Jargon Buster A Acute Disease of rapid onset, severe symptoms brief duration ACS Acute Coronary Syndrome Airway The mouth and windpipe Angiography A procedure where a catheter is fed into the heart to widen narrowed blood vessels (also known as cardiac catheterisation) Angioplasty (otherwise known as PTCA or PCI) A procedure to unblock or widen a blood vessel Anticoagulant Drugs to prevent blood clotting AF Atrial Fibrillation, Irregular heart beat, rapid and irregular heart beat ALE Auditors Local Evaluation ASD Atrial Septal Defect Augmentation Enlargement Audit A continual process of assessment and evaluation AHP Allied health care professionals (eg radiographers, technicians) B BAMMs British Association of Medical Managers BCS British Cardiac Society Bilateral On both sides Blood cholesterol Measurement of fat intake in the body (high levels are linked to narrowings in coronary arteries) BP Blood pressure BNF British National Formulary (book of drugs) BGH Broadgreen Hospital C CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Cholesterol A substance made by the body CCA Critical Care Area CCU Critical Care Unit CD Clinical Director CF Cystic Fibrosis CHD Coronary Heart Disease CIP Cost Improvement Programme C & CM Cardiology and Chest Medicine CoM Council of Members CRES Cost Reduction and Efficiency Savings Cardiac arrest Words used for heart stopping pumping Cardiac catheterisation A procedure where a catheter is fed into the heart to widen narrowed blood vessels (also known as angiography) Cardiovascular Relates to the Circulatory system Catheter A tube used for injection, withdrawal or discharge of fluid COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Clinicians General term for doctors and surgeons Community Based Health Services Services outside the hospital setting CAD Coronary artery disease CNST Clinical Negligence Schemes for Trusts (now referred to as NHSLA) CT Computer Tomography scan CCO Clatterbridge Centre for Oncology CRT Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy CVD Cardiovascular Disease D DNA Patient that Did not Attend DGH District General Hospital DH Department of Health DOF Director of Finance Data Protection Covered by the 1984 Data Protection Act DVT Deep vein thrombosis E ECG (Electrocardiogram) A recording of the electrical activity of the heart Echo (Echocardiogram) Ultrasound examination of the heart Execs Executive Directors – managers on the Trust Board EFL External Finance Limit EP Electrophysiological ESR Electronic Staff Record EWTD European Working Time Directive F FT Foundation Trust FBC Full Business Case G GMC General Medical Council GA General Anaesthetic GI Gastro Intestinal GP General Practitioner GCS Glasgow Coma Scale H HDU High Dependency Unit HCC Health Care Commission HCW Health Commission Wales HEI Higher Education Institution HIP Health Improvement Partnership HR Human Resources HRG Healthcare Resource Groups Hypotensive Lower blood pressure than the normal range Hypertensive Higher blood pressure than the normal range I ICU/ITU Intensive Care Unit / Intensive Therapy Unit IIP Investors in People IM&T Information Management & Technology I&E Income and Expenditure IBP Integrated Business Plan - this plan outlines the Trust’s strategic objectives and is submitted upon application to become a Foundation Trust ICD Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (a device to continuously monitor heart rhythm) IOM Isle of Man IP Infection Prevention IPR IWL Individual Performance Review Improving Working Lives J JMU John Moores University K KPI Key Performance Indicator KQI Key Quality Indicator KSF Knowledge and Skills Framework L LA Local anaesthetic LCC Liverpool City Council LHCH Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital LINKs Local Involvement Networks These will replace the Patient and Public Involvement Forums from April 2008. LINKs are intended to strengthen the way local communities influence health and social care. LHE Local Health Economy Liverpool JET Liverpool Jobs, Education and Training LMS Learning Management System LOS Length of Stay M Matrons Senior Nurse Managers MRI Magnetic Resonance Scanner – scans that produce images of the body by the use of a strong magnetic field and electromagnetic waves. Multi-disciplinary Team - Medical, nursing, and other related professions working together as a team MDT MEWS Modified Early Warning Scores - measurement of basic observations for inpatients – eg, blood pressure/temp/risks MFF Market Forces Factor MIAA Mersey Internal Audit Agency MI Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) MUST Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool N NHSLA NHS Litigation Authority NEDs Non-Executive Directors NICE National Institute for Clinical Excellence - organisation that promotes clinical and cost effectiveness NHS Trust A statutory self governing NHS organisation NMC Nursing and Midwifery Council NPfIT National Programme for Information Technology NSF National Service Framework NWSCT North West Specialist Commissioning Team O Oesophagus Food pipe OBC Outline Business Case OD OPD Organisational Development Outpatient Department OHS Open Heart Surgery P PALS Patient Advice & Liaison Service PACS Picture Archiving Communication System PbR Payment by Results PCA Patient Controlled Analgesia PET Positron Emission Tomography POCCU Post Operative Coronary Care Unit PSA Patient Safety Agency PPI Patient & Public Involvement – each Trust has a statutory duty to involve patient and public in their services Primary Care The term for first port of contact for the patient – eg GP PCT Primary Care Trust PRISM Software upon which incidents received through Risk Management are entered PTCA Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty - a procedure to unblock or widen a blood vessel PCI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention - a procedure to unblock or widen a blood vessel Q QAA Quality Assurance Agency QoL Quality of Life R RCA Root Cause Analysis RCoA Royal College of Anaesthetists RCN Royal College of Nursing RCP Royal College of Physicians RCS Royal College of Surgeons RCI Reference Cost Index R&D Research and Development RLBUHT Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University Hospitals NHS Trust RNIB Royal National Institute for the Blind RNID Royal National Institute for Deaf People RTT Referral to Treatment S SACC Surgical, Anaesthesia and Critical Care SCT Specialised Commissioning Team SHA Strategic Health Authority SNMs Senior Nurse Managers – also known as Matrons Secondary Care Usually care provided by district general hospitals SHO Senior House Officer – one of the training grade posts a hospital doctor holds after qualifying before becoming a fully trained specialist SpR Specialist Registrar – Specialist training post a hospital doctor holds before becoming a consultant Stent Plastic or metal tube that is inserted to keep a part of the body open – eg can be inserted into a diseased artery T TAG Technology Appraisal Guidance TCIs To Come In – common term for patients coming in for admission TTOs To Take Out - Medications to take home on discharge TB Tuberculosis U URTI Upper Respiratory Tract Infection UTI Urinary Tract Infection V VF Ventricular Failure W WTE Whole Time Equivalent