Emerging Survey Technologies for Alaska’s Coastal Zone Robert J. Pawlowski1, Paul D. Brooks2, & John L. Oswald3 Abstract The coast of Alaska has received major attention for mapping during the last decade. Increased efforts to promote safe navigation through improved nautical charts; map coastal habitats for endangered species and essential fish habitats; land new seabed fiber optic cable systems; and develop port, harbor, and resource extraction infrastructure are all requiring improved cartographic products. Alaska’s vastness and remoteness are depending on traditional, new, and emerging technologies to gather the surveying data upon which such projects depend. Horizontal and vertical control has improved through the use of GPS technologies, methodologies, and algorithms. Tidal zoning transfers this control to offshore waters and remote coastal areas, establishing datums for both mean lower low water and mean high water, as required by NOAA and USGS respectively. From this common point, technologies are profiling the land or seabed to comparable degrees of precision and cartographic definition. Photogrammetric technologies, including the use of Side Looking Aperture Radar (SLAR), coupled with interferometry, are defining coastal uplands to new levels of precision, regardless of land cover. Air and space borne Synthetic Aperture Radar is defining coastal lands and land-ocean processes, and river and sea ice parameters, allowing meter resolution that can be tide coordinated regardless of cloud cover. Light Direction and Ranging (Lidar), in an airborne configuration, is bridging the land sea interface, allowing airborne measurement of uplands, shoreline, and nearshore bathymetry at new levels of efficiency. The swath of land and near shore imaging couples with multi-beam echo sounder systems (MBES) producing accurate 3 dimensional cartographic products portraying the coastal bathymetry and extending off the continental shelf. Together, mapping accuracies are being obtained to the submeter level via remote sensing tools. 1 Alaska Program Manager, Thales GeoSolutions (Pacific), Inc., 911 W. 8 th Avenue, Suite 208, Anchorage, AK 99501; phone 907-258-1799; Bob.Pawlowski@thales-geosolutions.com 2 Governmental Affairs, AeroMap U.S., 2014 Merrill Field Drive, Anchorage, AK 99501; phone 907272-4495; pbrooks@aeromap.com 3 Hydrographic Consultant, John Oswald Consulting, 139 E. 51 st Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99503; phone 907-273-1815; joswald@lcmf.com 1 Coastal Surveying and Mapping Results from Regional forums, including the Marine Transportation System Northwest Regional Dialog, the ASCE TCCRE Marine Transportation and Coastal Infrastructure breakout session, and the UAA Cold Regions Ports and Engineering Conference have identified the need for Alaska coastal baseline data as priorities for coastal morphology, geotechnical characterization, and erosion/accretion rates. Interest has increased recently for use of sophisticated mapping technologies for essential fish habitat, as demonstrated by contract surveys in summer 2001. The need for coastal baseline data dovetails with efforts by federal agencies in improving the mapping of Alaska’s coastal areas. Growing interests in state of the art survey imagery for fisheries and coastal zone management, meteorology, oceanography, and international boundaries enables technology development and use. (Monahan, 2001). NOAA and the Department of Interior agencies employ both public and private assets for state of the art shipborne multi-beam echosounder and airborne lidar survey technology and dovetail with airborne photogrammetry and satellite imagery in the coastal zone. Survey data is collected to IHO Order 1 surveys (IHO, 1988) and to NOAA specifications (NOAA, 2000) or adjusted to DOI National Map Accuracy Standards. Tide stations provide data for a common datum through tidal measurement and zoning. Airborne and spaceborne instruments provide improved determination of shorelines and shoreline features along the southern Alaska peninsula, where synthetic aperture radar enabled tide-coordinated shoreline with cloud cover (Tuell, 1998). Recent compiling of various sources of data by NOAA was able to provide verifiable shoreline for surveys in Aialik Bay, Harris Bay, and the Northwestern Fiord in Kenai Fiords National Park and the southern Alaska Peninsula. MBES surveys, supported with psuedo-sidescan imagery was collected hydrographic survey data at each location. In addition to MBES, Lidar imagery has been collected on the southern Alaska Peninsula, with additional reconnaissance at