Geos 240 Study Guide Exam 2 – Winter 2015 Covers Chapters 4-8.4 in Miall and labs 4-6 through p 118 and fluid transport Chapter 4: Basic Physical Sedimentology (hint some of these may show up on the rock practicum!) a) Sedimentary textures: grain size, sorting, grading, imbrication, porosity, cements b) Depositional sedimentary structures: bedding, cross bedding ripple marks, varves, c) Erosional structures: channels, intraformational breccias, hardgrounds d) Soft sediment deformational structures: lode casts, fluid escape, flame structures ball and pillow, injection, clastic dykes, dish and pillar, e) Dessication: mudcracks, salt casts Fossil structures: impressions, replacive molds and casts f) Ichnofossils: traces of feeding behaviour, oxygen levels, substrate types and water depths g) Drawing and interpreting stratigraphic cross sections and 1-dimensional strip logs. Chapter 5: Principles of Stratigraphy a) Lithologies: siliciclastic, mixed, carbonate, chert, massive sulphide, evaporate, coal b) Lithostratigraphy: formations, members, tongues, beds, facies, c) Facies equivalence and diachroneity of lithostratigraphic formations d) Event or marker beds and time lines versus facies e) Unconformity bounded stratigraphic sequences (Sloss, Vail) and allostratigraphy: regional flooding surfaces, episodic processes; orogeny, epeirogeny, global sea level cycles f) Biostratigraphy: faunal succession, fossil types and their environmental and time significance, planktos, nektos, benthos, FADs and LADs, Range zones, index fossils, disaster species, relationship of biostratigraphy to paleogrography, Tethyan versus Boreal assemblages, microfossils versus macrofossils and applications, dominant marine microfossil types with time (radiolarian, diatoms, foraminifera, coccoliths, 1 dinoflagellates), terrestrial spores and pollen), important macrofossil types, main invertebrate types, major groups of vertebrates with time, biozones versus chronozones, Flaws with the fossil record g) IUGS and IUGP international stratigraphic time scale and the significance of replacing classical stratigraphic units with golden spike sections. h) How is absolute radiometric chronology related to real stratigraphic sequences? i) Other correlation proxies for geological time and where they apply: magnetostratigraphy, stable isotope stratigraphy j) The changing Geological Time Scale: what has changed and what is likely to change in the future to how we delineate geological time. Chapter 6: Facies Analysis a) The facies concept and many kinds of facies subdivisions: lithofacies, biofacies, ichnofacies, seismic facies, organic facies, maturation facies, alteration facies b) Descriptive (observational) versus interpretive facies schemes c) Facies architecture and bounding surfaces d) Facies associations and Walther’s Law e) Strip log profiles and log shape analysis f) Facies models, facies schemes and why we need them to make our observations g) Uniformitarianism and problems applying this to stratigraphy as well as to modern ongoing processes: continual versus episodic sedimentation, epochal data and one time observations, captured versus missing time, non-uniformitarian deposits and the geological record. Chapter 7: Geophysical Fluids and Sediment Transport a) Fluids and fluid properties: air, water, ice; density, viscosity, velocity, momentum; fluid and particle inertial forces b) Laminar versus turbulent flow and Reynolds number, streamlines, continuity, conservation of mass, energy and momentum during flow 2 where: vs is the mean fluid velocity in ms-1 L is the characteristic length in m μ is the (absolute) dynamic fluid viscosity in Nsm-2 or Pa·s ν is the kinematic fluid viscosity, defined as ν = μ/ρ, in m2s-1 ρ is the density of the fluid in kgm-3 Basically at high values of the Reynolds number in the 1000’s or higher inertial forces dominate and flow is turbulent (smoke in the wind). At low values of Reynolds number 0-10 viscous forces dominate and flow is laminar (syrup across a plate), L depends on the geometry of the flow regime (dimension of channel, depth of water etc). c) 3 places and modes of particles transport in fluids: suspension, saltation and traction d) Velocity gradients, fastest away from bed or wall of channel, slow near particle surfaces; eddies and vorticity