Universität Bonn Leitfaden Modularisierung Formular zur Modulbeschreibung (Stand 01. Juni 2004) Modultitel Leistungspunkte LP Mitochondrial DNA: Phylogeny from exons and introns 6 Modulnummer PS-VK1 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Dr. Volker Knoop Sekretariat Non-existent e-Mail volker.knoop@uni-bonn.de Das Modul ist folgendem Studiengang/folgenden Studiengängen zugeordnet M. Sc. (Plant Science) Inhalte des Moduls The lab course will deal with the phylogenetic information stored over 500 million years of land plant evolution, stored in the genomes of living plants. Molecular techniques, mainly DNA and RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing and computer programs for database analyses and molecular phylogenetic constructions will be used to retrieve this information. Taxonwise, a focus will be the extant representatives of lower land plants, the bryophytes, lycophytes and monilophytes and locuswise a focus will be the mitochondrial DNA of plants with its peculiar mechanisms of gene expression such as RNA editing and trans-splicing. Lernziele des Moduls By the end of the course students should have obtained a good understanding of land plant evolution from a molecular genomic point of view. They should be able to answer question on molecular biological techniques as well as on the diversity of land plant clades and the different approaches taken in molecular phylogenetic analyses. Teilnahmevoraussetzungen/erforderliche und nützliche Vorkenntnisse Obligatory parallel participation in theoretical module VK3 – Plant Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny Modulbestandteile Lehrveranstaltungstitel Molecular Evolution of Plants LP LV-Art SWS P/WP/W 6 P 10 WP Semester (WS/SS) WS Prüfungsmodalitäten Oral presentation of experimental procedures and results obtained at the end of the lab course. Written Test (2 h) with ~ 10 questions addressing issues of plant molecular biology Dauer des Moduls Module can be finished within winter term. Max. Teilnehmerzahl: 12 Anmeldeformalitäten Application via e-mail to volker.knoop@uni-bonn.de Literaturempfehlungen „The mitochondrial DNA of land plants: peculiarities in phylogenetic perspective“, Knoop V, Curr. Genet. 46:123-139 (2004); “Phylogeny for the faint of heart: a tutorial”, Baldauf SL, Trends genet. 19:345-351 (2003); “Phylogenetic trees made easy”, Hall BG, Sinauer Assoc., Sunderland, MA (2001) Stand 01. Juni 2004