Crown Copyright 1996
First published January 1978
Revised and Reprinted May 1993
Revised and Reprinted August 1996
Revised and Reprinted August 1997
Revised and Reprinted April 1998
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MPT1308: 1998
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MPT 1308: 1998
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MPT1308: 1998
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................. 7
1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Scope of specification ................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Licensee’s responsibility ............................................................................................................... 9
1.3 Operating frequencies ................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Labelling ........................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Controls ......................................................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Auxiliary information ...................................................................................................................... 9
2 SUPPLEMENTARY DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................ 9
2.1 Nominal operating frequency ........................................................................................................ 9
2.2 Alarm ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.3 Alarm reset .................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Reset time ..................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 General........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Test power source ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Normal test conditions ................................................................................................................. 10
3.3.1 Normal temperature and humidity ............................................................................ 10
3.3.2 Normal test source voltage ....................................................................................... 10
3.4 Extreme test conditions ............................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Extreme temperatures .............................................................................................. 10
3.4.2 Extreme test source voltages ................................................................................... 10
3.5 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures ............................................................................. 10
4 ELECTRICAL TEST CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Radio frequency test signals ....................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Normal coded test signal............................................................................................................. 11
4.3 Test fixture .................................................................................................................................. 11
4.3.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 11
4.3.2 Stripline arrangement for use as a test fixture .......................................................... 11
4.4 Test site and general arrangements for measurements involving the use of radiated fields ..... 12
4.4.1 Test site .................................................................................................................... 12
4.4.2 Test antenna ............................................................................................................. 12
4.4.3 Substitution antenna ................................................................................................. 12
4.4.4 Alternative indoor site ............................................................................................... 12
5 RECEIVER CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................................................ 13
5.1 Reference sensitivity ................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.1 General ..................................................................................................................... 13
5.1.2 Definition ................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.3 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 14
5.1.4 Limit ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Adjacent channel selectivity ........................................................................................................ 14
5.2.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 14
5.2.3 Limits ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.3 Spurious response rejection ....................................................................................................... 15
5.3.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 15
5.3.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 15
5.3.3 Limit ...................................................................................................................... 15
5.4 Intermodulation response rejection ............................................................................................. 16
5.4.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 16
5.4.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 16
5.4.3 Limit ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.5 Radiated spurious emissions ...................................................................................................... 16
5.5.1 Definition ................................................................................................................... 16
5.5.2 Method of measurement ........................................................................................... 16
5.5.3 Limit ...................................................................................................................... 17
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MPT 1308: 1998
6 ACCURACY OF MEASUREMENT ......................................................................................................... 17
7 INTERPRETATION OF THIS SPECIFICATION ..................................................................................... 17
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MPT1308: 1998
It is a requirement of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 that no radio apparatus shall be installed or used in the United Kingdom except under the authority granted by the Secretary of State. It is a condition of this authority that the performance of the apparatus must meet certain minimum standards. These minimum standards of performance are given in specifications prepared by the Radiocommunications
Agency in consultation with the relevant manufacturers.
Applicants who wish to submit equipment for type approval testing should apply to one of the accredited test houses. Guidance for applicants is given in the RA Information Sheet ‘RA 207 (Rev 1): Type
Approval - UK Type Approval Requirements for Land Mobile and Maritime Mobile Radiocommunications
Equipment’. This is available on a single copy basis free from the RA Information & Library Service.
Equipment will be considered for approval purposes either: a) by direct compliance with MPT 1308 or; b) by compliance with any national standard or government regulation of any Member State of the
European Community, or any Member State which is a contracting party to the EEA Agreement or; c) by compliance with any relevant international standard or regulation recognised in a member State of the European Community, or a Member State which is a contracting party to the EEA
Agreement; d) and, where appropriate, by compliance with manufacturing rules and procedures of a Member
State of the European Communities, or a Member State which is a contracting party to the EEA
Agreement, relating to quality control operations during manufacture of the equipment where they form part of a standard or technical regulations in a) to c) as above; provided that in case b) or c) the regulation is deemed to comply with MPT 1308.
