May 13, 2009 - City of Brisbane

May 13, 2009
Committee Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Committee Members Present:
Staff Members Present:
Others Present:
Fieldman, Gutekanst, Liu, Miller, and Whitten-Greenlee
Management Analyst Pontecorvo, Assistant to the City
Manager Smith
Kim Springer, San Mateo County Resource Conservation
Mike Pacelli, Bay Relations, Universal Paragon
* MC = Member of Committee
MC Gutekanst noted that the CAG had not met since the last meeting, and she suggested deleting
the CAG update.
MC Fieldman indicated she contacted an engineering professor at San Francisco State University
and could provide a short update about energy audits. Committee members proposed adding this
item under “Other Committee Maters.”
MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Fieldman, to adopt the agenda as amended. The
motion was carried unanimously.
After a brief discussion, MC Miller made a motion, seconded by MC Gutekanst, to elect MC
Fieldman as the committee’s new chair and MC Liu as vice chair. The motion was carried
Management Analyst Pontecorvo noted that the committee discussed the San Mateo County
Energy Strategy Report prepared by C/CAG at the last meeting and requested further
information. She introduced Kim Springer, San Mateo County Resource Conservation Manager,
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and invited him to discuss the report with the committee.
Mr. Springer thanked the committee for inviting him to attend the meeting. He said the San
Mateo County Energy Strategy Report was completed at the end of 2008, adopted by the Board
of Supervisors, and provided to each jurisdiction in the County for adoption. He stated that the
purpose of the document is to help the County set goals for energy and water conservation and to
facilitate collaboration among the cities in San Mateo County.
Mr. Springer noted that the strategy report came as a result of public reaction to PG&E’s
proposal a few years ago to relocate of a high-voltage transmission line. During that process,
many people felt that the utility company had not notified affected communities or provided
enough opportunity for public input. Mr. Springer said C/CAG’s intent is to leave the strategy
report as written, and to supplement its contents with future updates and additional information.
He noted the Regional Air Quality Management District will provide grant funds to implement
conservation strategies if the report is adopted by all the cities in the County and if the County
completes an inventory of carbon dioxide emissions. Mr. Springer advised that the County is
developing a CO2 inventory, a task that will be completed within the next couple months.
Mr. Springer stated that the goals of the energy strategy are to reduce energy consumption 25
percent below 2005 levels, consistent with AB 32, and to reduce water consumption in line with
the regional goals set by BAWSCA.
MC Miller commented that the energy reduction goal seems weak. He noted that the 25 percent
reduction does not take into account the source of power, which impacts global warming, and
there are no time deadlines. He observed that the ultimate goal should be to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions, although this is not specified in the energy goal.
MC Miller asked if Brisbane and other cities will have an opportunity to make specific
recommendations to strengthen the report. Mr. Springer invited interested citizens to attend the
next Utility Sustainability Task Force meeting. He clarified that each city can determine for
itself how they will meet the goals. He acknowledged that each city’s circumstances are
different; he observed that some cities need to reduce residential use, some need to target
commercial users, and some may want to consider assessment districts.
MC Miller pointed out the distinction between a goal and a strategy. He suggested that the
County first stipulate a quantitative goal and define how progress will be measured, and then
individual cities can decide which strategies would be most effective for their circumstances. He
observed that the report also seems to accept a certain level of demand, and it does not address
transportation, a major source of carbon emissions. MC Miller commented that there should be
more focus on reducing demand for water and encouraging water conservation.
Mr. Springer said C/CAG is very focused on transportation and congestion management. He
said the transportation group and the task force will need to collaborate and coordinate their
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efforts. He acknowledged the importance of reducing demand and conserving water.
MC Miller remarked that having clear quantitative objectives and a schedule would help
motivate jurisdictions to take effective actions now instead of waiting for a crisis, when it might
be too late.
MC Miller also expressed concern that an across-the-board water reduction target would unfairly
penalize communities that are already conserving. He pointed out there are substantial
differences between the per capita water consumption in Brisbane and in Atherton, for example.
Mr. Springer agreed. He noted the different water agencies in the County cross city boundaries
and use different accounting systems, and they do not always distinguish between residential and
commercial usage. He said the County would like to separate usage by residential, commercial,
industrial, and by city.
Mr. Springer said that once the energy strategy is adopted and the CO2 inventory is completed,
he hoped to bring all the cities together for yearly update sessions featuring a series of short
presentations from the participating cities.
MC Miller asked how greenhouse gas emissions were being measured. Mr. Springer replied that
state inventory data, information from utility companies, local fuel sales, and information from
other sources are combined to estimate vehicle miles traveled. He said community-wide
inventory protocols were under development.
MC Fieldman agreed with MC Miller that the goals should be more ambitious. She said shortand medium-term goals in particular need to focus on reducing emissions substantially by 2020.
