Contents Page Introduction 2 Principles 2 – 20 - Informed Consent & Competent Adults & Minors 4–5 - Informed Consent & Mentally Incompetent 5–6 - Information Requirements 7–8 - Consent for Surplus Material 8–9 - Researchers & Medical Information 10 – 13 - Research Participants & Research Results 13 – 15 - Genetic Research – Specific Issues 16 – 18 - Multiple Genetic Testing 18 - “At Risk” Individuals 18 - Pharmaceutical Companies 18 – 19 - Outside EU 19 – 20 Appendix 1: Commentary on Principle No 6 21 – 23 Appendix 2: Terms 24 – 26 Appendix 3: Checklist - Samples of Human Material 27 – 29 Appendix 4: Guide for production of Patient Information Leaflet 30 1 Introduction This document is intended to be a guide to Research Ethics Committees considering clinical trials, which involve DNA testing, or genetic sampling. It is the culmination of a conference held on the 27th February 2002 sponsored by the Irish College of General Practitioners, The Health Research Board and Irish Medicines Board. Principles 1. An appropriately constituted Research Ethics Committee must approve all research using samples of human biological material. 2. Research should only go ahead if the potential benefits outweigh any potential risks to the donors of the samples.1 The risk that information from laboratory tests on a sample might harm the donor or their interests must be kept in mind. 3. The human body and its parts should be treated with respect.2 4. Samples of human biological material obtained for research should be treated as gifts.3 1 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 3. 2 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 3. 3 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 3. Researchers have a duty to ensure the donors’ wishes are respected when using the material. In the UK and probably in Ireland it is not legally possible to own a human body. The law is unclear as to whether or under what circumstances anyone can legally “own” samples of human biological material or whether donors of biological material have any property rights over “their” samples. For human material used in research, the important consideration is not legal ownership, per se, but who has the right to control the use made of samples or their transfer to a third party. Therefore the term “custodianship” rather than ownership, to imply responsibility for safe storage of samples, for safeguarding the donors’ interests, and for the control of use or disposal of the material is used. It is recommended that tissue samples donated for research be treated as gifts or donations, although gifts with conditions attached. This is preferable from a moral and ethical point of view, as it promotes the “gift relationship” between research participants and scientists, and underlines the altruistic motivation for participation in research. It also provides a practical way of dealing with the legal uncertainty over ownership, in that any property rights that the donor might have in their donated sample would be transferred, together with the control of use of the sample, to the recipient of the gift. Gifts may be conditional (that is, a donor may specify what the recipient can do with a gift), and it is very important that the donor understands and agrees to the proposed uses of the donated material. The assumption by the donor is that nothing will be done that would be detrimental to his or her interests, or bring harm to him or her. If samples taken for research are to be treated as gifts, there must be a recipient, to whom formal responsibility for custodianship of a donated sample of material is transferred. While the principal investigator should have day-to-day responsibility for management of a collection of human material, it is more appropriate for formal responsibility for custodianship of collections of human material to rest with institutions rather than with individual researchers. This provides greater security for valuable collections, provides better assurance that donors’ rights will be protected and makes it easier to deal with changes in individual circumstances of the principal investigator(s). The university, 2 i. Participants must be told if there may commercial exploitation of any nature of the samples taken and that they will not be entitled to any profits (unless there is an agreement to the contrary) Commentary Under ideal circumstances a research steering committee should be established to act as custodian of genetic research material. The steering group should include representatives from the research institution involved in the work, the funding agency, whether pharmaceutical or other, and a named individual responsible for the conduct of the research i.e. principal investigator. In situations where it is not feasible to establish a steering committee the research institution involved in the work should act as custodian of the research material. Ideally this committee would need to be active for as long as the material is stored so the storage period would need to be defined. As storage may be intended for many years, the formation of a long acting committee might be problematic. 5. The human body and its parts shall not, as such, give rise to financial gain.4 6. Informed consent is required from the donor (or the next of kin, if the donor has died) whenever a new sample is taken wholly or partly for use in research. Donors should understand what the sample is to be used for and how the results of the research might impact on their interests. Consent must also be obtained for storage and potential future uses of samples.5 hospital or other host institution where the principal investigator is based will usually be the most appropriate body to have formal responsibility for custodianship of human material donated for research. When central banking facilities are available, there may be a requirement for the investigator to split the sample and provide a portion to the bank as a condition of research funding. Valid consent from the donor will of course be required to share a sample with other researchers in this way. 4 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 3. Researchers may not sell for profit samples of human biological material that they have collected as part of their research, and research participants should never be offered any financial inducement to donate samples. Payment of reasonable expenses or costs is however acceptable. Donors should be informed if their samples might be used in commercial research. Intellectual property rights (IPR) arising from research using human samples may be sold or licensed in the same way as other IPR. In relations to IPRs the EU Directive on the legal Protection of Biotechnological Inventions has now been brought into force in Ireland by virtue of S.I. No. 247 of 2000. The Directive is further discussed in Sheikh A. A. “‘Owning’ Life: New Frontiers in Patent Law, Genetics and Biotechnology” Medico-Legal Journal of Ireland 5 (1999) 1: 23. This point is to be read in conjunction with point 3 above which seems to suggest that provided patients are informed prior to giving consent that there may be commercialisation of the samples, there is no specific problem with profits accruing from the research in question. This is important in terms of ensuring that sponsors who invest heavily in the process of studying genetic material to learn more about diseases in the hope of identifying new diagnostic techniques and possible treatments have an expectation of commercial gain if successful. This principle is underpinned by Directive 98/44/EC on the legal protection of biotechnological inventions which permits the patenting of inventions involving biological material (including genetic material) provided there is an inventive step involved and the invention is capable of industrial application. Under that Directive, biological material, even if it previously occurred in nature, or material isolated from the human body or otherwise produced by a technical process including a sequence or partial sequence of a gene, may constitute a patentable invention 3 The IMB currently allows the taking of genetic samples, provided separate specific consent is obtained. Such consent is generally obtained by way of a separate consent form – this permits the patient to opt out of providing a genetic sample while continuing in the clinical trial if they so wish. Informed Consent & Competent adults6 Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic Research In the case of the competent adult, in cases of both therapeutic and non-therapeutic research, once there is full disclosure of all facts (in relation to the objectives of the research, the personnel involved, the procedure involved, existence of alternatives, the side-effects if any and risks, advantages and disadvantages) to the adult, it will be the adult who will consent by means of a written informed consent. Informed Consent & Minors Therapeutic Research The consent of an incompetent minor to participate in therapeutic research can be given by a parent/guardian. The doctor must give full disclosure to the proxy, including the disclosure of any risks involved. The proxy must also be satisfied that on a reasonable assessment of a risk-benefit ratio, the treatment is in the best interests of the child. A minor aged between 16 and 18 years can now consent to surgical, medical or dental treatment, which includes any procedure undertaken for the purpose of diagnosis, and any procedure including the administration of an anaesthetic, which is anclillary to any treatment as it applies to that treatment. An incompetent minor, for the purposes of ‘surgical, medical or dental treatment’, is one who is below the age of 16 years. The Act7 may be of relevance to therapeutic research since diagnosis and treatment may be part of such research. However, due to the fact that such diagnosis and treatment is still in the form of research, as a matter of good practice and prudence the consent of a guardian should be required along with consultation and serious consideration of the views of the minor. Non-therapeutic Research The Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act, 1997, is not relevant for the purposes of nontherapeutic research since such research does not involve diagnosis or treatment but only the ascertainment of knowledge. Thus, for the purposes of non-therapeutic research, a minor is 5 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 3. 