Safety Advisory Board Minutes from June 19, 2013

Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Safety Advisory Board Meeting
June 19, 2013
Conference Room 550G
9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Office of the Secretary
Office of the General Counsel
Office of the Inspector General
Coastal & Aqu. Mgd. Areas
Division of Administration
Division of Administration
Division of Air Resources Mgt.
Division of Law Enforcement
Florida Geological Survey
Division of State Lands
Land and Recreation
Division of Waste Management
Division of Water Resource Mgt.
Division of Recreation & Parks
Office of Technology & Info Ser.
Div. of Env. Assessment & Rest
Workers’ Comp Coordinator
Training Director
Pensacola, N. W. District
Jacksonville, N. E. District
Orlando, Central District
Tampa, S. W. District
West Palm Beach, S. E. District
Fort Myers, South District
Melinda Moody
Reagan Russell
Hyatt Sudano/Gary Wiser
Sue Leitholf
Jeff Loflin/Kim Bundage
Lynda Watson
Jessica Dalton
Caroline Horton
Eric Harrington
Jeff Gentry/Mil Jubinsky
Annie Hunter
Roger Rook
Dawn Walker
Rockal Archie/Connie Hines
Tim Springer
Tom Biernacki/Nhon Vo
Paige Fenner
Robbie Yarborough
Jessica Smith/Tom Kennedy
Neil Hornick
Tony Tucker/Danielle Bentzen
Mike Zavosky/Victoria Sowell
Michelle Halpin
Joe Kreft
Call to Order/Opening Remarks
The meeting opened at 9:01 a.m. by Jeff Loflin. He welcomed newly appointed
members Annie Hunter, Tom Kennedy, and Joe Kreft.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the March meeting were approved.
New Business/Items of Concern
 DEP 270- New Boating Directive Update- The watercraft portion of DEP
620- Motor Vehicles/Watercraft Assignment and Utilization was removed
to create Directive 270- Watercraft Assignment and Utilization. The new
directive was reviewed by the Boating Safety Advisory Board and boating
instructors. Changes were made as deemed necessary. The directive was
sent to directors on June 18 for review. The Safety Office will receive
comments through Friday, June 28. Any comments from the directors will
be reviewed and incorporated prior to the directive going to the Secretary.
Jeff reviewed some of the main changes to the new directive.
SAB Members Meetings with Management and Agenda Items – SAB
members were reminded to update their Division/District Directors about
the quarterly meetings and to ask if they have any agenda items to discuss
during the meeting. District/Division Directors will be provided with
copies of the safety advisory board minutes.
DEP 477-Medical Monitoring Directive Update– DEP 477- Medical
Monitoring Program has been reviewed by the SAB, the Medical
Monitoring Committee, Division/District Directors and the Chief of Staff.
Changes were made. The directive will be forwarded to the Secretary for
approval. The Medical Monitoring Program will now be administered by
the Director’s Office instead of Personnel. All forms and the directive will
now be housed on the Director’s Office webpage.
Safety Meetings and Safety Inspections on SAB drive – All SAB members
need to make sure all safety meeting agendas, meeting minutes, office
inspections, near misses, etc. are stored on the SAB drive. New SAB
members will be provided access to the drive. DEP will have a peer
review from the Department of Financial Services, Division of Risk
Management this year. The Safety Office may be asked to provide
documentation to support the Department’s safety programs. The Safety
Office will rely on the safety folders to help support the Department’s
safety practices. New SAB members may contact Jeff for more information
on how to set up and document their safety programs on the safety drive.
Safety Training Numbers Statewide – The Safety Office is compiling the
number of safety trainings offered for the current fiscal year. All safety
trainings are tracked by sending the information to
HAZWOPER Courses Available with DEP Instructors- All
Division/District Directors should be aware that there are trained
instructors within the Department that are available to conduct 8-hour
refreshers as well as the 24-hour training. Some divisions are still paying
for employees to attend OSHA refresher training courses.
Division/District Directors may pay consultants to provide the training,
but there is a significant cost savings to utilize our in-house trainers. Jeff
Waters in the Central District is the main contact for HAZWOPER classes.
