HENDERSON GRADE RECOVERY PROJECT: Will replace lowest Quiz grade. (we can discuss other options). DUE Tuesday May 14. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! ABC Book of CHEMISTRY **MUST BE COLORFUL AND CREATIVE ( -20pts for no color/creativity) You are an author who has been asked to write an ABC children’s book about Chemistry. As you create this ABC book you must address the following (other topics may be included, but these have to be included as well): Moles Stoichiometry States of Matter Balancing Equations Physical and Chemical Naming formulas Properties Acids/Bases The Periodic Table Requirements: 1. All letters of the alphabet must be used. For each letter, A-Z, you will come up with a word or phrase that we’ve learned this year that goes with that letter. 2. Each page must have a letter and a picture. The picture may be illustrated by hand, or may be found on the internet. 3. In addition to the letter and picture, each student must provide the information about chemistry that is represented by that letter and be tied into one or more of the seven themes listed above. 4. DO NOT put more than one letter of the alphabet on a page. 5. This project can be done as a powerpoint, a prezi, an actual booklet, or if you have another idea run it by me first! ***YOU CANNOT USE MORE THAN 3 ELEMENTS/COMPOUNDS FOR LETTERS*** Example: O O is for oxygen. Oxygen is the element with atomic number 8 on the periodic table. It is a highly reactive nonmetallic element that readily forms compounds with almost all other elements. A notable use of O2 is as a low-pressure breathing gas used in modern space suits, RUBRIC: CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Layout of Pages Pages include all required elements and space is used very well. Pages are pleasing to the eye. Pages are missing 1 required element, or either space is not used well or the layout is hard to read. Pages are missing 2 required elements or pages are hard to read due to layout. Pages have no required elements or layout is difficult to read. Ideas and Details All ideas are scientifically correct (26). Most ideas are scientifically correct.(>20) Some ideas are scientifically correct (>15) Few ideas are scientifically correct (14 or less) Use of Alphabet All 26 letters of the alphabet are included and in proper order. At least 24 letters of the alphabet are included and in proper order. At least 22 letters of the alphabet are included and in proper order. Less than 20 letters of the alphabet are included in proper order. Illustration Book contains all 26 or more drawings Book contains between 15-24 drawings Book contains between 5-15 drawings Book contains between 0-5 drawings Spelling and grammar The book has no errors, corrections or erasures and is easily read. It appears the student spent a lot of effort getting things just right. Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are mostly correct. (2-4 errors) Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling are somewhat correct. (5-7 errors) Capitalization, punctuation, and spelling make the text hard to read. (8 or more errors) 20/20 19/20 18/20 17/20 16/20 15/20 14/20 13/20 12/20 11/20 10/20 9/20 8/20 7/20 6/20 5/20 4/20 3/20 2/20 1/20 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%