e) The Hjulstrom diagram and entrainment versus deposition of unconsolidated sediments, threshold velocities, particle size versus sediment transport and sediment erosion f) Bedforms and the turbulent bondary layer, separation eddies g) Subaqueous mass flows, gravity and turbidity currents h) The flow regime concept, Froude number F= U/(g)1/2 D and bedform phase diagrams; lower (ripples to cross beds), transitional (washed out and humpback dunes) and upper (upper plane bed, anti-dunes or chute and pool) flow regimes, flow direction, currents, waves and equilibrium bedforms. At larger depths and lower flow velocities, dunes can be linear or 2D, at shallower depths and faster velocieties dunes are linguoid or 3D). Due to properties of water and density contrasts to sediment ripples are less than 4 cm and dunes are bigger than 8 cm without much in between due to eddies and turbulence interactions between flow regime and bed. h) Differences between sand and gravel bedforms, grading and imbrication, single episode deposition versus residual lag sediments 3 i) Different types of cross beds and their origin: trough cross beds, flaser, bundling, channelized flow, storms and reversing tidal currents j) Hummocky cross stratification, combined flow, geostrophic currents k) Eolian bedforms, sediments and desert environments: dune types, wind ripples, grain fall, grain flow, deflation surfaces, ventifacts. How do subaerial dunes differ from subaqueous ones and why? Why are the oldest Eolian sediments 1.8 Ga? l) Turbidity deposits, flow types and sediment versus fluid dominated flow and transport evolution in a down flow direction. Chapter 8 – Depositional Environments I) Clastic systems a) Fluvial – River, gradients, sediment supply, flow variation and 4 regimes: braided, meandering, anastamosing, straight with decreasing gradient and caliber of sediments b) Eolian- ergs, bounding surfaces, deflation, dune migration, the roles of water table position, changing sediment supply and cementation c) Lacustrine- laminates, organics, varves, and dropstones. Seasonal sedimentation and long term climatic records. d) Nearshore wave and tide dominated coastal systems: back beach dunes, beaches, barrier bars, lagoons, tidal inlets, tidal deltas, flood, ebb, sediment supply and longshore drift. e) The role of transgressive versus regressive cycles on depositional systems. Can you distinguish between transgression, waning sediment supply, sediment compaction, and subsidence? What else do you need to know. Can we just call this transgressive versus regressive systems? f) How does transgression or one of those indistinguishable processes cause ravinement and what would this look like in cross section. How would time lines appear on this diagram? g) Deltas: 3 dominant processes: river flow (sediment supply, progradation, infil, avulsion), wave energy (shoreface armouring by beaches or bars, waning river flow, loss of water from deglaciation or agriculture/industry) and tidal flow/currents (shallow sea or high tidal ranges cause reversing currents to fill and empty tidal inlets, building tidally controlled channel located sand bars. Mississippi is a river dominated system, Rhone is wave dominated (ah the rough end of the Sea!), Ganges 4 is tidally dominated due to outbuilding and infilling controlling tidal flow with long inlets, and India in the way. Niger and Fraser are pretty intermediate type deltas. h) Avulsion nodes and distributary abandonment during waning floods or storm surges. i) Deltaic profiles: topset sands and silts, foreset (prodelta sand clinoforms), foredeep (bottomset muds). Channel position and lateral and long system facies changes near channel mouths. Sedimentary models for estuaries and placing environments along the fraser. Test Format: Similar to midterm 1 with matching terms and definitions, multiple guess and T/F plus 4 essays. Sample Vocabulary: Aggradation Alloformation Alluvial fan Alluvial plain Ammonite Antidune Arenite Autogenic Avulsion Barchan Base level Ball and pillow Barrier bar Base level Beach 5 Bedform Bedload Bell shaped Benthic Bingham plastic Bio-erosion Biofacies Bioherm Biostratigraphy Bioturbation Biozone Birdsfoot Boreal Bouma sequence Bounding surface Brachiopod Breccia Channel Chemical sediment Chron (magnetic) Chute and