6 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 27-30. 7 Non-Fatal Offences against the Person Act 1997. 4 an individual who is below the age of 18 years. In such cases, again, parental consent or guardian would be required along with the consultation and consideration of the views of the minor. Informed Consent & the mentally incompetent Therapeutic Research With regard to therapeutic research consent, the doctor stands as a proxy and is entitled in law to treat if such treatment is in the patient’s best interest… By this reasoning the doctor may involve the incompetent adult in therapeutic research if what is to be undertaken is in the patients’ best interests.8 Non-Therapeutic Research Non-therapeutic Research on an incompetent adult can be considered, in certain circumstances, unlawful.9 Such rationale is based on the general reasoning that non-therapeutic research has no ‘benefit’ to a research participant. While this may be accurate in terms of direct benefit in relation to treatment, to say that non-therapeutic research holds no ‘benefit’ at all to the participant is not entirely accurate. This is especially so in relation to research into the genetic basis of disease, since the findings of such research, while not immediately aimed at treatment, therapy or cure, may give invaluable insights into diseases which my hold indirect benefits to research participants. The mentally incompetent and minors are primary target groups for such research since it is those very groups that suffer from certain serious diseases that will be the target of genetic research. Thus, not allowing non-therapeutic research on those groups may entirely exclude the hopes of any medical or scientific progress, therapy, treatment or cure at any future time. The situation pertaining to donor participation in genetic research (as opposed to treatment) such as where an individual donates a biological/bodily/DNA sample for the purposes of research aimed at discovering their genetic basis of disease and where the physician intervention is minimal, as is any risk, has not been examined by the courts or commented on by way of legislation. However, in the light of current ethical thinking, it cannot be said authoritatively or at all that such participation is illegal/unlawful. Requirements of an Informed Consent10 i. In the competent adult, consent must be valid, full and written, and signed by an authorised member of the research team, the participant and preferably by a witness. ii. In the case of an incompetent minor participating in non-therapeutic research, a parent/next-of-kin/proxy can give consent after full disclosure of facts and if the research carries minimal burden and risk and the process cannot be achieved by other means. 8 Kennedy & Crubb, Principles of Medical Law, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp 725-726. Ibid. at 731. 10 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 62-63 9 5 iii. In the case of an incompetent adult, no other person in law can consent on their behalf, therefore in non-therapeutic research: The opinion of a GP and another appropriate person ought to be sought to ensure capacity when or if capacity is in doubt families or very close friends may be consulted. The procedure must involve minimal risk, invasion, burden and discomfort. The individual must agree to the procedure or it must be made sure that the person does not object or seem to object. The research must be such that it cannot be achieved by any other means. iv. Those potential participants where capacity is intermittent should only be approached during a ‘lucid period’ (when they have capacity). To determine this capacity two opinions should be sort v. Prior to obtaining consent to take a sample: Individuals must be told of the purpose for which the sample will be used And researchers must seek permission from the patient if samples are intended to be used for any other purpose whatsoever at any time (such ‘further use’ is inadvisable in the incompetent individual participating in non-therapeutic research). vi. Interviews and all explanations especially with a view to or prior to obtaining consent must be impartial, without force or inducement, and should be conducted in as sensitive a manner as possible and explained in a language that the potential participant can understand. vii. Any indications that the benefits to the patient are monetary are not acceptable and should not be mentioned. Expenses for time, expense and inconvenience are of course acceptable. At all times, the primary benefit is medical. At the outset of a research project, a researcher should discuss with the subject the possibility and/or probability that the genetic material and the information derived there from may have potential commercial uses. In addition, if the sample is being handed on to a third party, the subject should give express permission. viii. If results are to be fed back to individuals, their consent to a whole range of issues must be obtained: Primary testing To any other testing that will be done (having explained what those other tests may be) When researchers are taking samples for genetic studies, the patient needs to be fully informed on the use to which the sample would be put, whether any information will come back to the patient on the results of a genetic test. If results are being issued, then a time scale should be arranged for delivery of the results to the patient. If samples are being anonymised, the patient needs to be clearly told of this fact, but yet informed of the general nature of the testing being carried out. Feeding back genetic results to families should only be done after confirmation by a service diagnostic laboratory. Feeding back research results alone can be fraught with problems 6 ix. Participants must be told of privacy protective measures over samples and data: Within Ireland and Within any other host country; written assurances from the host country must exist, be shown or available for inspection.11 x. The participants must have the option of withdrawing at any time In addition to the standard withdrawal clause in any information sheet, the withdrawal clause should include the destruction of the genetic sample, and the agreement of the researcher to carry out no further tests. It should be noted that it is not possible to destroy unlinked anonymised samples as they cannot be traced back to the donor. Furthermore agreement to do no further testing can only be given for samples that are not anonymised. 7. Information on Genetic Testing for Participants in Research: Requirements.12 Information i. Is the information, including that on any disorder being tested for - full, accurate and appropriately presented, in a clear and simple manner that is readily understandable? ii. While some individuals who may be invited to participate in research including genetic testing will have extensive experience of the condition, personally or in their family, others will not, or the information may be incomplete. Accurate information is essential if individuals are to make valid decisions regarding testing. Written information should be provided in an understandable form, and particular consideration should be given to providing information to those with hearing or visual disabilities, the preliterate, or whose first language is not English. iii. Where the test is to gain knowledge of the genetic determinants of a known disorder, the participants will need information on the purposes and implications for themselves and for their families if there is an intention to feed back results to participants. iv. If there is an intention to feed back research results to participants, clinically relevant findings should be independently confirmed by a diagnostic genetics laboratory before such information is given to families, or used clinically. v. Information should deal with both the benefits and potential disadvantages to the individual and/or the potential to increase wider knowledge about genetics. vi. While written information is important, complex information should also be provided face to face by an appropriately trained and experienced person. 11 Future host countries may not always be known at the time the sample is taken. In any case, the sponsor would be obliged under Directive 95/46/EC on personal data protection to ensure that information was conveyed to non-EU countries or ‘third countries’ only if such a country also had satisfactory legislation or practices in place to ensure data protection 12 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 9 7 vii. In genetic testing there are frequently complex and sensitive issues that require discussion, rather than simply provision of information. While not all such issues require involvement of specialist genetics services, these have an important role when they are complex and time-consuming, or when they involve members of the extended family. viii. Where necessary, the Research Ethics Committee may wish to consider whether appropriate arrangements are in place to ensure that research subjects are suitably informed. For instance, in specialist genetic practice, genetic counsellors and other professionals play an important role in pre-test preparation and in post-test home visiting to ensure that necessary support is explored and that information has been received and understood. 