The results of tests to such a standard will be taken into consideration if carried out by authorised and accredited test houses in accordance with ISO guides 25 and 38 or EN45001 and EN45002 or a national standard conforming to these requirements.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the EMC Directive, the following sub clauses shall be applied for spectrum management: receiver spurious radiations, subclause 5.5
The EMC tests carried out on the basis of article 10.5 of the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC by the notified bodies established in other Member States would not normally be repeated for licensing purposes in the
United Kingdom.
Applicants who wish to demonstrate compliance with the EMC directive are advised to refer to the RA
Information sheets ‘RA 200: Electromagnetic Compatibility for Radio’ and ‘RA 207 (Rev. 1): EMC - The
EC Type Examination Route to compliance for Radioco mmunication Transmission Apparatus’. These are available on a single copy basis free from the RA Information & Library Service.
It may be necessary for amendments to this specification to be issued. Amendment sheets will be available from the RA Information and Library Service.
For the latest information concerning Type Approval Status and Licensing conditions, refer to the RA
Information Sheet ‘RA 275: Status of Land Mobile Radio Specifications (MPT 1300 series)’. This publication also contains contact names and telephone numbers for Agency staff who are able to assist you with licensing and technical enquiries and is available on a single copy basis free from the RA
Information & Library Service.
This revision was required in order to allow for; a) This document to be updated in line with the Agency’s current Standard format and layout for the
MPT 1300 series specifications.
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MPT 1308: 1998 b) This document to be updated with the Agency’s current contact information.
The Radiocommunications Agency has a ‘web site’ which can be accessed on ‘
; it is planned that all of the MPT 1300 series of specifications will be available here using ‘PUBLICATIONS’ and ‘MPT Specifications’ options.
Radiocommunications Agency
Information & Library Service
Wyndham House
189 Marsh Wall
E14 9SX
0171 211 0439
0171 211 0507
For further information on all radio matters please contact the Agency’s 24 Hour Telephone Service:
0171 211 0211.
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MPT1308: 1998
1.1 Scope of specification
This specification covers the minimum performance requirements to VHF and UHF receivers for use in the wide area paging service. For equipment covered by this specification the nominal separation between adjacent channel carrier frequencies is 12.5 kHz or 25 kHz.
This specification does not apply to paging receivers having a speech facility.
1.2 Licensee’s responsibility
The installation of equipment, either fixed or mobile, is subject to the issue of the licence by the Secretary of State. Under the conditions of the licence it will be the responsibility of the licensee to ensure that the equipment provided confirms with, and is maintained to the requirements of this specification.
1.3 Operating frequencies
The equipment shall be capable of operating on any one channel in the frequency bands allocated to the urban paging service. In the case of equipment intended for use as overlay paging equipment, operation on any one channel in the bands allocated to the Private Mobile Radio Service shall be provided.
1.4 Labelling
The equipment shall be provided with a clear indication of the type number and description under which it is submitted for type testing.
Each type number shall be unique and in the event that the testing authority finds two manufacturers have used a similar type number one manufacturer will be asked to change the type number.
1.5 Controls
Those controls, which is maladjusted might increase the interfering potentialities of the equipment, shall not be easily accessible.
1.6 Auxiliary information
Complete details of all codes and code format(s) shall be given. This information will be recorded by the testing authority to assist in its monitoring function but will be considered as commercially confidential.
Nominal operating frequency
The nominal operating frequency is any frequency on which the receiver is designed to operate and is equivalent to the assigned frequency when the service is licensed.
2.2 Alarm
The alarm may be any suitable means of indicating that the receiver has responded to a correctly coded input signal.
2.3 Alarm reset
The alarm reset may be a manual or automatic method of cancelling the alarm and resetting the decoder enabling it to respond to the next correctly coded input signal.
2.4 Reset time
The reset time of the receiver is the minimum elapsed time between two calls in order that they may both be successfully registered. The reset time shall be declared by the manufacture in order that the formation of a normal coded test signal may be derived.
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MPT 1308: 1998
3.1 General
Type approval tests shall be made under normal test conditions (Clause 2.3) and also, where stated, under extreme test conditions (Clause 2.4).
3.2 Test power source
During type approval tests, the power supply for the equipment may be replaced by a test power source, capable of producing normal and extreme test voltages as specified in Clauses 3.3.2 and 3.4.2.
