UNIVERSITY QUALITY OFFICE Peer Observation of Teaching (Version 1 00 - Jul 07) Guidance for heads of departments and deans on implementing the new code of practice Senate (Jun 07) has approved a new code of practice setting out the University’s framework for conducting peer observation of teaching. This comes into effect from 24 Sep 07. The following document provides a short summary of the code and gives guidance to heads of departments and deans on their responsibilities under the code. The code of practice (and one annexe) is available at: Heads of Departments Action required Timescale Explanatory note 1. Implement a scheme for peer observation reflecting the principles set out in para 6 of the code, including a pro forma for recording each observation (para 7) Semester 1 of 07/08 2. Obtain Faculty Quality Committee (or equivalent) approval (para 7) Semester 1 of 07/08 The dean is responsible for determining which committee and the precise timescale 3. Establish a pool of observers, to receive appropriate staff development (see below) (para 9) Semester 1 of 07/08 SDT is responsible for facilitating staff development opportunities for observers Para 9 explains the requirements for identifying and allocating observers ‘must ensure the allocation’ (para 9) – included by Senate to make clear that heads of departments can delegate the day to day management of the scheme FLTAC should determine how best to disseminate examples either within or outwith the faculty If the issue is not resolved the observee must be offered a further 4. Allocate observers to conduct observations (paras 9-10) (thereafter before start of academic session) Semester 1 of 07/08 (thereafter before start of academic session) 5. Forward examples of good practice identified during observations to the FLTAC (para 16) Following each observation 6. Discuss staff development needs with observee as required (para 17) Following each observation 7. Where concerns identified during an observation discuss further action with Following each observation Peer Observation of Teaching UQO Guidance on Implementing the code of practice Version 1 00 – Sep 07 1 observer and observee (paras. 18- 19) 8. Establish mechanism for reporting to the faculty human resources representative: The names of the observer and observee The date and time of the observation The type of teaching activity observed observation As part scheme of HR is responsible for conducting diversity monitoring Deans will also use this information to report to Quality and Standards Committee via the Faculty QER Deans Action required Timescale 1. Ensure HoDs are aware which faculty committee will approve schemes and on what timescale Semester 1 of 07/08 2. Provide an annual report (as an annexe to the faculty QER) to QSC including data on: First report due Jan 2009 (reporting on 07/08) Take up of the scheme Number of sessions classed as unsatisfactory Examples of innovatory or other good practice Recommendations for improvement of the scheme Explanatory note Designed to enable QSC to take an overview of the scheme across the University and, if appropriate, conduct a review based on feedback Staff Development Team Action required 1. Provide staff development opportunities for observers (para. 8) Timescale Explanatory note Semester 1 of 07/08 Human Resources Action required 1. Undertake appropriate diversity monitoring using information provided by HoDs Peer Observation of Teaching UQO Guidance on Implementing the code of practice Version 1 00 – Sep 07 Timescale Explanatory note Annually 2 SUMMARY OF THE CODE OF PRACTICE The code is designed to enable the (further) development of peer observation schemes which reflect the individual requirements of departments, the extent and nature of the teaching being delivered, but which accord with a number of agreed common principles. Schemes should be designed so that they promote the identification and sharing of good practice, the identification and meeting of staff development needs, and allow the exceptional case of unsatisfactory teaching to be addressed in a supportive manner. The fundamental principle of the code is that the view of an observer during one teaching observation is not a ‘definitive judgement of the quality of an individual’s teaching’ (para 6). Faculties are responsible for the initial oversight of the departmental schemes including through approving those schemes, providing means through which to disseminate good practice and through annual reporting on the take up of the schemes. HR is responsible for diversity monitoring. FEEDBACK ON THIS DOCUMENT This document is designed to assist heads of departments and deans in implementing the requirements of the code of practice by making those requirements more accessible. Feedback is welcomed at any time and should be sent to: Tim Burton, University Quality Office (6894, This document is available in alternative formats from the University Quality Office Copies to: Deans and Heads of departments (via HoDs’ Bulletin) Faculty Quality Administrators Partner Institutions (for information) Staff Development Team Human Resources Vice President (Academic Representation) [for information] Peer Observation of Teaching UQO Guidance on Implementing the code of practice Version 1 00 – Sep 07 3