She recommended disaggregating or stating the goals differently to avoid problems defining a
baseline inventory. MC Fieldman emphasized the need to implement best practices as soon as
possible instead of spending valuable time trying to figure out the metrics.
MC Fieldman noted she would like to see conservation and efficiency goals separated from
renewable energy goals. With respect to water conservation, she observed that the East Bay
Municipal Utility District was criticized for adopting an across-the-board percentage. She
suggested encouraging people to reduce usage below current baselines and then penalizing
consumption above that level.
MC Fieldman commented that measuring energy usage was easier for buildings than vehicles.
She recommended having goals like increasing public transit ridership rather than trying to
quantify vehicle emissions.
MC Fieldman expressed her opinion that the County should do more to encourage cities to adopt
proven best practices so they do not waste effort on ineffective programs.
MC Gutekanst said the committee has talked about weatherization of older buildings as the kind
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of effort that would be relatively inexpensive and immediately effective in reducing energy
usage. She asked if the County could fund programs of this type.
Mr. Springer commented that he replaced his old appliances with new energy-efficient models
and noticed an immediate reduction in his utility bills. He said the County wants to work on
creating low-cost programs that cities can implement as soon as possible. He noted that the
County is unlikely to be able to assist with financing, but the County can help cities work
together to leverage funds and apply for state and federal grants. He encouraged all cities to
apply for federal stimulus funds. He talked about loan programs available in Southern California
and Sonoma County as well as the City of Berkeley’s assessment district as examples of
financing mechanisms. MC Fieldman mentioned the low-interest loan program in Cambridge,
MC Gutekanst said she was surprised to learn that there were no water meters in the City of
Winters or Sacramento, and she asked how many other communities had no meters. Mr.
Springer replied that he did not know. MC Miller observed that Sacramento had been talking
about installing meters.
Mike Pacelli, Bay Relations, Universal Paragon Corporation, remarked that MC Miller made
some excellent points about the weaknesses of the energy strategy goals. He asked how
Brisbane and other communities can provide input regarding ways to strengthen the goals and
strategies. Mr. Springer recommended writing letters to C/CAG or communicating with Mayor
Richardson, a member of the task force.
Mr. Springer described the County’s Energy Watch program. He said he and other
representatives have been visiting cities to promote the program, and he encouraged committee
members to view the Website for further details. He discussed the Association of Bay Area
Government’s (ABAG’s) Energy Watch program for communities.
MC Miller commented that the report is not clear with respect to how communities can
collaborate. He said Brisbane is still the only city in San Mateo County with a green building
ordinance, and he asked about what other C/CAG cities were doing. Mr. Springer responded that
some cities are very focused on environmental initiatives, but others are not doing as much. He
observed that the County’s efforts will help cities make informed choices and determine what
programs will work best. He stated that the County has provided cities with a model green
building ordinance and staff report. He noted that the County is also working on a model
deconstruction ordinance that will be promoted countywide.
MC Fieldman said the strategy report encourages cities to get energy audits. She remarked that
having an audit is a good first step toward encouraging building owners to replace inefficient
appliances and take other actions to improve energy efficiency. Mr. Springer agreed, and noted
there are programs that are training volunteers to perform low-cost energy audits and help
homeowners do retrofits. He mentioned three local organizations that conduct audits.
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MC Miller asked about the green business certification program mentioned in the strategy report.
Mr. Springer said this comprehensive ABAG certification program has been implemented by all
counties in the region and uses checklists to evaluate businesses based on energy, water, waste,
and pollution prevention. He advised that San Mateo County currently has about 80 certified
businesses in the five or six participating cities. He added that the County hopes to find
additional sources of funding to expand the program.
MC Miller observed that more energy is used by employees commuting than buildings
themselves. Mr. Springer agreed, and advocated an integrated approach including transportation.
MC Miller recommended emphasizing the need for integration in the economic section of the
strategy report.
MC Fieldman noted the report does not mention methane, and she asked if there were any plans
to add this. Mr. Springer commented that methane will be addressed in the communitywide
inventories on waste and landfills. He pointed out that keeping compostable materials out of
landfills would help reduce methane gas emissions, and he noted that methane can also be used
to generate energy.
Mr. Springer thanked the Open Space and Ecology Committee for its suggestions. MC Miller
said the Open Space and Ecology Committee will compile its comments and recommendations
in a report to the City Council.
Committee members expressed appreciation to Mr. Springer coming to talk with the committee.
The committee took a short recess. Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee reconvened the meeting. She
indicated she would have to leave the meeting early because of childcare responsibilities, and she
asked MC Liu to take over as chair in her absence.
MC Fieldman said she had a number of criticisms about the Nordhaus and Shellenberger article
advocating a “magic bullet” technical solution. She expressed her opinion that such an approach
should not be promoted. She disagreed with the notion that renewable energy will be cheaper
than fossil fuels in the future, so people will be able to continue their present usage habits.
