Name: _____________________ Unit Plan- Modern America Emerges (1914-1929) Essential Questions 1. How did American involvement in World War I change its standing in the world? 2. How did the actions of the federal government affect the America homefront economically and socially? 3. How did the experience of WWI, create a desire for Americans to return to normalcy? 4. How did modernity create conflict with traditional American norms and values? Identifications Militarism Alliance Imperialism Nationalism Archduke Franz Ferdinand Gavrilo Princip Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land” Blockade U-Boats Lusitania 1916 Election Zimmerman Telegram Selective Service Act Convoy System John J. Pershing Meuse-Argonne area Conscientious objector Doughboys Mechanized warfare Armistice War Industries Board National War Labor Board Victory gardens Liberty Bonds Propaganda Committee on Public Information Espionage and Sedition Acts Great Migration Fourteen Points League of Nations Treaty of Versailles The Big Four Reparations War-guilt clause Irreconcilables Proponents Reservationists Lodge Borah Red Scare A. Mitchell Palmer Palmer raids FBI Radicals Anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti KKK “A Return to Normalcy” Isolationism Warren G. Harding Kellogg-Briand Pact Fordney-McCumber Tariff Nativism Emergency Quota Act of 1921 1924 Immigration Law Ohio Gang Albert Fall Teapot Dome Scandal Henry Ford and Model T Urban sprawl Prohibition 18th Amendment 21st Amendment Volstead Act Speakeasies Bootleggers Moonshiners Al Capone Fundamentalism Scopes Trial John Scopes Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan Flapper Winter Olympics Charles Lindbergh Lindbergh kidnapping Charlie Chaplin The Jazz Singer George Gershwin Georgia O’Keefe F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemmingway Great Migration NAACP W.E.B. DuBois UNIA Marcus Garvey Harlem Renaissance Claude McKay Zora Neale Hurston Langston Hughes Paul Robeson Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Bessie Smith Important Dates Beginning of WWI in Europe US Entrance into WWI Armistice Woodrow Wilson’s Presidency Warren Harding’s Presidency Calvin Coolidge’s Presidency Important Maps Europe in 1914 Europe in 1919 Review Questions 1. What caused WWI? (long-term and short-term causes) 2. What countries composed the Central Powers and Allied Powers? Why did the powers divide this way? 3. What was the Schlieffen Plan? Why did it fail? 4. How did Americans feel about the war in the early years of the war? 5. Why did the United States enter the war? 6. How was WWI warfare characterized? What new weapons were introduced? 7. How did American fighting contribute to the end of the war? 8. In what ways did the government get more involved in the lives of America during the war? 9. How were African Americans affected by the war? 10. How were immigrants to the United States affected by the war? 11. What issues were the Allied powers dealing with in the spring of 1919? 12. What did the Treaty of Versailles conclude? 13. What problems were left unsettled by the Treaty of Versailles? 14. Why did the U.S. Congress fail to join the League of Nations? 15. How did the Russian Revolution affect the United States during and after WWI? 16. What was the cause of the Palmer Raids? The result of the Palmer Raids? 17. What was the significance of the Sacco-Vanzetti Trial? 18. How did the KKK of the 1920s differ from the post-Civil War KKK? 19. What happened to labor during the 1920s? Why did this occur? 20. What trend did the tariffs implemented by politicians in the 1920s have? Why was this so? 21. How did scandal lead to the downfall of Warren Harding? 22. How did the increased production of the automobile and the airplane change American society in the 1920s? 23. Why did consumerism grow in the 1920s? 24. What were the major differences between urban and rural life in the 1920s? 25. What exactly did the 18th amendment prohibit? What did it allow? 26. What were the causes of prohibition? What effects did prohibition have on society? 27. What were the results of the Scopes Trial? 28. How did life for women change in the 1920s? 29. How did education change in the 1920s? 30. How did people receive news in the 1920s? How did that change life? 31. Who were the major sports stars of the 1920s? Why did sports players become national stars for the first time in the 20s? 32. Why were the writers of the 1920s called “The Lost Generation”? 33. How did the NAACP and UNIA differ? 34. How did themes of art change in the 1920s? 35. How did music change in the 1920s?