8. Patients should always be informed when material left over following diagnosis or treatment (described as surplus to clinical requirements) might be used for research. Wherever practicable, and always when the results of the research could affect the patient’s interests, consent should be obtained to the use of such surplus material. i. When obtaining consent to take a sample of human material for research, it is important to allow for the fact that it might subsequently be useful for new experiments that cannot be foreseen. Therefore, unless a sample will be fully used up for the initial project or cannot be stored, a two-part consent process is recommended, the donor being first asked to consent to the specific experiment(s) already planned, and then to give consent for storage and future use for other research. Unless the sample is to be anonymised and unlinked prior to storage (in which case this should be explained to donors), it is not acceptable to seek unconditional blanket consent, for example using terms such as ‘all biological or medical research’. If samples may be stored or used in a form that allows them to be linked to individuals, possible future research should be explained in terms of the types of studies that may be done, the types of diseases that could be investigated, and the possible impact of the research on them personally. The benefits of enabling more efficient use of valuable samples should be explained to donors. For example, a researcher collecting samples from patients with diabetes might seek consent to store the samples for future research into the biological basis and treatment of diabetes and related complications, on the basis that researchers using the sample for secondary research cannot identify the donor. Researchers undertaking a broader epidemiological study might seek consent to store samples for future research into biological or genetic factors affecting the risk of developing a range of common medical conditions, on the understanding that results of tests done for research purposes will not have direct clinical implications for the donor. Similarly, donors must be made aware that other researchers might use their samples, including scientists working for commercial companies (if appropriate). Participants must be given the reassurance that all secondary use will require approval by a Research 8 Ethics Committee13, and that no tests of known clinical value for diagnosing or predicting disease on samples that can be linked to them individually will be done without their consent. Information for participants should include an explanation of how any surplus material will be disposed of when it is no longer required in the case of samples that are not anonymised. ii. Where a two-part consent process is used, donors must always be given the option of specifying that their sample may only be used for the research project already planned. If consent is obtained to use a newly collected sample for one specific study only, the only purpose for which it can be re-used is to verify the results of that study. When no longer required for that purpose it should be destroyed. It is the responsibility of the custodian to ensure that all uses of a sample are in accordance with the consent obtained from the donor. iii. The special sensitivity of the public with regard to genetics research should always be taken into account. If there is the possibility that secondary use may include genetic research, this must be included in the explanation of possible future research when consent is obtained. There are certain types of genetics research which currently give rise to particular concern, for instance that relating to personality, behavioural characteristics, sexual orientation or intelligence. It is particularly the use of samples in these or other areas of research that are likely to cause special concern to the donors, even if the samples are to be anonymised and unlinked. When is it necessary to seek new consent? iv. It is of course necessary to seek new consent when collecting new data from research participants. Consent should also be obtained to access participants’ medical records if this was not done when the sample was originally collected. Where samples can be anonymised and unlinked before use, no new consent is required. In some rare circumstances research on linked samples originally taken for another research purpose may be permissible without consent. An example would be epidemiological research where the only practicable approach is to use stored samples and identifiers are needed to link samples and different types of health records. Before stored samples are used in this way researchers must demonstrate that contacting donors to seek consent is not possible or not practicable. Old samples of material surplus to clinical requirements may be used for linked research without specific consent if there is no possibility that the research could affect the patients’ interests in any way and if obtaining individual consent is not practicable. Research Ethics Committee approval is essential for all new research using stored samples of human material. 13 The Research Ethics Committee needs to consider whether it should be referred back to for this approval or whether it should recognise approval given by a University, College or hospital based ethics committee. If the latter is agreed to it will exclude private ethics committees, which some pharmaceutical companies have funded. 9 9. There should be a clear separation of the research specimen from service testing samples. i. Good laboratory practice should ensure that whenever practical, a clear distinction is made between diagnostic testing, i.e. testing a patient to aid in their diagnosis, treatment and management and genetic testing in the context of medical research. ii. If a research subject or their clinician later requests presymptomatic or diagnostic testing or other genetic services, then it should be normal practice that the request is considered on its merits and then if accepted a new specimen obtained. This aspect should be explained to the research subject. iii. If the concept of keeping research and `service' specimens entirely separate is not physically practical then there must be a proper control system in place that ensures that research samples can be easily identified as such. It will be especially important to be assured that there is a single high level of quality assurance and test control if the two aspects are not to be physically separated. 14 iv. Research Ethics Committees and researchers should be aware that any medical information to be stored within Ireland is subject to the Data Protection Act 1988, the Freedom of Information Act 1997, and the EC Directive on the Protection of Data: 95/46/EC and legislation may have an impact on the use of genetic data. 10. It should be ascertained whether the pharmaceutical company have plans to contact patients or retest samples if improved tests for a disorder become available. 11. Researchers should treat all personal and medical information relating to research participants as confidential. This applies as much to the results of laboratory tests done as part of the research project as to information obtained directly from donors or from their medical records, People who donate samples for research must be told what personal or medical information about them will be used in the research, who it might be shared with, and what safeguards are in place to protect their confidentiality.15 i. Personal information provided for health care or medical research is confidential. Wherever possible people should know how information about them is used. Researchers should normally have each person’s explicit consent to obtain, store and use information about them. Comment: The term confidentiality is intended to convey that information will not be divulged to a third party except where this is/may be required by law. In law the exceptions to confidentiality would be (1) consent expressly given by a competent person, or 14 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 5 15 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 4. 10 consent implied from the necessity doctrine in the context of patient care or in cases of research where the information is anonymised; (2) court order in personal injuries litigation; (3) where disclosure if in the person’s best interests; (4) where disclosure is in the public interest (e.g. infectious disease control); (5) where disclosure is necessary to protect another specific individual – arguably protection of another affected relative would be covered by this exception, whether or not a cure is available for the disease. This, of course, raises difficulties with regard to the right not to know. It may also be argued in this context that the information is not owned by the person tested but by the family sharing the same gene pool. ii. All medical research using identifiable personal information or anonymised data that is not already in the public domain must be approved by a Research Ethics Committee. iii. All personal information must be coded or anonymised as far as possible and as early as possible in the data processing. iv. Each individual entrusted with patient information is personally responsible for his or her decisions about disclosing it. Personal information should only be handled by health professionals or staff with an equivalent duty of confidentiality. As part of normal monitoring of clinical research, ICH-GCP guidelines require that personal information may also be disclosed to the trial sponsor (or their agents), regulatory authorities, trial auditors and Research Ethics Committees. This is consented to by trial participants. v. Principal investigators have personal responsibility to ensure that procedures and security arrangements are sufficient to prevent breaches of confidentiality. vi. At the outset researchers must decide what information about the results should be available to the people involved, and agree these plans with the Research Ethics Committee. vii. Is it intended that the test results be given to the research subject or added to the medical record in any circumstances?16 This is a fundamental issue, which may affect a REC's actions on such research proposals. If the result of a genetic test undertaken as part of a research protocol may be passed on to the participant or added to the medical record, then that patient must have been fully informed about the test(s) and prior specific consent sought. Concern over disclosure is particularly acute where the research involves late onset disorders, but remains a significant issue in all-genetic testing. There is clearly a boundary between research and clinical practice which may only be crossed in the interests of the tested individual, and only with their prior knowledge and their prior consent (subject to the usual provisions for children etc). It is important that research protocols address this issue and that Research Ethics Committee’s are content that the implications of genetic testing for the subject and their families will be understood by the participants. 