the Pribilof Islands. These surveys join with photogrammetric surveys to depict coastal features. Tidal Measurement, Datums, and Zoning Tidal datums are vertical reference surfaces used for a variety of coastal zone studies. Tide data and the associated reference levels are an integral part of all hydrographic surveying, as well as for determination of the offshore and onshore marine boundaries, and many other GIS related activities in the coastal zone. No hydrographic survey has meaning unless the soundings are corrected to a common datum. The Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) datum is the reference for sounding data in the United Sates, while other tidal and geodetic datums are generally used for data above MLLW. In Alaska, the importance of tidal datums reached it zenith in the Dinkum Sands dispute. Dinkum Sands is a low lying gravel feature in the Beaufort Sea, just offshore from Prudhoe Bay. Offshore oil leasing was conducted in this area in 1978 but the federal and state governments disputed ownership of the tracts. Part of the dispute concerned whether the Dinkum Sands was indeed an island and above a specific tidal datum. Because the financial stake of the parties was so great (original 2 lease was $450 million), the case was eventually heard by a Special Master (of the Supreme Court). The U.S. Supreme Court decided the case in 1997 (Reed, 2000), and highlighted the importance of tidal datum data in establishing mean high water and accurate shoreline maps. This case brought to attention the poor distribution of accurate tidal datums and acceptable modern shoreline mapping. NOAA, National Ocean Service (NOS) has been the primary authority in the United States concerning the tidal datums. This organization maintains a network of 175 operation tide stations in the United States. In Alaska, NOS maintains and operated 16 tide-gauging sites. In addition NOS, has occupied nearly 900 gauging sites throughout Alaska, primarily in support of hydrographic surveying for production of nautical charts. Due to the age and quality of the data, stability of bench marks, and vertical crustal motion NOS only publishes about 110 tidal datums in Alaska, from Prudhoe Bay to Adak to the Tongass Narrow. There are huge linear gaps in these published datums in western and northern Alaska. From Sand Point west and north, only 6 additional published datums are available over more than 3600 miles of coastline, spanning 700 miles between the datum between Dutch Harbor and Nome. NOS maintains data and information at http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov, which includes tidal benchmark sheets (descriptions and elevations); accepted tidal datums; observed and archived tidal data at operation sites; tidal predictions; and publications. NOAA and contractors add perhaps a dozen new stations per year in Alaska. Typically, a tide station supporting hydrographic surveying consists of one or more tide gauges mounted on shore attached to sensors that are anchored below the lowest tides. The gauges are electronic and typically interfaced to a satellite telemetry system, with near real time access to the data via the internet. Five bench marks are established to physically preserve the tidal elevations once the data is analyzed. The data is downloaded via the web, at a central processing facility. During hydro operations, the gauges are visited 1-3 times per week to ensure proper operation. For new sites in Alaska, the tidal datum is computed using 7 to 30 days (or more) of data using the accepted NOAA method of Simultaneous Comparisons. Data from an operation NOAA gauge is used as the “base” or control site, and the new data is mathematically related to this know datum. For re-occupations of existing sites, the surveyor just needs to establish suitable equipment, and recover the bench marks; no comparisons with a control station are then needed. Tidal zoning is a concept of predicting the time offsets and height differences in a limited project area. Theoretically a tide datum is only adequate in the immediate vicinity of the tide gauge. For practical purposes the surveyor desires to establish as few gauging sites that will be practical and meet project standards. For data points between tide gauging sites a zoning scheme can be made using new and/or historic data. Conventional techniques rely on linear interpolation to define the geometry of the zoning cells. Figure 1 shows a recent project in upper Cook Inlet using a combination of linear interpolation (for the co-range lines) and a wave travel speed formula for the co-phase lines. NOS