PROJECT DETAILS Project title Reference Financing Ref. Funding agency Countries Deadline Sectors URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-JALINGO AfDB48-01/16 2100150025696 AfDB - African Development Bank Nigeria 17 February 2016 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: - Privatisation / Public-Private Partnership PROGRAMME & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: - Training - Management Systems & Techniques PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: - Reform / Institutional strengthening - Manpower / Recruitment / HR / Grading LAW: - Law / Legislation / Legal Framework / Regulation / RIA / Reform URBAN DEVELOPMENT: - Water / Drainage / Irrigation / Flood / Well / Hydrology COMMERCIALIZATION AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TO TARABA STATE WATER SUPPLY AGENCY (TSWSA) CONSULTANCY SERVICES. NOTICE: Borrower/Bid No: TS/AFDB/UWSSIP/SERVICES/004/14 Request for Expressions of Interest -------------------------------------------------------------------------------FEDERAL REPULIC OF NIGERIA TARABA STATE WATER SUPPLY AGENCY - URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-JALINGO Commercialization and Institutional Support to TSWSA Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project Financing Agreement reference: 2100150025696 Project ID No.: TS/AFDB/UWSSIP/SERVICES/004/14 This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) for this project that appeared in UNDB online No. 760 of 17th November 2009 on-line and on the African Development Bank Group’s Website. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF NIGERIA on behalf of TARABA STATE GOVERNMENT has received financing from the African Development Bank toward the cost of the URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-JALINGO, and intends to apply part of the agreed amount for this loan to payments under the contract for COMMERCIALIZATION AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TO TARABA STATE WATER SUPPLY AGENCY (TSWSA) CONSULTANCY SERVICES. BACKGROUND The Taraba State Water Supply Agency (TSWSA) established in 1992 is saddled with the responsibility for the supply of potable water to the urban and semi-urban centres of the State with a Head Office in Jalingo, the State capital and with staff strength of about 300 personnel. The Agency is also responsible for the billing and collection of revenues on behalf of the State and the revenues collected are remitted fully into the Government Treasury, while the Agency receives monthly subvention from the government. TSWSA is headed by a General Manager with seven Directorates: Thus: •Operation and Maintenance •Water Supply Services •Commercial Services •Quality Control and Sanitation Services •Planning, Research and Statistics •Administration and •Finance Department. The Agency’s operation is covered by 25 districts/Area Offices or Station offices throughout the State Page : 1 with only Bali office that is not functional. The assignment is divided as follows: S/N ASSIGNMENT 1 Review and develop a legal framework, Policy reform and Institutional arrangements for improved Service delivery taking into cognisance the Urban poor to achieve autonomy for TSWSA. 2 Review Regulations, develop and establish Regulatory Institutions for the Water Sector in Taraba State. 3 Review the Water Supply Services Regulatory Law (WSSRL), Low Income Households Strategy Development and Implementation (LIHSS), National gender policy and the draft WASH policy for adoption by the Taraba State Government. 4 Provide legal framework for Public Private Partnership Model for Taraba State Water Supply Agency and Propose strategies to support small scale providers targeting women groups. 5 Develop appropriate structure and legal backing for the formation of Water Consumer Association to ensure water consumers are involved in decision making. 6 Review the current policy on billing and collection system, procedures for defaulting consumers including disconnection and reconnection and recommend most viable system for implementation while establishing a system for controlling, accounting and reporting for revenue collection from water and sanitation service customers. 7 Review existing organisational structure and staffing levels to develop a related organisation and manpower plan for the TSWSA. 8 Develop a personnel management system, policies and procedures, self-assessment manual and procedures for TSWSA in order to analyse the internal personnel regulations for consideration by the management. 9 Design an automated system of personnel records for TSWSA. 10 Prepare a Training policy, Training programme and Human Resource Development policy manual for TSWSA. 11 Carry out a complete customer enumeration and develop a computerized customer database Model and Register while establishing computerized Billing centres and billing software for TSWSA. The TARABA STATE WATER SUPPLY AGENCY now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing these services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). The Assignment shall be executed in 15 months. The assignment requires a firm with expertise and specific experience in supporting institutional development and commercialization initiatives in urban water utilities of similar size and level of capacity as TSWSA. Interested firms must also demonstrate good knowledge of the urban water and sanitation sector in developing countries and a good track record of advising water utilities on all aspects of utility operations outlined in the above scope, in an environment similar to TSWSA. The composition of the team for the assignment should include: Water Utility Management Expert as Team leader, Policy Analysis and Legal Expert, Strategic and Business Planning Expert, Water Utility Operations Expert, Financial Management Expert, Utility MIS Expert, Enumeration/Data collection Expert and other Experts relevant in accomplishing the assignment. Consultants are encouraged to constitute joint-ventures to enhance their chances of qualification. Eligibility criteria, establishment of the short-list and the selection procedure shall be in accordance with the African Development Bank’s “Rules and Procedures for the use of Consultants” [July 2012], which is available on the Bank’s website at Page : 2 Interested consultants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours [8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday]. Expressions of Interest must be delivered to the address below by 17th FEBRUARY, 2016 at 11.00am and mention “COMMERCIALIZATION AND INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT TO TSWSA.”. The General Manager Taraba State Water Supply Agency, Magami Jalingo Attention: Project Manager Taraba State Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project, F.G.G.C Road, Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria Tel: +234-8065316519 E-mail: Hyperlinks to Related Project Dossiers: GPN Page : 3