SUN I supply energy to the earth. *The sun is mostly hydrogen and helium* SEAWEED I use sunlight for energy through photosynthesis. *People use 400 types of seaweed. Some seaweed extracts are found in toothpastes and ice creams* PHYTOPLANTON I use sunlight for energy through photosynthesis. *Phytoplankton are microscopic plants and produce up to 90% of the earth’s oxygen* ZOOPLANKTON I eat phytoplankton and bacteria to survive. *There are thousands of types of zooplankton and most are considered microscopic animals* SEA TURTLE I can eat seaweed, jellyfish, crabs, shrimp and fish. *There are only 7 types of sea turtles in the world* JELLYFISH I eat zooplankton and small fish including herring and anchovies. *The body of a jellyfish is made up of 95% water* HERRING I eat phytoplankton and zooplankton. *Adult herrings can lay up to 30,000 eggs at one time* MUD CRAB I eat oysters, clams, and snails. *One species of mud crab has a range from Boston to Brazil* BLUE CRAB I eat oysters, clams, mud crabs, seaweeds, and small blue crabs. *A tagged blue crab was recorded swimming 35 miles in 2 days* OYSTER I eat plankton. *Pearls are made inside oysters and other mollusks when an irritant enters their shell* CLAM I eat phytoplankton and zooplankton. *In 2007, a clam caught off the coast of Iceland was thought to be 405 years old. Scientists declared it the oldest living animal on earth* SNAIL I can eat phytoplankton, oysters, and plants. *If the Astraea snail falls over, it needs help to get back up or it can die* SHARK I eat tuna, seals, clams, oysters, squid, flounder, mackerel, and other sharks. *The smallest species is 4 inches long and a shark’s skeleton is made of rubbery cartilage* STINGRAY I eat clams, blue crabs, mud crabs, oysters, flounder, and herring. *Ancient Greek dentists used the venom from the stingray's spine as an anesthetic* SEAL I eat herring, mackerel, crabs, rays, and some zooplankton. *A seals milk consists of 40-50 percent fat* TUNA I eat anchovies, herring, and plankton. *Tuna can grow to over 1,000 lbs.* ANCHOVY I eat plankton. *There are over 140 different species of anchovy in the sea* SQUID I eat shrimp, herring, and plankton. *Giant squid can grow to lengths of over 60 feet* SHRIMP I eat plankton. *Shrimp have an average of 10 legs and the shrimp on record was 16 in.* WHALE I eat plankton, shrimp, anchovies, and herring. *Newborn blue whales can be over 25 feet long* PELICAN I eat anchovies, herring, and small tuna. *Pelicans have been around for over 40 million years* PENGUIN I eat herring and squid. *Penguins live in large colonies called “Rookeries”* FLOUNDER I eat shrimp, mud crabs, small blue crabs, anchovies, and herring. *Flounder hatch as normal fish, but one eye migrates to the other side as it matures* MACKEREL I eat anchovies, herring, and squid. *Mackerel can produce as many as 500,000 eggs*