TRANSFRONTIER TRAILS DO LIMPOPO BIRD SIGHTINGS IN PARQUE NACIONAL DO LIMPOPO This is an initial list drawn up by staff during the development phase and on subsequent 4x4 and Wilderness Trails. The page will be updated regularly with new sightings by guests and staff BIRDS 1. Common Ostrich [1] 2. Little Grebe (Dabchick) [8] 3. Great White Pelican [49] 4. Pink-backed Pelican [50] 5. White-breasted Cormorant [55] 6. Reed Cormorant [58] 7. Grey Heron [62] 8. Black-headed Heron [63] 9. Goliath Heron [64] 10. Purple Heron [65] 11. Great Egret [66] 12. Cattle Egret [71] 13. Squacco Heron [72] 14. Green-backed Heron [74] 15. Black-crowned Night-heron [76] 16. Hamerkop [81] 17. Abdim’s Stork [85] 18. African Openbill [87] 19. Saddle-billed Stork [88] 20. Marabou Stork [89] 21. Hadeda Ibis [94] 22. African Spoonbill [95] 23. White-faced Duck [99] 24. Egyptian Goose [102] 25. African Pygmy-goose [114] 26. Spur-winged Goose [116] 27. Hooded Vulture [121] 28. White-backed Vulture [123] 29. Lappet-faced Vulture [124] 30. Black Kite [126] 31. Yellow-billed Kite 32. Black-shouldered Kite [127] 33. Tawny Eagle [132] 34. Wahlberg’s Eagle [135] 35. African Hawk Eagle [137] 36. Martial Eagle [140] 37. African Crowned Eagle [141] 38. Brown Snake Eagle [142] 39. Black-breasted Snake Eagle [143] 40. Bateleur [146] 41. African Fish Eagle [148] 42. Lizard Buzzard [154] 43. Little Sparrowhawk [157] 44. Shikra (Little Banded Goshawk) [159] 45. Gabar Goshawk [161] 46. Dark Chanting Goshawk [163] 47. African Harrier Hawk (Gymnogene) [169] 48. Osprey [170] 49. Dickenson’s Kestrel [185] 50. Crested Francolin [189] 51. Shelley’s Francolin [191] 52. Natal Francolin [196] 53. Swainson’s Spurfowl (Francolin) [199] 54. Helmeted Guineafowl [203] 55. Crested Guineafowl [204] 56. Black Crake [213] 57. Kori Bustard [230] 58. Red-crested Korhaan [237] 59. African Jacana [240] 60. Greater Painted Snipe [242] 61. Three-banded Plover [249] 62. Blacksmith Lapwing (Plover) [258] 63. African (Ethiopian) Snipe [286] 64. Black-winged Stilt [295] 65. Spotted Thick-knee (Dikkop) [297] 66. Water Thickknee (Dikkop) [298] 67. Double-banded Sandgrouse [347] 68. Red-eyed Dove [352] 69. African Mourning Dove [353] 70. Cape Turtle Dove [354] 71. Laughing Dove [355] 72. Namaqua Dove [356] 73. Emerald-spotted Wood Dove [358] 74. Tambourine Dove [359] 75. African Green Pigeon [361] 76. Brown-headed Parrot [363] 77. Grey-headed Parrot 78. Purple-crested Turaco (Lourie) [371] 79. Grey Go-away Bird (Lourie) [373] 80. Red-chested Cuckoo [377] 81. Levaillant’s (Striped) Cuckoo [381] 82. Jacobin Cuckoo [382] 83. Diderick Cuckoo [386] 84. Burchell’s Coucal [391] 85. African Wood Owl [394] 86. African Scops-Owl [396] 87. Pearl-spotted Owl [398] 88. African Barred Owl [399] 89. Spotted Eagle Owl [401] 90. Verreaux’s (Giant) Eagle Owl [402] 91. Fiery-necked Nightjar [405] 92. Freckled Nightjar [408] 93. Square-tailed (Mozambique) Nightjar [409] 94. Speckled Mousebird [424] 95. Red-faced Mousebird [426] 96. Pied Kingfisher [428] 97. Giant Kingfisher [429] 98. Malachite Kingfisher [431] 99. African Pygmy-Kingfisher [432] 100. Woodland Kingfisher [433] 