Volcano Contour Models Activity Purpose The purpose of this activity is to familiarize students with topography and the connection between contour lines and elevation. Objective The goal of this activity is to create and interpret a contour map using the volcano model. Time Needed 45 minutes CA State Science Standards (9-12): Investigation and Experimentation Standard: 1.h. "Read and interpret topographic and geologic maps." 1.m. "Investigate a science-based societal issue, "e.g..." land and water use decisions in California." Background Information Topographic maps are 2-dimensional representations of a 3 dimensional surface. Contour lines are used to show vertical elevation. Each contour line represents a line of equal elevation on earth’s surface. Sea level is the zero elevation contour line. Contour line basics: Contour lines do not cross but may converge at locations that are steeply sloped. The farther apart the contour lines are spaced, the more gently sloped the represented surface is (gradient). The elevation difference between two adjacent contour lines is called the contour interval. Concentric contours represent hills. Contour lines take a V-shape pointing upstream or uphill where they cross rivers or the lowest point in a valley. V-Shaped Contours Saddle Ridge Hill Valley Key Terms Contour line Elevation Hill Ridge Valley Relief Scale Gradient Topography Materials Needed Plastic topographic volcano models (contour model kit available from Wards Natural Science or Carolina Biological) Clear overlay sheets Non-permanent/erasable colored markers Blue food coloring Water Cups or Pitcher to hold water Drawing paper Pencils Ruler Activity 1. On the side of the volcano model container make a tick mark every ½ inch and label your marks in intervals of 100 feet. These lines will represent the different levels to fill the container with water. 2. Tape the plastic sheet to container cover 3. Pour water into the plastic container to the first "fill line" (100 feet or whatever your first elevation mark is) noting that it partially covers the base of the mountain. 4. Draw a contour line on the plastic sheet by tracing the contact of the water with the plastic volcano and label its elevation. In essence you are tracing the shoreline. 5. Pour water to the next fill line and repeat the procedure of drawing another contour line by tracing the water contact with the model, continue until you reach the top of the model. Every time you increase the water level it is as if you are increasing sea level and tracing the new shoreline. 6. On a piece of paper, have students draw a picture of their volcano model in any style they like. After they spend a few minutes trying to represent their volcano on a flat piece of paper, ask them the following questions. Questions 1. How would you describe the shape of your plastic model (mountain)? Approximate its total elevation based on the scale that you have drawn. Is it symmetrical or does it have different shapes on different sides of the mountain? Is it steep or a gentle slope? (to answer this question, consider which side of the mountain you would hike up if you wanted a really strenuous hike vs. if you wanted an easier hike) 2. How would you describe the contour line that you have drawn (circular, oblong, elliptical)? What aspect of the mountain does it represent? 3. How would you describe the second contour line that you have drawn? Is it the same shape as the first contour (it's the same basic shape and parallels the first contour line, but it depends on the slope/gradient on the different sides of the hill) 4. How would you describe the shapes of the contour lines, do you see any patterns or particular characteristics? (the more perfectly circular the contours are the more symmetrical the mountain is) What do you notice about the distance/spacing between the contour lines on various sides of the mountain (the steeper the slope the more closely spaced the contour lines are) When are you looking at a high point? When are you looking at a valley? 5. Do you think contour lines are an effective way to represent elevation? What can you learn about a landscape by looking at a map of contour lines?