The power source voltage shall be maintained within a tolerance of + 3% relative to the voltage at the beginning of each test.
Normal test conditions
Normal temperature and humidity
The normal temperature and humidity conditions for tests shall be any convenient combination of temperature and humidity within the following ranges:
Relative humidity
+15°C to +35°C
20% to 75%
When it is impracticable to carry out the tests under the conditions stated above, a note to this effect stating the actual temperature and relative humidity during the tests, shall be added to the test report.
3.3.2 Normal test source voltage
The normal test source voltage shall be the nominal supply voltage as declared by the equipment manufacturer.
3.4 Extreme test conditions
3.4.1 Extreme temperatures
For tests at extreme temperatures, measurements shall be made in accordance with the procedures specified in Clause 3.5 at an upper value of +55°C and at a lower value of -10°C.
3.4.2 Extreme test source voltages
The extreme test source voltages shall be the nominal supply voltage is declared by the equipment manufacturer, + 10%. If the receiver is fitted with a battery state alarm, measurements may be repeated at a lower extreme test source voltage just above the alarm level.
3.5 Procedure for tests at extreme temperatures
Before making measurements, the equipment shall be placed in a temperature controlled chamber for a period of one hour or for such period as may be judged necessary for thermal balance to be attained.
The equipment shall be switched off during the temperature stabilisation period. The sequence of tests shall be chosen and humidity content in the test chamber controlled so that excessive condensation does not occur.
After thermal balance has been attained, the equipment shall be switched on for one minute, after which the appropriate tests shall be carried out.
Radio frequency test signals
Source of test signals for application to the:
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MPT1308: 1998 a) b) c) receiver input test fixture input test transmitting antenna input shall be connected in such a way that the impedance presented to the relevant input is 50 ohms.
This requirement shall be met irrespective of whether one or more signals are applied to the input simultaneously. The levels of the test signals shall be expressed in terms of the emf at the relevant input terminals.
The effects of any intermodulation products and noise produced in the signal generators shall be negligible.
4.2 Normal coded test signal
The normal coded test signal shall be trains of correctly coded signals, separated from each other by a time of not less than the reset time of the receiver. An encoder for the selective calling system should accompany the model submitted, complete with details of the normal modulation process. The encoder will be used to modulate a signal generator for use as a test signal source.
If possible, the encoder should be capable of operation in a repetitive mode, with intervals between each code that are not less than the reset time.
Test fixture
The manufacturer shall supply a test fixture permitting relative measurements to be made on the submitted sample.
This test fixture shall preferably provide a 50 ohm connection at the working frequencies of the equipment, and shall provide a means of connection an external power supply.
The performance characteristics of this test fixture under normal and extreme conditions shall be subject to the approval of the testing authority. In particular the following characteristics shall apply: a) the coupling loss shall be as low as possible, and in any case no greater than 30 dB. b) the variation of coupling loss with frequency shall not cause errors in measurement exceeding 2 dB. c) the coupling device shall not incorporate any non-linear elements.
4.3.2 Stripline arrangement for use as a test fixture
In conjunction with the manufacture the testing authority may provide its own text fixture. An example of such a test fixture is given below.
The measuring arrangement consist of any asymmetrical parallel-plane stripline of width w, mounted at a constant height h above a conducting ground plane by means of non-conducting supports. For w/h
4 the width of the ground plan must be at least 3w, for w/h
3 at least 10w to avoid disturbing effects and to obtain a constant impedance. Under these conditions the impedance depends only on the ration w/h.
For an impedance of 50 ohms the value of the ration w/h is 4.95.
In order to provide connection to the stripline the width of either end of the stripline is tapered and its height from the ground plane reduced, to maintain a constant ration of w/h. Coaxial sockets are connected across the stripline and ground plane at the end of the tapered sections. One end of the stripline shall be matched into a resistive load, and the other end matched into an impedance of 50 ohms.
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MPT 1308: 1998
The VSWR shall be <1.2 for all frequencies at which measurements are made. Care should be taken that the measuring equipment and any reflecting objects do not disturb the field produced between the stripline and the ground plane.
