1 Competing for Water Research Programme Preliminary Report : Hydrological Study Danish Institute for International Studies DIIS. Groupe d’Etudes et de Recherche en Droit et Sociologie Appliquée – GERSDA Tél : 00 (223) 279 66 36. E-mail : gersda@yahoo.fr Bamako / Mali Author : Adama Tiémoko DIARRA – Hydrologue. Tél : 00 (223) 671 28 48 E.mail : atdiarra56@yahoo.fr February 2008 2 Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3 2.AVAILABILITY OF HYDROLOGICAL DATA................................................. 3 2.1. Meteorological data ...................................................................................3 2.2. Hydrological data .......................................................................................5 2.2.1. Surface water ...........................................................................................5 2.2.2. Underground water .................................................................................8 2.3. Simplified hydrological assessment ..........................................................9 2.4. Data on quality of water ...........................................................................12 2.5. Standards for the evaluation of water demands .....................................15 3. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 16 4. BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 18 5. ANNEXES ............................................................................................ 19 3 1. INTRODUCTION This report consists of an evaluation of water resources in the Douentza district, Mopti region, in Mali, in the framework of the « Conflict and cooperation in local water governance » research programme. Led by the Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), this interdisciplinary programme collaborates with research partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe. The aim of the preliminary phase of this hydrological study is to assess the data on water resources in the case study area of the Douentza district, Mali. More specifically, this study will : - Dress an inventory of the current knowledge on water resources in the study area. - collect available data from relevant technical services on climate, hydrology and hydrogeology in the district - Analyse and process collected data on water resources (surface and underground water) - Establish a simplified hydrological assessment on the study area. This analysis of existing data will complement the sociological inventories and analyses and aims at identifying technical and physical factors playing a role in water conflicts. 2. AVAILABILITY OF DATA ON WATER RESOURCES 2.1. Meteorological data The climate of the study area is sahelian, with the following three seasons : • rainy season, from May to October • cool dry season, from November to January • warm dry season, from February to April The average annual rainfall in the study area is spatially and temporally variable, and ranges from 400 to 500 mm, with 62% rain falling during July and August. 4 The average annual temperature is 28°C, with a monthly maximum temperature of 38°C in April and an average monthly minimum of 15°C in January ; seasonal variations are not high but during the warm dry season there can be a high variability during the day. Potential evapotranspiration is 2190 mm per year, but is irregular during the year, with peaks in March and April (235mm and 230mm) and at its lowest in July and August (150mm). The meteorological data are tracked by the network of the Direction Nationale de la Météorologie (DNM), which has a regional office in Mopti. The meteorological network includes the Mopti and Hombori stations and the rainfall station of N’Gourma in Douentza. Rainfall is the main data collected by these stations. Table : Rainfall stations representative for the study area Station Locality Coordinates Altitude Longitude Latitude Date of Creation N’Gouma Douentza 03°22W 15°38N 267 1954 Hombori Hombori 01°41W 15°20N 287 1920 Mopti Mopti 04°06W 14°31N 271 1921 The data collected by the meteorological stations of Mopti and Hombori are the following : Table: Climatic parameters, Mopti and Hombori stations Available parameters Characteristics Rainfall Level and intensity Temperature Maximum ad minimum temperature (at 2m) Ground temperature Relative humidity Maximum and minimum Solar radiation? Insolation? Daily duration Wind Speed and direction (at 2 m and 10 m) Atmosphere pressure pressure 5 Evaporation Piche, class A pan evaporation Inter-annual variation of rainfall The following graph shows the average annual variation of rainfall from 1945 to 2005. A dry period started in 1968, with reduced and very variable rainfall, both spatially and temporally. The drought of the 1970’s and 1980’s had a very strong negative impact on the study area’s ecology and profoundly modified the water resource regime. One of the main consequences is a low rate of storage and a bad functioning of the water tanks/reserves which are the main water resources of the zone. Low rainfall has degraded and even destroyed the vegetation cover, which in turn led to an increase in surface runoff and a decrease in infiltration of rain water. 