16 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 6 11 viii. Where results from research are intended to be, or may be, disclosed does the information to be provided make clear what use may be made of test results? Where test results may be disclosed, are the research subjects fully informed of potential adverse consequences, such as for insurance, employment, and effects on other family members?17 There is increasing awareness and concern over the possible use of genetic information by third parties such as the insurance industry. Such issues need properly to be considered. In addition, genetic testing may also directly or indirectly have effects on family members who have not themselves been tested or may not wish to be tested. In some genetic disorders an abnormal result in an individual may also mean that healthy siblings (or even a healthy parent) may be at risk. Such implications for other family members must be fully considered in the protocol. It is necessary to take account of the fact that these individuals may not wish to know that research involving another member of the family has revealed a genetic result with an implication for them. This `right not to know' is as important for some as the `right to know' is for others. The protocol must address these aspects if results are to be disclosed. As for insurers, if the volunteer informs the company that genetic tests were done, then the insurer could have a reasonable case in law to argue for disclosure on principles of ubberima fide in insurance law. If the volunteer does not inform the company, then again the insurance contract could later be avoided on the grounds of misrepresentation/ non-disclosure. With the current moratorium in place by the ABI until 2003, Irish insurance companies are not seeking this information. Ultimately the legislature will need to address this issue. ix. The strictest safeguards must be instituted to preserve the privacy of genetic information. Particular cognisance of privacy issues needs to be taken into account when genetic information is stored in electronic format. x. Unless required by law, there should be no compulsion on, or coercion of, the person, the attending doctors or staff of a genetics laboratory or register to acknowledge or in any other way to reveal that a genetic test has been undertaken, or to divulge the results of any test which may have been undertaken. In law the exceptions to confidentiality would be (1) consent expressly given by a competent person, or consent implied from the necessity doctrine in the context of patient care or in cases of research where the information is anonymised; (2) court order in personal injuries litigation; (3) where disclosure if in the person’s best interests; (4) where disclosure is in the public interest (e.g. infectious disease control); (5) where disclosure is necessary to protect another specific individual – arguably protection of another affected relative would be covered by this exception, whether or not a cure is available for the disease. This, of course, raises difficulties with regard to the right not to know. It may also be argued in this context that the 17 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 6 12 information is not owned by the person tested but by the family sharing the same gene pool. xi. Governments, the criminal justice system, employers and insurers should not be authorized to compel patients to provide samples which would disclose genetic traits or disorders, unless in the interest of public health. xii. Unless specific disease intervention or prophylaxis is available, children should not normally undergo predictive genetic testing until they have reached the age of consent and so are able to request the test on their own behalf. 12. Research participants have a right to know individual research results that affect their interests, but should be able to choose whether to exercise that right. Researchers must decide at the beginning of a project what information about the results of laboratory tests done on samples should be available to the participants, and agree these plans with the Research Ethics Committee. If research results have immediate clinical relevance, there is a clear duty of care to ensure the participant is informed.18 Where research groups are dealing with non-anonymised samples important ethical issues will arise with regard to feedback to individual patients and families. These should be addressed in collaboration with a recognized clinical genetics unit. Tests done on samples of human material in the course of research may reveal information that has implications for the donors’ future health or healthcare, or otherwise impacts on their interests. It is important to decide before the start of a research project what will be done if this arises. Researchers should be cautious about assuming that they, rather than the individuals concerned, are best placed to judge what information is of interest to donors on a case-by-case basis. For instance, some researchers may take the view that information should only be fed back if there is a treatment or preventive intervention available. However, research participants might wish to know predictive information about their future health, even if there is no treatment available, for example to take it into account when making important life decisions, such as whether to have children. Researchers should assume that participants have a right to know information that may affect their interests, but that they might choose not to exercise that right. When participants are asked to make a decision on whether or not they want results to be fed back to them they must be given sufficient information to allow them to decide what their interests are and to make any refusal meaningful. Researchers must decide at the outset what their strategy will be with regard to feeding back information and whether any linkage of research results to individuals will be possible or alternatively whether the unlinked anonymous technique is appropriate. This must be set out in their submission to the Research Ethics Committee, and the policy adopted must be explained clearly to research participants before they consent to take part in the research. 18 Medical Research Council, Human and biological samples for use in research: Operational and Ethical Guidelines (London: 2000), p. 4. 13 Research results obtained on anonymised unlinked samples cannot have any impact on the interests of an individual donor, and cannot be fed back. Much research can be done using anonymised unlinked samples, and indeed in many instances this is the most appropriate technique. However, irreversibly breaking the link between a sample and the individual donor can undoubtedly reduce its value for some types of research, for instance by making it impossible to add follow-up data or to audit fully the research results. In deciding whether to use anonymised unlinked samples, researchers should take into account the nature of the foreseeable research findings, the importance of obtaining follow-up information on participants, the initial consent obtained and the feasibility of obtaining further consent. The ability to provide feedback linked to counselling and clinical care must also be considered. There are various possible strategies for unlinking: samples can be irreversibly unlinked from the outset, or they can be unlinked after the initial study is done, either before being used for any secondary studies or before use in specific studies only. It should be ascertained at the approval stage whether the pharmaceutical company plans to contact the patient and/or his/her family if information is acquired during the test which may have a detrimental affect on the patient's future health or that of his/her family. This is only possible for samples that are not anonymised. Pharmaceutical companies do not usually have any direct knowledge of the identities of patients in clinical trials and do not normally ever make direct contact with patients. Incidental clinical findings Incidental genetic information should be divulged to the patient only in circumstances where failure to do so would create a significant risk to their health or to the health of their offspring. This should occur associated with appropriate genetic counselling. Where a result that can be linked to an individual has immediate clinical relevance (for example, if it reveals a serious condition for which treatment is required), the clinician involved has a clear duty of care to inform the research participant, either directly or via the clinician responsible for his or her care. The clinician responsible for care should always be notified, and participants should be informed that this will occur. A research result should not be relied on as the sole basis for diagnosis, since quality control standards in research laboratories generally differ from those used for clinical testing. Research participants or their clinicians should be advised to seek a repeat or confirmatory test by a clinical diagnostic laboratory where possible. Research results In the context of unlinked research results, it might often be worthwhile for general results to be made available to subjects and their doctors so that participants have the choice to seek counselling and further testing to ascertain their individual status vis-à-vis a particular result. 