Test site and general arrangements for measurements involving the use of radiated fields
Test site
The test site shall be located on a surface or ground which is reasonably level. At one point on the site, a ground plane of at least 5 metres diameter shall be provided. In the middle of this ground plane, a nonconducting support, capable of rotation through 360° in the horizontal plane, shall be used to support the test sample at 1.5 metres above the ground plane.
The test site shall be large enough to allow the erection of a measuring or transmitting antenna at a distance from the test sample of not less than half the wavelength corresponding to the lowest frequency to be considered. The distance actually used shall be recorded with the results of the tests carried out on the site. Sufficient precautions shall be taken to ensure that reflections from extraneous objects adjacent to the site and ground reflections do not degrade the measurements.
4.4.2 Test antenna
The test antenna is used to detect the radiation from both the test sample and the substitution antenna, when the site is use for radiation measurements; when necessary, it is used as a transmitting antenna, for the measurement of certain receiver characteristics. This antenna is mounted on a support capable of allowing the antenna to be used either horizontally or vertically polarized and for the height of its centre above ground to be varied over the range 1-5 metres. Preferably test antennae with pronounced directivity should be used. The size of the test antenna along the measurement axis shall not exceed
20% of the measuring distance.
For radiation measurements, the test antenna is connected to a test receiver, capable of being tuned to any frequency under investigation and able to measure accurately the relative levels of signals at is input.
When necessary, the test antenna is replaced by a signal source.
4.4.3 Substitution antenna
The substitution antenna shall be a
/2 dipole resonant at the frequency under consideration, or a shortened dipole, calibrated against the
/2 dipole. The centre of this antenna shall coincide with the reference point of the test sample it has replaced. This reference point shall be the volume centre of the sample when its antenna is mounted inside the cabinet, or the point where an external antenna is connected.
The distance between the lower extremity of the dipole and the ground shall be at least 0.3 metres.
The substitution antenna shall be connected to a calibrated signal generator when the site is used for radiation measurements and to a calibrated measuring receiver for the measurement of certain other receiver characteristics. The signal generator and the receiver shall be operating at the frequencies under investigation and shall be connected through suitable matching and balancing networks.
4.4.4 Alternative indoor site
For measurements when the frequency of the signals being measured is greater than 80 MHz, use may be made of an indoor site. If this alternative site is used, this shall be recorded in the test report
The measurement site may be a laboratory room having a minimum area of 6 metres by 7 metres and the height of at least 2.7 metres. Other than the measuring apparatus and the operator, the room shall be as free as possible from reflecting objects other than the walls, floor and ceiling.
The site arrangement is in principle shown in Figure 1. The potential reflections from the wall behind the equipment under the test are reduced by placing a wall of absorbent material in front of this wall. The
The requirements for an indoor test site are under review. The details given are an example of such a site which it is considered will give acceptable results.
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MPT1308: 1998 corner reflector around the test antenna is used to reduce the effect of reflections from the opposite wall and from the floor and ceiling in the case of horizontally polarized measurements.
Similarly, the corner reflector reduces the effects of reflections from the side walls for vertically polarized measurements.
For the lower part of the frequency range (below approx. 175 MHz) no corner reflector or absorbing wall is needed.
For practical reasons, the
/2 antenna in Figure 1. may be replaced by an antenna of constant length, allowing it to be used at frequencies corresponding to a wave length between
/4 and
, as long as the sensitivity is sufficient. In the same way the distance of
/2 to the apex may be varied.
The test antenna, test receiver, substitution antenna and calibrated signal generator are used in a similar way to that of the general method.
To ensure that errors are not caused by the propagation path approaching the point at which phase cancellation between direct and remaining reflected signals occurs, the test sample shall be moved through a distance of +0.1 metres in the direction of the test antenna as well as in the two directions perpendicular to this first direction. If these changes of distance cause a signal change of greater than
2dB, the test sample should be re-sited until less than 2dB change is obtained.
1,35 m
Absorbing material
Feeder to test receiver or signal generator
Corner reflector
/2 Test antenna
1,35 m
Reference point of test sample
0,75 m
0,6 m
Fig 1. Indoor site arrangement (shown for horizontal polarization)
Reference sensitivity
The reference sensitivity is used as a reference in assessing the performance of the receiver. It is not to be confused with the maximum sensitivity or the average sensitivity, both of which may continue to be used by manufacturers.
