Executive Summary, Outpatient Survery 2009 results

Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Trust
Trust Board Meeting - Executive Summary
Outpatient Survey 2009
22 March 2010
Purpose of Paper:
The purpose of this report is to inform the Board of the results of the Trust’s
National Outpatient Survey for 2009 and to approve the action plan to ensure areas
of weakness are addressed.
The report provides an overview of the outpatient survey results for 2009.
The strengths identified in this years survey include:
Being told how long they would have to wait in the department
Being told why they had to wait
The amount of information they were given about their condition or
Privacy and dignity when being examined or treated
Staff introducing themselves
Being told about medication side effects
The weaknesses identified in this years survey include:
Waiting for an appointment after first being told that one was required.
Not seeing the same doctor or member of staff each time they visited the
Outpatients department
Cleanliness of the Outpatients department
Hospital staff not telling patients who to contact if they were worried about
their condition or treatment after they left hospital
The organisation of the Outpatients department
The report also compares the scores with the other orthopaedic hospitals.
An action plan has been developed to address the areas of weakness and will be
monitored by the Outpatients, Access and Children’s (OPACS) Directorate
Performance Reviews.
Risk Assessment:
Does this paper require a decision to be made by the board?
(Please delete as applicable)
Action Required by
the Board:
from Legal Advisors
(if applicable):
Author and position
of Report/Paper
Lead Director
*A risk assessment form only needs to be completed and attached if the decision
required by the Board pertains to strategic policy decisions and/or project
initiation documents.
For information and approval of action plan
Kathryn Corder, Deputy Chief Nurse/Head of Clinical Governance
Charlie Sheldon, Chief Nurse
Links to Assurance Framework, Local Performance Targets and Corporate Strategic risk register:
This paper/report links to the following principal objectives, local performance targets and the corporate
strategic risks: - (please tick as appropriate)
Principal Objectives
Principal Objective One - Maintaining clinical excellence
To be the pre-eminent, effective, efficient and safe provider of orthopaedic and musculoskeletal services,
providing the highest standards of care.
(Linked to performance target Q1,Q2,Q3, Q4, Q5, P1, P2, P3, P4 and corporate strategic risk: 463)
Principal Objective Two - Re-development and capital investment
To redevelop the RNOH Stanmore campus to provide a modern healthcare building and facilities.
To effectively use capital investment to improve the working environment and health and safety. To improve and
sustain business activity.
(Linked to corporate strategic risks: 463, 467, 470, 472))
Tick as
Principal Objective Three - Finance
To achieve financial balance and maintain liquidity and increase turnover.
(Linked to performance target F1 and corporate strategic risk: 468)
Principal Objective Four - Leadership and workforce
To ensure that the workforce is fit for purpose and supports the Trusts service and financial plans.
(Linked to performance target M&L1, M&L2, M&L3 and corporate strategic risk: 465)
Principal Objective Five – Governance
To implement, embed and monitor effective arrangements that reflect current Trust business
(Linked to corporate strategic risks: 464, 466)
Principal Objective Six - Achievement of access/activity targets
To achieve access targets and to deliver the activity targets.
(Linked to performance target A1, A2, A3, A4, P1, P2, P 3, P 4 and corporate strategic risk: 463)
Principal Objective Seven - IM&T
Develop and implement a cohesive and integrated IM&T strategy.
(Linked to corporate strategic risk: 471)
Principal Objective Eight - Foundation Trust
To achieve Foundation Trust status.
(Linked to corporate strategic risks: 463, 467, 469, 472)
Q – Quality targets
A – Access targets
D – Financial targets
M&L - Management & Leadership targets
P – Productivity targets