Internet Lesson Plan Title of Lesson: Current Earthquakes around the World Subject(s): Science / Social Studies Grade Level(s): 4-6 Objective(s): Students will use the latitude and longitude to chart current earthquake activities. Materials Needed: A large BULLETIN BOARD map of the world, Push pins, location tags, small maps of the earth, "Earthquakes and Volcanoes" pamphlet (copyright 1982 National Geographic Society). Internet Site(s): Use the map on this page to create both the smaller desktop maps and the larger Bulletin board map with lines of latitude and longitude. A compilation of the recent earthquakes from the National Earthquake Information Center. Procedure 1. Preparation—Use an overhead transparency of the desktop map of for Teaching the Lesson: the world to create a Bulletin Board with the line of latitude and longitude drawn over the world with no labels on the grid. 2. In the Classroom 3. Orally review the concepts of latitude and longitude using the commercial pull-down classroom wall-map of the world. 4. Pass out the desktop maps and have the students label each of the lines of latitude and longitude working together in groups 5. Have them work together to label the world grid on the corresponding large BULLETIN BOARD 6. Discuss earthquake experiences 7. Read and discuss the "Earthquakes and Volcanoes" pamphlet (or an timely on-topic issue of a student weekly periodical such as Weekly Reader, Scholastic etc.) In the Lab 8. Students go to and print out their own copy of the task card on Recent earthquakes. 9. Clicking on the hyperlink at the top of the online version of the task sheet students open in their browser window. 10. %Students collect their printed version of the task card .and put their name on the top of the paper. 11. Students individually read the online material at and answer the questions on their printed task card. 12. Students finishing their task cards early may do the extension activity described below. In the Classroom 13. Using the 3 hole punch students put their completed task cards in their science notebooks. 14. %Using the longitude and latitude of the earth quake data collected from the Internet, students chart them on the bulletin board. and place a corresponding dot on their personal desktop mapwhich is kept in their notebooks follow-ups Follow ups Activities/Extensions: Connect the dots of the earthquake patterns on the bullitin board with string to create guesses about the actual plate boundaries recording each guess on a desktop map. Graph the depth of recent earthquakes. Graph the Magnitudes. Extension Describe the differences that you see in each of the five views of the spinning Earth that you can see at the following Web site Link(s) to the Maine Mathematics Learning Results: C. DATA ANALYSIS AND STATISTICS ELEMENTARY GRADES 3-4 1.Make generalizations and draw conclusions using various types of graphs, charts, and tables. 2.Read and interpret displays of data. E. GEOMETRY MIDDLE GRADES 5-8 3.Use a coordinate system to define and locate position. Social Studes GEOGRAPHY A. SKILLS AND TOOLS MIDDLE GRADES 5-8 2.Develop maps, globes, charts, models, and databases to analyze geographical patterns on the earth. Additional Resources: Follow the current eruptions link found at and have the students locate the current volcanic activity on the bulletin board Lesson Plan Author: Robert Anderson Jr.