OPEN SPACE AND ECOLOGY COMMITTEE October 7, 2008 MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, CITY HALL 140 VALLEY DRIVE, BRISBANE, CA 94005 CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Committee Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Committee Members Present: Fieldman, Gutekanst, Miller, Liu, and Whitten-Greenlee Staff Members Present: Open Space and Ecology Analyst Pontecorvo, Assistant to the City Manager Smith Others Present: Marge Bushman * MC = Member of Committee ADOPTION OF AGENDA Under “Other Committee Matters,” MC Miller proposed adding an update on the Baylands sustainability analysis and a follow-up discussion on the meeting with the City Council Liaison Subcommittee. He asked if MC Fieldman had a report on the federal climate change meetings she attended. MC Fieldman said she was unable to attend the seminars because they conflicted with her class schedule. MC Gutekanst asked if Marge Bushman had any topics to add. Ms. Bushman said she planned to talk about the Baylands wetlands and lagoon issues during the public comment period at the end of the meeting. MC Miller suggested taking Ms. Bushman’s comments before “Other Committee Matters,” and other committee members agreed. MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Liu, to adopt the agenda as amended. The motion was carried unanimously. OPEN SPACE REPORT Open Space and Ecology Analyst Pontecorvo noted that the annual report for the City Council provides an update on the City’s latest acquisitions. She recommended that the committee review the report, make any necessary revisions, and approve it for presentation to the City Council at its October 20 meeting. Ms. Pontecorvo said the City acquired five new open space parcels in August, totaling almost six Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 2 and a half acres. She advised that the Open Space Fund was depleted to provide matching funds for grants to acquire the last two parcels. She noted that Assistant to the City Manager Smith is continuing to contact property owners to ascertain their interest in selling additional parcels to the City. Ms. Pontecorvo said the City Council has budgeted a little over $20,000 each year for maintaining City-owned open space. She observed that the next agenda item will deal with how those funds will be spent during the coming year. MC Miller commented that the City has made tremendous progress in acquiring open space in recent years. He expressed his appreciation for the City Council’s support and commended Mr. Smith in particular for his assistance. Ms. Pontecorvo noted that the Open Space Report will be attached to a staff report that provides a brief background and discussion of fiscal impacts. MC Miller proposed some editorial revisions to the report. First, he recommended adding “Most Recent Acquisitions: 2008” as a heading for the first paragraph. At the end of “Previous Acquisitions,” he suggested discussing how far the City had progressed toward its goal of acquiring the highest-priority open space parcels in Brisbane Acres. He proposed adding a new section called “Brisbane Acres Open Space Status,” and saying something like the following: “In the Open Space Plan, ‘x’ number of parcels in the Brisbane Acres were identified as having high priority for open space. So far, such-and-such number or percentage have been acquired.” Under the “City-Owned Open Space” section, MC Miller proposed pointing out how the 10 acres adjacent to Old Quarry Road was originally acquired. He noted this area includes Old Quarry Road as well as Owl and Buckeye Canyons. He suggested adding at the end of the paragraph, “The California Department of Fish and Game had acquired this property, along with Owl and Buckeye Canyons, in a Proposition ‘x’-funded acquisition in ‘x’ year that was facilitated by the Trust for Public Lands.” MC Miller drew attention to the first sentence of the “Maintenance Issues” section on Page 5. He recommended deleting the phrase “by staff.” Ms. Pontecorvo said she would make the changes suggested by MC Miller. She noted that the cover memo from the staff includes the number of parcels and acres acquired. She advised that since 1998, the City has acquired 41 parcels totaling 48 acres in the Brisbane Acres, representing two thirds of the 64 parcels identified in the Open Space Plan as high priority due to their open space value. Ms. Bushman suggested publishing these figures in the Brisbane News. MC Gutekanst proposed including a map showing the parcels. Committee members expressed support for providing the public with a ten-year update on the City’s progress. Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 3 MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Liu, to approve the report as amended for presentation to the City Council. The motion was carried unanimously. Ms. Bushman asked if funds were available to acquire new parcels. Mr. Smith responded that the City Council could authorize another advance from the General Fund. MC Miller added that Mr. Smith will continue to explore available grant opportunities. MC Liu observed that the economic downturn might cause more owners to consider selling parcels. MC Miller noted that the density transfer program could become more attractive to developers. MC Miller recommended checking on the status of the “paper roads,” the unofficial streets shown on the map. Mr. Smith advised that the owner of the roads, the Fern Estate, sold its interest to an investment firm. VEGETATION MANAGEMENT PLAN Habitat Restoration Day Discussion Assistant to the City Manager Smith said the staff recommends doing vegetation management at the water tank site every other year. He asked if the committee wanted to have a volunteer work day next spring focusing on another area, such as the canyons or Quarry Road. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee asked if the canyons had been targeted in the past. MC Gutekanst replied that the Parks, Beaches and Recreation Commission has sponsored canyon clean-ups before. Mr. Smith noted that the summer teen program split its efforts between Quarry Road and Costaños Canyon. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee observed that there have been recent vegetation management efforts in Buckeye and Owl Canyons to help mitigate some of the fire damage. MC Gutekanst said a team from West Coast Wildlands did some brush-cutting. MC Fieldman recommended keeping the Habitat Restoration Day going. MC Liu agreed that the effort should be continued. She suggested focusing on the canyons in 2009. MC Gutekanst expressed support for working in the canyons, but noted this work might be too physically demanding for many volunteers. She said the trail around Crocker Park also needs maintenance. She proposed working again with the PB&R Commission. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee noted that volunteers could pick up trash along the Crocker Park Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 4 Trail and cut the pampas grass to prevent the plant from spreading. MC Miller observed that the original purpose of the volunteer effort was habitat restoration. He advocated setting priorities and identifying places where habitat needs restoring. He said the second priority should be sites with invasive plants close to habitat areas. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee suggested that the committee prepare a list of specific sites to discuss with the PB&R Commission. Mr. Smith recommended approaching the PB&R Commission within the next month or so. He noted that the committee and the PB&R Commission can then appoint subcommittees to plan the event. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee recommended that committee members take a look at potential sites before the next meeting. She added that she liked the idea of having volunteers work in the canyons. Year 6 Vegetation Management Plan MC Miller said he had a few minor comments on the Year 6 Vegetation Management Plan. He suggested inserting “2008-2009” in the heading of the document. Referring to the second paragraph, he noted the dates should be 2003 through 2008. MC drew attention the third bullet item, “Completion of eucalyptus removal in Brisbane Acres,” and questioned whether “completion” was accurate. Assistant to the City Manager Smith clarified that the 2008-09 goal is to finish removing all eucalyptus from City-owned parcels. MC Gutekanst observed that follow-up will still be necessary to control resprouting. She recommended inserting “from City-owned parcels” before “in Brisbane Acres.” Open Space and Ecology Analyst Pontecorvo pointed out that the whole report pertains to City-owned land, as indicated in the first paragraph. She said the City Council approved the eucalyptus removal program at its July 21 meeting. MC Miller suggested attaching color pictures of targeted invasive plants. He noted that if the staff makes a PowerPoint presentation, people attending the meeting and watching on television will be able to see which plants are undesirable. Mr. Smith said he could add pictures; he added that he was not sure there would be a PowerPoint presentation. MC Gutekanst observed that small invasive weeds like scabiosa, invasive plantain, and oxalis are also problems, and she recommended mentioning these plants in the report. She said the report tends to emphasize just a few species, and it may give people an incorrect perception that these are the only problems. She proposed addressing this issue in a new paragraph after the “Significant Progress” paragraph on the first page. MC Gutekanst observed that the recent invasive plant survey does not include micro-weeds either. Mr. Smith noted the purpose of the report is to outline the proposed work program for the next Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 5 year. He acknowledged that the previous vegetation mapping efforts were limited to some of the major invasive plant species because a broader scope would have been much more expensive. He suggested addressing other invasive species in the next-to-last paragraph, which discusses future plans. MC Gutekanst recommended surveying the parcels in a more comprehensive way. Mr. Smith pointed out that such an effort would not be feasible, given the limited resources available. He observed that vegetation management would probably be a better use of funds than another mapping effort. MC Gutekanst remarked that it is difficult to set priorities without having a good idea of the extent of the problem. MC Fieldman asked about the possibility of using trained volunteers for mapping. Mr. Smith said someone would need to coordinate the volunteers and provide logistic support. MC Fieldman commented that mapping might be a good project for college students. She offered to contact local colleges and universities. She asked the staff to prepare some written specifications to assist her in explaining the task. Mr. Smith said the previous vegetation maps were used to identify areas for ShelterBelt crews to tackle. He noted that as part of his mapping effort, Mike Forbert did point out some infestations of oxalis that were later treated with herbicides. Ms. Pontecorvo reported that she, Mr. Smith, and Mark Heath recently visited some of the sites that were worked on in the past, and Heath seemed knowledgeable and familiar with the Brisbane Acres. She suggested asking Heath to keep an eye out for other invasive plants that should be eradicated. Committee members expressed support for this approach. Mr. Smith said the main thrusts of the 2008-2009 Vegetation Management Plan are to follow up in areas treated in the past and to survey recently acquired parcels and eliminate infestations there. He noted there may be funds available in future years to do more vegetation mapping. MC Gutekanst recommended spending less money on Habitat Restoration Day next year. Mr. Smith said the effort typically costs $5,000 to $6,000. He noted that scaling back and having a half-day event instead of a full day would help reduce costs. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee proposed giving away something other than T-shirts. She suggested contacting Smith and Hawken or other gardening supply companies to solicit donations of small giveaway items like tools or hats. MC Liu noted that water bottles might be a good alternative. MC Miller said he liked Mr. Smith’s suggestion about listing other invasive species in the nextto-last paragraph. Mr. Smith asked MC Gutekanst to provide a list of those plants. MC Gutekanst recommended rewording the last sentence of the paragraph regarding eucalyptus Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 6 removal on Page 2 to reflect the need for ongoing follow-up over the next several years. MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Liu, to approve the Year 6 Vegetation Management Plan for submission to the City Council as modified. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Smith recommended appointing a subcommittee to work with the PB&R Commission. MC Gutekanst volunteered. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee offered to help solicit donated items for volunteers or design T-shirts. Mr. Smith said the staff will ask Parks and Recreation Director Skeels to let the PB&R Commission know. MC Miller noted that some citizens expressed concern at the last City Council meeting about having a tree replacement policy, and Councilmembers talked about developing a more comprehensive vegetation management plan to address this issue. He suggested agendizing this topic for further discussion. PUBLIC COMMENT Marge Bushman, Brisbane resident and member of the Audubon Society, commented that with the preparation of the Baylands EIR, Brisbane has an opportunity to assess the status of the lagoon and the wetlands. She recommended that the City provide an annual summary of wildlife and ecology issues on the Baylands, and noted that the Open Space and Ecology Committee might be the most appropriate body to address this. Ms. Bushman noted that the PB&R Commission tends to focus solely on recreational issues. Ms. Bushman provided committee members with a packet of documents regarding the lagoon and wetlands. She drew attention to the latest bird and species counts. She observed that a soils analysis is needed before developing a comprehensive plan for the wetlands. She recognized that the Community Advisory Group (CAG) for the Baylands has been working on water flow and toxicity issues, but noted that more needs to be done to bring these various pieces together. Ms. Bushman offered to help the committee draft a summary. Ms. Bushman recalled that Mayor Barnes had encouraged her in the past to find out how to turn the lagoon into a wildlife preserve. She urged the City to follow up on this idea. Ms. Bushman said more information should be gathered regarding the wetlands on the Baylands, and the City should spearhead this effort. She recommended investigating tidal flows, water depth, and frog habitat. She noted that Universal Paragon Corporation is hiring consultants to examine these issues, but the City does not necessarily have input regarding which consultants are used. She mentioned several local organizations and individuals who might be able to provide the expertise needed. In conclusion, Ms. Bushman encouraged the Open Space and Ecology Committee to take on the Baylands as one of its major emphases. She said an annual report would provide an ongoing Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 7 picture of what information is known and what areas still need to be investigated. MC Gutekanst noted that other citizens have advocated development of a regional watershed plan and a wetlands plan for the city. She expressed interest in having the committee take a broader look at wetlands issues, and noted that this assignment would need to be approved by the City Council. Committee members thanked Ms. Bushman for her input. Ms. Bushman again offered her assistance. MC Gutekanst talked about a new volunteer project focusing on restoring the frog habitat in the Crocker Industrial Park wetlands near the tunnel. MC Miller proposed agendizing this topic for discussion at the next meeting, and other committee members agreed. OTHER COMMITTEE MATTERS CAG Update MC Gutekanst reported that the last CAG meeting featured a presentation from a Bay Conservation and Development Commission representative about rising sea levels. She said the State of California is planning conservatively for a 1.4-meter increase in sea levels by the end of the century. MC Gutekanst noted that the CAG has been looking at remediation of the Schlage Lock site in San Francisco. She advised that demolition is scheduled to begin this fall, and during that process, UPC will conduct a pilot study to test two different methods of treating soil contamination. Once that information is available, a remediation action plan will be developed. MC Gutekanst said the schedule calls for the remedial action plan to be ready for implementation next May. MC Fieldman asked if the Schlage Lock was contaminated with the same kinds of materials as the Baylands. MC Gutekanst replied that the contamination inside the old lock plant may be different from that on the Baylands soil. She noted that the Baylands includes a railyard and a site occupied by a lithography company, and those uses may have produced different toxins. She added that there has not been much investigation of the soil on the Brisbane side yet. MC Miller observed that some of the toxins from the Schlage Lock site have seeped over into the Brisbane side, so the remediation effort will extend into Brisbane. Letter to Sloat Garden Center Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 8 Open Space and Ecology Analyst Pontecorvo drew attention to the draft letter to Sloat Garden Center expressing concern about selling invasive plants. She noted Mike Forbert’s priority list is attached. Referring to the fourth paragraph, MC Miller asked if the committee wanted to cite specific types of broom or use the generic term. