The Use of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in the Evaluation of Coatings for Outdoor Bronze L.A. Ellingson,TJ. Shedlosky, G.P. Bierwagen, E.R. de la Rie and L.B. Brostoff Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is a technique that quantitatively measures the amount of corrosion protection provided by a coating to a metal substrate. This article illustrates the theory of EIS along with its potential for application in the evaluation of protective coatings for outdoor bronze sculpture and ornamentation. Three coating systems were evaluated on a monumental cast bronze: a microcrystalline wax; the methyl methacrylate copolymer sold under the trade name Incralac; and an acrylic/acrylic methane topcoat. Each coating system was aged using accelerated weathering and evaluated via EIS. This information was then used to calculate the impedance modulus of the samples, which is displayed in Bode plots and interpreted in terms of coating performance. INTRODUCTION Continuing efforts to protect bronze works of art from the hazards of the outdoor environment are vital endeavors in the fields of conservation and conservation science [1—10]. The use of clear coatings is an important option in the protection of bronze. Although protective coatings delay the onset of corrosion, their effectiveness varies greatly. An effective method to evaluate and compare the degree of corrosion protection afforded by different coatings is electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Electrochemical techniques for the quantitative evaluation of coatings on metallic substrates have been in use for many years [11—14]. EIS has been used extensively in corrosion research throughout the past two decades, and is a valuable technique for monitoring the performance of various coatings on bronze [15, 16]. Recently, Carullo et al. described the potential for use of an in situ EIS instrument that would allow corrosion monitoring of works of art [17]. In anticipation of such a tool, EIS is shown in this paper to aid in the evaluation of the coating performance of model samples of coated bronze subjected to accelerated weathering in simulated laboratory conditions. The following discussion encompasses a detailed introduction to the theory of EIS, as well the interpretation of EIS data gathered from select samples that were created at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC as part of a broader research study into new protective coatings for bronze [2—4]. ELECTROCHEMICAL IMPEDANCE SPECTROSCOPY Theory Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is a technique that determines a numerical value for the degree of corrosion protection provided by a coating to a metal substrate. This numerical value is called the impedance of the coating and is defined as the ability of the coating to resist or oppose corrosion through a combination of barrier and adhesive properties. The more the coating protects the underlying metal, the higher the impedance value. Impedance values typically range from 1 x 10° ohms to as low as 100 ohms. The lower limit is defined as the impedance, or resistance, of the metal substrate and is dependent on the chosen material. Thus the impedance of bronze is not comparable to the impedance of aluminum. The substrate impedance can be determined by simply testing an uncoated sample. This value is then defined as the failure point for any coated samples. The impedance data are usually not illustrated in the form of a bar graph but, for explanation purposes, Figure 1 displays the information that impedance spectroscopy provides. The impedance of a sample can be explained through the concepts of current and voltage. Webster's Dictionary defines current as a 'moving stream of electricity', but more specifically it is the rate of flow of positive charge. Current (1) passes through an object as shown in Figure 2; current is expressed in amperes. Voltage (E) is defined as the potential difference (AE) between two points and is expressed in units of volts. The potential can be described as the driving force for the electrochemical reactions. Electrochemical reactions will occur more readily as the potential gradient becomes greater. Figure 3 illustrates the potential difference that exists between two planes within an object where a current, I, is flowing [18]. Both current and voltage are used to determine the impedance of an electrochemical cell. EIS data are collected using a three-electrode cell that consists of a reference, counter, and working electrode. The working electrode is the sample of interest being studied, while the reference electrode may be, for example, a saturated calomel electrode, as used in this study. No current, or electricity, flows through the reference electrode. Instead it only serves as a reference with a known and constant potential. The third element in the electrochemical cell is the counter electrode, to which the current is allowed to flow. Initially the open circuit potential is determined and is defined as the voltage between the reference electrode