14 There is a certain moral obligation on researchers regarding results of genetic research disclosing an abnormality affecting the health of the research participant. It may be appropriate that the researchers indicate to the participants that further diagnostic tests be done. The option should, in any case, be given to the participants in the study as to whether they wish to receive specific results or not, either during or at the end of the study, or indeed into the future. It is recommended that when it is proposed to disclose results to research participants there should be an established procedure. There is currently no consensus on whether, or under what circumstances, it is appropriate to feed back research results to participants on an individual basis. Often the clinical relevance or predictive value of a research result is unclear, at least initially, and there will be no individual data of value to be fed back. It will always be difficult to define the point at which a research hypothesis becomes a clinical fact. Where consent is being sought for a specific research project at the time a sample is collected, the potential relevance, if any, of the results for the participant should be explained and the opportunity to receive feedback of individual results should be offered where appropriate. There should be a mechanism in place for participants to change their minds (for instance, a contact telephone number). If feedback is requested, they should be given appropriate instructions about how to notify researchers of a change in their address. Researchers feeding back individual results must be prepared to explain their significance to the participant and to advise on access to counselling or treatment where indicated. It is good practice to offer research participants the opportunity to be kept informed about the general results of research projects done using the samples they have donated, though this may not be appropriate in all circumstances. Participants could be informed by posting information on research outcomes on a website, or by offering them the opportunity to receive a newsletter. Where the clinical relevance of research results becomes clear some time after the sample was obtained, or where the results obtained from secondary research may impact on the donors’ interests, these routes should be used to inform donors that results of potential interest may be available and offer them the opportunity to receive individual feedback or advice if they wish. Similarly, when new predictive tests of clinical value become available as a result of the research, participants can be informed how to access these tests if they wish. Where samples may subsequently be used for secondary studies, a mechanism should be put in place to allow participants the opportunity to seek individual results that might impact on their interests. It is acceptable for the onus to be on the participant to seek the information rather than on the researcher to be pro-active in providing it. The research protocols for secondary studies and the arrangements (if any) for feeding back results to participants must be reviewed by a Research Ethics Committee, preferably the committee that oversaw the making of the collection. If samples from a collection are shared with other researchers, the custodian of the collection is 15 responsible for all contacts with donors, including providing any information on research results with a possible impact on individuals. 13. Specific issues related genetic research i. Much genetic information obtained for research purposes is of unknown or uncertain predictive value. Genetic tests of known clinical or predictive value should not be done on samples that can be linked to an individual without their specific consent, and appropriate counselling should be available if consent for such a test is sought. Participants should be advised of the possible implications of genetic information for other family members and the potential impact on family relationships, and also of the implications of genetic risk information for employment or their ability to obtain insurance, before they decide whether to give consent to the test or whether they want to know the result. The feeding back of other genetic information, the significance of which is currently unknown could also have similar implications in the future. ii. Genetic information is particularly sensitive. The considerations that support the (not controversial) view that genetic information is different from other medical information have included the fact that we share genetic information with relatives and that it is not specific to time. This gives such information a predictive aspect, for both individual patients and their relatives, which in turn makes the dangers arising out of disclosure particularly acute, because of the possibility of adversely affecting the future course of someone's life. Some have argued for a right not to know such information. While all these features may be true to a greater or lesser degree of other medical information, what does seem to be the case is that these features give rise to different possible interpretations and implications, which may make more likely the unintentional inflicting of harm? iii. Patients have the right to control the use of all medical information about them, including genetic information.19 The predictive or risk assessing nature of genetic information makes it valuable to heath care planners, insurers, and people evaluating long-term concerns such as education, carer choices, and risk avoidance and health promotion.20 The possibility of insurance discrimination has made the confidentiality of genetic information even more important.21 Doctors should ensure that patients understand that after genetic testing their ability to qualify for insurance may be affected. Even though including in clinical records the results of genetic testing conducted in the course of research is not always appropriate,22 the legal definition of 'health care record' includes all written information about a 19 I. Kleinman, F. Baylis, S. Rogers, P. Singer, "Bioethics for clinicians: 8. Confidentiality", CMAJ 156(1997): 521-4. 20 T. Lemmens, "What about your genes?" Ethical, legal and policy dimensions of genetics in the workplace. Politics Life Sci 16(1)(1997): 57-75. 21 T. Lemmens, P. Bahamin, "Genetics in life, disability and additional health insurance in Canada: a legal and ethical analysis", Report to Medical, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Advisory Committee of Canadian Genome Analysis and Technology Programme, November 1996; NIH-DOE Working Group on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genome Research. Generic information and health insurance. Report of the Task Force. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health, 1993. 22 K. Glass, C. Weijer, T. Lemmens, R. Palmour, S. Shapiro, "Structuring the review of human genetic protocols. Part II: diagnostic and screening studies", IRB: Rev Hum Subj Res 19(3.4)(1997): 111,13. 16 patient. Separate records provide little protection to the patient and may compromise care if the genetic information is such that it would affect treatment in the future or be of interest to a family member. Departments of medical genetics do maintain familial records that link the genetic records of individual patients to assist with the clinical services they provide. Nevertheless, information from these records is typically shared with family members only with the consent of the person whose test results are being disclosed. The familial nature of genetic information can create a conflict for the doctor, who has a duty to maintain confidentiality but may feel a duty to warn family members of possible risk. Ultimately, the issues of duty to warn and access to health care records will probably be decided by legislation. iv. Respect for the person and for the family can be facilitated and ensured by avoiding the use or transmission of identifiable samples wherever possible. Data protection is of the utmost importance. The coding of samples is a technique that protects confidentiality provided that stringent mechanisms are put in place. Another avenue is the anonymization of samples, which would make tracing back impossible. While necessary demographic and clinical data may accompany the anonymised sample, careful consideration should be given before proceeding to strip samples of identifiers since other unknown, future uses may thereby be precluded as well as may the validation of results. v. The family is the nexus of a variety of relationships (legal, moral, social and biological). Irrespective of legal definitions of the family and of its different social and cultural configurations, genetic research may yield genetic information that is important to immediate relatives. The very fact of participation in research or not, or, the decision to refuse to warn at-risk relatives or to withdraw, or, the failure to provide for access after death, all affect the interests of present and future relatives. vi. These shared biological risks create special interests and moral obligations with respect to access, storage and destruction that may occasionally outweigh individual wishes. A different response is necessary however, in relation to institutional third parties, such as employers, insurers, schools, and government agencies because of possible discrimination. Counselling prior to participation is also necessary to avoid stigmatisation. Standardisation of procedures and the security of the samples are essential. vii. Security mechanisms must be put into place to ensure the respect of the choices made and of the desired level of confidentiality. viii. While an ethical case can be made for the access to stored DNA of a person by immediate relatives the general view is that without the explicit