The Town of Stanford Town Board convened for their monthly meeting on Thursday,
September 11th, 2014. Supervisor Joseph Norton called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and
asked for a moment of silence on this special day that altered everyone’s life on 9/11/01, of our
continued struggles and of the heroes and heroines that have paid the price.
Roll Call:
Joseph Norton – present
Ryan Orton – present
Johanna Shafer – present
Mary Weinberger – present
Also in attendance was Attorney for the Town William Bogle, Jr.
No one was heard at this time.
LIAISON REPORTS: Councilman Ryan Orton reported from the prior evening’s ZBA meeting:
two variances were granted for Campbell and the Link Farm, and that public hearings were
scheduled for October for the Barbieri and Leatherneck properties. From the Rec. Commission,
a thank you to Dan Shepley for all his help over the summer; the snack bar made $500 thanks to
Tammy Ryan and her crew; and the Haunted Fortress will open for 3 weekends in October with
a theme of the Grimm Fairy Tales. Other community events: the Forever Young Club has 2
upcoming meetings and one trip, the Library is showing movies on Thursday afternoons and that
Community Day is this coming Saturday with the parade scheduled for 3 PM and a Penny Social
at 7 PM.
Councilwoman Shafer stated that she could not attend the CAC meeting, and there was
no Planning Board regular meeting, but they did have a special meeting the previous night.
Councilwoman Weinberger had no report.
SUPERVISOR’S REPORT: According to Supervisor Norton, the Highway Department has been
blacktopping, working on road shoulders and culverts and grading the dirt roads, as well as some
trees taken down. There had been one application for a driveway permit.
The Supervisor added that this was “budget time,” a hard time, and said that there are 185
houses up for sale in the County tax sale.
The County Legislator and the Highway Superintendent were not in attendance.
MOTION TO ACCEPT AGENDA: A motion was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Ryan
Orton, to accept the agenda. Councilwoman Shafer requested that cemeteries and assets and
inventory be added to the agenda items under Old Business. With the Board’s approval for these
additions, a roll call vote was taken as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna
Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes. Motion carried.
1. ROOF REPLACEMENT BIDS: After discussion, a motion was made by Joseph Norton,
seconded by Johanna Shafer to have the roof replacement put out to bid again as there were only
two proposals. Better specs will be included for a prevailing wage certificate and that the
Highway crew may do the actual roof measurements. With these changes noted, the motion
carried with a roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer –
yes; Mary Weinberger – yes.
2. TOWN HALL EXTERIOR BID: Only one bid had been received from Cornerstone
Restoration in Yonkers, NY in the amount of $22,786.00. The motion to approve the bid award
to Cornerstone was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Mary Weinberger. Mention was made
that this expense will be paid from the Town Hall Capital Fund. Motion carried with a roll call
vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger
– yes.
3. CELL TOWER CONSULTANT: A motion was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by
Johanna Shafer, to award the bid for consulting and engineering services for the AT&T colocation application to C.T. Male Associates of Latham, NY. Motion carried with a roll call vote
Town Board Minutes
9/11/14, page 2
as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger –
4. COMPUTER ASSESSMENT VOLUNTEERS: Dennis Smith has been working on the
Town’s computer issues and after discussion with the Supervisor, Mr. Norton made a motion to
award a contract to upgrade the Town’s computer systems to Business Automation Services in
Clifton Park, NY as per their proposal. Mention was made that some of the funding will come
from the unappropriated fund balance and some from departments’ own budget lines. The
motion was seconded by Ryan Orton with a roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan
Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes. Motion carried. Mr. Norton made
another motion to meet with BAS, along with the other Board members, to finalize the terms of
the contract as well as to reserve the right to cancel the contract at any time if they so wished,
seconded by Mary Weinberger. The motion carried with a roll call vote: Joseph Norton – yes;
Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes.
5. PLANNING BOARD LETTER REQUEST: Councilwoman Johanna Shafer volunteered to
draft this letter.
