Lesson Plan-Ashlyn Boswell

Lesson Plan 1
Ashlyn Boswell
Earthquake Waves Lesson Plan
Lesson Title: Earthquake Waves and Their Destruction
Area of Study: Geology/ Environmental Science
Teacher Name: Ms. Boswell
Grade Level: 9th-10th Grade
Duration of Instruction: 50 minutes
Students can demonstrate each type of earthquake wave with a wire slinky, and
identify all three earthquake waves when the teacher asks after performing the
wave type with a slinky.
Content Standards (OK Pass):
1. Interpret a model which explains a given set of observations.
2. Select predictions based on models.
Technology Standards (NETS-S):
1. Customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse
learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital tools and resources.
2. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,
and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats.
Materials and Resources:
1. Computer that has Power Point installed.
2. Eight wire slinkys.
1. (10 min.)- Do a five minute introduction through a Power Point of pictures of
earthquake destruction throughout the world, as well as three short animations of
the three different types of earthquake waves.
2. (5 min.)- Introduce the students to the first type of earthquake wave the S
wave. I will demonstrate the movement of the S wave with a wire slinky.
3. (5 min.)- Introduce the students to the second type of earthquake wave the P
wave. I will again demonstrate the movement of the P wave with a wire slinky.
4. (5 min.)- Introduce the students to the third type of earthquake wave the L
wave. I will demonstrate the movement of the L wave with a wire slinky.
5. (10 min.)- Split the students into groups of two and have them follow me and
practice demonstrating each type of earthquake wave with the slinky. Repeat
several times.
6. (5 min.)- Review as a class once more each type of earthquake wave and the
motion of the wave with the slinky.
7. (10 min.)- Go around the class and ask each group of two to demonstrate all
three types of earthquake waves with the slinky, and identify what type of wave
they are demonstrating when they perform it for me.
Lesson Plan 1
Ashlyn Boswell
Technology Integration: Use of the Power Point to show pictures of earthquake
destruction, as well as use of the computer to show animations of each earthquake wave
1. Go around the class and ask each group of two to demonstrate all three types of
earthquake waves with the slinky, and identify what type of wave they are
demonstrating when they perform it for me.
Criteria (per group
of two)
10 points
5 points
0 points
Identified three out
of three earthquake
wave types
Demonstrated three
out of three
earthquake waves
correctly with the
wire slinky.
Identified one or
two out of three
wave types
Demonstrated one
or two out of three
wave types correctly
with the wire slinky.
Identified zero out
of three wave types
Demonstrated zero
out of three wave
types correctly with
the wire slinky.