consent of the person access cannot be given even where there is specific treatment for a disease, which might flow from that information. A person cannot access their relative’s information, without the prior consent of the person who’s DNA it is. This confidentiality extends beyond the death of the person involved. ix. In the absence of need for access by immediate relatives, stored samples may be destroyed at the specific request of the person. Such destruction is not possible for samples already provided to other researchers or if already entered into a research 17 protocol or used for diagnostic purposes. By their very nature, anonymized samples cannot be withdrawn or destroyed. x. Unless authorised by law, there should be no disclosure to institutional third parties of participation in research, nor of research results identifying individuals or families. Like other medical information, there should be no disclosure of genetic information without appropriate consent.23 Multiple genetic testing24 Does the research protocol involve the use of technologies that permit multiple genetic tests to be performed? Research involving multiple gene tests is no different from that where the research protocol involves a single gene test. Studies such as those labelled as "genotyping" or "genetic profiling" which are being used for drug development or in pharmacogenetics must be treated as genetic testing. The fundamental issues of information, consent, and confidentiality are unaltered. The challenge for researchers is to establish suitable, "user friendly" methods by which complex information about their research can be explained to participants. Research involving "at risk" individuals and their families25 Does the research place unacceptable burdens on individuals from a family with a known genetic disorder? Where samples are to be taken from families with genetic disorders, it is important that healthy individuals are not sampled unless strictly necessary. There is often a tendency for researchers to view "healthy" members of a family as patients and this risks unnecessary "medicalisation" of these individuals. Where unaffected subjects are to be included in a study this must be carefully justified and there must be a clear plan as to what would be done in the event of an abnormality being identified. Caution needs to be applied so that families with a known genetic disorder are not overwhelmed by approaches to participate in research projects. 14. A copy of the Pharmaceutical Company’s code of ethics and protocol should accompany all research protocols. The Pharmaceutical Company applying for research approval should also demonstrate how Quality Control will be monitored, i.e. the laboratory should be accredited by a recognized international agency. All equipment and reagents for testing should be manufactured and maintained to an appropriate level and provide assured levels of accuracy and reliability that reflects current best practice. All laboratories offering genetic testing services should be appropriately staffed and equipped, and should: 23 HUGO Ethics Committee Statement, op. cit., pp 56-57. Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 8 25 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 8 24 18 a. Participate in an appropriate accreditation scheme; b. Join an appropriate external quality assurance scheme; and c. Perform adequate internal quality control. All such systems should reflect current best practice.26 15. The contracting laboratory needs to clarify the disposition of samples at the end of the contract period, if the laboratory ceases operations, if storage fees are unpaid, or after a death or divorce. 16. The Pharmaceutical Company needs to clarify how it intends to deal with the consequences of unauthorised release, loss or accidental destruction of samples. 17. The Pharmaceutical Company will need to clarify what steps it has put in place to ensure the availability of genetic counselling for the patients. 18. Transmission of Genetic Information outside the EU Genetic Information should only be transmitted outside the EU to jurisdictions with legal safeguards to protect confidentiality that are equivalent to those currently applied in the EU Any medical information to be stored within Ireland is subject to the Data Protection Act 1988, the Freedom of Information Act 1997, and the EC Directive on the Protection of Data: 95/46/EC. These Acts and the common law ensure that third parties do not have access to information save with the consent of the individuals to whom the information pertains.27 Directive 95/46/EC on the Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data. The Irish Acts protect information within Ireland. The new Directive aims to ensure that information that is conveyed to non-EC countries or ‘third countries’ is done so only when such a country also has satisfactory legislation or practices in place that will ensure data protection. Where this is not the case, the information, in the normal course of events, cannot be transferred.28 Further to the obligations of the Directive, its implications are that: (i) the relevant third country has legislation or practices in place that adequately protect personal data or (ii) assurances need to be gained by a ‘third country’ that the data received will be protected, or when ‘third country’ protection is not adequate then the data can be transferred only if (iii) the data subject gives his/her consent unambiguously to transfer the data.29 26 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Code of Practice and Guidance on Human Genetic testing Services Supplied Direct to the Public (London: Health Departments of the United Kingdom, September 1997), p. 8 27 For other exceptions to the law please refer to the legislation. 28 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 51. 29 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 54. 19 In light of the uncertainty, it is advisable where ‘third countries’ are involved in joint research projects that a written assurance be given to the EU-member country stating that the absolute privacy of data subjects is protected and that any third party not a part of the research team will not have access to the information and samples and that the information and samples will be secured. This written assurance should be both explained to potential research participants and either shown to them or available for inspection.30 It is only in the case of anonymous or anonymised samples that the provisions of the Directive would not apply, since they would be unidentifiable and would therefore not come within the ambit of the definition of ‘personal data’.31 In circumstances where there exists any doubt, the Data Protection Commissioner can also be contacted. 30 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 55. 31 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations, (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 57. 20 APPENDIX 1 Commentary on No. 6 Informed consent is required from the donor (or the next of kin, if the donor has died) whenever a new sample is taken wholly or partly for use in research. i. When obtaining consent to take a sample of biological material for research, it is important that donors have sufficient understanding not only of the process involved in obtaining the sample and any associated physical risks, but also of what the sample is to be used for and how the results of the research might impact on their interests. Written evidence of consent must normally be obtained. Written consent is not a substitute for careful explanation. It is simply a means of providing documentary evidence that an explanation of the research has been provided and consent has been sought. Signed consent forms and/or any other documentary evidence of consent, together with copies of patient information materials, must always be kept for future reference. If the information leaflets are revised in the course of a study, all the new versions must be numbered and kept and details of when the changes were introduced should be recorded. ii. If research using samples will require the collection of information from the donor’s medical records, then consent must be obtained from the donor. It must be clear who will access the records, what information will be obtained, and how the patient’s confidentiality will be protected. iii. When seeking consent for research, information for potential participants must be presented in a form that can be understood by participants. iv. Obtaining informed consent to genetic testing is particularly challenging in view of the complexity of genetic information, the controversial nature of clinical options such as abortion or prophylactic surgery of unknown efficacy, and the social and psychological implications of testing.32 Positive genetic test results are rarely accompanied by the prospect of either treatment or cure. In the absence of effective treatment, the potential for psychological harm and social discrimination must be considered. Patients must evaluate whether the benefit of testing is worth the risk. When genetic testing is part of research, the purpose of the research should be made clear to the patient and uncertainties that might arise as a result of testing discussed.33 v. Another area of concern is that the possibility of being 'informed' in this area relates to the idea that it is simply not possible to be genuinely informed of all the risks and benefits involved. The idea behind this concern is that no-one can be completely informed, because it is not possible to foresee the range of uses to which genetic information about someone might be put. The legal and ethical regulation of this area is still developing, so that individuals are making choices in an uncertain 32 E. Etchells, G. Sharp, P. Walsh, J. Williams and P. Singer, "Bioethics for clinicians: 1. Consent", CMAJ 155(1996): 177-80; E. Etchells, G. Sharp, M. Burgess, P. Singer, "Bioethics for clinicians: 2. Disclosure", CMAJ 155(1996): 387-91. 