MC Miller agreed with MC Fieldman and noted that the Lovins article comes to a different
conclusion. He pointed out that the articles were referred to the committee by Councilmember
Barnes, who seems to focus on traditional cost-effectiveness and economic arguments when
looking at sustainability. He suggested that the committee work to educate the City Council
about other factors to be considered with respect to sustainability.
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MC Fieldman said energy experts tend to talk about three energy strategies: efficiency,
conservation and behavioral change, and alternatives. She observed that all three strategies can
work together and complement each other as part of an overall approach to energy and climate
change. She noted it might be helpful to develop an informational presentation clarifying these
issues for the City Council.
MC Miller recommended sending a note thanking the Liaison Subcommittee for the articles and
indicating that the committee will be considering them in drafting comments and
recommendations on the San Mateo County Energy Strategy Report.
In the response to the strategy report, MC Fieldman proposed that the committee include a
preface identifying the elements that should be part of a good energy strategy for Brisbane.
Assistant to the City Manager Smith said he thought the articles from the Liaison Subcommittee
were referred to the committee for informational purposes rather than as an argument for a
particular approach.
MC Gutekanst indicated that she liked the Lovins article’s emphasis on an integrated,
comprehensive approach to energy utilizing technology beyond the mainstream. She noted that
this is the kind of idea the City was trying to convey to the Baylands developer.
MC Liu observed that the Nordhaus and Shellenberger article made some good points about
ways to make clean energy affordable.
Committee members asked the staff to draft a short thank-you letter to the Liaison Subcommittee
on the committee’s behalf. Assistant to the City Manager Smith suggested attaching a copy of
the meeting minutes.
Chairperson Whitten-Greenlee excused herself from the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Budget Workshop
Assistant to the City Manager Smith advised that the proposed budget for the Open Space and
Ecology Department was presented to the City Council on May 11. He said one Councilmember
recommended not eliminating meeting minutes. He noted the City Council will be discussing
budget policy issues at its next meeting before deciding specific items to be cut.
MC Miller asked whether the contribution to the Open Space Fund was likely to be reduced.
Assistant to the City Manager Smith said those monies are earmarked to repay funds advanced
from the general fund to purchase open space, so that amount will probably be left as proposed.
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Community Festival Planning
MC Fieldman reported that she heard back from Brisbane Elementary School about having
students participate in the Community Festival. She said she would be following up with the two
teachers during the summer.
Stimulus Funding Report
Management Analyst Pontecorvo informed the committee that local governments eligible for
stimulus funds from the Department of Energy are defined as jurisdictions with populations over
35,000. Brisbane and other small cities will work with the California Energy Commission. She
said the state will be distributing stimulus funds through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation
Block Grant program. She noted that the City Manager asked Caroline Cheng to coordinate
Brisbane’s efforts.
MC Fieldman said she understood funds had been allocated for San Mateo County and she asked
how they would be distributed. Ms. Pontecorvo confirmed that the County had received
$2,951,200. She suggested asking Mr. Springer how the County’s funds would be used.
MC Miller asked the staff to keep the committee apprised as more information becomes
Rainwater Harvesting Guidelines
Management Analyst Pontecorvo said the Public Works Department staff will be developing
guidelines about harvesting rainwater in a safe and effective manner. She noted that the
committee proposed developing an article for the Star and the City newsletter next fall before the
rainy season begins.
Energy Audits
MC Fieldman reported that she spoke to Professor Ganji at San Francisco State University, who
suggested contacting a person at PG&E. She said Professor Ganji also told her the university’s
Engineering Department has a free energy audit program for manufacturing facilities that could
be expanded to commercial facilities. She indicated she would follow up with PG&E to find out
what kinds of audits can be performed and what resources are available.
MC Miller noted that PG&E used to provide energy audits when they were mandated by the
Public Utilities Commission (PUC). He suggested finding out why the PUC dropped this
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MC Miller recommended that the committee discuss the City’s response to the San Mateo
County Energy Strategy Report. He suggested that the committee distill some key points in
writing and make recommendations for the City Council to convey to C/CAG.
MC Fieldman proposed establishing a subcommittee for this purpose. MC Gutekanst nominated
MC Miller, and MC Fieldman volunteered to join the subcommittee.
Management Analyst Pontecorvo noted that Jonathan Scharfman planned to attend the
committee’s June meeting to discuss the results of the wind study. Mr. Pacelli said he was not
sure the study results would be ready by June 10. MC Liu asked Universal Paragon to contact
Ms. Pontecorvo to schedule his presentation.
April 22, 2009
MC Miller made a motion to approve the April 22 minutes as presented. The motion was
seconded by MC Gutekanst and carried unanimously.
MC Liu noted that the next committee meeting was scheduled for June 10.
Mr. Pacelli thanked the committee for its efforts and expressed his appreciation to the City of
Brisbane for taking a leadership role on energy issues.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m.