BBN-ANG-253 Advanced Syntax Lecture Course Autumn, 2014/15 More complex verb types 2 1 Intransitive verbs they take one argument which is typically an agent or an experiencer 1 a Peter laughed b Peter fainted they can take a cognate object 2 a Peter smiled a friendly smile b Peter danced a happy dance c *Peter fainted a faint in English they cannot be passivised the event structure is complex cf. unaccusatives and ergative unaccusatives 2 Verbs with multiple complements they have three arguments: (i) an agent, a theme and a location or (ii) an agent, a theme and a goal/beneficiary 3 a Peter put the beer in the fridge b Peter gave a bottle to John c Peter gave John a bottle 1 BBN-ANG-253 Advanced Syntax Lecture Course Autumn, 2014/15 their event structure is complex: e = e1 → e2 → e3 4 vPagent v’ DPagent v vP v’ v VP V’ DPtheme V PPlocative/DPgoal/beneficiary put/give e1= agent does something e2= theme changes location or possession e3= theme is in a certain location or possession passivisation 5 a Peter gave John a bottle b John was given a bottle c A bottle was given to John d *A bottle was given John (N.B. In the tree in (117) on p 186 in Newson et al. there is a typo: the subscripts ’goal’ and ’theme’ are in the wrong place and should be swapped. Similarly, there is another typo in the tree in (121) on p 188: the arrow pointing from ’t1’ to ’Gary1’ is incorrect, instead, it should be pointing to ’Pete1’.) 2 BBN-ANG-253 Advanced Syntax Lecture Course Autumn, 2014/15 3 Phrasal verbs 6 the number of arguments appearing varies, a V + P sequence is involved a The plane took off b Peter looked up a word c The referee sent a player off the field their meaning is often idiomatic, i.e. it is not composed of the meaning of the verb and the particle (P) 7 phrasal verbs vs. prepositional verbs a He looked up a word b He walked down Memory Lane c He looked a word up d *He walked Memory Lane down 8 a Down Memory Lane, he walked b *Up a word, he looked 9 a He walked right down Memory Lane b *He looked right up a word c He looked a word right up 10 a He walked down Memory Lane and up Sunset Boulevard b *He looked up a word and up an expression phrasal verbs and the right-hand head rule of English morphology: in a verb + particle sequence the element on the left behaves like a head 3 BBN-ANG-253 Advanced Syntax Lecture Course Autumn, 2014/15 movement of the particle is only grammatical if the PP does not contain an object DP 11 vPagent DP The ref. v’ v V1 VP v V’ DP the player send 12 V PP t1 off vPagent DP The ref. v’ v V1 VP v V’ DP the player 13 V P2 V PP send off t1 t2 a The referee sent the player off the field b *The referee sent off the player the field 14 a The referee sent the player right off b *The referee sent right off the player (cf. (9)) 4