is also examining more robust methods for zoning using harmonics (TCARI) and GPS, while others are trying to adapt numerical analysis techniques. Several agencies and countries are beginning to implement GPS for use as a “tide gauge”. The GPS is mounted on the hydrographic vessel, and phase data 3 processed in the Real Time Kinematic (RTK) mode or post processed relative to a known elevation. This holds great promise, as the tidal corrector is then observed exactly where needed and not at a shore based tide gauge and then zoned. NOAA recently funded a Small Business Innovative Research grant to adapt GPS in an offshore buoy measuring water levels. One hurdle to the GPS approach is that the fundamental GPS height system (ellipsoidal heights) is different than the tidal datums that are required for most marine work. The relationship between MLLW and ellipsoidal height system is poorly known, in Alaska. As the GPS technology matures more coastal “tide” applications will become commonplace. Figure 1. Tidal zoning model for upper Cook Inlet. The N-S lines represent co-range lines while the NW-SE lines represent co-phase lines. Each diamond shaped cell represents a tidal zone with associated time and height offsets to an operating gauge. Multibeam Echosounder Surveying MBES is the technological advance from the coupling of single beam echosounder systems and side-scan sonar systems. Controlled by GPS and reduced through heavemotion compensation, MBES enables an accurate swath of the seabed acoustically. However, MBES provides better coverage over the individual systems in that it enables faster data collection rates and overcomes the limits in the area of coverage, as was observed in the data collection in upper Cook Inlet. In previous surveys, tidal currents in excess of 5 knots were routinely encountered and cause difficulties in maintaining data collection speed and side scan sonar towfish depth and position. 4 MBES enabled a more accurate survey of the area, with high resolution of migratory features like sand waves, ridges, as well as boulder fields and pipelines. MBES provides a complete survey of the ocean bottom from a motorized vessel versus towed vehicle. Collecting a maximum of 101 beams over 150o swath, an acoustic portrayal of the seafloor is collected. Providing for overlap in accordance with IHO and NOAA standards, a complete acoustic survey of the ocean floor is obtained. Sounding volumes, in excess of 3.2 billlion per 150 square nautical miles are amassed, prior to reduction to a level adequate for accurate digital terrain modeling. This enables resolution of seabed features at the sub-meter level coverage. Figure 2. MBES survey of pilot shipping corridors in upper Cook Inlet, as completed for NOAA, 1999. Figure 2. depicts a survey of Cook Inlet, as produced from high density MBES data collected by the Reson 8111 system, on contract for the NOAA. The survey provides an acoustic portrayal of seabed structures that previously could only be portrayed by side scan sonar imagery. MBES allows the complete understanding of the 3 dimensional features that form the seabed structure. Rocky outcroppings, depositional areas between structures, sand waves, and varying substrate types can be identified. In the case of Cook Inlet, previous unmapped areas of migratory sand waves were identified. Similarly, the extent of boulder fields and glacial erratics could be clearly charted. This presentation also shows the value of combining digital terrain models with the nautical chart in discerning bathymetric detail versus charted soundings, shadings, and contours. 5 MBES Psuedo-sidescan and Backscatter Imagery To address fishery habitat questions, a better understanding of sediment types is required. The capability to utilize sound attenuation in determining marine sediment types has been noted for years with the relationship of grain size, porosity, and attenuation defined by Hamilton (1972). Modern multi-beam technology creates psuedo-sidescan imagery through the interpretation of the intensity of sound backscatter. In surveys conducted during 2001, backscatter data was collected with a Reson 8111 aboard R/V Davidson. The Reson 8111 multibeam sonar produces backscatter records along with range and angle packets used for bathymetry. The 8111 can generate backscatter data, which can be collected on a beam-by-beam basis. This backscatter from an individual beam is referred to as a snippet. While a standard sidescan image is produced using one large beam on each side of the sonar, snippets are produced individually from each beam in the multibeam