List_of_publications_multilinks1 - Multilinks, an EU

Cooney, T. M., & Dykstra, P. A. (2011). Family obligations and support behaviour: A United
States – Netherlands Comparison. Ageing & Society, 31(6), 1026-1050.
Daatland, S.O., Herlofson, K. & Lima, I.A. (2011). Balancing generations: on the strength and
character of family norms in the west and east of Europe. Ageing & Society, 31(7), 11591179.
Daatland, S.O., Veenstra, M. & Herlofson, K. (2012). Age and intergenerational attitudes in the
family and the welfare state. Advances in Life Course Research,
Daatland, S.O., Slagsvold, B. & Lima, I.A.Å. (2009). Folkemeningen om familiens og
velferdsstatens ansvar, i syv europeiske land: Hvor langt strekker familiens ansvar
seg?[Public opinion about the family-welfare state balance - a comparative exploration of
seven European countries.] Samfunnsspeilet, 2009(1), 105-109.
De Jong Gierveld, J. (2010). Familiale zorg voor oudere mensen in Oost- en West-Europa.
Gerôn, Tijdschrift voor ouder worden en samenleving, Gerôngrafiek, 12(1), 29.
De Jong Gierveld, J. (2010). Eenzaamheid onder oudere mensen in Oost- en West-Europa.
Gerôn, Tijdschrift voor ouder worden en samenleving, Gerôngrafiek, 12(2), 62.
Dykstra, P. A. (2010). Intergenerational family relationships in ageing societies. Geneva / New
York: United Nations.
Dykstra, P. A., & Fokkema, T. (2011). Relationships between parents and their adult children: A
West European typology of late-life families. Ageing & Society, 31, 545-569.
Hagestad, G.O. & Herlofson, K. (2009). Moderne besteforeldre: Velferdsstatens heimevern.
[Contemporary grandparents: the reserve army of the welfare state]. Aldring og livsløp,
3-4, 44-47.
Hagestad, G.O. & Herlofson, K. (2009). Dagens besteforeldre. Småbarnsfamiliens støttespillere.
[Grandparents today: back-up supports for young families.] Samfunnsspeilet, 23 (1), 9294.
Herlofson, K., & Hagestad, G. O. (2011). Challenges in moving from macro to micro:
Population and family structures in ageing societies. Demographic Research, 25(10),337370 [Special collection, edited by P. A. Dykstra on “Intergenerational family ties in
Europe: Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts”]
Herlofson, K., & Hagestad, G. O. (2012). Transformations in the role of grandparents across
welfare states. In S. Arber & V. Timonen (Eds.), Contemporary grandparenting: Changing
family relationships in global contexts (pp. 25-51). Bristol: The Policy Press.
Herlofson, K. Slagsvold, B. & Lima, I.A. (2009). Ansvar for gamle foreldre - fra holdninger til
handlinger [Filial responsibility - from attitudes to behaviour]. Aldring og Livsløp, 3-4,
Herlofson, K. Slagsvold, B. & Lima, I.A. (2009). Ansvar for gamle foreldre - fra holdninger til
handlinger [Filial responsibility - from attitudes to behaviour]. Aldring og Livsløp, 3-4,
Heylen L. (2010). The older, the lonelier? Risk factors for social loneliness in old age. Ageing &
Society 30(7), 1177-1196.
Hogerbrugge, M., & Komter, A. E. (2011). Solidarity and ambivalence: comparing two
perspectives on intergenerational relations using longitudinal panel data. The Journals of
Gerontology: Series B, 67B(3), 372-383.
Keck, W., & Saraceno, C. (2012). Multilinks database on intergenerational policy indicators.
Schmollers Jahrbuch, 132, 1-9.
Puur, A., Sakkeus, L., Põldma, A., Herm, A. (2011). Intergenerational family constellations in
contemporary Europe: Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey. Demographic
Research, 25(4), 135-172. [Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in Europe:
Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P. A.
Saraceno C. (2011). Childcare needs and childcare policies: A multidimensional issue. Current
Sociology, 59(1), 78-96.