2.1. Hydrological data 2.1.1. Surface water The Douentza district is situated in the Niger basin but the Niger River does not run through the district. Directly available water resources come from temporary water courses, lakes and water reservoirs/tanks (retenues)? The largest lakes (Kourarou, Aounkoundou and Korientze) are supplied by the Kolli Kolli, an arm of the Niger river, and by rain 6 water. The water level and the flood duration in the lakes and other water storage points depend on the hydraulicity of the Niger river. Apart from the above-mentioned lakes, other surface water resources are small and temporary ponds. Table : temporary water courses and ponds in Douentza Temporary water Locality Types of zones courses and ponds Hydrological regime Ibissa Commune Ibissa Natural source temporary Kikara Commune Kikara Natural source temporary Mokeïna Commune de Forest /pond temporary Pond/livestock temporary Mokeïna Borko Boré watering point Boni Boni Storage dam temporary 7 Dioulouna Dioulouna Pond temporary Inani Commune de Inani Forest/pond temporary Source : Plan d’Action National de Gestion des Zones humides (PAZU), Etude d’inventaire et de caractérisation des zones humides au Mali, Avril 2007. Economic activities around these water points are agriculture, fishing and livestockrearing. Most of the lakes and ponds are unfortunately small and dry. Hydrometric data collection and tracking has only been done on the Kolli Kolli, an arm of the Niger River supplying the main lakes. The water levels measured on the Kolli Kolli are presented in annex. The level of the Kourarou lake has been tracked only during one hydrological year. We do not have data on other water points in the study area. The hydrological stations of Mopti and Konna situated on the Niger river, outside the study area, could serve as control/relay stations in the analysis of the seasonal variability of water resources. Data on water level and water flow since 1922 are available from these stations. Table : Hydrological stations representative for the study area Station River Longitude Latitude Altitude Basin area (Km2) Creation Korientze Kolli Kolli W 003 4700 N 15 25 00 257 - 1959 Diona Kourarou Lake W 003 1500 N 15 20 00 - - - Mopti Niger W 004 1200 N 14 30 00 261 281 600 1922 8 The following graph shows a high correlation between the water level measured on the Niger River in Mopti and the Kolli Kolli in Douentza. 2.1.2. Underground water Underground water is used for people and livestock. In Douentza, surface water is mostly non perennial and is therefore only available during part of the year. 9 The drought taking place in Mali since the 70’s lowered the level of the water table, and caused water depletion of the traditional water points ( temporary ponds and shallow wells). As a consequence, new water points (wells and water drilling) have been developed, in order to harvest water from deep aquifers, therefore less dependent on climatic changes. According to the information system « SIGMA 2 » on underground water points, the Douentza district has 272 wells, of which 215 are permanent. For these wells, the following data are available : - Depth and diameter - Static level - Hydraulic conductivity The Douentza district also has 279 water drillings, out of which 224 equipped. For these drillings, data are available on depth and diameter, static level, hydraulic conductivity, and also on water flow, which has been measured during pumping trials. The spatial and temporal variability of underground water aquifers in Douentza is difficult to assess due to the lack of tracking of the hydraulic gradient level. Average characteristics of drillings and wells in Douentza Average depth of Success rate Success rate Average depth of drillings (m) Q≥1m /h Q≥5m /h wells (m) 64 63% 31% 31 3 3 2.2. Simplified hydrological assessment The following hydrological assessment is based on the difference between the average rainfall and the watershed flow, and corresponds to flow loss : Pm = Le + ETR + R1 - Ro Pm is the average level of annual rainfall in mm in the basin. 