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MPT 1308: 1998
5.1.2 Definition
The reference sensitivity is 3dB above the minimum field-strength surrounding the receiver antenna of a signal at the nominal operating frequency, modulated by the normal coded test signal (Clause 4.2) which will produce a successful calling rate of 80%.
5.1.3 Method of measurement a) On a test site fulfilling the requirements of Clause 4.4, the receiver shall be placed at a height of 1.5 metres above the ground plane on a non-conducting support. The attitude of the receiver shall be vertical, with the vertical axis being that which is closest to vertical in normal use. b) The test transmitting antenna, orientated for vertical polarization, shall be supplied with a radio frequency signal at the nominal operating frequency, modulated with the normal coded test signal and its level adjusted until the receiver successful calling rate is reduced to 80%. c) The receiver shall be rotated through 360
, and the lowest value of generator output which produces a successful calling rate of 80% determined d) The generator output shall be maintained at this level and the receiver replaced by the substitution antenna (Clause 4.4.3) connected to the calibrated measuring receiver and the field strength relative to 1 microvolt per metre determined. e) The reference sensitivity is 3dB above the value determined in d.
5.1.4 Limit
The reference sensitivity shall not exceed +26 dB relative to 1 microvolt per metre.
5.2 Adjacent channel selectivity
5.2.1 Definition
The adjacent channel selectivity is a measure of the capability of a paging receiver to operate to a specified successful calling rate from a wanted signal at reference sensitivity, in the presence of a signal in the adjacent channel.
5.2.2 Method of measurement a) The receiver shall be placed in the test fixture (Clause 4.3). A test signal at the nominal operating frequency and modulated by the normal coded test signal shall be applied to the input of the test fixture via one path of a combining unit. This signal constitutes the wanted signal. b) A second test signal shall be applied via the second path of the combining unit. This test signal shall be unmodulated and shall be set to the carrier frequency of the upper adjacent channel 2 .
This signal constitutes the unwanted signal. c) In the absence of the unwanted signal, the level of the wanted signal shall be adjusted to produce a successful calling rate of 80%. d) The reference level in the test fixture is 3dB above the value determined in c). This value shall be recorded. e) The unwanted signal shall then be switched on and adjusted in level until the successful calling rate is reduced to 80%. This level shall be recorded. f) The measurement shall be repeated with the unwanted signal at the frequency of the lower adjacent channel.
Modulation of the unwanted signal is under review
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MPT1308: 1998 g) The adjacent channel selectivity shall be expressed as the lower value of the ratios, in decibels, for the upper and lower adjacent channels, of the level of the unwanted signal recorded in e). to that of the wanted signal recorded in d). h) The measurements shall be made under normal test conditions (Clause 3.3) and repeated under extreme test conditions (Clauses 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 applied simultaneously).
5.2.3 Limits
For a channel separation of 25 kHz, the adjacent channel selectivity shall be not less than 65 dB under normal test conditions, and not less than 55 dB under extreme test conditions.
For a channel separation of 12.5 kHz, the adjacent channel selectively shall be not less than 55 dB under normal test conditions, and not less than 45 dB under extreme conditions.
Spurious response rejection
Spurious response rejection is a measure of the capability of a paging receiver to operate to a specified successful calling rate from a wanted signal at the reference sensitivity, in the presence of signal at any other frequency.
5.3.2 Method of measurement a) On a test site fulfilling the requirements of Clause 4.4, the receiver shall be placed at a height of 1.5 metres above the ground plane on a non-conducting support. The attitude of the receiver shall be vertical, with the vertical axis being that which is closest to vertical in normal use, and orientated, in the horizontal place, in the direction in which the reference sensitivity was determined (Clause 5.1). b) The test transmitting antenna, orientated for vertical polarization, shall be supplied, via one path of a combining unit, with a radio frequency signal at the nominal operating frequency, modulated with the normal coded test signal. The level of this signal shall be adjusted to produce a field-strength at the receiver antenna corresponding to the reference sensitivity.
