CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner

Lesson Title –Eggcelent Eggs
Subject/Grade Level – Foods 9th-12th
Author – Melissa Lallman School - EHS
Length of Lesson – 2 90 minute periods
CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner
What do I want students to learn?
Standards and Benchmarks
NBEA Standards…or MarkEd Standards…
or … ITEA Standards
 Evaluate the impact of healthy food and fitness
choices on individual life-long wellness.
 Analyze factors that influence nutrition and
wellness practices across the life span. (N 14.1)
 Analyze the breakdown of food, the absorption
of nutrients and their conversion to energy by
the body in the digestive process. (Colorado)
Standards and Benchmarks
ACT College Readiness Standards
Students will:
•Know: (Content and Vocabulary)
English (20-23)
 Identify the central idea or main topic of a
straightforward piece of writing
Reading (20-23)
 Locate important details in uncomplicated
 Make simple inferences about how details are
used in passages
 Identify clear cause-effect relationships in
uncomplicated passages
 Draw generalizations and conclusions about
people, ideas, and so on in uncomplicated
 Summarize basic events and ideas in more
Students will:
•Do: (Skills, Strategies, Processes and Literacy)
Understand the 4 ways eggs can be used in
cooking (Binding Agents, Emulsifiers, Coating
Agents, Thickeners)
Discover a variety of methods used to prepare an
egg (poach, scramble, sunny side up, fried on
stove, omelet, fried in microwave, hard boiled,
and soft boiled.
Terms and Concepts: Students will define the
following words…
 Candling
 Emulsion
 Coagulum
 Soufflé
 Meringue
 Weeping
 Beading
 Custard
Create a KWL chart on eggs; the “L” column will
be completed after the students finish their
Read and gather data from Ch. 2 in the “Guide to
Good Food” using a guided reading worksheet.
Think, pair, and share about the nutritional
benefits of eggs.
Choose one egg method to prepare in class for a
Create a breakfast menu using eggs as the main
Calculate ingredients need for their lab.
Participate in lab
Evaluate their lab work and product.
Identify the nutritional benefits of eggs.
Evaluate the impact of eggs on a persons diet.
Distinguish between different egg grades.
List factors affecting the selection of eggs.
Describe the principles and methods for cooking
Cook eggs correctly for breakfast menus and use
eggs as ingredients in other foods
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas)
For example… principles, themes, generalizations or macro-concepts
Lesson Title –Eggcelent Eggs
Subject/Grade Level – Foods 9th-12th
Author – Melissa Lallman School - EHS
Length of Lesson – 2 90 minute periods
Students will learn about…
 Protein
 Types of Protein
 Chemistry- how do eggs reacts in a recipe
 Functions of Protein
 Food Sources
 Health Concerns
 Current Issue
Essential Questions
Guiding, driving questions which lead to enduring understandings
How can eggs be used in a recipe?
How do eggs improve our health?
How do eggs travel from the farm to the table?
How am I going to assess student learning?
Assessments: Formative assessments and/or Summative assessments
 Review questions completed after the reading.
 Guided note taking worksheet during PowerPoint and Terms and Concepts notes
 Think/Pair/Share activities
 Summative Assessment
 Egg Practical with rubric
 Lab Evaluation
 Egg Nutrition Worksheet
 Have student’s think/pair/share with their table members about the positive and negative effects of eggs
in regards to nutrition.
Instructional Plan
Prerequisite Skills: Preparation
What prior knowledge, skills and understanding do the students need? How will you assess their background
knowledge and readiness?
 Students should have a basic understanding of the 6 nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, protein, vitamins,
minerals, and water) and their impact on the human body.
 Students must be able to know how to locate and identify information from a food label
 Students should have background knowledge about the percent of Daily Values and its impact on meal
planning and choices.
 Students should be familiar with the food pyramid and how many servings one should consumer a day
from each section.
Instruction and Activities:
What procedure (sequence), teaching strategies, and student activities are used in this lesson? State the
student roles, teacher roles, and grouping for this lesson.
Lessons will be conducted in the following sequence….
 “Selecting and Storing Eggs” reading and questions- students will read the egg packet from the Guide to
Good Food textbook an answer questions at the end of the packet for review and check for understanding
of the material.
 PPt: Eggs are Excellent Notes- protein in the albumen. Pros and cons of high protein diets. Foods with
 Egg Nutrition- short reading about the nutritional benefits of eggs and answer the and true false questions
at the end.
 Egg Practical- Each student in groups reads about different ways to cook an egg they choose one, prepare
it in their own kitchen and show the teacher for evaluation. Students will have the rubric for how their
specific egg should look when they have completed their egg practical so they can also read what the
teacher is looking for and evaluate their own product.
 Breakfast Lab: Eggs and Meat. Students will write a recipe card for their dishes, create a grocery list, design
Lesson Title –Eggcelent Eggs
Subject/Grade Level – Foods 9th-12th
Author – Melissa Lallman School - EHS
Length of Lesson – 2 90 minute periods
and healthy and descriptive menu, learn about table manners and how to set the table, calculate lab costs,
demonstrate proper measuring techniques and dinner etiquette, and record the cost of the lab in their
personal budge sheets. After the lab, students will evaluate the product and justify why or why not it was
Eggs/Omelets Worksheet- use the worksheets as sponge activities in case there is extra time in the lesson
or need for more review.
Lesson Title –Eggcelent Eggs
Subject/Grade Level – Foods 9th-12th
Author – Melissa Lallman School - EHS
Length of Lesson – 2 90 minute periods
Academic Integration
What core academic topics are integrated? What terminology is common? What terminology is different?
Include specific examples to be used to introduce, teach, or review the topics.
Reading- Reading about eggs and review questions at the end of the chapter. How to prepare and egg handout
and rubric.
Writing- Review questions after the reading, lab evaluation.
Science- the chemistry of ingredients in a recipe. Students are learning about the process eggs make from the
farm to the table. The use of eggs in a recipe. Different methods used to prepare an egg.
Math- algebra and geometry- calculating ingredients needed for breakfast lab and determining lab costs,
recording the cost of lab in the budget sheet. Students will use fractions, multiplication, ratios, a
What materials and resources are needed for this lesson? Describe the learning environment where this lesson
will take place.
Textbook “Guide to Good Health,”
“Selecting and Storing Eggs” reading and questions
Egg-Terms and Concepts
Guided reading template
Egg Practical Worksheet
Teacher Rubric
Egg Nutrition Worksheet