Saraceno, C. (2010). Social inequalities in facing old-age dependency: A bi-generational
perspective. Journal of European Social Policy, 20(1), 32–44.
Saraceno C. (2009). Le politiche della famiglia in Europa: tra convergenza e diversificazione
[Family policy in Europe: Between convergence and divergence]. Stato e Mercato, 85
(April), 3-31.
Saraceno, C. (2009). The impact of aging on intergenerational family relationships in the context
of different family and welfare regimes. In J. Kocka, M. Kohli & W. Streeck (Eds), with K.
Brauer & A. K. Skarpelis, Altern in Deutschland, Band 8: Altern: Familie, Zivilgesellschaft
und Politik (Altern in Deutschland, Bd. 8, pp. 115 -132). Stuttgart: Stuttgart:
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft. [Nova Acta Leopoldina, Band 106, Nr. 370,
Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher]
Saraceno, C., & Keck, W. (2010). Can we identify intergenerational policy regimes in Europe?
European Societies, 12(5), pp. 675-696.
Saraceno, C., & Keck, W. (2011). Towards an integrated approach for the analysis of gender
equity in policies supporting paid work and care responsibilities. Demographic Research,
25 (11), 371-406. [Special collection, edited by P. A. Dykstra on “Intergenerational family
ties in Europe: Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts”]
Schenk, N., & Dykstra, P. A. (2012). Continuity and change in intergenerational family
relationships: An examination of typology shifts over a three-year period. Available online
30 January 2012.
Schenk, N., Dykstra, P.A., & Maas, I. (2009). De invloed van Europese verzorgingsstaten op
financiële overdrachten binnen families: Een benadering op microniveau [The influence of
European welfare states on transfers in families: A micro-level approach]. Mens en
Maatschappij, 84, 249-278.
Schenk, N., Dykstra, P.A., & Maas, I. (2010). The role of European welfare states in
intergenerational monetary transfers: a micro-level perspective. Ageing & Society, 30,
Slagsvold, B., Daatland, S.O., Brunborg, H. & Lima, I.A.Å. (2009). Holdninger til ansvar for
gamle foreldre, i syv europeiske land: Er vi villig til å ta oss av gamle mor og far?
[Attitudes to filial responsibility in seven European countries. Are we willing to care for
old parents?] Samfunnsspeilet, 2009(1), 99-104.
Aassve, A., Arpino, B., & Goisis, A. (2012). Grand-parenting and mothers’ labour force
participation. Demographic Research [Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in
Europe: Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P.
A. Dykstra]
Boudiny, K., Mortelmans, D. (2011). A critical perspective: Towards a broader understanding of
‘Active Ageing’. E-Journal of Applied Psychology.
De Jong Gierveld, J., Dykstra, P. A., & Schenk, N. (2012). Living arrangements,
intergenerational support types and older adult loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe.
Demographic Research [Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in Europe: Multiple
linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P. A. Dykstra]
Jappens, M., & Van Bavel, J. (2011). Regional family cultures and childcare by grandparents in
Europe. Demographic Research [Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in Europe:
Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P. A.
Moor, N., & Komter, A. E. (2012). Family ties and depressive mood in Eastern and Western
Europe. Demographic Research [Special issue on Intergenerational family ties in Europe:
Multiple linkages between individuals, families and social contexts, edited by P. A.
Saraceno C. (2011). Rapporti e obbligazioni intergenerazionali in Europa. Tra demografia e
contesti istituzionali [Relationships and family obligations in Europe: Between
demography and institutional contexts]. In M. Naldini, C. Solera, & P. Torrioni (Eds.),
Corsi di vita, generazioni e mutamento sociale. Bologna: il Mulino.
Under Review
Heylen, L., Mortelmans, D., Boudiny, K., & Hermans, M. (2011). The intermediate effect of
geographic proximity on intergenerational support: A comparison of France and Bulgaria.
Under review.
Hogerbrugge, M., & Komter, A. E. (2011). Dissolving long-term partner relationships: Assessing
the influence of social context. Under review.