10 Le is the annual runoff depth in mm, i.e. volume of flow in comparison to the size of the basin, at a level comparable with rainfall level. ETR is the real average annual evapotranspiration in mm. R1 and R0 are respectively the runoff stored in the ground or in the underground aquifers and runoff returned by these aquifers during a certain period. Lack of hydrological data makes modelling difficult. The simplest relations use rainfall level as variables for runoff depth. The basic relation is : Vapports K e Pm S Vapports: Supply (m3) Ke : runoff coefficient Pm : average rainfall S : watershed size Runoff depth Runoff depth and average rainfall : Le(mm) 31,53x103 xQ(m3 S 1 ) S ( Km2 ) Q represents the flow and S the size of the watershed. Runoff coefficient and runoff deficit The inter-annual runoff coefficient Ke constitutes a characteristic/distinctive feature of the hydrology of the basin, as it only depends on inter-annual runoff depth and rainfall level in the basin : K e (%) Le 100 P 11 According to research by ORSTOM, the runoff coefficient in the study area is about 14%. Runoff deficit The runoff deficit corresponds to the water used by evapotranspiration and the difference between water stored in underground aquifers and the volume given back/returned by these aquifers. De= P - Le = ETR + R1 - Ro In a yearly assessment, storage and return tend to reach an equilibrium for a long time period of observation (R1≈R0) and the average runoff deficit represents the only parameter ETR (average value of real evapotranspiration in the zone) De= P - Le = ETR The table below contains all ten-year hydrological assessments since 1950. Table: components of the simplified hydrological assessment Decades Rainfall Runoff depth Deficit = ETR (mm) (mm) (mm) 1950-1960 572,89 80,20 492,68 1961-1970 487,72 68,28 419,44 1971-1980 431,22 60,37 370,84 1981-1990 354,78 49,66 305,11 1991-2000 439,49 61,52 377,96 1950-2000 458,73 64,22 394,51 The gap analysis in relation to averages established from 1950 to 2000 shows that the deficit is higher during the last 30 years. 12 2.3. Data on water quality Surface water (rivers, ponds, tanks) is polluted by men and animals. There is no pollution from industry and very little pollution from agriculture. There are almost no data on the quality of the surface water of the study area. The only data available come from a few water samples taken during research programmes by the « Institut Français de Recherche pour le Développement » (e.g. ORSTOM). Results of the measures taken in 1999 on the Kolli Kolli, which supplies in water all the main lakes in the study area, are below: Date of sample Suspended solids (g/m3) Conductivity at 25° C (µs) pH Temperature (°C) 02/02/1999 45,2 57,7 7,5 21,2 Underground water is less polluted. Most of the localities are supplied by water drillings or wells which harvest underground water without processing/treating it. 13 Table: Physical and chemical features of underground water in Douentza Locality Commune DANGOL BORE /BORE DOUENTZA/ Date of analysis CATIONS (mg/l) Ca Mg Na Anions (mg/l) K Fe Mn HCO3 Cl S04 NO3 TAC TH Cond mg/l mg/l µS/cm pH 27/12/82 30 113 0 0 0 0 5 52 636 0 45 540 1632 8 18/04/82 61 90 0 4,3 0 0 606 21 216 0,1 496 524 1344 8 18/04/82 0 18 0 62 0 0 210 26 32 1,4 174 165 441 8 17/12/82 56 160 0 0 0 0 616 52 820 0 505 800 1981 7 11/12/82 38 65 0 0 0 0 499 20 192 0 407 364 1118 7 08/06/87 38 91 0 0 0 0 650 0 11 0 532 468 1204 8 17/12/84 52 0 0 0 0,6 0 71 32 36 0 58 132 589 6 26/04/88 35 18 0 0 0,6 0 115 5 20 0 94 160 414 8 26/04/88 48 39 0 0 0,8 0 412 10 283 0 277 280 1026 8 Douentza HAIRE/ Nokara HOMBORI/ Hombori Korarou/ Ibrizaz Source: Base de données sur les eaux souterraines « SIGMA 2 » de la Direction Nationale de l’Hydraulique. 15 2.4. Standards for the evaluation of water demands Water resource (surface and underground water) uses: Human consumption Livestock watering Agriculture (rice and horticulture) Making banko for house building Refill of groundwater tables Human consumption In Mali, the following standards are used to estimate demands for human consumption. Category of locality Standards from the Schema Optimum needs Directeur l/day/pers l/day/pers Bamako 54 100 Urban centres 46 80 semi-urban centres 31 55 Rural centres-villages 20 45 Water needs of population are assessed according to the standards in table above i. Village (less than 2000 inhabitants): 20 litres/person/day, i.e. 1 modern water point for 400 inhabitants (modern water points have a flow of 8 m3/day.) ii. Rural centre (2000 inhabitants to 5000 inhabitants) : 31 litres/pers./day iii. Semi-urban centres (5000 and 10.000 inhabitants) : 31 litres/person/ day iv. Urban centres (more than 10.000 inhabitants) : 45 l/pers/day It is generally admitted that for localities with more than 2000 inhabitants in rural areas, water supply networks such as water towers and water taps are appropriate drinking water supply installations. 