sonar. Snippets can be laced together, end to end, to produce a sidescan type image. The advantage in snippets stems from a large improvement in signal to noise ratio in the image; the result of using a focused beam, rather than a broad beam to sample the backscatter (Lockhart, personal communication). By collecting snippet data as a part of the multibeam survey, greater understanding of the seabed characteristics can be derived. Figure 3. depicts a combined digital terrain model, derived from the MBES bathymetry data overlaid with the psuedo-sidescan swaths enhanced for backscatter. The image shows the increased distinction of seabed structure derived from the analysis of beam-by-beam backscatter data and provides association with geologic features. This processing enables interpretation for classifying seabed morphology and identifying substrates associated with various habitats. Figure 3. MBES digital terrain model with backscatter drape from Kodiak, Alaska. 6 Airborne Lidar Airborne Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is an emerging technology that is proving itself in addressing coastal issues through Airborne Lidar Hydrography (Barbour, 2001) and the capability for Rapid Environmental Assessment with Airborne Lidar Bathymetry (ALB) (West et. al. 2001). ALB provides the ability to survey in sensitive areas with minimal impact, as demonstrated by the SHOALS system. Comparable applications have been completed during the 2001 field season employing the Tenix Laser Airborne Depth Sounder (LADS) (Sinclair, personal communication). Operating at 1200 feet, surveys were completed over the sensitive nearshore areas of islands located in the Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge. The Semidi Islands, along with Chankliutt, Chowiet, and Nakchamik Islands. Surveys were completed from + 20 meters to –23 meters. Depth of survey was influenced by water clarity, turbulence, and lack of surface obstruction, e.g. kelp. Survey data provided cartographic information for nautical chart. However, survey also provided nearshore information on the steepness of beach slope, breadth of intertidal and storm impacted surf zone, and areas of runoff (through turbidity). Masking of signal represented areas of submerged and floating aquatic vegetation and runoff associated with turbidity plumes. Additional reconnaissance imagery provided insight into specific engineering applications. Figure 4. shows the aerial photograph and lidar swath of St Paul harbor, Pribilof Islands, including the entrance channel, breakwater, and harbor basin, as completed by Tenix LADS. Recognizing the different capabilities based on the technology involved and the platforms flown, the application of Lidar for ALH proves to be an effective tool for working in the nearshore zone, where bathymetric data collection is difficult because of physical factors and environmental conflicts. Utilizing such tools in engineering applications, particularly environmental assessment, may prove to be a Figure 4. Aerial photograph and LADS lidar imagery from St. Paul harbor, Pribilof Islands during August 2001. Images courtesy of Tenix LADS. cost effective alternative for large well coordinated projects, as long as the environmental conditions allow adequate penetration into the water column. The 7 Aleutian Islands and Southeast Alaska provide just such applications. Cook Inlet, and other glacially impacted waterways do not. Season applications may exist for the deltas of Western and Northern Alaska, including Kotzebue Sound and Alaska’s north slope, where periods of clear water occur during periods of decreased wind and runoff. The application should be integrated into future decisions, based on magnitude of the area to be surveyed, shallowness of the bathymetry, and costs for mobilization and operations. Aerial Photography and Airborne Positioning (GPS) Aerial photography and remote sensing have been employed for assessing completion of integrated airborne and ground-based GPS surveying for many years (Figure 5.). Data collected is developed into photo laboratory reproductions, image analysis and GIS services, cartography, digital image processing and mapping, and software development. In planning aerial photography missions, remotely sensed satellite imagery is utilized in real time to dispatch flight crews to optimized acquisition of imagery. The efficient dispatch system, coupled with multiple flight crews and aircraft, provide the best possible assurance that projects will be completed on schedule. Flying heights are customized for each flight line, ranging from 1200 feet to 