Keck, W., & Saraceno, C. (2011). Towards an integrated approach for the analysis of gender
equity in policies supporting paid work and care responsibilities. Under review.
Moor, N., & Komter, A. E. (2011). The impact of family structure and disruption on
intergenerational emotional support. Under review.
Moor, N., Komter, A. E., & De Graaf, P. (2011). Differences in subjective well-being among the
elderly across Europe: Who are the most vulnerable? Under review.
Schenk, N., Dykstra, P.A., & Maas, I. (2011). Older adults’ networks and public care receipt. Do
partners and adult children substitute for unskilled public care? Under review.
Wijckmans, B., & Van Bavel, J. (2011). Family obligations and divorce in the parent and adult
child generation. Under review.
Yerkes, M., Schenk, N., & Dykstra, P. A. (2011). Part-time work in Europe: A multilevel
approach. Under review.
Deliverables (by number)
Saraceno, C., & Keck, W. (2008). The institutional framework of intergenerational family
obligations in Europe: A conceptual and methodological overview. Deliverable 1.1 for the
FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, wellbeing, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Keck, W., Hessel, P., & Saraceno, C. (2009). Database on intergenerational policy indicators:
Methodological report. Deliverable 1.2 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic
changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks
Saraceno, C., & Keck, W. (2010). Can we identify intergenerational policy regimes in Europe?
Deliverable 1.3 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Heylen, L. & Mortelmans, D. (2009). Explaining parent-child proximity in Eastern and Western
Europe: A micro and macro perspective. Deliverable 2.1 for the FP-7 funded project “How
demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration:
A multilinks framework”.
Heylen, L., Mortelmans, D., Boudiny, K., & Hermans, M. (2010). The intermediate effect of
geographic proximity on intergenerational support. A comparison of France and Bulgaria.
Deliverable 2.2 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
De Jong Gierveld, J., Dykstra, P. A., & Schenk, N. (2011). Living arrangements,
intergenerational support types and older adult loneliness in Eastern and Western Europe.
Deliverable 2.3 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Puur, A., Sakkeus, L, Schenk, N., Põldma, A. (2009). Family constellations in Europe.
Deliverable 3.1 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Moor, N., & Komter, A. E. (2010). The impact of demographic changes on intergenerational
solidarity in families. Deliverable 3.2 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic
changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks
Moor, N., & Komter, A. E. (2011). Consequences of intergenerational family solidarity for
mental health: Family ties as buffers or stressors? Deliverable 3.3 for the FP-7 funded
project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and
social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Hagestad, G. O. (2011). Views on life course markers and life phases of men and women: Some
findings from the European Social Survey. Deliverable 4.1 for the FP-7 funded project
“How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social
integration: A multilinks framework”.
Van Bavel, J., & Dykstra, P. A., Wijckmans, B. & Liefbroer, A. C. (2010). Demographic
change and family obligations. Deliverable 4.2 for the FP-7 funded project “How
demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration:
A multilinks framework”.
Herlofson, K., Hagestad, G.O., Slagsvold, B. & Sørensen, A.-M. (2011). Intergenerational
family responsibilities in Europe. Deliverable 4.3 for the FP-7 funded project “How
demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration:
A multilinks framework”.
Aassve, A., Arpino, B., & Robette, N. (2009). Short report on methodology for analyzing
intergenerational relationships in a comparative perspective. Deliverable 5.1 for the FP-7
funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being,
and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Aassve, A., Arpino, B., & Goisis, A. (2009). Report on the comparative study on
intergenerational transfers and women’s labour force participation. Deliverable 5.2 for the
FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, wellbeing, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Dykstra, P. A., & Fokkema, T. (2011). Report on the comparative study of intergenerational
transfers and social integration. Deliverable 5.3 for the FP-7 funded project “How
demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration:
A multilinks framework”.