pool Clastic dyke Climbing ripple 6 Clinoform Coarsening upward Coccolith Condensed section Continental shelf Conodont Crevasse splay Cut bank Debris flow Deflation Delta Dessication Dewatering Diachronous Diastem Diatom Dinoflagellate Dish and pillar Distributary Drape Dunes (2-D & 3D) Eolian Erg 7 Estuary Eustasy Event stratigraphy Facies Fining upward First appearance datum Flame structure Flaser bedding Floodplain Flow regime Flute Fluvial Foraminifera Foreset Formation Froude number Funnel shaped Fusilinid Geostrophic current Golden spike Graded bedding Gravity flows Group 8 Heavy minerals Hiatus Hjulstrom diagram Hummocky Humpbacked Ichnofacies Imbrication In phase Isopach Lag deposit Lagoon Laminae Last appearance datum Levee Lithology Load structure Loess Log shape Magnetozone Map unit Marginal sea Marsh Member 9 Nektonic Newtonian fluid/flow Pelagic Placer Plane bed Planktonic Point bar Ravinement Regression (forced and normal) Ripple mark Separation eddy Set up Sequence (parasequence) Shoestring sand Sole mark Stratotype Stone stripe Storm shelf Super surface Tethyan Tidal Tool mark Trace fossil 10 Traction current Transgressive Trilobite Trough cross bedding Turbidity current Regressive Uniformitarian Ventifact Walther’s Law Washover fan Wave dominated Sample Essay Topics: 1) Describe the evolution of clastic sediments, downsystem or with time on: 2 ternary plots: QFL and Q/F+L/M, contrasting the trends for a convergent continental margin and an island arc. 2) Given a particular strip log and some brief descriptive notes: post likely locations for a list of additional: lithologies, sedimentary structures, fossils or ichnofossils and discuss in brevis, your logic for these choices. Eg. I might give you a succession with all or parts of a Bouma sequence, a braided stream, a storm shelf to fill in plausible details. 3) Why is straphigraphy divided into allosequences or systems? Discuss the causes of major unconformity bounded successions and give an example. 4) How are the principles of biostratigraphy and chronostratigraphy applied to interpret absolute ages on fossil zones? 11 5) Illustrate and or discuss how fossils are used for chronology in biostratigraphy. What does this have to do with extinctions and adaptive radiation? Discuss the relative merits of planktic versus benthic organisms and explain the criteria needed for an ideal marker fossil. 6) Explain the different sorts of information used and varying precision afforded in defining the geological time scale. For instance compare and contrast how and what we know about the Cretaceous, the Cambrian and the Archean. 7) How do fluid density, viscosity and flow regime (velocity/depth) regulate laminar versus turbulent flow and determine the types of sediments being transported and deposited? Compare and contrast deposits resulting from both kinds of flow, including the relative role of grains and fluid in each setting. 8) Draw and annotate the Hjulström diagram and explain to a poor feckless marine pipeline engineer why he should know about this. 9) Draw and discuss an orderly progression of bedforms you might expect for progressive changes from lower through transitional and upper flow regime. 10) Discuss the physical causes and sedimentalogical consequences of geostrophic currents. 11) Illustrate in a pair of contrasting cross sections and explain how could you might be able to distinguish between a progradational deltaic sequence from a coastline that experienced a single episode of transgression. 12) Discuss and illustrate the various sorts of physical information that can be obtained from detailed analyses of crossbedded sediments. 13) Discuss ergs, their environmental causes, typical bedforms and styles of sediment transport and the controls on deposition. Explain how other facies might intervene or play a role in the sedimentary record of these settings. 14) Draw a cartoon and or discuss the characteristic sub-environments, sediment types, geomorphic features and physical controls on flow that influence shallow water, near shore coastline facies? 12 15) Deltaic morphology, sand isopach patterns and architecture vary according to 3 competing groups of processes. Discuss these 3 processes (river, tidal, wave) and give real world examples of deltas that fit the overall model. 13