STAT 101, Module 1: Introduction

STAT 101, Module 1: Introduction, Data Exploration
What is Statistics?
 Statistics, the discipline, is the art and science of extracting
useful information from data.
Homonym: What is a statistic?
 A number calculated from data. Examples: means, medians, ranges,…
Why Statistics? Some problems you might face:
 What am I going to do with these numbers?
You are on your new job. Your new boss is testing the waters with you, saying
"Here is data for 10 stocks we've been interested in lately; have a look at them and
let me know what you find." Now what?
 What are the odds?
My colleague is pricing an option, and he needs an estimate of the probability of a
market drop of more than 10%.
 What's the future?
My business has monthly demand data for the last 5 years. Forecast next month's
 How accurate are my numbers?
I just produced a forecast for next month's demand. How accurate could it
possibly be?
 Am I a sucker to chance?
I have to compare the performance of two call centers. I find differences in the
data from the two centers, obviously, but how do I know that they are not simple
Key Issues:
Data (finding, collecting, organizing)
Data Analysis (graphing, higher “bean counting”)
Discovery of information in data (detective work)
Uncertainty in analysis (getting the gamble right)
Communication of insights (good writing)
 Graphical summaries of data (good pictures)
 Numeric summaries of data (“bean counting”)
 Statistical models of data (for understanding data so well that
we can “forge”/simulate them)
 Testing of hypotheses based on data (the gamble)
 Diagnostics of problems in data (being critical)
Population vs. sample
Parameters vs. statistics
Probability and uncertainty
Normal distribution (“bell curve”)
Sample-to-sample variation of statistics!!!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned…
What is data? Examples:
 The values of a battery of standard blood tests on patients of
a hospital
 The purchase records of customers of Whole Foods
 Demographics and survival of passengers on the Titanic*
 Compensation of CEOs of US companies *
 The responses of randomly selected people about the job
performance of the US president *
 Gas mileage & weight of the model 2003-4 cars *
 Climate ratings of metropolitan areas of the US *
 US Stock prices at the end of the trading day (?)
 Stock prices of Google from IPO to end of ‘05 *
Data = Recorded characteristics of a set of objects
 Objects = patients, customers, respondents, CEOs, car
models, metro areas, US companies, dates, …
 Characteristics = blood values, purchases, approval opinion,
compensation, mileage & weight, climate ratings, stock
prices (twice), …
Target format of data: table consisting of…
 Rows = objects,
 Cols = characteristics, “variables”, “attributes”
Classification of Variables:
 Qualitative: “label data” or “grouping data”
o Nominal (including binary): no order
 red/green/blue/yellow,
 female/male,
 yes/no, …
o Ordinal: labels have an order
 approve > don’t know > disapprove,
 “On a scale from 1 to 5 how do you feel about…?”
 Grades (A+ > A > A– > B+ >…), …
 Quantitative: “number data” where number means number
o Discrete: usually counts
 # heads in 10 coin flips
 # dropouts from a high school
 # seats in a car model
 # trades of a stock, …
o Continuous: usually measurements
 Interval scale: changes are expressed as
 Temperature
 Height of children
 Bank account balance, …
 Ratio scale: changes are expressed as ratios or
percentages; the values are positive
 Salaries
 Stock price
 Adult weight of animal species, …
JMP: Variables are marked with symbols according to type.
 Nominal
 Ordinal
 Quantitative
Unfortunately, JMP uses the term “continuous” where we say
“quantitative”. JMP would call a count variable “continuous”, which
is not very sensible.
Strange aspects of variable classification:
 The classification of a variable may depend on the
purpose. For example, if a quantitative variable takes on
only few different values, one might want to use these
values to group the data. (Example: the number Cylinders
or the number of Seats in car models.) In this case one
wants to use the numbers as labels of groups, which
implies that one wants to turn the variable from
quantitative to ordinal.