6. ASSETS AND INVENTORY: Charles Hanlon will be receiving direction from the auditor to
discuss the guidelines for this inventory, which has no timeframe for completion.
7. CEMETERIES: After discussion, a motion was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Ryan
Orton, to have the additional tree stump removal work on the Cold Spring cemetery be put out to
bid, with the Historical Society supervising this clean-up work. The motion carried with a roll
call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary
Weinberger – yes.
1. COMPTROLLER POSITION: After discussion regarding Meghan O’Connor as the interim
comptroller, a motion was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Mary Weinberger, to appoint
Meghan O’Connor, to the position. After further discussion concerning credentials and the
importance of a neutral position, a roll call vote was held: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton –
no; Johanna Shafer – no; Mary Weinberger – yes. Motion did not carry.
2. RECREATION SALARIES / STRUCTURE: There was a lengthy discussion on this matter
along with the matter of an overall salary review for all employees. No action was taken but
further discussion will continue with the Recreation Commission being advised.
3. REC. BACKBOARD: Kelly Nielsen had already ordered a replacement backboard but the
Board also agreed that an additional light by the courts should be installed by Central Hudson. A
motion to have this light installed was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Johanna Shafer.
Motion carried with a roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna
Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes.
RESOLUTION #24 of 2014
Motion made by: Joseph Norton
Seconded by: Mary Weinberger
WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Stanford has expenditures for the adopted
2014 Highway Budget line items that will exceed the amount available in certain budget lines
and reserved funds, and
WHEREAS, the Town of Stanford has funds available in other lines and reserved funds
and needs to transfer such funds to provide for expenditures,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Stanford
hereby amends and transfers from and to the budget lines / funds listed below for the 2014
Highway Budget as follows:
01-04-5142-20 (2014 JCB Vibromax/VMT380/4)
$ 45,284.00
Town Board Minutes
9/11/14, page 3
(2014 JCB Backhoe Loader)
$ 98,668.85
Highway Capital Equipment Reserve Fund
$ 143,952.85
$ 143,952.85
$ 143,952.85_____
Roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes;
Mary Weinberger – yes. Motion carried.
Resolution #24 of 2014 adopted by the affirmative votes of the four Town of Stanford
Town Board members and certified this 11th day of September 2014.
Norton made a motion to appoint Antonio Ingenito but Councilman Orton stated that the Rec.
Commission wanted to interview the candidate first. Joe Norton then withdrew his motion.
7. MILEAGE POLICY: Brief discussion followed regarding the Board having a policy for
mileage as some claim it and some don’t. Will look at this issue again.
8. POSTAGE METER: A motion was made by Ryan Orton, seconded by Johanna Shafer, to
have the Supervisor look into a postage meter for the Town Hall. Roll call vote as follows:
Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes. Motion
9. EARTHLINK REQUEST: Attorney Bogle had served a subpoena on Earthlink and was told
that they did not have any records and did not archive emails. Discussion continued but no
action was taken.
10. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion to approve the Minutes of August 14th, 2014 as
amended was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Mary Weinberger. Motion carried with a
roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary
Weinberger – yes.
11. EXECUTIVE SESSION: A motion was made by Joseph Norton, seconded by Mary
Weinberger, to close the regular meeting and go into an Executive Session at 8:54 PM regarding
contract negotiations. Motion carried with a roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton – yes; Ryan
Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes.
A motion to close the Executive Session at 9:12 PM was made by Joseph Norton,
seconded by Johanna Shafer. Motion carried with a roll call vote as follows: Joseph Norton –
yes; Ryan Orton – yes; Johanna Shafer – yes; Mary Weinberger – yes.
No action was taken.
At 9:13 PM a motion was made to adjourn by Joseph Norton, seconded by Ryan Orton.
Motion carried with all voting in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Ritamary Bell
Town Clerk