CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Department of Public Policy and Administration PPA 415 – Research Methods in Public Administration Exercise 4 1. Do Problems 4.3, 4.8, and 4.12 in Healey (p. 97-99). Problem 4.3. In problem 3.1 at the end of chapter 3, you calculated measures of central tendency for six variables from freshmen and seniors. Three of those variables are reproduced here. Calculate mean, range, and standard deviation for each variable for each class. Write a paragraph summarizing the differences between freshmen and seniors. Table 1. Expenses and Entertainment Choices by Class Level Student Class Level Freshman Senior N 10 Range $32 Mean $48.50 Std. Deviation $9.710 10 14 5.80 5.329 10 10 5.50 3.536 11 $50 $63.00 $15.931 11 14 5.18 4.238 Rating of Cafeteria Food 11 8 4.55 2.622 Valid N (listwise) 11 Out-of-Pocket Expenses Number of Movies Rating of Cafeteria Food Valid N (listwise) 10 Out-of-Pocket Expenses Number of Movies Based on the information from the survey, freshmen have 77 percent of the out-of-pocket expenses of seniors. On the other hand, seniors’ expenses vary 64 percent more on average than freshmen’s expenses. Freshmen also see slightly more movies (5.8 to 5.2) than seniors, and rate cafeteria food higher (5.5 versus 4.6). However, these latter differences are not significant. Problem 4.8. Per capita expenditures for police protection for 20 cities are reported below for 1995 and 2000 in dollars. Compute a mean and standard deviation for each year, and describe the differences in expenditures for the five-year period. As an option, find the range and interquartile range for each year. Table 2. Summary Statistics on Police Protection Expenditures, 1995 - 2000 Per Capita 1995 Per Capita 2000 Police Protection Police Protection Expenditures Expenditures N 20 20 Mean 101.00 158.60 Std. Deviation 30.58 46.34 Range 128.00 161.00 Percentiles 25 85.50 124.25 50 99.50 145.50 75 113.00 200.75 Interquartile Range P75 - P25 27.50 76.50 Between 1995 and 2000, average police protection expenditures increased from $101.00 to $158.60, a 57 percent increase. The average variation in expenditures across cities also increased from $30.58 to $46.34 dollars, a 51 percent increase in variation. This increase in variation is also picked up by the interquartile range, which increased from $27.50 to $76.50. Problem 4.12. You’re the governor of the state and must decide which of four metropolitan police departments will win the annual award for efficiency. The performance of each department is summarized in monthly arrest statistics as reported below. Which department will win the award? Why? Table 3. Arrest Efficiency – Metro Police Departments Departments A B C Mean Arrests 601.30 633.17 592.70 St. Dev. 2.30 27.32 40.17 Coefficient of Variation 0.4% 4.3% 6.8% D 599.99 60.23 10.0% The standard of efficiency suggests that the metropolitan police department with highest arrest statistics coupled with the least variation across months would be the most efficient and should receive the award. One way of measuring this would be to calculate the coefficient of variation (CV) for each department. The department with the lowest coefficient would be the most efficient department. The coefficient of variation is the standard deviation divided by the mean (expressed as a percentage). The department with lowest coefficient of variation (and the lowest standard deviation) is Department A, which should receive the award. 2. Do Exercise 3 in Chapter 7 of George and Mallery (p. 104). Table 4. Descriptive Statistics for George & Mallery, Chapter 7, Exercise 3 VAR1 N 10 Mean 4.70 Std. Deviation 2.359 Variance 5.567 VAR2 10 4.70 2.584 6.678 VAR3 10 5.30 2.497 6.233 Valid N (listwise) 10 3. In 1999, University of Alabama at Birmingham conducted a needs assessment survey with residents of public housing provided by the Jefferson County Housing Authority. The respondents reported annual income in the following ranges: Table 5. Jefferson County Housing Authority Survey 1999. Respondent Income Ranges Frequency Valid Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent $0 to $5,000 60 32.4 32.4 32.4 $5,000 to $10,000 74 40.0 40.0 72.4 $10,000 to $15,000 22 11.9 11.9 84.3 $15,000 to $20,000 8 4.3 4.3 88.6 100.0 $20,000 and up Total 21 11.4 11.4 185 100.0 100.0 Assuming that you have only the frequency distribution above as information, estimate the (grouped) mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for income among JCHA residents in 1999. Table 6. Summary Statistics, Income, JCHA 1999 N 185 Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation $8,608.11 $7,164.18(a) $7,500 $6,319.328 a Calculated from grouped data. 4. Using SPSS 13.0, run frequency distributions for the following variables: a. In the Disaster Declarations, 1953 – 1973, data set, run the frequency and calculate the index of qualitative variation (by hand) for primary disaster type (PrimaryDisasterType). Interpret the results. How even or uneven is the distribution? What does evenness or unevenness of the distribution mean? Table 7. Primary Disaster Type, 1953 - 1973 - Index of Qualitative Variation Primary Disaster Type Earthquake Winds, Tornadoes and Flooding Flooding, Storm Surge, Tsunamis, Landslides Windstorms, Hurricanes, and Tornadoes Commercial Failures Caused by Climate and Environment Forest Fire, Brush Fire, Wildfire, Fire Drought Snow Storm, Ice Storm, Winter Weather Riots, Chemical Accidents, Explosions, Insect Infestations Total Valid Cumulative 2 Percent Frequency Frequency Percent Percent 5 25 0.9 0.9 0.9 29 841 5.4 5.4 6.3 322 103684 59.7 59.7 66.0 110 12100 20.4 20.4 86.5 6 36 1.1 1.1 87.6 16 256 3.0 3.0 90.5 15 225 2.8 2.8 93.3 22 484 4.1 4.1 97.4 14 196 2.6 2.6 100.0 539 117847 100.0 100.0 k= N2 = k(N2 - Σf2) N2(k-1) IQV= 9 290521 1554066 2324168 66.9% The distribution of primary disaster type for the period 1953 to 1973 is highly skewed. Fully 80.2 percent of the cases fall into the two categories of flooding and windstorms. As a result, the Index of Qualitative Variation (IQV) is 66.9 percent of the maximum variation that would be present if all types of disaster were equally probable. b. In the Leadership Skills data set, run Frequencies and Descriptives to calculate the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range, and interquartile range for the three summary variables, Technical Skills, Human Skills, and Conceptual Skills. Interpret the results. On what skills do the respondents rate themselves highest and lowest? On what leadership skills do the respondents have the most consistent (least varying) opinions? On what leadership skills do they have the least consistent (most varying opinions)? Table 8. Leadership Skills Scales Technical Skills Scale N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Range Percentiles IQR (P75-P25) a 41 26.3 27.0 27.0 Human Skills Scale 41 25.3 25.0 25.0 Conceptual Skills Scale 41 24.0 24.0 22.0 2.6 2.7 11.0 11.0 25 25.0 23.5 50 27.0 25.0 75 28.0 27.0 3.0 3.5 Multiple modes exist. The smallest value is shown 3.2 12.0 22.0 24.0 27.0 5.0 Generally speaking, the mean, median, and mode all suggest that students in the leadership class were more confident in the level of their technical skills than they were in their human and conceptual skills. The simpler and more straightforward the skill, the more likely it was that leadership students rated themselves highly on it. The more complex and abstract was the skill, the less confidence students expressed in their own abilities. The indecision in their rankings is reflected in the increasing standard deviations and interquartile ranges across the three rankings.