 The conversion from quantitative to ordinal can be done in
JMP as follows:
(Right-click on the variable name) > Column Info… >
Modeling Type > Ordinal > OK
 If a variable has values that are taken on by more than one
case, the values are called ties. Ties occur naturally when
the values are a small number of different counts
(examples again: Cylinders, Seats in car models), or if the
values are rounded, as in SAT scores which are rounded to
nearest multiples of 10.
Two special types of quantitative variables:
 Time: usually dates, daily, monthly, yearly;
Time series = data with a time variable
“simple” vs. “multiple” time series:
o Ex. of a simple TS: daily stock prices of one company
o Ex. of a multiple TS: daily stock prices of several
 Space: usually location, long. & lat. (& height),
city, county, state, country
Spatial data = data with location variables
o Ex.: metropolitan areas
Beware: Time and space are sometimes not explicit in the data.
 Time can be reflected in the order of the cases.
 Space can be reflected in names (“Philadelphia”).
Use this implicit information, even if you have to find explicit dates and
long./lat. elsewhere.
Example: For the dataset ‘PlacesRated.JMP’, someone collected longitudes
and latitudes for the metro areas and added them to the data table so we can
draw maps.
Data Analysis, Step 0: Sanity checks
 Eyeball the data table (spreadsheet) by scrolling.
 Check the sample size N (= # of rows, cases).
 Check the number of variables (= # of columns)
Data Analysis, Step 1: Plotting the Data (Chap. 2)
 Qualitative and discrete quantitative data:
o One variable: barplot (Sec. 2.2)
for comparing frequencies
o Two variables: mosaicplot (not in book)
for comparing conditional frequencies
o Pie charts (don’t use them, they are bad; P. 16)
 Quantitative data:
o One variable:
 Histogram (P. 27 ff)
 Boxplot (not in book)
o Two variables:
 Scatterplot (Sec. 2.5)
 Two variables, quantitative vs. qualitative:
 Comparison Boxplot (not in book)
 Time series: scatterplot of Y vs. time
 Time series plot (Sec. 2.3)
 Spatial data: scatterplot of long. and lat.
where point markers code a variable Y with
color and/or size and/or shape.
 Geographic map with markers (not in book)
Conventions: When plotting two variables, X horizontally and Y vertically
(mosaic plots, scatterplots, comparison boxplots), we say:
 we plot “X and Y”, or
 we plot “Y versus X” or “Y against X”, in this order.
Also: ‘Graph’ = ‘Chart’ = ‘Plot’
Opening Datasets in JMP
To open up a dataset in JMP, the dataset should preferably be in
.JMP format (Excel, text and other formats are also accepted but
may be trickier to read correctly). Click, for example, on
‘PlacesRated.JMP’ in webCafe’s folder ‘Datasets’. You can also
click the JMP icon to start JMP and click the folder icon to open a
Plotting in JMP
JMP has a mind of its own. You do not tell JMP to make a bar plot
or a scatterplot. You only tell it to plot one or two specific
variables, and depending on their types, it will choose the plot for
you, roughly following the recipes on the previous page.
 For plotting one variable at a time:
Analyze > Distribution.
Select more than one variable to get more than one plot.
 For plotting two variables against each other:
Analyze > Fit Y by X.
Selecting more than one X and/or Y variable causes all
possible pairs of plots of X’s and Y’s to be made.
Barplots: One qualitative variable
Barplots allow comparisons of frequencies of labels/groups of a
qualitative variable.
In the examples (titanic.JMP) we see that many more passengers
on the Titanic did not survive than did (left), and that 3rd class was
the most populous class, apart from the crew, which does not count
as a class.
JMP: Analyze > Distribution >
(click on qualitative variable(s)) > Y, Columns
> OK
Mosaic Plots: Two qualitative variables
1st 2nd
Mosaic plots show vertically proportions of the groups of the Y
variable conditional on the groups of the X variable, and they also
show horizontally the proportions of the groups of the X variable
(in terms of the width of the bars).
In the example, we can compare the survival frequencies by
passenger class on the Titanic.
