and state 3 respectively. Based on Fig. 3, the P 2 is defined as follows: P 2 H VH M VM EH M M M M M L M VL L L L Therefore for time T=2, the state designator UX(2) is determined as below: UX(2) = UX(0) P 2 [ VH EH M L ] H VH M VM EH M M M M M L M VL L L L Extremely High (EH) = 0.6/0.6+ 0.7/0.7+ 0.8/0.8+ 0.9/0.9+ 1.0/1.0 According to [12], the fuzzy sets for very low, very medium, very high and very extremely high are interpreted as below: Based on basic union and intersection operation, the state designator UX(2) is obtained as below: UX(2) = [ u11, u12, u13, u14 ] Very low (VL) = low low = [ H VH M L ] where u11 = (VHH)(EHVM)(MM)(LM) = H VM M L =H u12 = (VHVH)(EHEH)(MM)(LL) = VH u13 = (VHM)(EHM)(MM)(LM) =M u14 = (VHL)(EHVL)(ML)(LL) =L For quantitative measurement of the fuzzy linguistic term, the roughly estimated of the UX(2) can be obtained by selecting the optimal grade of memberships which will indicate the highest possibility of the server utilization in state 1 and 2 after two transitions. The quantitative calculation is shown as follows: UX(2) = [ H VH M fuzzy designator vector U = [u1, u2, u3, u4]. The fuzzy steady-state designator vector U = [u1, u2, u3, u4] can be determined according to this equation: (u /\ m ) u ij i n i where i and j 1,2,..., n ( states) Consequently, by considering the four states vector, the four components of the fuzzy steady-state row vector are show as below: u1 =(u1m11)(u2m21) ( u3m31)( u4m41) u2 =(u1m12) (u2m22) (u3m32) (u4m42) u3 =(u1m13)(u2m23) (u3m33) ( u4m43) u4 = (u1m14) (u2m24)(u3m34)( u4m44) The algorithm [13] to solve the row vector is given as follows: L] Step 1: Initial the four component u1, u2, u3 and u4. =[ 0.2/0.5 + 0.7/0.6 + 1.0/0.7 + 0.5/0.8 + 0.2/0.9 0.04/0.5 + 0.49/0.6 + 1.0/0.7 + 0.25/0.8 + 0.04/0.9 Step 2: Let as the threshold limit and use the below equation to calculate each component of the vector. 0.3/0.2 + 0.5/0.3 + 1.0/0.4 + 0.7/0.5 + 0.2/0.6 | Rx – Lx | < 0.9/0.1 + 0.7/0.2 + 0.4/0.3 + 0.2/0.4 + 0.1/0.5 ] = [ 0.7 0.7 0.4 0.1 ] For further analysis, if the fuzzy transition matrix M is converging to a limit when T=n, where n , all the rows of lim [U X(n) ] are equivalent to the steady-state n x = number of state where the R and L are the right-handside and left-hand-side of the four equation respectively. Step 3: Terminate the computation if the desired has been fulfilled. Else, randomly generate the values of the u1, u2, u3 and u4 and go to step 2. V. CONCLUSION In this paper, a fuzzy inference system is established to derive server utilization index based on four workload parameters. Fuzzy Markov model has been utilized to predict the possibility of the server's resource utilization states after some transition periods and its steady states are derived. This fuzzy Markov model for web server workload forecasting presents another alternative which will integrate the human experience and judgement incorporating with numerical data collected to forecast the incoming server workload. The involvement of human factor will definitely increase the typicality and accuracy of estimation since it will adapt the current adjustment. This forecasting model will provide a useful reference especially for future WWW accessibility and planning. *** REFERENCES [1] Michele Colajanni, Philip S. 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