33 C. Weijer, B. Dickens, E. Meslin, "Bioethics for clinicians: 10. Research ethics", CMAJ 155(1996): 1153-7. 21 situation. Discrimination, in particular, is a live issue relevant to the consent process. It is to a large extent because of the potential for stigmatisation and discrimination, e.g. from insurers and employers, that the informed consent issues involved in genetics have been so concerned with privacy and confidentiality. This information may be disadvantageous (as well as having potential advantages to people seeking information facilitating their own health-related decisions) to members of an identifiable group as well.34 Researchers have an obligation to ensure researcher/doctor and patient/sample donor. vi. confidentiality as between The choices offered in the consent process should reflect the potential uses of the DNA sample and its information. It is important to indicate whether the sample and its information will: identify the person, code the identity, or anonymise the identity so that the person cannot be traced although some demographic and clinical data may be provided. Even if anonymization is appropriate in certain circumstances in research, caution should be exercised in any irreversible stripping of identifiers from the samples since it may preclude valuable uses of the samples and validation of results. Anonymisation is appropriate for certain types of study (e.g. general studies on a disease) and in fact gets around some of the ethical issues of genetic testing during clinical trials. For this reason, samples of genetic material collected during clinical trials are regularly anonymised. It is noteworthy that in any case, the IMB requires stored samples to be anonymised within five years of completion of a clinical trial. vii. A potentially worrying feature of genetic information is the way in which it is perceived as intricately bound up with our identities as persons. It has been suggested that DNA is the modern secular equivalent of the soul, or at any rate the guarantor in some sense of who we are. However well grounded this view may be, in this respect the information takes on a new significance which may affect the nature of informed consent. This is because people are not just taking decisions about allowing the use of some piece of medical information which is incidental to their identity; they are making choices about what may appear to them to be in a deep sense part of themselves. The sensitivity of genetic information thus resides not only in the harms that may ensue from its use, but also from a perception of its association with what is most intimate and personal. This suggests the need at least for special care in the informing process.35 Particular considerations apply in the case of research involving children and people who, as a result of permanent or temporary mental incapacity, cannot give valid consent. Safeguards must be in place to ensure that the autonomy of such patients is protected. viii. Research subjects should be given adequate time to absorb the information provided, before a decision is taken to be tested or a result is given. R. Chadwick, “Bioethics and Medical Practice in the Age of Molecular Genetics”, Biomedical Ethics 5(2000): 9. 35 R. Chadwick, op. cit. pp 11-12. 34 22 In genetics clinics, a two-step approach has been found to be important in allowing time for reflection. Since a premium is often placed on avoiding delay in other laboratory testing situations, it is important that this time interval is protected.36 The Control of Clinical Trials Act 1987 requires patients to have six days to consider the information about a clinical trial before the trial can commence. ix. If sample anonymisation takes place, this should be clarified to the subject, and they should be informed that no individual results will then be fed back. Recommendations Informed consent is a continuum or process. Participants need to be informed at various stages of what are occurring and their consent sought if new tests are to be initiated. However, it may prove impractical to have to go back to the patient for consent for each future new type of test and the consent form should be worded so as to provide permission to carry out other tests in the future). In any case, it is not possible to revert to the patient if new tests are to be carried out on anonymised samples. Ongoing research on the issue of informed consent with regard to genetic testing is of paramount importance. It is evident that more effort needs to be put into the informing process. This implies that the doctors obtaining patient consent are familiar with the implications of genetic testing. Surveys done of consultants and General Practitioners demonstrate that large percentages are not familiar with the various implications of genetic testing. Another important element is access is genetic counselling. The availability of genetic counselling is frequently cited as a criterion for the ethically acceptable introduction of genetic screening programmes. The problems of resourcing the growing demand for counselling, however, have not been satisfactorily resolved. 36 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 7 23 APPENDIX 2 TERMS Anonymised samples or data have had any identifying information removed, such that it is not possible for the researcher using them to identify the individual to whom they relate. The term is used in these guidelines to refer to both linked and unlinked anonymised data and samples. • Linked anonymised samples or data are fully anonymous to the people who receive or use them (e.g. the research team) but contain information or codes that would allow others (e.g. the clinical team who collected them or an independent body entrusted with safe-keeping of the code) to link them back to identifiable individuals. • Unlinked anonymised samples or data contain no information that could reasonably be used by anyone to identify the individuals who donated them or to whom they relate. Coded samples: or data have a coded identification to protect the confidentiality of the individual during routine use, but it is possible for the user to break the code and thus identify the individual from whom they were obtained. Custodianship: Responsibility for safe keeping of samples and control of their use and eventual disposal in accordance with the terms of the consent given by the donor. Custodianship implies some rights to decide how the samples are used and by whom, and also responsibility for safeguarding the interests of the donors. Existing collections: collections comprising samples that were collected and stored before these guidelines came into operation. Genetic research: Investigation of variation in the nuclear or mitochondrial DNA that forms the genome of an individual and may be inherited from parent to child. This may involve direct analysis of DNA or analysis of Gene products. Genetic testing: Tests to detect the presence or absence of, or alteration in, a particular gene, chromosome or gene product, in order to provide diagnostic or predictive information in relation to a genetic disorder. (Such testing does not necessarily require the use of genetic technology.) (a) Diagnostic Genetic Testing - Use of genetic testing in a symptomatic individual to aid in their diagnosis, treatment and management. (b) Presymptomatic Genetic Testing - primarily carried out in healthy or asymptomatic individuals to provide information about that individual's future health, with respect to specific inherited diseases. Such a test result may indicate that the individual has a high likelihood of developing the disorder or of excluding it. Presymptomatic testing is most frequently used in late onset autosomal dominant disorders such as Huntington's Disease. (c) Susceptibility Testing - which provides information about the genetic component in a multifactorial disorder 24 (d) Carrier Testing - used to detect individuals who possess a single copy of a gene which follows an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance (see below). Such an individual will not normally develop any disease or disorder but may pass on the gene to his or her offspring. Carrier testing can also be done for X-linked and chromosomally inherited conditions, as well as for autosomal recessive conditions. Multifactorial Disorders whose genetic components are not the sole cause, but which work with other often environmental factors in determining a disease outcome. Multifactorial disorders include many cardiovascular diseases, most Alzheimer's Disease of old age and some forms of diabetes. Autosomal Recessive Disorders Disorders, where for a person to be affected, a mutation has to be inherited from both parents. Such parents are usually unaffected carriers because they only have a single copy of the mutant gene. Recessive disorders commonly have onset in childhood and include cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease and thalassaemia.37 (e) Molecular genetic tests Molecular genetic tests have a predictive and immutable quality, which is not necessarily the case for many other tests carried out as part of a research project. Human material: All biological material of human origin, including organs, tissues, bodily fluids, teeth, hair and nails, and substances extracted from such material such as DNA or RNA. Human tissue or sample collection: Any samples of human biological material to be kept for reference, teaching or future research use. Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics: Profiles of genes involved in drug metabolism are quite distinct from those involved in disease. Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics has the potential to affect the way drugs are prescribed in the future with identification of new and potentially disease-modifying drug targets, however it may also allow gain or benefit to accrue to the individual participating in such a clinical trial. For such an individual knowledge gained from study participation may allow a better understanding of his or her individual variation in response to pharmacotherapy i.e. by correlation of SNP/haplotypes with response to therapy it may be determined whether this individual is likely to respond to a medicine and to not experience side effects from it. The context of a genetic test needs to be clearly stated. If a sample is being analysed on a research basis, then no direct result should be given to the patient. A separate accredited diagnostic molecular genetic laboratory should reproduce clinically important results, before any clinical actions are taken. If genetic results are being given, then genetic counselling by trained personnel should be available for the family consequences of such a test. Personal information: all information about individuals, living or dead. This includes written and electronic records and information obtained from samples. 37 Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing, Advice to Research Ethics Committees (London: October 1998), p. 3. 25 Types of Research38 There are two main categories of medical research: Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic. Therapeutic Research The primary aim of therapeutic research is essentially diagnostic, that is, to diagnose and/or cure a disease or illness. The research participant will usually be a patient, in other words, he/she will actually receive treatment, albeit new or experimental, which it is hoped will have a therapeutic benefit on the patient/research participant. The desired benefit is therefore direct in terms of treatment. Non-therapeutic Research The primary aim of non-therapeutic research is not immediate therapy but, through testing a hypothesis or through the collection of data, a contribution to general knowledge is made or a discovery of knowledge is made. Thus, although the research may benefit the subject in the future or in the longer term, it is not directed intentionally as therapy to the subject The main and simplest distinction between the two types of research, therefore, lies in the aim of the researcher. In therapeutic research, there exists the dual intention and aim of: i. Seeking to benefit the patient who is the research subject by means of treatment, and ii. Gathering data of a generalised/specific nature. In non-therapeutic research, the primary intention is that of gathering data and increasing knowledge and not immediate treatment. Thus research which seeks to identify the genetic basis of disease by collecting biological/bodily/DNA samples from research participants is non-therapeutic. The collection of such samples may identify the genetic basis of the disease by locating the gene/s possibly responsible for certain conditions and diseases and may offer the benefit of insights into the disease, but such research will not usually offer the present and direct benefit of treatment. Those benefits are in the long term. 38 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations. (Dublin: Health Research Board), 2002, pp 25-27. 26 APPENDIX 3 Checklist for research based on samples of human material. Source of samples If new samples are to be collected for this research, will appropriate measures be taken to minimise any risks of physical harm. Could the approach to potential donors cause distress? If samples are to be collected from patients temporarily unable to give consent (e.g. during emergency surgery), are there appropriate arrangements to consult next of kin, to obtain informed consent later and for patients to opt out if they wish. If the research is using samples originally collected for another research project, is the research covered by the consent already obtained? If not, can new consent be obtained from the donors or can the samples be anonymised and unlinked? If the research will use material surplus to clinical requirements, are the patients aware that their material might be used in this way and of their right to object? Would it be practicable to obtain individual consent? If samples are to be obtained after death, is it possible to discuss the study with potential donors and obtain consent before death? If not, are appropriate arrangements in place to get consent from the next of kin? Justification for the study Could information obtained in the course of the research bring harm or distress to the donors, individually or as a group, or to members of their family? Do the potential benefits of the research outweigh the risks? Conduct of the research Are adequate measures in place to protect the confidentiality of personal information required for or revealed by the research? Is it clear to donors who will have access to their samples or personal information about them? What will happen to the samples after the research is finished? Will appropriate consent be obtained if they will be stored for future use? 27 Feedback of information Could tests done on the samples as part of the research reveal information of immediate relevance to a donor’s health or healthcare? If so, will the donors be made aware of this possibility and are the arrangements for feeding back this information appropriate? Have the arrangements been agreed with the people responsible for the donors’ clinical care? Could tests done on the samples as part of the research reveal predictive or other information that might affect the interests of the donor or their family? If so, are arrangements in place to make that information available to donors, and will they have adequate information to make a decision as to whether they want the information? Would it be better if the samples were anonymised and unlinked before testing? Is it clear to participants where they can get information about the outcome of the research? Points of Concern39 1. Non-therapeutic research must have the objective of the ultimate attainment of some benefit to participants – it cannot be merely an exercise of ‘a wish to obtain knowledge’. Such rationale is based on the general reasoning that non-therapeutic research has no ‘benefit’ to a research participant. While this may be accurate in terms of direct benefit in relation to treatment, to say that non-therapeutic research holds no ‘benefit’ at all to the participant is not entirely accurate. This is especially so in relation to research into the genetic basis of disease, since the findings of such research, while not immediately aimed at treatment, therapy or cure, may give invaluable insights into diseases which my hold indirect benefits to research participants. In the case of the competent adult, in cases of both therapeutic and non-therapeutic research, once there is full disclosure of all facts (in relation to the objectives of the research, the personnel involved, the procedure involved, existence of alternatives, the side-effects if any and risks, advantages and disadvantages) to the adult, it will be the adult who will consent by means of a written informed consent. 2. The questions must be asked: Will participants be competent to give consent? If not, what safeguards are in place to ensure the protection of their dignity and autonomy? 3. Have the full extent and ramifications of the research been conveyed to the potential participants or those consenting on their behalf, and how has this been done? 4. It is recommended that research participants should be provided with a proper and full but comprehensible information pack/leaflet; the pack could possibly contain pictorial diagrams to explain the basics of genetics, the research in its various steps and the medical benefits, whatever they may be, that will or may result to the participant. 39 A. Sheikh, Genetic Research and Human Biological Samples: The Legal and Ethical Considerations. (Dublin: Health Research Board, 2002), pp 61-62 28 5. It is recommended that a presentation involving visual aids could be given to participants by the research/medical team. 6. Individual sessions with participants should also be held. 7. Will participants receive feedback or results directly or at all? 8. If, so will genetic counselling be provided? 9. If not, are there mechanisms in place, such as the posting of leaflets or a website whereby participants can follow the progress of the research if they so wish. 10. Are confidentiality agreements in place? 11. The research proposal entailing genetic research must have independent ethical committee approval. 29 APPENDIX 4 Guidance on the production of a patient information leaflet This indicates general issues that must be covered for all research studies. In addition, the following specific issues should be covered in the process of obtaining informed consent and in the patient information leaflet for studies in which samples of biological material will be taken from participants. Information leaflets should always meet basic criteria for good quality information provision. 1. For all samples 2. The sample will be treated as a gift. The donor has no right to a share of any profits that might arise from research using the sample. Who will be responsible for custodianship of the sample (host institution/funding body). What personal information will be used in the research. The arrangements for protecting the donor’s confidentiality. Arrangements for feeding back or obtaining access to individual research results, if any, and for informing participants of the outcome of the research. Consent to access medical records, if required. Specific consent for any genetic tests, if required. The donor needs to be informed whether the sample will be anonymised or not, and if so, that no individual results will then follow for the patient. If the sample is to be stored for possible secondary use The types of studies the sample may be used for and the diseases that may be investigated. Possible impact of secondary studies on the interests of donors and their relatives. Means of accessing information on secondary studies, if appropriate. Secondary studies will have to be approved by a Research Ethics Committee. Consent to share samples with other users. Consent to commercial use, and an explanation of the potential benefits of commercial involvement, if appropriate. 30