101. Brown-hooded Kingfisher [435] 102. Grey-headed (Greyhooded) Kingfisher [436] 103. Striped Kingfisher [437] 104. Southern Carmine Bee-eater [441] 105. Little Bee-eater [444] 106. Lilac-breasted Roller [447] 107. Racket-tailed Roller [448] 108. Purple Roller [449] 109. Broad-billed Roller [450] 110. African Hoopoe [451] 111. Green (Red-billed) Wood-hoopoe [452] 112. Common (Greater) Scimitarbill [454] 113. Trumpeter Hornbill [455] 114. Silvery-cheeked Hornbill [456] 115. African Grey Hornbill [457] 116. Red-billed Hornbill [458] 117. Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill [459] 118. Crowned Hornbill [460] 119. Southern Ground Hornbill [463] 120. Black-collared Barbet [464] 121. Acacia Pied Barbet [465] 122. Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird (Tinker Barbet) [470] 123. Crested Barbet [473] 124. Greater Honeyguide [474] 125. Brown-backed Honeybird (Sharpbilled Honeyguide) [478] 126. Golden-tailed Woodpecker [483] 127. Cardinal Woodpecker [486] 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. Rufous-naped Lark [494] Barn (European) Swallow [518] Mosque Swallow [525] Black Cuckooshrike [538] Forked-tailed Drongo [541] Black-headed Oriole [545] Pied Crow [548] Southern Black Tit [554] Grey Penduline-Tit [558] Arrow-marked Babbler [560] Dark-capped (Black-eyed) Bulbul [568] Terrestrial Brownbul (Bulbul) [569] Yellow-bellied Greenbul (Bulbul) [574] Eastern (Yellow-spotted) Nicator [575] Kurrichane Thrush [576] Groundscraper Thrush [580] Familiar Chat [589] Arnott’s Chat [594] White-throated Robin-Chat (Robin) [602] White-browed Scrub-Robin (Robin) [613] (Eastern) Bearded Scrub-Robin (Robin) [617] Yellow-breasted Apalis [648] Long-billed Crombec [651] Yellow-bellied Eremomela [653] Green-backed Camaroptera (Bleating Warbler) [657a] Stierling’s (Barred) Wren-Warbler [659] Neddicky [681] Tawny-flanked Prinia [683] Southern Black Flycatcher [694] Chinspot Batis [701] African Paradise Flycatcher [710] African Pied Wagtail [711] Red-backed Shrike [733] Magpie (African Longtailed) Shrike [735] Southern Boubou [736] Black-backed Puffback [740] Brubru [741] Brown-crowned (Threestreaked) Tchagra [743] Orange-breasted Bush-Shrike [748] Grey-headed Bush-Shrike [751] White-crested (White) Helmet-Shrike [753] Retz’s (Red-billed) Helmet-Shrike [754] Southern White-crowned Shrike [756] Wattled Starling [760] Meve’s (Longtailed) Starling [763] 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. Cape Glossy Starling [764] Greater Blue-eared Starling [765] Red-billed Oxpecker [772] Yellow-billed Oxpecker [773] White-bellied Sunbird [787] Marico Sunbird [779] Collared Sunbird [793] Red-billed Buffalo-Weaver [798] Village (Spotted-backed) Weaver [811] Southern Masked-Weaver [814] Red-headed Weaver [819] Jameson’s Firefinch [841] Blue Waxbill [844] Violet-eared Waxbill [845] Common Waxbill [846] Bronze Mannikin [857] Pin-tailed Whydah [860] Shaft-tailed Whydah [861] Long-tailed (Eastern) Paradise-Whydah [862] Village Indigobird (Steelblue Widowfinch) [867] Yellow-fronted (Yellow-eyed) Canary [869] Streaky-headed Seed-eater (Canary) [881] Golden-breasted Bunting [884]