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee said her husband believes some of the varieties sold in nurseries are not invasive. MC Gutekanst observed that Lowe’s seems to be selling invasive scabiosa, and MC Fieldman indicated she had the same impression. MC Gutekanst noted that non-invasive species can cross-pollinate with invasive species to produce invasive hybrids, so even non-invasive varieties should not be encouraged. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee proposed using the generic term “broom” rather than singling out particular kinds of broom. MC Miller suggested rewording the next paragraph as follows: “The enclosed brochure, ‘Don’t Plant a Pest,’ produced by the California Invasive Plant Council, depicts many attractive garden plant options that are not invasives. Committee members expressed support for this substitute language. Committee members approved sending the letter as amended. Ms. Pontecorvo said she would prepare a revised version for the chairperson’s signature. Community Festival Report Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee observed that all committee members attended and the festival was a success. She commented that there was a good contingent of other ecological groups represented. She thanked MC Gutekanst for setting up and dismantling the booth. MC Liu estimated that about half of the box of compact fluorescent lightbulbs was distributed. MC Fieldman said she would contact local teachers in the spring to organize a special event for next year. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee suggested that the committee consider sponsoring an art contest. MC Miller recommended forming a subcommittee and establishing timelines to ensure plenty of lead time to plan next year’s festival. Baylands Sustainability Analysis MC Miller noted that although there was not much discussion about the Baylands sustainability analysis at the joint meeting with the City Council’s Liaison Subcommittee, the committee’s concerns have been registered. He observed that Mayor Barnes seems to have accepted most of the committee’s recommendations but has reservations about the validity and complexity of the Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 9 methodologies used to measure lifecycle assessment. MC Miller said City Manager Holstine indicated the staff would prepare a set of proposals for the Liaison Subcommittee to consider, so progress is being made. MC Miller talked about the possibility of forming a joint subcommittee of Open Space and Ecology Committee and Planning Commission members to focus on all the sustainability issues in the Baylands planning process. MC Miller asked Assistant to the City Manager Smith to alert the committee when a proposal goes to the City Council. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee expressed her appreciation to MC Miller for highlighting the importance of a sustainability analysis. Follow-Up on Meeting with City Council Liaison Subcommittee MC Miller suggested developing a written summary of the issues discussed with the Council’s subcommittee so they can be pursued. He reviewed the status of the items raised at the joint meeting: he noted that the Liaison Subcommittee was pleased with the committee’s work plan, the Baylands sustainability analysis is moving forward, and the committee offered to review and comment on the Department of Toxic Substances Control’s (DTSC’s) remediation plan. MC Miller recommended sending a follow-up list to the Council’s subcommittee. He proposed agendizing this topic for discussion at the next meeting. Open Space and Ecology Analyst Pontecorvo noted that the committee also discussed developing a renewable energy policy for new construction. Committee members expressed support for developing a follow-up list. Assistant to the City Manager Smith said the staff would prepare a summary memo for review at the next meeting. MC Gutekanst informed committee members that MC Miller’s new textbook, The International Political Economy, had been published recently. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee excused herself and asked MC Liu to chair the rest of the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 23, 2008 Committee members reviewed the July 23 minutes and proposed revisions. MC Gutekanst made a motion, seconded by MC Miller, to approve the July 23 minutes as amended. The motion was carried, 4 – 0 (Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee absent during voting). Open Space and Ecology Committee October 7, 2008 Page 10 August 13, 2008 Committee members identified changes and corrections to the August 13 minutes. MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Fieldman, to approve the August 13 minutes as amended. The motion was carried, 3 – 0 - 1 (MC Gutekanst abstaining, and Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee absent during voting). NEXT MEETING DATE MC Liu noted the next meeting date is November 12. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, MC Gutekanst made a motion, seconded by MC Miller, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was carried, 4 – 0 (Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee absent during voting), and the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m.