Touch Games 1 Review: Educational Software for Young Learners

Programmed by Brilliant Computing and available from Semerc.
All activities can be used with touch screen or mouse. 'Catherine Wheel can
also be used with a switch emulating the mouse buttons.
If I were ever asked to list my top five most useful computer programmes, the
Touch Games series from Brilliant Computing would probably take the top spot. This collection of six
simple activities will appeal to very young children and those with special educational needs of all ages
that are learning to use a mouse or touch screen.
All of the activities feature colourful animated graphics and super sound effects.
Touch Games 1 consists of six different activities designed to take the user from the very simple 'touch
and make something happen' experience of cause and effect, through to simple colour and shape
matching using drag and drop. Most of the activities have 'hidden' adult options allowing the teacher to
adjust the programme for individual students.
The activities are as follows:
This simple looking activity hiding a wealth of teaching opportunities for
the early reinforcement of the action / reaction bond. The activity can be
configured from whole hand activation of the touch screen (or pressing
the mouse button anywhere on the screen), to the accurate targeting of
the on-screen graphic with a finger or mouse pointer. Once activated the
screen comes alive with animated stars accompanied by attention
grabbing sound effects guaranteed to keep even the liveliest child on task.
This activity can also be used with a switch interface that can emulate the mouse buttons by using the
adult options to set the programme to accept clicking anywhere on screen.
'Touch the rockets and make them fly!'. Another great targeting activity using
the mouse or touch screen with an obvious link to early numeracy. Up to five
rockets can be displayed on screen, each launching with the touch of a finger
or or the click of the mouse button. Choose 'all together' from the adult options
to enable a 'multiple activation' activity requiring each of the rockets to be
touched in turn before they all launch in formation.
Two similar activities using different graphic themes. Touch the screen or
click the mouse to have Annabel break crockery or Dasher gobble up
sausages. Adult options allow the teacher to require the user to target
both Annabel and the crockery before the reward animation starts.
Arguably the weakest of the six activities it still provides opportunities for
targeting practice using touch screen or mouse.
An all time favourite with kids in schools everywhere, this activity requires the
user to track the monster as he hides behind one of the doors. The user then
has to touch the correct door to make the monster come out and dance. Adult
options allow you to choose the number of doors displayed on the screen from
one to five each in a different colour.
Targeting, object permanence, tracking, colour recognition, its all here.. Good
links to early numeracy and literacy too, just what is that monster doing behind
the doors? Ask the kids....
Ready to tackle drag and drop? Can't face dressing another teddy in My
World? Honey Bee provides an entertaining way for kids to develop drag
and dropping skills using the mouse or touch screen. Touch the bee and
listen to him buzz... Move your finger and he follows you... Take him to the
flower for a lovely animation and great sound effects.. Try it with an
interactive white board if you have one, and get the kid's arms really
Cognitively a leap and a bound from the other activities but a nice
progression from 'Honey Bee' for those that cope with the extra load. Use
drag and drop to sort vehicles by shape and colour using the touch screen or
mouse. Vehicle make a super beeping noises when clicked or touched with a
finger and again when dropped into position on the road. Get the sequence
correct to view the reward animation. Useful links to early literacy and
numeracy too, "how many orange vans?" etc.
Most of the activities in the package can be extended into other curricular areas, in particular early literacy
and numeracy. Here are some ideas we have used in our school.
Catherine Wheel:
 Design and make fireworks for a simple art project.
 Design and make rockets for a simple art or design technology project.
 Counting rockets.. How many left..
 Make up simple stories about the rockets.. Where are they going? Who is in them?
Annabel and Dasher Dog:
 Make up simple stories using Annabel (who is always breaking things) and Dasher (who eats
Memory Doors:
 What is behind those doors? Draw a picture and make up simple stories about Monster's
adventures behind the doors.
 Two player turn taking? Cover the screen while the monster hides and take turns to try and find
Honey Bee:
 Design and make flowers for a simple art project.
 Where does Honey Bee live? What does he eat?
 Make up simple stories using Honey Bee as a central character.
Hectic Highway:
 Design and build your own vehicles as an art or design technology project.
 Counting games with vehicles.. How many orange vans? motorbikes? Make a graph.
 Make up stories about the vehicles. Where are they going? Who is driving them
Touch Games One is part of a series of programmes, which include Touch Games Two and Touch
Funfair. All of the programmes in the series have superb sound and animation and the activities cover
many different skills for both the touch screen and mouse user.
Touch Games One is available from SEMERC and costs £25.00 (at time of writing) for a single user
You can order the programme from Semerc's web site at
Ian Bean. Priory Woods School 2000.