and the working electrode. A sinusoidal voltage with an amplitude of 1—10 mV is then applied to the electrochemical cell with respect to the open circuit potential; this results in a sinusoidal current response. Whatever current is necessary to maintain the potential difference will flow through the electrochemical cell between the working electrode and counter electrode. The sinusoidal current that flows through the cell is out of phase with the sinusoidal potential. In-phase behavior only occurs in a pure resistor. A 90° lagging of the current only occurs for a pure capacitor. A capacitor is an electronic circuit element that has the ability to store charge. Because a coated sample contains both resistive and Figure 1 Bar graph illustrating information determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Figure 2 Illustration of current flow. Figure 3 Illustration of voltage. capacitive elements, the phase shift of the current and the potential will reside between 0 and 90°. This sinusoidal behavior is illustrated in Figure 5. The impedance of a sample is determined from information provided by these two sinusoidal curves. The sample is scanned over a range of frequencies (ω) and over a period of time (t). The impedance (denoted as Z) can be determined according to equation 1, shown below: where |E0| and |I0| are the amplitudes of the AC voltage and current respectively, ft) is the angular frequency, and θv and θ1 are the phase angles of the voltage and current respectively. The impedance modulus (denoted as | Z |) is equal to the following: The impedance modulus, | Z |, incorporates both in-phase and out-or-phase impedance information. | Z | is defined by using the imaginary forms of impedance as seen in equation 3. where i = √-l and θ = the phase angle between the real and imaginary axis. Impedance data are normally illustrated in Bode plots, with log impedance modulus (| Z |) shown versus log frequency (CO) of the imposed sinusoidal signal. Bode plots are one way of graphing EIS data to interpret the data further. Experimental conditions The samples used in this work were designed and coated at the National Gallery of Art, as part of a broader research project [2—4]. The elemental composition of the cast, polished, monumental bronze was 85% copper, 5% lead, 5% zinc and 5% tin. This bronze alloy was chosen because it is generally representative of metals that have been used in outdoor bronzes [4]. The substrate was coated in a cleaned, degreased state. Once received at North Dakota State University, initial impedance measurements were taken, and samples were subsequently cycled weekly between an ultraviolet weathering chamber and a fog/humidity chamber in accordance with ASTM D 5894-96 Standard Practice for Cyclic Salt Fog/UV Exposure of Painted Metal (Alternating Exposures in a Fog/Dry Cabinet and a UV/Condensation Cabinet). The ultraviolet weathering chamber (QUV) consisted of four hours of exposure to 340 nm UV-A light at 60°C. alternated with four hours of condensation at 50°C. The use of accelerated weathering chambers has been debated in numerous publications, but currently this method has been found to correlate fairly well to typical outdoor exposure [19]. It was shown in a previous study that the cyclic Prohesion corrosion testing correlates well with real-world testing [2()|. There are a number of advantages to accelerated weathering versus outdoor exposure. The first obvious advantage is that the experimental time is drastically reduced. The second is that the weathering scheme can be reproduced. As pointed out by Jacques, no period of natural weathering can be reproduced precisely to provide equivalent weathering conditions for samples tested at different time periods [21]. One disadvantage of accelerated aging is that many replicate specimens are needed to construct a representative data set. Because of variations in sample preparation, multiple samples should be considered mandatory. A second weakness is that the corrosion process is only representative of what occurs naturally. Accelerated aging will not produce all of the same corrosion products found in natural exposures nor can it reproduce all of the variations of outdoor weathering. The major goal of accelerated weathering is to reproduce and increase those stresses which have been Figure 4 Schematic diagram of electrochemical cell used in EIS. shown to cause most failures in outdoor exposure. Accelerated weathering usually will tell whether a coating will provide object protection for some finite, but often uncertain, period of time in outdoor weathering. The following week, samples underwent exposure in the fog/humidity chamber (called a Prohesion chamber) to an environment that cycled between one hour of salt fog at 25°C and one hour of no fog at 35°C. The salt fog used for weathering was dilute Harrison solution (0.35 wt% (NH4)2SO4 and 0.05 wt% NaCl in H2O). This solution has been shown to emulate acid rain exposure [18]. EIS analysis of the protective coatings on the monumental bronze samples was determined through application