JMP: Analyze > Fit Y by X >
(click on a qualitative variable) > X, Factor
(click on another qualitative variable) > Y, Response
> OK
Histograms and Boxplots: One quantitative variable
(TotComp+opt exer) /1000
 Histograms show frequencies of values in equi-spaced
disjoint intervals of a quantitative variable. Histograms are
good for seeing the overall shape of the distribution:
symmetry, skewness (one side is heavier than the other),
modes (= local peaks) [see textbook]
In the example ( we see that
the distribution of CEO compensations (plus exercised
options) is skewed upwards. After taking logarithms (right),
the histogram looks more symmetric and bell-shaped, with
only a small bin of outliers on the lower end.
 Boxplots show “location”, “dispersion”, and extreme
observations (outliers).
o The box reaches from the upper to the lower quartile
(25% points from above/below), hence covers the
middle half of the data.
o The line in the center of the box shows the “median”
(50% point)
o The lines on both ends (‘whiskers’) indicate what JMP
thinks is the normal range.
o The points on either ends are what JMP thinks could be
suspiciously extreme points (‘outliers’).
In the example above, the left boxplot of CEO compensation
is not very meaningful because of the extreme skewness. For
the more symmetric distribution on the right, the boxplot is
quite informative.
JMP: Analyze > Distribution >
(click on quantitative variable(s)) > Y, Columns
> OK
JMP produces histograms and boxplots in pairs, side by side.
One can generate multiple plot pairs by selecting more than one
variable at a time.
Scatterplots: Two quantitative variables
MPG Highway
Weight (000 lbs)
Scatterplots show associations between two quantitative variables.
They can also reveal natural groupings and extreme observations.
In the example (Cars_2003-4.JMP), we see that car models with
greater weight get fewer miles to the gallon. There is an extreme
case in the upper left. There is some grouping visible on the right.
Warning: Scatterplots do not tell you if there are so-called tied
values or simply ties in a variable, that is, several cases have the
same value. Ties are a problem because they result in overplotting
of several cases on one point, and one cannot tell.
JMP: Analyze > Fit Y by X >
(click on a quantitative variable) > X, Factor
(click on another quantitative variable) > Y, Response
> OK
Comparison Boxplots: One qualitative & one quantitative variable
MPG Highway
Comparison boxplots allow us to compare the values of a
quantitative variable across the groups of a qualitative variable.
In the example (Cars_2003-4.JMP) we see that with an increasing
number of cylinders, cars get fewer miles to the gallon.
JMP: Analyze > Fit Y by X >
(click on a qualitative variable) > X, Factor
(click on a quantitative variable) > Y, Response
> OK
(click the little red triangle in the top left of the plot (!))
> Display Options > Box Plots (third down the list)
Time Series Plots: Time and one quantitative variable
Times series plots are like scatterplots, except that the X axis is
time and the points are usually connected.
In the example (BushJobRatingsGallup.JMP) we see the
President’s approval ratings according to Gallup. Note that we
included the full range of percentage values from 0 to 100 on the
vertical axis. This was done by rescaling the Y axis; JMP’s default
is a plot that only shows the data range plus very little margin.
JMP: Graph > Overlay Plot
(click the time variable) > X
(click a quantitative variable marked [C]) > Y
> OK
(click the little red triangle in the top left of the plot (!))
> Connect Thru Missing
Geographic Map with Markers: Space and one other variable
12 Anchorage, AK
Clim ate-Ter rain
This is a scatterplot of latitude against longitude, with the points
(markers) shown in different color, shape, size. (A proper map
would also show outlines of political entities and coast lines.)
In the example (PlacesRated.JMP), a variable “Climate” is used for
color coding. Red is the best climate, blue the worst. What do you
know about the weather in Washington State, and what does the
map tell you?
JMP: Analyze > Fit Y by X >
(click on longitude) > X, Factor
(click on latitude) > Y, Response
> OK
> Rows (on top toolbar or on bottom left panel of JMP window)
> Color or Mark by Column…
> (click on a variable to be used for color coding)
(check ‘Continuous Scale’ if quantitative, 4th line from below)
(check ‘Make Window with Legend’, 2nd line from below)
> OK
[Add an example with qualitative variable for coloring.]
