UCL European Institute Small Grants Scheme for UCL staff, 2011

UCL European Institute
UCL European Institute
Small Grants Scheme for UCL staff, 2011-12
Please return the completed form by 14 November 2011 to european.institute@ucl.ac.uk.
Call for applications
The UCL European Institute invites applications from UCL staff to its Small Grants Scheme, which funds
projects that lead to or support collaborative research-based projects on Europe or the European Union.
Proposed projects may be formulated in response to current affairs or long-standing research questions
and are ideally relevant to one of the Institute’s six themes (see overleaf). Proposals based on the
collaboration between staff based in different UCL departments are particularly encouraged.
We particularly invite proposals that aim to either (or both):
1. achieve research impact (through scholarly output, public engagement, influence on policy
and practice, knowledge transfer or similar)
2. prepare the ground for extended research projects (including grant applications).
Typical projects eligible for funding include:
 hosting a research conference, a seminar, workshop, or symposium, where possible with a
public element
public engagement activities and collaborations with external non-academic institutions
costs associated with a specific project, e.g. research assistant time (UCL HEFCE staff
costs/salaries are not eligible)
costs associated with a pilot study or the preparation of an application for the funding of a
major research project
Details and procedures
Funding of up to £2000 plus some administrative assistance is available per project.
The deadline for submission of proposals is 14 November 2011.
Projects will be selected by the Institute staff in consultation with the Institute’s Executive
Committee. We will inform applicants of the result by Monday, 5 December 2011.
The project needs to commence in the academic year 2011-12. Submission of a brief
progress report will be required by the close of the project.
Applications must include at least two lead applicants who are UCL members of staff at any
level. Priority is given to collaboration between staff from different departments and those
involving early-career researchers.
Selection will be made on the basis of the following:
 The contribution to innovative research and debate on Europe and/or the EU
 Where applicable, evidence of the capacity to address publics beyond academia and/or
create lasting outputs
 A disciplinary spread over all selected proposals
 A coherent programme
 A viable budget, ideally with additional sources of funding indicated.
Contact: Please contact u.staiger@ucl.ac.uk if you have any further questions.
Small Grants Scheme: Application Form
1. Applicant Details
Current Post/ UCL Dept
Current Post/UCL Dept
Names and institutional affiliation of further co-conveners, where applicable
2. Title of the project
3. The proposed project is relevant to the following theme (optional):
Religion and Secularism
Government and Governance
Freedom, Fairness and the Market
Culture and Community
Sustainability, risk and innovation
4. Summary outline
(Summarize the objectives of your proposed project, give a brief account of how it may contribute to research on
Europe and the European Union, and outline why you think it should be supported by the European Institute [as
opposed to departmental funds])
Small Grants Scheme: Application Form
Start date of project (in academic year 2011/2012)
End date of project (if applicable)
7. Proposed activities
(Please provide details of your proposed activities. If you propose an event, please include key speakers you expect
to invite, proposed venue and target audience. Please use max. 1 page)
8. Outcomes
(Please describe the likely outputs and impacts of the projects)
9. Amount requested
10. Breakdown of funds
(Provide details of your projected expenditure as well as of any additional funding sought / income to be raised)
Small Grants Scheme: Application Form