“Emerging Companies – meet the innovation” May, 23rd-24th 2012 National Research Council Main Building - Lecture hall RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS EMPLOYEE APPLICATION FORM You can check just one box and the related form. □ I have got a business idea and I will participate at the “Start Cup Ricerca – Il Sole 24 Ore” business plan competition Fill in section A – BUSINESS IDEAS □ I have a business project (check the box if you founded a spin-off company, if you and your team are about to found it or if you attended a previous Start Cup CNR and you have already a business plan) Fill in section B – ENTREPRENEURIAL EXPERIENCE □ I want to attend the event but I don’t have a business idea yet Fill in section C – FUTURE ENTREPENEURS Please fill in the form attached below and send it to eventi.ktt@cnr.it by May the 10th 2012 For any further request or information please contact us at this number: 06 4993 2617 “Emerging Companies” organizational offices Phone: 0106598770 – 708 Fax: 0106598777 Mail: eventi.ktt@cnr.it SECTION A – BUSINESS IDEAS If you checked the related box, it means that you have a business idea that you want to present to investors or companies. There will be the “New Business Ideas” Poster Session during which you’ll speed date investors and hopefully find a mentor who will advise you on how to write your business plan to enter the Phase 2 of the “Start Cup Ricerca – Il Sole 24 Ore”. Many industrial sectors will be represented by several market leader companies: one of Emerging Companies’ main purposes is to give you the chance to build relationships with those actors who you may need in order to develop concretely your business ideas. Moreover you’ll be allowed to attend both training sessions: Training session for entrepreneurs coming to be who are developing a business idea Plenary training session on Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products You can find the poster form and a few tips about it at the Emerging Companies website. In the following areas you have to state the project representative and the names of your colleagues attending the event. PROJECT LEADER NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________ Institute/Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Location: _______________________________________________________________________ CO-WORKERS ATTENDING THE EVENT NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate the number of people attending the following initiatives (including yourself): (May, the 23rd) Lectio Magistralis on new Enterpreneurship - N. ____ Poster session: “New Business Ideas” - speed dating - N. ____ Dinner Buffet - N. ____ (May, the 24th) Training session for entrepreneurs coming to be who are developing a business idea - N. ____ Training session on the Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products - N. ____ SEZIONE B – ENTREPRENEURIAL EXPERIENCE If you checked the related box, it means that you are trying to develop your business or let it grow. There will be the “Business Plan” Poster Session during which you’ll speed date investors and companies in order to find potential industrial, commercial or financial partners. Many industrial sectors will be represented by several market leader companies. There will be as well a large audience of Venture Capitalists, Business Angels and Banks: you’ll may be able to give your business a chance to improve. Moreover you’ll be allowed to attend: Plenary training session on the Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products You can find the poster form and a few tips about it at the Emerging Companies website. In the following areas you have to state the company representative and the names of your colleagues attending the event. CORPORATE INFO □ I attended “Start Cup CNR” with this very project in one of the previous editions. □ The spin off company has already been founded. Name of the firm ____________________________________________________ □ The spin off company hasn’t been founded yet but we hope to do so by the end of the year. Name of the project ___________________________________________________ □ We have already been authorized to spin off by our organization*. □ We applied a request to our organization* for a spin off authorization but we haven’t been authorized yet. □ We haven’t yet applied a request to our organization* for the spin off authorization. *Name of the organization ___________________________________________________ PROJECT LEADER NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________ Institute/Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Location: _______________________________________________________________________ CO-WORKERS/CO-FOUNDER ATTENDING THE EVENT NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________ Indicate the number of people attending the following initiatives (including yourself): (May, the 23rd) Lectio Magistralis on new Enterpreneurship - N. ____ Dinner Buffet - N. ____ (May, the 24th) Poster session: “BUSINESS PLANS” - speed dating - N. ____ Training session on the Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products - N. ____ SECTION C – FUTURE ENTREPENEURS If you checked the related box probably you are interested in entrepreneurship even if you don’t have your own business idea yet: “Emerging Companies” aims at promoting an entrepreneur culture among those belonging to public research institutions. This event gives you the chance to be part of the innovation network constituted by the largest Italian industrial groups, investors and technology transfer managers. Moreover you’ll be allowed to attend both training sessions: - Training session for the entrepreneurs coming to be who are developing a business idea -Plenary training session on the Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products PERSONAL DATA NAME & SURNAME: ___________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________________________________________ Institute/Organization: ___________________________________________________________ Location: _______________________________________________________________________ I will attend the following initiatives: (May, 23rd) □ Lectio Magistralis on new Enterpreneurship □ Dinner Buffet (May, 24th) □ Training session for entrepreneurs coming to be who are developing a business idea □ Training session on the Marketing of Intangible and High-Tech products