24,000 feet above mean terrain. The versatility of equipment and staff to deal with large, multi-state projects, or small single exposure jobs means critical details such as sun-angle, film type, camera settings, camera exposure stations and environmental conditions, are correct for all projects. Figure 5. Aerial photograph of Anchorage, Alaska from 1950 and 1999, showing 50 years of growth. Photographs courtesy of AeroMap Inc. 8 Effective photogrammetry requires the application of precision GPS and attitude determination of airborne platforms. By resolving combined solutions of GPS, airborne mobile and land fixed, integrated with Inertial Measurement instruments and software, project control design is achieved. This provides datum resolution; accurate geodetic ground control; precise GPS positioning of aircraft and mapping sensors; and attitude determination of aerial mapping cameras and other airborne sensors. Present technology allows positioning airborne mapping sensors to accuracies of 5cm, and to determine orientation angles to accuracies of 20 arc seconds. Using the GPS/IMU solutions (Figure 6.), sub-meter accuracy can be carried for distances up to 100 km from the GPS Base Station. Together, advanced positioning systems greatly reduce, or sometimes eliminate, the need for ground survey control for mapping operations. Figure 6. Example of GPS/IMU xyz control solutions required for attitude adjustment during airborne data collection. In some cases the need for the aero-triangulation step in map production can also be eliminated, leading to greater costs savings and accelerated schedules. These stated accuracies are in reference to the map product ground control coordinate system and allow the production of the highest accuracy and most cost efficient mapping in the industry. On-going research and development programs continue to improve accuracies and broaden applications with these airborne positioning systems Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) The latest in airborne GPS and inertial systems are used to control both aerial photography and remote sensing acquisitions including digital thermal multispectral, hyperspectral, and LIDAR surveys. Once data for mapping or GIS projects are compiled, setting up the applications, populating databases, selecting an analytical approach, and conducting the analysis is completed. By combining GIS and remote sensing, a wide variety of spatial relationships from simple overlay analysis to complex network and surface models are accomplished. A recent example was completed for Fort Knox Mine in interior Alaska. Employing the Intermap 9 Technologies, Inc. STAR-3i interferometric synthetic aperture radar products, which include high resolution DEM (0.5 – 3-meter vertical accuracy, 2.5-meter horizontal accuracy and 5-meter posting) and Ortho-rectified Radar Imagery (ORRI), Aeromap conducted image collection for the Fort Knox Mine in interior Alaska (Figure 7). Figure 7. Orthorectified Radar Image of Fort Knox Mine Project. Plot scale was 1:18,000 and enlarged area at 1:5,000-scale, with absolute accuracy of 2.5 meters. For this project data was acquired, products developed, and samples provided of the products with the original data to Alaskan miners for their evaluation and use as a learning and product-familiarization tool. Below are examples of products that were produced over the Anchorage area to demonstrate the IFSAR technology and the value-added products that can be produced to meet the high accuracy mapping requirements of the State. Applications of remotely sensed data are not restricted to one sensor, but build upon the myriad of sensors available. Since the 1980’s data archives have been privately and publicly available for satellite imagery including LandSAT, SPOT, IRS, Figure 8. STAR-3i derived products: Topographic map with five-meter contours; orthorectified radar image map; shaded relief with five-meter contours 10 IKONOS, RADARSAT, and both ERS satellites. The data from airborne sensor systems as well as from satellite platforms, cover the range from the ultraviolet to infrared and thermal spectral bands. This provides the ability to depict the specific feature of interest to the scientists or engineer, as shown in Figure 8. This has enabled low-cost, high-resolution, multispectral solutions using SpecTerra Systems DMSV system, the Daedalus AMS and Positive System’s ADAR sensor. Hyperspectral services requiring a selection of more discrete, simultaneously acquired, spectral bands are being applied. This technology is being complimented by the evolution of laser-profiling