of an alternating voltage of 5 mV. The electrochemical cell consisted of a saturated calomel reference electrode and a platinum mesh counter electrode that were immersed in dilute Harrison solution. The electrolyte was kept in contact with the working electrode sample by using an O-ring clamp with an area of 7.0 cm2. A Gamry PC3 potentiostat with CMS 100 software was used to collect the data over the frequency range of 0.1 to 5000 Hz. Impedance measurements were made at regular intervals during the weathering regime. The results of the impedance measurements that are reported in this paper were taken from a single sample. Subsequent work has verified these results with multiple samples [5]. Figure 5 Sinusoidal potential and current behavior for EIS Impedance plots A portion of the data that were collected in this study is exhibited here as an illustration of how EIS can be effectively used in evaluating various coating systems. The Bode plot in Figure 6 shows the impedance of the uncoated bronze, which maintains its value of ~300 ohms at low frequency over the period of 14 days of accelerated weathering exposure. This value thus represents true failure of a coating over bronze, i.e., the point at which a coating no longer provides corrosion protection. Higher impedance values of a coated sample would imply that the coating system provides protection to the metal substrate. However, if corrosion forms underneath the coating, a higher impedance value will result, as the corrosion acts as an additional barrier layer. Hence the development of corrosion needs to be monitored as well as the impedance. Coatings for the protection of bronze are currently in use throughout the world. Two of the most popular types of coatings used in the United States are waxes and the methyl methacrylate copolymer coating sold under the name Incralac [2-10]. The latter coating is sometimes applied with an additional wax topcoat. Waxes are considered to be high-maintenance coatings, since they should be reapplied or renewed at least once a year [24-26]. Figure 7 shows a Bode plot of impedance data from a monumental bronze plaque pretreated with the corrosion inhibitor benzotriazole (BTA) (1.5% in ethanol), rinsed, and brush-coated with a blend of 75% Bareco Victory Wax (a microcrystalline, synthetic, low melting point wax), plus Bareco Polywax 2000 and 500 (both polyethylene microcrystalline waxes), and Petronauba C (an oxidized polyethene wax) [2—4]. Two coats of the wax mixture were applied by brush, followed by light buffing. The measured coating thickness was less than 50 µm [2, 3|. The data indicate that the coating system initially showed some corrosion resistance but, after only 14 days of accelerated exposure conditions, the impedance of the coated sample was approximately the same value as the uncoated bronze. This value was assigned as the point of failure for this system. The rise in impedance after the first day of exposure is probably due to the fact that the system was not in the steady state at that time, but came to local equilibrium with the immersion solution by the second day. The Bode plot in Figure 8 displays impedance data for a bronze sample coated with Incralac and a topcoat of wax, the same wax mixture as used previously. The Incralac was prepared as a 60 wt% solution in xylene and sprayed onto the panels as recommended by the manufacturer. The thickness of the Incralac plus wax topcoat was measured to be 15 x 2.5 µm [2, 3]. The data show that the impedance of this coating was initially much higher than that of the BTA-pretreated, wax-coated sample, and remained so over a period of about 112 days of accelerated weathering. Ultimate failure was approached at 140 days, and is seen as a gradual drop in the impedance modulus. This drop, which commenced Figure 6 EIS Bode plot of uncoated bronze sample. Figure 7 Bode plot of benzotriazole pretreatment + wax over bronze. after about eight days, corresponds to a gradual decrease in the protective properties of the coating. Incralac coatings, as typically applied to bronze in conservation treatments, are generally considered to provide adequate protection for about three to five years [6, 10, 27]. Therefore, the 140-day period of accelerated weathering may correlate roughly to this time-frame in natural outdoor exposure. Although this coating may not be thought of as a high-performance coating, the impedance data show that the Incralac coating greatly outperforms the wax coating as applied and weathered in this study. In order for a coating to be categorized as 'high performance' it should maintain high impedance values for a longer duration of time than seen with the Incralac on bronze samples. Data for one coating that fulfilled this requirement are shown in Figure 9. This novel coating is a three-part system: Nikolas acrylic 11565, Figure 8 Bode plot of Incralac + wax coating over bronze. Figure 9 Bode plot of Nikolas acrylic 11565 + Nikolas acrylic urethane 9778 + wax coating over bronze. followed by Nikolas acrylic urethane 9778, and top-coated with a wax [2—4]. This higher performance coating was chosen because of its chemistry and potential for a longer lifetime and better protection. The un-thinned acrylic was sprayed onto the surface in a single coat, on top of which a 50% solution of the acrylic urethane in a recommended thinner was then spray-applied. The resultant coating thickness was measured to be 40 x 7.5 u.m [2, 3]. Failure of this coating did not appear to commence until about 98 days of exposure. Corrosion was evident after that period and is shown by the gradual decrease in the impedance modulus to failure approached at about 252 days of accelerated exposure. The low frequency impedance values shown in Figures 6—9 are also plotted in a bar graph format (Figure 10) in order more easily to compare the overall behavior of the three coatings on bronze as studied by EIS. This figure shows that the Incralac and acrylic/ acrylic urethane coatings initially showed good barrier Figure 10 Bar graph illustrating impedance variations between samples. properties, whereas the wax coating initially provided only limited resistance. The bar graph also indicates that the overall time to ultimate failure for the three coatings was significantly different: the durability of the acrylic/acrylic urethane coating was almost double that of the Incralac coating, and almost 20 times greater than the wax coating. This indicates that the Acrylic/ acrylic urethane coating, as applied in this study, provided the greatest corrosion protection of the coatings studied by EIS. EIS is thus shown to be an enormously useful tool in the ranking, as well as in the relative service-life prediction, of coatings on a metallic substrate. CONCLUSIONS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is a valuable method for quantitatively determining the overall protective ability of various coating systems. Three coatings on bronze, as analyzed by EIS and the resulting Bode plots, show various degrees of progressive failure as the impedance values approached that of an uncoated substrate over different periods of time. The quantitative information obtained from these plots illustrates a significant difference in protection provided by wax, Incralac + wax, and an acrylic/acrylic urethane coating on monumental bronze. Quantitative information such as this can be used to aid in the investigation of new protective coatings for outdoor bronze, as well as to aid decisions about existing coating options in outdoor bronze conservation. The value of this application could furthermore be greatly enhanced in the future by the development of commercially available, in situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy instruments for use in the field. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was made possible by funding from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training fund MT-2210-9-NC-20. MATERIAL SUPPLIES [ncralac was obtained from StanChem, Inc., 401 Berlin Street, East Berlin, CT 06023, USA. Nikolas Acrylic 11565 and Nikolas acrylic urethane 9778 is produced by G.J. Nikolas & Co.. Inc., 2800 Washington Blvd. Bellwood, IL 60104, USA. The wax used in this study is a typical recipe blend used by American conservators. REFERENCES 1 Van Zelst, L., and Lachevre, }., 'Outdoor bronze sculpture: problems and procedures of protective treatment', Technology and Conservation 8 (1983) 18-24. 2 Brostoff, L., and de la Rie, R., 'Research into protective coating systems for outdoor bronze sculpture and ornamentation. 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Metal 98, James & James, London (1998) 309-314. 27 Beale, A., and Smith, R., 'An evaluation of the effectiveness of various plastic and wax coatings in protecting outdoor bronze sculpture exposed to acid deposition: a progress report' in Conservation of Metal Statuary and Architectural Decoration in Open-Air Exposure, ICCROM, Rome (1986) 99-124. AUTHORS LISA A. ELLINGSON is a 2001 graduate from North Dakota State University with a MS degree in polymers and coatings science. She also earned her BS degree from NDSU in 1999 in chemistry with an option in Polymers and Coatings Science. She was a member of the corrosion group at NDSU from 1997 to 2001 where she studied the corrosion of outdoor bronzes and aluminum alloys. Lisa is currently employed at CIMA Labs, Inc. in Minneapolis, MN as a research associate in the Research and Development Formulations Department. Address: 3324 Carnation Avc N, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443, USA. Email: TARA J. SHEDLOSKY graduated from Colgate University in 1997 with a BA in chemistry. She began working on the subject of protective coating for outdoor bronze sculpture at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC and is currently continuing this research while pursuing a PhD in the Polymers & Coatings Department at North Dakota State University. Address: Department of Polymers & Coatings, North Dakota State University, 1735 NDSU Research Park Drive, Fargo, ND 58105-5376, USA. Email: tara, GORDON P. BIERWAGEN received his BS in chemistry and