Computational Biology 15 THREE EXAMPLES: INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO COMPLEX TRAIT ANALYSIS IN MICE Commonly used genetic mapping tools identify chromosomal regions affecting complex traits in rodent models of human disease-related raits. However, identification of the causative genetic factor within a linked chromosomal region is essential for obtaining new information about a disease or biological process. The process of identifying genetic loci within linked chromosomal regions is difficult and often unproductive, which has been a source of frustration for many (50). However, the following three examples demonstrate how the combined use of whole genome gene expression profiling and QTL analysis of mouse genetic models enables the efficient identification of causative genetic variants within linked regions. 3.1. Murine Experimental Model of Asthma An integrative approach was utilized to analyze a wellcharacterized murine genetic model that mimics the pathophysiology of human allergic asthma (Fig.2). In this model, allergen exposure results in airway hyperresponsiveness,Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of an integrated genetic and genomic approach for analyzing a murine experimental genetic model of allergic asthma. increased airway epithelial mucus content, antigen-specific IgE in serum, and pulmonary eosinophilia (51,52). Inbred mouse strains vary markedly in their susceptibility to disease induction in this model. Two strains with markedly different susceptibilities to experimental allergen-induced asthma were used: theA/Jstrainishighlysusceptibletoallergeninducedairwayhyperresponsiv eness and the C3H/HeJ strain is highly resistant. Analysis of the inheritance pattern of the asthmatic response in intercross progeny led to the identification of regions on chromosomes 2 and 7 that regulated asthma susceptibility in this experimental model. To identify gene candidates, pulmonary gene expression wasprofiledusingoligonucleotide microarrays. After phenotypical assessment, lungs were harvested from parental (A/J, C3H/HeJ) and F1 mice and from eight first-generation backcross progeny (BC1) that exhibited phenotypically extreme allergen-induced airway responsiveness. As indicated in Fig. 3, 2718 of the 7350 genes on the microarray were expressed in the lungs of the parental strains. Atotal of 739 genes were differentially expressed in the lungs16 Peltz Fig. 3. Identification of a gene regulating susceptibility in an experimental murine genetic model of allergic asthma. The number of differentially expressed genes after comparison of gene expression profiles was determined after examining the number of genes: on the oligonucleotide array (all); expressed in the lungs of the two parental mouse strains (present); differentially expressed between the two strains according to the criteria provided by the manufacturer (); computationally determined to be over threefold different (3) between the two strains; or differentially expressed among the eight BC1 intercross progeny examined. The gene expression profile of five pairs of phenotypically extreme BC1 progeny was compared as described in the text. The number of differentially expressed genes when three (3) or four (4) of the five comparisons indicated that the gene was differentially expressed is shown. allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness. C5 transcript levels in whole lungs of ovalbuminsensitized A/J, C3H, and F1 (A/J C3H) mice are indicated; six highresponder BC1 and six low-responder BC1 mice are shown in comparison to their dynamic airway hyperresponsiveness. BC1 mice with C5 deficiency are represented by diamonds and BC1 mice that are C5 heterozygous are shown as circles. (Reproduced with permission from ref. 30.) C5 mRNA expression revealed that it was homozygous for the A/J allele at the C5 locus. All of the other intercross progeny that were resistant to experimental asthma induction had a C3H-derived C5 allele. Subsequent analysis revealed that the presence of a deletion in the coding sequence of C5 in susceptible mice leads to the absence of C5 protein and susceptibility to the asthmatic trait (30). The mechanism by which a genetic deficiency in C5 could lead to susceptibility to an asthmatic trait could then be characterized. Subsequent experimental analysis revealed that C5 deficiency effected the production of cytokines regulating the asthmatic response. IL-12 is a cytokine with potent effects on T-cell differentiation. When produced in the airways, it can prevent or reverse allergic asthma. Inhibition of C5-mediated signaling by blockade of the C5a receptor rendered human monocytes unable to produce IL-12 in vitro. This provided a plausible mechanism for the regulation of susceptibility to asthma by alleles of C5 in mice.