Papers benefiting from the LSU Collection of Genetic Resources, 1994-2004 Herpetology Abreu-Grobois, F.A., A.L. Bass, R.B. Duenas, P.H. Dutton, S.E. Encalada, and N.N. Fitzsimmons. 1996. Mitochondrial DNA d-loop sequences of marine turtles. Marine Turtle Genetics Symposium Proceedings, Miami, FL, Pp. 147-162 In Bowen, B.W. and W.N. Witzell (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sea Turtle Conservation Genetics. NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-396. 173 pp. Abreu-Grobois, F.A., A.L. Bass, P.H. Dutton, and S.E. Encalada. 1996. PCR-RFLP analysis of sea turtle populations in the era of DNA. Marine Turtle Genetics Symposium Proceedings Miami, FL, Pp. 55-68 In Bowen, B.W. and W.N. Witzell (eds.) Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sea Turtle Conservation Genetics NOAA Tech. Mem. NMFS-SEFSC-396. 173 pp. Anderson, R. E. 1996. Biochemical Systematics of Coluber constrictor. M.S. Thesis, Southeastern Louisiana University, Hammond, LA. Bass, A.L., D.A. Good, K.A. Bjorndal, J.I. Richardson, Z.-M. Hillis, J.A. Horrocks, and B.W. Bowen. 1996. Testing models of female migratory behavior and population structure in the Caribbean hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata, with mtDNA control region sequences. Molecular Ecology, 5:321-328. Bass, A.L. 1999. Genetic analysis to elucidate the natural history and behavior of hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) in the wider Caribbean: a review and re-analysis. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 3(2):195-199. Bauer, A.M., Branch, W.R., and D.A. Good. 1996. A new species of rock-dwelling Phyllodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from the Richtersveld, South Africa. Occ. Pap. Mus. Nat. Sci. Louisiana St. Univ. 71:1-13. Bauer AM, and Good DA. 1996. Phylogenetic systematics of the day geckos, genus Rhoptropus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), of south-western Africa. J ZOOL 238: 635-663 Part 4 APR 1996. Bauer, A.M., Good, D.A., and Branch, W.R. 1997. 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Cole, J. C., H. C. Dessauer. 1995. Unisexual lizards (Genus Cnemidophorus) of the Madrean Archipelago. Pp. 267-273 in L. F. DeBano, P. F. Ffaliott, A. Ortega-Rubio, G. J. Gottfried, R. H. Hamre, and C. B. Edminstere (Tech. Coordi.), Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archipelago: The Sky Islands of Southwestern United States and Northwestern Mexico. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RMGRT-264, Fort Collins, CO. Creer, D. A., K. de Queiroz, T. R. Jackman, J. B. Losos, and A. Larson. 2001. Systematics of the Anolis roquet series of the southern Lesser Antilles. J. Herpetol. 35(3):428-441. Crother, B. I., and J. S. Thompson. 1998 Biochemical genetics of the disjunct populations of Nerodia floridana (Colubridae: Serpentes) Copeia 1998:715-719. Jorge da Silva, N., and J.W. Sites, Jr. 2001. Phylogeny of South American triad coral snakes (Elapidae: Micrurus) based on molecular characters. Herpetologica 57(1):1-22. Davis, L. M., T. C. Glenn, R. M. Elsey, I. L. Brisbin, W. 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