and LIDAR survey acquisitions to develop precision digital elevation models (DEM) upon which modern GIS systems are dependent. Mapping, Editing and Image Processing Editing, Image processing, and GIS applications employ data collection technology with DAT/EM Summit Softcopy and Analytical Stereoplotter systems. Specially modified aero-triangulation software, designed for conventional ground control or airborne GPS control is applied to Alaska mapping projects. With precision image scanning and a full suite of image processing software and equipment, products including digital orthographic imagery, color-matched digital mosaics, thematic maps or high-resolution panchromatic and multispectral satellite imagery are derived. These techniques are applied to image analysis and land classification or environmental impact analysis. Processing to produce comparable images of the seabed is completed through a comparable specialized suite of software, tailored for resolving acoustically collected bathymetric data. By employing WinFrog, CARIS, and TRITON-ELICS, 3 dimensional DTM’s, as well as decimated smooth sheets, contoured for depth are produced. New processing techniques, as applied to backscatter data collected during the psuedo-sidescan mode, is yielding geomorphology and geotechnical data. These processing techniques are expanding the information available from specific acoustic sampling, a limiting factor in surveying beyond the immediate coastal zone. In the near shore zone, light, in the form of LIDAR, enables bringing specialized image processing to the data. This processing bridges the challenges between high speed data collection and reflectance challenges in the land-water interface. Specialized software enables integrating LIDAR with horizontal and vertical control to insure consistency between flight lines and accuracy in resolving water levels with various stages of the tide. All coastal zone data sets are controlled for both the horizontal (GPS geocorrected image) and vertical (tidal datum) control. Tidal zone models are developed to derive correctors that may be applied to MBES, LIDAR or coastal photogrammetry. In either case, rectifying the vertical component is essential in providing an accurate image or DTM for use in cartographic production or GIS interpretation. Once processed, all imagery listed above, can be moved into various GIS applications. 11 Conclusion In conclusion, emerging technologies via airborne, spaceborne, and shipborne platforms are providing a visual depiction of Alaska’s coastal zone never achieved. The recent application of MBES with 100% bottom coverage yields information on seabed that will benefit not just shippers and engineers, but environmental scientists, fishery biologists, and geologists into the far future. Bridging the shallow coastal zone with Lidar technology will enable cost effective data collection for coastal geomorphology and the angle of repose, upon which decisions on coastal management projects can be made. The juncture of airborne Lidar with aerial photography promises improved continuity of data into the uplands, given use of common elevations and combined technologies. Together, when referenced to accurate horizontal and vertical datums, high resolution cartographic products are available for engineers, scientists, and managers working in Alaska’s coastal zone. References Barbour, K. E. (2001). “Remote Sensing in Hydrography.” Hydro International. 5(3), 7-9. Hamilton, E. L. (1972). “Compressional-wave attenuation in marine sediments.” Geophysics. 37(4), 620-646. International Hydrographic Office (IHO). (1988). IHO Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (S-44). IHB. Monaco. NOAA. (2002). “NOS Hydrographic Surveys Specifications and Deliverables.” http://chartmaker.ncd.noaa.gov/hsd/specs/specs.htm NOAA. (2002). “Center for Oceanogrpahic Operations Products and Services” http://co-ops.nos.noaa.gov Reed, M. W. (2000). Shore and Sea Boundaries. Volume 3. U.S. Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C. West, G.R., Lillycrop, W. J. and Pope, R.W. (2001). “Utilizing Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technology for REA.” Sea Technology. 42(6), 10-15. West, G.R., Lillycrop, W.J. and Pope, R.W. (2001). “Keeping a Low Profile.” Hydro International. 5(4), 28-31. Tuell, G. H. (1998). “The Use of High Resolution Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for Shoreline Mapping.” ISPRS Commission III Symposium. ISPRS Monahan, D., Wells, D.E., and Hughes-Clark, J. (2001). Slantendicular Look Ahead.” Sea Technology. 42(6), 44-51. 12 “Ocean Mapping: A