mathematics from Valparaiso University and his PhD in physical chemistry from Iowa State University. After post-doctoral work in chemical engineering at the University of Minnesota, he worked in the paint and coatings industry until 1989, when he joined the Department of Polymers & Coatings at North Dakota State University in Fargo, as professor. His research interests have been in the physical chemistry of coatings and coating materials, pigment dispersion and dispersion stability, pigment particle packing in coating films, corrosion control by coatings, and coating lifetime prediction and its testing. Since 1999 he has been Chair of Polymers & Coatings, and editor-m-chief of Progress in Organic Coatings since 1995. Address as for Shedlosky. Entail: E. RENE HE LA RIE received MS and PhD degrees in chemistry from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He has been head of the scientific research department at the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC since 1989, where artists' methods and materials as well as materials used in the treatment of works of art are being studied. Before coming to the National Gallery of Art, he held positions at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and at the Training Program for Conservators and the Central Research Laboratory for Objects of Art and Science, both in Amsterdam. He has held adjunct positions at the University of New York and the University of Amsterdam. He has been an editor for Studies in Conservation since 1994. Address: Scientific Research Department, National Gallery of Art, 6th and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20565, USA. Email: LYNN B. BROSTOFF received her Ali from Vassar College, MA in art history and Certificate of Conservation from the Institute of Fine Arts at New York University, MS in polymer materials science from the University of Cincinnati, and PhD in chemistry (conservation science) from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. After leaving the scientific research department at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC in 1998, she held a position as senior staff scientist at the Research Center on the Materials of the Artist and Conservator (Carnegie Mellon University), and is currently a staff scientist at the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education. Address; SCMRE, 4210 Silver Hill Road, Suitland, MD 20746, USA. Email: Résumé — La spectroscopic d'impédance élcctrochimiquc (SIE) est une technique qui mesure quantitativement le niveau de protection contre la corrosion d'un substrat métallique fourni par un revêtement. L'article illustre la théorie de la SIE et décrit son application pour évaluer les revêtements protecteurs des sculptures et ornements en bronze exposés à l'extérieur. Trois types de revêtements ont été étudiés sur un bronze coulé monumental : une cire microcristalline, un copolymère de méthacrylate de méthyle vendu sous le nom commercial de lncralac, et un revêtement de surface à base d'acrylique/ méthane acrylique. Chaque type de revêtement a été soumis à un vieillissement accéléré et évalué par SIE. L'information a ensuite été utilisée pour calculer le module d'impédance des échantillons, représenté dans des diagrammes de Bode et interprété en termes de performance protectrice. Zusammenfassung — Mit Hilfe der Elektrochemischen Impedanz Spektroskopie (EIS) kann man den Korrosionsschutz durch ein Überzugsmaterial auf einem Metall quantitativ bestimmen. In dieser Arbeit wird einerseits die Methode theoretisch beschrieben, andererseits werden die Möglichkeiten von EIS anhand von Schutzüberzügen auf Außenbronzen und Ornamenten ausgelotet. Drei Schutzüberzüge wurden evaluiert: ein Mikrokristallines Wachs, ein Acryl/Methacrylat Copolymer, das unter dem Namen Incar/ack gehandelt wird, sowie ein Acryl/Acrylurethanüberzug. Jedes Schutzsystem ivurde durch beschleunigte Bewitterung gealtert und mit Hilfe von EIS bewertet. Diese Information ivurde zur Bestimmung des Impedanzmoduls der Proben genutzt. Das lmpcdanzmoduls wurde in Bode Diagrammen aufgetragen und hinsichtlich der Schutzwirkung interpretiert. Resumen — La espectroscopia electroquímica de impedancia (EIS) es una técnica que mide cuantitativamente el nivel de protección contra la corrosión que suministra una capa de recubrimiento a un substrato metálico. Este artículo ilustra primeramente los aspectos teóricos de la EIS, se evalúa además su potencial para evaluar la efectividad de las capas de protección en esculturas y ornamentaciones de bronce en exteriores. Se evaluaron tres sistemas de recubrimiento en un bronce monumental: una cera microcristalina, un copolímero de metilmetacrilato vendido bajo el nombre de lncralac y un acabado acrilico/acrílico de metano. Cada sistema de recubrimiento fue envejecido aceleradamente de modo artificial y evaluado mediante EIS. La información obtenida fue después usada para calcular los módulos de impedancia de las muestras, los cuales se representan en gráficos Bode y se interpretan en términos del desempeño de los recubrimientos.