Generalities about JMP Data Tables
 A JMP data table looks like a spreadsheet, but its
manipulations are different from those of Excel.
 Every JMP table has a first column filled with case/row
numbers, and a top row filled with variable names.
 If the data have case/row names, these need to be put in a
separate column which JMP will consider as nominal.
 To the left of the table are three boxes: the middle box lists
the variable names with type symbol, and the bottom box
shows the sample size N (= number of cases/rows), as well as
the number of ‘Selected’, ‘Hidden’, and ‘Excluded’ cases
(see later).
 Most of our work will be done by using the ‘Analyze’ button
in the top toolbar. We will also use the ‘Graph’ button for
time series plots, and ‘Tables’ for sorting of columns.
 Tiny downward red arrows contain menus with actions on
columns, rows, plots. Tiny blue arrows close parts of tables
and plots that you may not want to see.
Generalities on Manipulating Plots in JMP
 Plot Resizing: Place the cursor on the bottom right corner of
the plotting area (not the window!). When the cursor turns
into a diagonal double arrow, drag. To equalize the sizes of
all plots of the same type, depress <Ctrl> while resizing.
 Axis Rescaling: To rescale the horizontal axis (changing the
shown range), place the cursor on the extreme end of an axis
in the tick/label area and drag in either direction.
(It is often useful to widen the range of scatterplots a little,
e.g., when the points in the plot reach too close to the margin,
or when a percentage variable should show the whole range
0%-100%, or when the scale should include the zero value so
as not to inflate the impression of the variation.)
Axis Shifting: To shift the horizontal axis, place the cursor
somewhere in the middle of the axis in the tick/label area and
drag in either direction.
 Histogram bin widths can be changed by clicking the hand
symbol (‘Grabber’) in the second toolbar from the top and
dragging left-right in the plotting are of the histogram. The
bin locations can be changed by dragging vertically.
[After these operations, change the cursor back to the
diagonal ‘Arrow’.]
Selecting, Labeling, and Changing Markers
 Selecting: Click at a point or a bar in a plot, and the
corresponding case(s) will be ‘Selected’ by JMP. The
selected row(s) in the JMP table will light up, and the count
of ‘Selected’ increases in the bottom left box of the
spreadsheet. In plots that show points, one can form
rectangles with a dragging motion, and points inside the
rectangle will be selected.
Accumulate selections by keeping <Shift> depressed while
selecting. Deselect by clicking in white space.
 In a scatterplot, when the cursor hovers over a point, a row
number or label will identify the case.
o To choose variable values as labels, go to the center-left
box in the spreadsheet, the list of variable names, then
right-click on the variables of your choice and select
 Operating on selections:
o To make labels of cases stick, select them, then:
Rows > Label/Unlabel. (See the map above.)
o To change markers of cases, select them, then:
Rows > Markers.
o Colors of points and bars can be changed after
selecting them and: Row > Colors.
Linked Plots
 Selecting by clicking on points and bars is especially
powerful when there are multiple plots of the same datasets,
usually showing different variables. The selected cases will
light up in all plots simultaneously (so-called ‘plot linking’).
 Examples:
o Linked barplots show broken bars according to the
selected subset. This way we see (absolute) frequencies
of the selections, whereas mosaic plots would show
proportions of the groups according to the vertical
variable. (The vertical variable in mosaic plots
corresponds to an imagined binary variable given by the
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o Linking a map to other plots allows you to see where
the selected places are.
The Arts
Importing JMP Plots and Tables into MS Word
 Click the fat ‘+’ symbol (‘Selection’) on the second toolbar
from the top. Then click inside the area you wish to import
to MS Word, but as close to the border as possible. Try a
few times till the proper area lights up for selection.
Then as usual: copy/paste from JMP to MS Word.
To accumulate selections, hold <Shift> depressed while
[Return to the usual cursor by clicking the diagonal ‘Arrow’
in the toolbar.]
Multiple figures can be set side-by-side instead of on top of
each other by highlighting them and doing the following in
MS Word: Format>Columns…>Two or Three