16 Animal consumption Livestock watering with surface water is the most common use by livestock keepers, who prefer it to using underground water. Water needs of livestock depend on the species, on the quality of forage and on climate. Specific consumption is variable but gaps are not significant. Field studies led by the Comité Inter Etats d’Etudes Hydrauliques (CIEH) cite the following figures: cattle: 39,2 l/d/head sheep : goats : 4,3 l/d/head donkeys : horses : 23 l/d/head 4,3 l/d/head 30 l/d/head Agricultural consumption Estimation of water needs estimation for irrigated agriculture (horticulture and orchards) is based on the following standards: large areas (double rice cultivation) : 20 000 m3/ha/year ; small areas (double rice cultivation and horticulture) : 15 000 m3/ha/year ; improved lower-depth areas (bas fonds améliorés) (complementary supply during the rainy season) : 5 500 m3/ha/year ; Horticulture: 8 000 m3/ha/year. 3. CONCLUSIONS Water resources in the study area are mostly ponds and temporary water courses, as well as lakes fed by the high water of the Niger River. Hydrological data on the study area are not available, due to a lack of measurement networks. This situation can prevent the planned modelling. This gap can be partly corrected with hydrological data available from the Mopti station on the Niger River. 17 The hydrological data on the Niger in Mopti, even if outside the study area, can contribute to analysing the variability of water resources in relation to water conflicts. Indeed, the main lakes in Douentza depend on the Niger River. Meteorological data are available from the Mopti, Hombori and N’Gourma stations, all representative of the study area. The next phase of the hydrological study will aim to: - Assess water needs or demands from different socio-economic sectors - Establish hydrological assessments and apply water allocation model in order to explain variability factors in water resources and satisfaction levels in the analysis of water related conflicts. - Identify technical and physical factors linked to water conflicts in order to complement the sociological inventories and analyses. 18 4. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Monographie hydrologique du fleuve Niger, Tome 1 – Niger Supérieur, Brunet-Moret, Y.; Chaperon, P.; Lamagat, J.P.; Moliner, M.; Edition l’ORSTOM Monographie Hydrologues No 8, ISBN 2-7099-0790-9/2-70990791-7;1986 2. Influence des aménagements hydrauliques et hydro-agricoles du Niger supérieur sur l’inondation du delta intérieur du Niger (Mali), Adamou Hassane, juin 1999. 3. ORSTOM/DNHE. Projet MLI/90/002. Evaluation des ressources en eau non pérennes du Mali. Rapport final Bamako, Novembre 1992, Mali. 4. Ministère de l’environnement. Plan d’Action National de Gestion des Zones humides (PAZU), Etude d’inventaire et de caractérisation des zones humides au Mali, Avril 2007. 19 5. ANNEXES Average water levels on the Koli Koli in Korientze Year level(cm) 01/07/1959 01/07/1960 01/07/1961 01/07/1962 01/07/1963 01/07/1964 01/07/1965 01/07/1966 01/07/1967 01/07/1968 01/07/1969 01/07/1970 01/07/1971 01/07/1972 01/07/1973 673 614 466 451 506 450 497 645 514 494 564 656 557 517 550 Year 01/07/1974 01/07/1975 01/07/1976 01/07/1977 01/07/1978 01/07/1979 01/07/1980 01/07/1981 01/07/1982 01/07/1983 01/07/1984 01/07/1985 01/07/1986 01/07/1987 01/07/1988 Level (cm) 415 350 272 279 235 320 253 262 219 163 147 191 151 123 185 year Level (cm) 01/07/1989 01/07/1990 01/07/1991 01/07/1992 01/07/1993 01/07/1994 01/07/1995 01/07/1996 01/07/1997 01/07/1998 01/07/1999 01/07/2000 01/07/2001 01/07/2002 01/07/2003 156 157 168 143 143 189 216 191 153 205 190 211 58 249 237 Source : Direction régionale de l’hydraulique de Mopti Average water levels on the Niger in Mopti Year 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 level(cm) 289,81 322,43 363,76 326,88 321,46 307,88 335,71 396,72 427,16 427,80 437,85 453,83 389,46 388,94 426,37 386,45 369,42 357,68 Year 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Level (cm) 354,39 368,88 385,89 394,98 340,56 369,23 380,84 359,86 336,05 291,39 280,91 229,75 269,83 300,13 302,08 267,32 288,70 305,28 Source : Direction Nationale de l’hydraulique year 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Level (cm) 252,28 277,10 259,67 222,20 205,39 229,36 217,26 219,81 233,94 219,26 195,14 241,46 236,43 231,89 317,85 308,71 282,17 273,93 year 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Level (cm) 300,23 310,30 320,56 295,67 258,82 299,15 263,68 279,13 293,58