A list of all trained instructors is on the DEP Safety Website
Interim Release/Waiver of Liability –Civilians, volunteers and/or interns,
riding in State vehicles and/or vessels must sign a general release liability
form. Florida Statute 744.301 now has language that is necessary for a
guardian to waive liability for a minor. General Counsel is developing a
waiver for the entire Department.
Workers’ Compensation Updates- The Workers’ Compensation Directive
is 450. It was last updated in 2011 and is still current. The Optacomp
reporting procedures are on Personnel’s webpage. There are no current
lost time cases. There were 32 injuries in April, 34 in May and currently 16
in June. The main injuries are slips/trips/falls and strains. SAB members
should review all injuries to ensure the proper personal protective
equipment is available and to see if any safety protocols could be
implemented to prevent the incident from reoccurring. Review the First
Notice of Injury (FNOI) reports each month to make sure your division is
being billed correctly.
All injuries must be reported to the director of the division by email, and
copy the Deputy Secretary, and Program Administrator – Agency-wide
Programs within 24 hours or the next working day. The Lost Time
Committee meets weekly to review all First Notice of Injuries. The
committee looks to see if an injury could have been avoided.
Committee Reports
Office of the Secretary- No report.
Office of General Counsel- No report.
Office of the Inspector General – No report.
Air - No report.
Office of Emergency Response - No report.
Florida Geological Survey - No report.
State Lands – Currently keeping noise exposure logs and will be reviewing their
medical monitoring participants eligibility.
Land and Recreation- No report.
Division of Waste Management – Shared a ‘lesson learned’ issue concerning
two field staff that smelled ammonia while on a safety inspection.
Division of Water Resource Management – No report.
Division of Recreation and Parks – Twenty-three injuries in May, District 3
received the safety award for May, overall, RNP had a twenty percent decrease
in workers’ compensation claims from 2011/2012, attended safety training,
conducted safety training and revamping safety program incentive award,
created safety kits that will be utilized by volunteers and park rangers.
Office of Technology & Information Services- Had an injury last month.
Division of Environmental Assessment and Restoration- Conducted a lab
inspection to ensure they are in compliance with the Fire Marshall. One
employee received an injury while using a box cutter.
Tom reported a fender/bender; they are putting together a Hepatitis A & B
handout for field staff that would include information on Hepatitis A & B and a
list of the county health departments. Soon they will have AEDs on each floor
and the lab.
Pensacola- New members on their safety committee, conducted a HAZWOPER
class in Pensacola and a CPR class in the Panama City branch office, looking at
removing some medical monitoring participants, sent a reminder to staff to take
the Bloodborne Pathogen class, had some tick bites, providing face shields to
avoid partially treated waste water spray entering eyes, nose and mouth of field
staff conducting waste water treatment plant inspections.
Jacksonville- HAZWOPER course offered. OSHA inspector made a presentation
on what OSHA does. NWD staff will visit OSHA and provide a similar
presentation. In April they received a suspicious package and staff was
evacuated within 10 minutes. They learned a lot from the evacuation to include
having the proper checklists. Had another alarm at the end of the work day in
June. The building was evacuated within 5 minutes. They did much better due to
the lessons learned from the April evacuation.
Orlando – A 24 hour HAZWOPER was conducted in April. Over 50 staff training
completed an 8 hour refresher course in June. Trained staff on canoe/kayak.
Updated the hurricane and emergency plan. Updated the phone tree and it will
be tested next week at 7:00 pm. In the process of setting up CPR classes.
Tampa- Completed an office inspection and realized they did not have enough
first aid kits. Revamped all first aid kits and placed them in obvious places
around the building. Signage was placed above each first aid kit. Worked with
emergency response staff to gather all hazardous chemicals from the buildings
and remote locations and depose of them properly, recertified all building and
vehicle fire extinguishers, purchased a weather radio that can be programmed to
alert for only programmed counties, completed a hurricane bulletin board,
completed a HAZWOPER class and a snorkel certification, working on the exit
physicals for medical monitoring participants
West Palm Beach- Held two HAZOPER trainings on April 2nd and April 11th and
two heat safety trainings in conjunction with OSHA on June 4th and June 13th.
Fort Myers- No report.
Adjourn 10:41 a.m.