This single constitutes the wanted signal. c) A second test signal shall be applied to the test transmitting antenna via the second path of the combining unit. This test signal shall be unmodulated, and shall be adjusted to a frequency at which it is anticipated that spurious response could occur.
This signal constitutes the unwanted signal. d) The level of the unwanted signal shall be increased until the successful calling rate is reduced to
80%. e) The unwanted signal shall be maintained at this level and the receiver replaced by the substitution antenna (Clause 4.4.3) connected to the calibrated measuring receiver, and the field strength relative to 1 microvolt per metre determined. f) The spurious response rejection is expressed as the difference between the field strength recorded in e) and the reference sensitivity as measured in b). g) The measurements shall be repeated for each frequency at which it is anticipated a spurious response could occur.
5.3.3 Limit
At any frequency in the range 30 to 1000 MHz, the spurious response rejection shall be not less than:
Modulation of the unwanted signals is under review
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MPT 1308: 1998
50 dB for equipment working in the VHF band
40 dB for equipment working in the UHF band 4
Intermodulation response rejection
Intermodulation response rejection is a measure of the capability of a paging receiver to inhibit the generation of a successful decoder response caused by two equal level unwanted signals, having specific frequency relationships to the nominal operating frequency, one of which is modulated by the normal coded test signal.
5.4.2 Method of measurement a) The receiver shall be placed in a test fixture (Clause 4.3). A test signal at the nominal operating frequency and modulated by the normal coded test signal shall be applied to the input of the test fixture via one path of a combining unit. This signal constitutes the wanted signal. b) A second test signal shall be applied via the second path of the combining unit. This test signal shall be unmodulated and shall be set to the carrier frequency of the channel four channels above the nominal operating frequency.
This signal constitutes one of the unwanted signals. c) In the absence of the unwanted signal, the level of the wanted signal shall be adjusted to produce a successful calling rate of 80%. d) The reference level in the test fixture is 3dB above the value determined in c). This value shall be recorded. e) The frequency of the wanted signal shall then be changed to the carrier frequency of the channel, eight channels above the nominal operation frequency.
This signal now constitutes the second unwanted signal. f) The levels of the two unwanted signals shall be kept equal and increased in level until a decoder response is obtained. If necessary, the frequency of either signal shall be varied slightly and levels re-adjusted to establish the minimum level at which a decoder response is obtained. The levels of the two signals under these conditions shall be recorded. g) The ratio, in decibels, of the levels of the unwanted signals in f) to that of the wanted signal recorded in d) is the intermodulation response rejection.
5.4.3 Limit
The intermodulation response rejection shall be not less than 50 dB.
5.5 Radiated spurious emissions
5.5.1 Definition
Radiated spurious emissions from a receiver are any emissions radiated by the receiver either by way of the integral antenna or radiated directly by the chassis and case of the receiver.
5.5.2 Method of measurement a) On a test site fulfilling the requirements of Clause 4.4, the receiver shall be placed at a height of 1.5 metres above the ground plane on a non-conducting support. The attitude of the receiver shall be vertical, with the vertical axis being that which is closest to vertical in normal use.
This figure is under review
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MPT1308: 1998 b) The radiation from the test sample shall be detected by a receiver and vertically polarized test antenna, over the range 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. c) At each frequency at which an emission is detected, the sample shall be rotated to obtain maximum response. d) The sample shall be replaced by a signal generator and dipole antenna and the effective radiated power determined by a substitution measurement. e) The measurements shall be repeated with the test antenna in the orthogonal polarization plane.
5.5.3 Limit
The effective radiated power of any spurious emissions in the specified range of frequencies, at either plan of polarization, shall not exceed 20 nanowatts.
Note: This figure is under review
The tolerance for the measurement of the following parameters shall be as given below:
DC Voltage ±3%
Radio-frequency voltage or voltage ratio
Radio frequency
Radio-frequency field strength
Radio-frequency effective radiated power
Impedance of artificial loads, combining units, cables, plugs, attenuators, etc.
Source impedance of generators
Attenuation of attenuators
±50 Hz
In cases of doubt about the interpretation of this specification, the methods of carrying out the test and the validity of statements made by the manufacturer, the decision of the Radiocommunications Agency shall be final.