Dykstra, P. A. (2011). Key findings from the multilinks research programme. Deliverable 6.1 for
the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity,
well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Saraceno, C., & Keck, W. (2011). The Multilinks data base on the institutional framework of
intergenerational family obligations in Europe: Conceptual framework, indicators and first
analyses. Deliverable 6.2 for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Aassve, A. (2011). Report on methodology issues in the Multilinks project. Deliverable 6.3 for
the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity,
well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Policy Briefs
Saraceno, C., Keck, W., & Dykstra, P. A. (2009). Legal and policy frameworks regulating
intergenerational obligations. First European Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded project
“How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social
integration: A multilinks framework”.
Liefbroer, A.C. (2009). European’s opinions on the timing of retirement. Second European
Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape
intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Schenk, N., & Dykstra, P. A. (2010). Testing how welfare state arrangements might shape
intergenerational family solidarity. Third European Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded
project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and
social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Puur, A., Sakkeus, L, Schenk, N., Põldma, A., & Dykstra, P. A. (2010). New insights on kin
availability, using the Generations & Gender Surveys. Fourth European Policy Brief for
the FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity,
well-being, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Aassve, A., & Robette, N. (2011). Family paths and their implications for economic wellbeing
and happiness. Fifth European Policy Brief for the FP-7 funded project “How demographic
changes shape intergenerational solidarity, well-being, and social integration: A multilinks
Dykstra, P. A. (2011). Key findings from MULTILINKS. Sixth European Policy Brief for the
FP-7 funded project “How demographic changes shape intergenerational solidarity, wellbeing, and social integration: A multilinks framework”.
Aassve, A., Arpino, B., & Goisis, A. (2011). Grandparenting and mother's labour force
participation: A comparative analysis using the Generations and Gender Survey. Dondena
Working Paper, 36.
Aassve, A. Arpino, B., & Bordone, V. (2012). Grandparents in Europe: The role of policies.
Dondena Working Paper, 51.
Aassve, A., Meroni, E., & Pronzato, C. (2011). Grandparenting and childbearing in the extended
family. Dondena Working Paper, 38.
Arpino, B., Pronzato, C., & Tavares, L.P. (2010). All in the family: Informal childcare and
Mothers' Labour Market Participation. Working Paper of the Institute for Social and
Economic Research (ISER).Colchester: Universityof Essex.
Daatland, S.O., Slagsvold, B., & Lima, I.A. (2009). Population ageing, intergenerational
solidarity and the family-welfare state balance: a comparative exploration. Proceedings
from the 2008 GGP Conference How generations and gender shape demographic change:
Towards policies based on better knowledge (pp. 127-138). United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, ECE/HBP/154. New York and Geneva: United Nations.
De Jong Gierveld, J. (2009). Living arrangements, family bonds and the regional context
affecting social integration of older adults in Europe. Proceedings from the 2008 GGP
Conference How generations and gender shape demographic change: Towards policies
based on better knowledge (pp. 107-125). United Nations Economic Commission for
Europe, ECE/HBP/154. New York and Geneva: United Nations.
De Jong Gierveld, J. (2010). Living arrangements and differences in family support: A
comparative perspective. Proceedings from the 2009 Conference ‘Family support networks
and population ageing’ (pp. 72-76). Doha, Qatar.
Dykstra, P. (2009). Intergenerational relationships in ageing societies. United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe Working Group on Ageing, ECE/WG.1/2009/5.
Różańska-Putek, J., Jappens, M., Willaert, D., & Van Bavel, J. (2009). Recoding the regions of
the European Social Survey into the NUTS 1 regional classification. Interface
Demography Working Paper 2009-6, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Schwanitz, K. V. (2010). Levels of co-residence across European regions. MSc Thesis Research
Master programme ‘Sociology and Social Research (SaSR)’, Utrecht University, the
Wijckmans, B., & Van Bavel, J. (2010). Divorce and intergenerational family obligations. Past
research and current patterns in the Netherlands. Interface Demography Working Paper
2010-1, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.
Van Bavel, J., & De Winter, T. (2011). Becoming a grandparent and early retirement in Europe.
Bamberg, Germany: ESF TransEurope Social Science Research Network. TransEurope
Working Paper 28.