Colorado Conservation Tillage Association 2016 Conference Information Dear Sponsors and Vendors, Thank-you for supporting the High Plains No-Till Conference this year! We are very excited about the upcoming conference and glad you decided to be part of it. As we get ready for the conference I want inform you of important information about the event including booth space assignments along with information for vendor set-up and the conference in general. This year we will be hosting a small Holistic Management Workshop on Monday, Feb 1st from 9 AM – 3 PM. At the conclusion of the workshop people may register for the conference and walk through the vendor area. Please submit names for nametags to Extra registrations can be purchased for $130 until Friday, after Friday they will be sold for $180. Lunch will be served from 12:10 until 1:15 PM. There are no sessions during lunch this year. We have ordered lunch for you and hope you will be able to eat with us. We will open the lunch doors at 12:10 PM. If you have door prizes we will be happy to announce the winners for you at 4:30 PM Wednesday in the museum. CCTA will not be responsible for getting door prizes to winners who are not present. Sponsors may pick up their nametags and conference books Monday afternoon from 1:00 – 5:00 PM, or during registration Tuesday. All sponsors, vendors and attendees are required to wear and display a 2016 CCTA nametag during the conference; registration are not transferable to a new employee on Wednesday. Registration will start at 7:00 AM Tuesday. VENDORS: Trade show will end at 4:00 PM on Wednesday because the last session will be in the other building. Vendor set up will be Monday 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM. If you cannot set up Monday please call and make arrangements for Tuesday morning. If you are not in place by 5:00 PM Monday, and have not made arrangements with the coordinator, your booth will be given to one of the vendors on the waiting list and you will not receive a refund. All outside equipment must be in place Monday because we will not get equipment in on Tuesday morning due to traffic. When hanging items on the drapes please do not use tape or any other hangers that will leave a residue. Safety pins, straight pins or magnets are acceptable. Nametags are required for all attendees, vendors and sponsors. If you have extra people stop by to see you in your booth, please visit with them in the lobby or send them to the registration table to purchase a nametag. WE WILL NOT GIVE YOU ANOTHER NAMETAG HOLDER and registrations are not transferable to another employee on Wednesday. It is the only way we can keep track of everyone. We will print nametags for each booth prior to the conference. We can change names but will need the original name tag to do so. We will have a Beer N’ Bull session Tuesday evening, following the last breakout session. We have scheduled an hour and a half for the Beer N’ Bull session at the Burlington Community Center. This is a great time to visit and promote your product to producers and registrants in a longer, uninterrupted timeframe. Vendors will need to provide beverage(s) of their choosing for the producers and registrants who choose to stay and participate in the Beer N Bull event. Beverages may be alcoholic or non-alcoholic depending on you and your company’s preference. You may choose not to provide any beverages at all. Vendors will serve beverages from the booth space they purchased at the conference. Vendors will be responsible for keeping beverages chilled as needed. CCTA will not provide refrigeration or kitchen facilities; however, snacks will be provided. Bringing in lawn chairs or other seating for your booth is encouraged we just ask that you do not block the walkway. Beer N Bull will end at 6:30 PM and the building will need to be closed immediately following the session. Please respect this schedule as this will help avoid prolonged consumption by any of the participants. Vendors will need to clean up their booth prior to leaving the building. Please do not leave coolers of beverages unattended. For your convenience, all participants of the conference will be given a nametag by CCTA. Nametag doesn’t mean over 21 years of age, you are responsible for making sure your beverages connect with appropriate aged attendees. For those of you who are staying in Burlington, it is unknown if the Route Steakhouse will be open. Below you will find the rules for our show. If you have any questions please contact a board member 1. All exhibitors must agree to these rules established by the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association Board of Directors. 2. All signs, decorations and arrangements of merchandise, etc. are subject to the rules and regulations governing the specific area in which the space is located. 3. The space is stipulated in this agreement is solely for the exhibitors named in this agreement during the High Plains No-Till Conference and cannot be transferred or any portion of it sublet by the exhibitor or his/her agents. 4. Every exhibit must be properly installed and ready for operation by 7: 30 AM on the opening day of the show, Feb. 3, 2015 and MUST REMAIN INTACT until 4:30 PM on Feb. 4th. Failure to meet these requirements may cause exhibitor to be barred from future conferences. 5. Every exhibit shall be prepared in a neat and orderly style and must be kept clean by the exhibitor during the entire show. No flammable materials (such as crepe paper) shall be used in decorating exhibits. 