Pastor : Rev Thomas Barrett Phone (618) 658 – 4501 E-mail: Web: ST. PAUL’S CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. FRANCIS DE SALES CHURCH 2020 State Rte 146 E, Vienna, IL – 62995 Sun - 10:00 a.m. Weekdays – Wed 6:30 pm & Fri 12 pm Parish School of Religion: Sun 11:00 am Parish Council Chair: Joe Nelson Trustees: Matthew Slife, Jared Bergmann Mulberry Street, Stonefort, IL – 62987 Sunday - 8:00 a.m. & First Saturday – 8:30 am Parish Council Chair: Terrie Sternberg Trustees: Myron Cole, Carl Sternberg Serving the Lord Well - In the Gospel Reading, when Jesus comes to Peter’s house, he finds that Peter’s mother-in-law is sick, and he heals her. And then look what happens. The whole town hears of her healing and rushes all their sick to Peter’s house. The house is surrounded, and so is Jesus. Now, all of a sudden, Jesus seems to have become a one-man hospital. He is so besieged that he can’t even pray in the house. He has to head out secretly into the countryside in the dark of morning. When his absence is detected, his disciples go looking for him. “Hey,” they say, when they find him, “Everybody is looking for you!” They seem to think that his urgent-care clinic should be open at all hours. Now, of course, it is a good work to heal the sick. And, of course, those who love the sick are right to want them healed. And yet how absurd it is to suppose that prayer should take second-place to work, no matter what the work is! And how sadly and understandably absurd it is to suppose that the mission of Jesus is to be a Doctor Without Borders. And so maybe it isn’t hard to figure out what Jesus was praying about in the early morning in the countryside. Each healing Jesus does is a good thing. But good things can actually get in the way of serving God well. To serve God well, a person has to do not just any good things that others want him to do. He has to do those good things that God has called him to do. It may take prayer to figure out which good things to turn down. Jesus’ disciples feel that Jesus needs to hurry back to Peter’s village to keep practicing medicine. What Jesus tells them, after his prayer, is that he is leaving Peter’s village to continue his ministry—not of medicine but of preaching—in other towns. Preaching is the purpose for which he came. What is needed to serve God well, then, is not endless good things that other people want from you. What is needed for the Lord’s service is prayer first. And after that comes fidelity to just those few good things that fulfill that particular purpose to which the Lord has called you. Eleonore Stump 5th Sunday of Year, February 8, 2015 Vol 16 # 6 CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST Sun Feb 8 Tue Wed Fri Sun Feb Feb Feb Feb 10 11 13 15 8:00 am SFD 10:00 am SP 9 am & 10:30 am 6:30 pm SP 12:00 pm SP 8:00 am SFD 10:00 am SP James M McCabe Family Olga Schwartz Shawnee & Vienna DOC General Intention General Intention Armond Chapital Bette Mott Birthdays Feb 9 Madonna Slife Feb 15 Mary Starrick St Paul, Vienna Sun, Feb 8: 10 am Server: B, Bertran, A. Webb Lector: Joan Galey Gifts: Tom, Wendy Bowman Usher: P. Kalicki, D. Bishop S. Widowski, F. Dueker E. Minister B. Palmer S. Moore, P. Widowski Greeter: Billie Porter Sun, Feb 15: 10 am Server: Collin Brown Lector: Zach Garrett Gifts: Children Lit of Word Usher: K. Hupe, S. Hupe, L. Stoerger, R. Stoerger E. Minister: R. Zawacki B. Bishop, A. Dueker Greeter: Marc, Beth Palmer St Francis DeSales, Stonefort Sun, Feb 8: 8 am Server: Logan Shaw Lector: Myron Cole Gifts: Parks Family Usher: Fred Deaton E. Min: Mary Treat Sun, Feb 15: 8 am Server: Cecilia Parks Lector: Marietta Moore Gifts: Treat Family Usher: Myron Cole E. Minister: Christine Deaton THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE Sun Feb 8 MESSENGER Renewal weekend St Francis DeSales . Weekend Mass ...8:00 am St Paul Weekend Mass……………...........10 am PSR Classes………………………………………...11 am Tue Feb 10 DOC Mass at Shawnee 9 am...Vienna...11 am RCIA Session…at SF……………………..…..7:00 pm Wed Feb 11 Weekday mass at SP.........................6:30 pm Thr Feb 12 Eucharistic Adoration at SP….….4:00-8:00 pm Fri Feb 13 Weekday mass at SP........................12:00 pm Sat Feb14 Baptism – Ruby Widowski at SP……....5:30 pm Sun Feb 15 Burning of Palm after weekend masses St Francis DeSales . Weekend Mass ....8:00 am St Paul Mass & Children Lit of Word.......10 am PSR Classes…………………………………………..11 am Chili & Dessert cook-off at SP…………...11:30 am Sun, Feb 22: 10 am Server: R. Slife, J. Bayles Lector: Keith Felcyn Gifts: Children Lit of Word Usher: Z. Garrett, M. Slife, J. Slife, M.McMahan E. Minister K. Hupe, C. Webb, K. Felcyn Greeter: Marsha Nelson Messenger Renewal Weekend is February 7-8, 2015 - Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made through a parish envelope or on-line at SUBSCRIPTION COST: Print - $25.00, Electronic - $25.00, Both - $30.00 BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS will be offered this Sunday, Feb 8, at St Paul by the Wellness Committee. HEALTH FOCUS February is national Heart Month with focus on being good to your heart so it will be good to you. You can do this by eating 2 meals of broiled fish per week, more vegetables, fruit and whole grains Also try walking 30 minutes twice a week, don't use tobacco and limit alcohol. You will feel better and you your heart will thank you for it. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION for February will be on Thursday, the 12th, 4-8 pm. Parishioners are encouraged to sign-up for a time to assure someone is present at all times. BAPTISM – Ruby Drew Widowski, daughter of Paul and Amanda, will be welcomed into God’s family through Baptism at St Paul Church on Saturday, Feb 14, 5:30 pm. CHILDREN LITURGY OF THE WORD for youth will be next Sunday, Feb 15 at the 10 am mass. CHILI & DESSERT COOK-OFF will be held at St Paul hall, February 15, following Sunday Mass. A sign-up list is posted on the bulletin board for participation. RETURN OLD PALM Last year’s palm will be burned for use on Feb 18th, Ash Wednesday. Return by February 15 to be included in the fire. $AVeIT! – Southernmost Area Volunteer Income Tax services, volunteers certified by IRS, are offering free tax preparation (Federal and State) for anyone with earnings up to $58,000, and for people over 60 yrs old with no income limit. Appointments are now available on Thursdays, Fridays, and select Saturdays in Vienna. Contact Lynn McMahan at 618-973-0978 for information. UPCOMING EVENTS …Lenten Preparation booklets will be available on Feb 15th ...Ash Wednesday, Lent Begins – February 18, 2015; SF, 5 pm; SP 7 pm Respect Life Corner - Lethal Injection – The U.S. bishops have been advocating against the death penalty for over 40 years. The U.S. Supreme Court announced that it would review the drug protocols of lethal injection executions in the state of Oklahoma. The court will consider whether the procedures violate the U.S. Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Society can protect itself in ways other than the use of the death penalty. Pray that the Court’s review of these protocols will lead to the recognition that institutionalized practices of violence against any person erode reverence for the sanctity of every human life. Fifth Sunday of the Year Job 7:1-4,6-7; Psalm 147; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-23; Mark 1:29-39 Today's readings show us that people are not defined by their vocation or by their financial success or by their power. People are defined by their willingness to reach out to others. These are the "real" people who put aside preoccupation with self and set out to repair a hurting world. Paul considers the question of financial aid in preaching the gospel. He is rebutting some Corinthians who maintain that non-acceptance of compensation implied denial of apostleship. In reply, Paul observes that he has no choice but to preach the Good News. God commissioned him to undertake the task. Financial independence enables Paul to be of service without pressure and to identify with the weak. To become all things for all people is another way of saying that service makes the person. For Mark, Jesus' teaching in the synagogue provides a picture of a typical day in the Lord's early ministry. There is the exorcism of the man with an unclean spirit, the healing of Peter's mother-in-law, and the evening cures. Miracles manifest the advent of the kingdom; through Jesus, God is providing for those who hurt. Jesus' mission is not to show power or to satisfy curiosity, his call is to serve. Service is a concern of the modern Christian family. Husband and wife support each other. Parents take responsibility as first teachers of their children. Children must respond to family obligations. Service is a concern of the extended family as well. Parishioners, citizens, elected officials, and nations must provide an environment where peace and justice grow and prosper. -- John Craghan, Th.D., S.S.L. Copyright 1995, Liguori Publications / Liguori, MO 63057-9999 QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION Give some reasons why you think God allows suffering. Can you still have faith in God even if you don't understand why God allows people to suffer? Does “Rising very early before dawn, Jesus left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed” fit in with his tireless effort to carry out his ministry? How close are you to Jesus in using all your energy for some purpose? What is that purpose? NEXT SUNDAY SCRIPTURES- Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46; Psalm 32; 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Mark 1:40-45 .