6. CCTA will use all reasonable care to prevent loss or damage to exhibitor’s property, but is not liable in any manner for such loss. 7. CCTA reserves the right to control the volume of any loudspeaker, radio, musical instrument or any noise making device that might interfere with other exhibitors or breakout sessions in the immediate area. No public address system can be used except by special permission. 8. No inside exhibit shall be constructed in such a way that will interfere with the viewing of other exhibits. 9. The exhibitor agrees not to hold Colorado Conservation Tillage Association liable for any bodily or property damage to employees or patrons. Exhibitors must provide evidence of liability insurance. Certificates can be mailed to 41376 CR 26, Hugo, CO 80821 or emailed to 10. Remittance of agreement and payment must be received prior to setting up your booth. If you have any questions please contact one of the board members or myself. We hope you have a successful event and thank-you for supporting us in our goal to educate producers and industry partners on no-till farming. Becky Ravenkamp Conference Coordinator 719-740-7015 Tuesday Time 8:00 Feb. 2nd Room A Room B 2016 Room 109 Room 111 Room 114 Rec Room Open all day - coffee, tea, water; Mini-continental in morning; Snacks and soda in afternoon - Break room Old Town Museum - Buildings South of Community Building (Open All Day) 7:00 AM 8:15 - 8:30 Registration Desk Opens 8:30 - 9:30 Keynote in Museum - Joshua Dukart - Thinking Regeneratively, 1 CEU PD In Museum -Welcome, Invocation, Sponsor Recognition, Scholarship Recognition Sponsored Session 9:40 - 10:40 10:40 - 11:10 BASF Examining the Factors for High Yield Winter Wheat 11:10-12:10 1:15 -2:15 2:25-3:25 Irrigated No-Till Farm Business General No-Till Soil Health New era of cell based RTK & GPS Jim Sidwell Deficit / Limited Irrigation Management Daran Rudnick, Ph.D UNL, 1 CEU SWM Surviving Low Commodity Prices - K Coe Isom, 1 CEU CM What To Expect in No-Till Paul Jasa, UNL, 1 CEU CM Soil Health and Profit, Putting It All Together Dwayne Beck, 1 CEU CM Farming Is Big Irrigation Challenges in Business, What Arid Climates - does your business look Rudy Garcia like? - Norman NRCS 1 CEU Dalsted 1 CEU SWM CM Ag Technologies: Are they worth the cost? - Craig Smith FHSU, 1 CEU CM Managing Weeds with Crops - Randy Anderson 1 CEU IPM, 1 CEC Snack in break room Trade Show Time (30 Min) Pro-Till / Bourgault Seeding System Selection 12:10 - 1:15 Ag Technology Using Drones with GIS Surveys and Maps - Joe Redetzke & Jon Berry Closed for lunch (Lunch Served in Old Town Museum) Using Crop Spec Chlorophyll Scanners for Crop Management Decisions - Rich Haynes Changes On Today’s Farm To Farm Family Ensure Dynamics -Dr. Tomorrow's Bob Fetsch - 1 Profitability CEU PD -Steve Tucker, 1 CEU SWM Wheat Stem Sawfly - JP Michaud KSU HRS - 1 CEU IPM, 1 CEC Soil Health in NE CO; Swath grazing, Companion Crops- John Larson, CO Producer The Internet National of Things; Sunflower Assn Integrating Sunflower Farm Data Production 102, Chris 1 CEU CM Rezendes Water Conservation - Farm Leases Mark Jenna Keller Watson, 1 1 CEU CM CEU SWM Networking to Leverage Farm Capital - Chris Barron 1 CEU CM The Intersection of Land, Wealth, & People Joshua Dukart 1 CEU CM Red River Commodities Sunflower Production 101, 1 CEU CM Snack in break room 3:25-4:00 4:0 0- 5:00 5:00- 6:30 Trade Show Time Keynote in Museum - Dwayne Beck - History and Goals of Dakota Lakes Research Farm, 1 CEU CM Beer & Bull - Great Room Wednesday Feb. 3rd Time 8:00 Room A Room B Room 109 Room 111 Room 114 Rec Room Open all day - coffee, tea, water; Mini-continental in morning; Snacks and soda in afternoon - Break room Old Town Museum - Buildings South of Community Building (Open All Day) 8:00-8:25 Annual Meeting in Museum Keynote in Museum - Dwayne Beck - Using 600 Years As The Time Frame For Setting 8:30 - 9:30 Goals in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management, 1 CEU CM 9:40 - 10:40 Green Cover SeedCarbonomics: The Amazing Economy of Plants and Soils 10:40 - 11:10 11:10-12:10 12:10 - 1:15 1:15 -2:15 2:25-3:25 Using Crop Spec Chlorophyll Scanners for Crop Management Decisions - Rich Haynes Irrigation Challenges in Arid Climates Rudy Garcia NRCS 1 CEU SWM Surviving Low Commodity Prices - K Coe Isom, 1 CEU CM Managing Networking to Weeds with Leverage Farm Crops Capital - Chris Randy Barron Anderson 1 CEU CM 1 CEU IPM, 1 CEC Snack in Break Room / Trade Show Time (30 Min) Precision Building a New Planter Pass, 1 CEU CM The Internet of Things; Integrating Farm Data Chris Rezendes Water Farm Family Conservation Dynamics -Dr. Mark Bob Fetsch - 1 Watson, 1 CEU PD CEU SWM Ag Technologies: Are they worth the cost? - Craig Smith FHSU, 1 CEU CM Soil Health in NE CO; Swath grazing, Companion Crops- John Larson, CO Producer Closed for lunch (Lunch Served in Old Town Museum) The Changes On Farming Is Big Intersection Wheat Stem New era of Today’s Farm To Business, What of Land, Sawfly - JP Ensure does your cell based Wealth, & Tomorrow's business look Michaud KSU RTK & GPS - Profitability People like? - Norman HRS - 1 CEU Jim Sidwell Joshua -Steve Tucker, Dalsted 1 CEU IPM, 1 CEC Dukart 1 CEU 1 CEU SWM CM CM Deficit / Morris Limited Soil Health Using Drones What To Industries - No- with GIS Irrigation and Profit, Farm Leases - Expect in Till Seeding Management Putting It All Surveys and Jenna Keller No-Till Daran Together Equipment for Maps - Joe Redetzke & Jon Rudnick, Ph.D 1 CEU CM Paul Jasa, Dwayne Beck, the High Plains, Berry UNL, 1 CEU UNL, 1 CEU 1 CEU CM 1 CEU CM SWM CM Pawnee Buttes Seeds- The Grass Story: The Role of Grasses in CO Crop Production Trade Show Ends at 4:00 3:30-4:00 Snack in Break Room / Trade Show Time (30 Min) 4:0 0- 5:00 5:00 Keynote in Museum - Joshua Dukart - Intentional Living, 1 CEU PD Door Prize Drawing - Museum