CURRICULUM FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES IN SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE Number (unit, topic): U4-T4 Review – Status: D ECTS (suggested): Title Occupational Poisoning with Organic Solvents Author(s), degree, institution(s) Asst. Prof. Bela Prokes, MD, PhD specialist in occupational medicine Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad Asst. Prof. Bela Prokes, MD, PhD Address for correspondence Keywords Learning objectives Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad Futoska 121 Novi Sad Tel +381 21 614-277, 613-998, fax 624-128 E-mail zzzrns@eunet.yu Poisoning, Organic solvents, Benzene, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons, Tetrachlorethane, Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Benzine, Petroleum, Carbon Disulphide, Nitro derivates, Nitrobenzene, Trinitrotholuene, Amino derivates, Aniline. It is expected that students and future public health professionals become familiar with environmental health risk assessment. This include competence in health risk characterization and evaluation as a member of a team as well as a competence in a risk managment. Synopsis (Abstract) This topic covers: Teaching methods Transparency presentation, Orall lecture, Distribution of the literature to small group of students, Diskusion about target themas, Presentation of clinical entitys Specific recommendations for teacher Assessment of students Practical work on intoxication diagnosis and work capabillity evaluation; Orall exam Occupational Poisoning with Organic Solvents Bela Prokeš, MD, PhD, specialist in occupational medicine Department of Occupational Medicine, Medical Faculty Novi Sad ORGANIC SOLVENTS – Main charactheristics Classification according to Simonen: 1. Aromatic hydrocarbons 2. Hydrocarbon halogen derivatives 3. Aliphafle hydrocarbons 4. Alcohols 5. Ethers 6. Esters 7. Aldehydes 8. Ketones 9. Carbon disulphide 10.Policyclic hydrocarbons CHARACTERISTICS: - Easy evaporation Fat solvents Unchangeable in reaction with water, alkalis Must NOT have chemical reaction with matters they dissolve APPLICATION: - Manufacture of varnishes Colours Anticorosive mixtures Rubber, artificial leather, industrial viscose products, textile md. Paper, wood industry Oil, fat extraction Fat-removal from metal parts Dry-cleaning of textiles Chemical and pharmaceutical industry PENETRATION Main path's 1. Inhalatory 2. Gastrointestinal 3. Skin and mucous membrane ELIMINATION Main path's 1. Lungs – mainly unchanged 2. Gastrointestinal – feces – fat soluble unchanged chemicals and methabolites 3. Kidney's – urine – water soluble unchanged chemicals and methabolites 4. Lacrimes, Sweat, Milk CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING TO TOXIC EFFECT: 1. 2. 3. 4. Narcotic effect (benzine, ethers, acetone) Neurotoxic effect (CS 2 , methyl alcohol, THE) Effect to hematopoiesis (bensol, toluol, TNT) Effect to liver, kidneys (halog. derivatives glycols) FIRE AND EXPLOSION DANGER PREVENTION (MEASURES OF PROTECTION) AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZENE BENZENE HOMOLOGUES BENZENE CONDENSES DERIVATIVES OF BENZENE, HOMOLOGUES AND CONDENSES BENZENE (C 6 H 6 ): CHARACTERISTICS: colourless liquid with characteristic odour. APPLICATION: -Chemical reagent (for organic synthesis, manufacture of styrene, detergents, pesticides, perfumes, explosives, fertilisers, pharmac. products). -Fuel (Since 1950 antidetonator was added to fuel in USA) -Solvent (Industry of plastic and artif. fibbers, colours, varnishes, rubber, caoutchouc, for oil and fat extraction, in manufacture of photographs, minors, in medicine). WAY OF ENTRANCE: Main path's 1. Inhalatory 2. Gastrointestinal 3. Skin and mucous membrane ELIMINATION -Unchanged -Oxidation in blood as well as oxidative product through kidneys -Storage (CNS, liver, endok.syst., bone marrow) -In liver - phenol, triphenol, catehol, hydrochinol, in conjugation with H 2 SO 4 and glucuronic acid are developed organic sulphates and glucuronates. -Pathophysiological mechanism of effect: -Hipoxia (without O 2 ) -Decreased ascorbic acid synthesis, C hypo-vitaminosis -Disturbance of oxidoreductive processes -Radiomimethic effects (DNA, RNA inhibition), cytostatic effect. -Chromosomal aberrations -Leukemogenic effect POISONING ACUTE CHRONIC -Neurotrophism -Prenarcotic -Cater syndrome -Chemopathiae -Hyperplasia (leucosis) -Hypoplasia -Skin -General symptoms Narcosis (Epil.spasms spasm. paralysis) Coma (tox. encephal. acute, psychosis) COMPLICATIONS: RBC + WBC + PLT Benzene leucosis = PANMYELOPHTISIS ESTIMATION OF WORK ABILITY Depending on poisoning severity THERAPY - SYMPTOMATIC CHLORINATED HYDROCARBONS: are developed in all three physical conditions -CL and F are less toxic than Br and J. -Unsaturated are less toxic than saturated -If H atom is replaced within aromatic hydrocarbon, less toxic compound is developed and with aliphatic is inversely. APPLICATION: solvents, fire-exthiguishing appliances, cooling, fat-extraction, drycleaning, pesticides, chemical and pharmaceutics industry, medicine anaesthetics, colour and varnish industry WAY OF ENTRANCE: as before mentioned EFFECT: SPECIFIC -Neurotoxic -Hepatotoxic -Nephrotoxic NON-SPECIFIC -Irritable -Narcotic VINYLCHLORIDE (CH 2 =CHCl): CHARACTERISTIC: Colourless gass with sligtly sweet odour APPLICATION: plastic mass WAY OF ENTRANCE: as before mentioned ELIMINATION: -Unchanged -Metabolites: Carboxymethyl cistein, Thiodiglycol acid TOXICITY: Astnovegetative symptoms Acroosteolysis Changes on lungs Changes in blood Liver angiosarcom Cancer - other localities TETHRACHLORETANE: CHARACTERISTIC: Non-inflammable liquid, THE MOST TOXIC APPLICATION: Tetrachloride ethylene, trichlorine ethylene, fat and oil solvent, in manufacture of organic matters, bitumen, tar WAY OF ENTRANCE: as before mentioned - TOXICITY: Acute: Narcotic effect, General sympthoms of CNS, liver, heart, kidneys Chronic: Effect to CNS (tox. encephalopathy), gastrointestinal, liver ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBONS BENZINE: - Structure – hydrocarbon mixture - Application: fuel, solvent, in rubber industty, in colour and varnish industiy, oil extraction from seed WAY OF ENTRANCE: as before mentioned TOXICITY: Narcotic (CNS) POISONING: ACUTE 1. Slight : headache, irritation of eyes and respiratory system, irritability (hypotonia, bradicardia, hypothermia) 2. Hard: tremor, enlarged liver, proteinuria, comatose, hallucination, amnesia. CHRONIC General symptoms, depression, tremor, irritation of eyes, respiratory system and skin. FIRST AID: -O 2 -Artificial respiration -Sedatives -Cardiotonie -Vitaminotherapy ESTIMATION OF WORK ABILITY: Depending on poisoning severity PREVENTION PETROLEUM Toxicology: Acute poisoning: The same as H 2 S poisoning - if there is Sulphur in petroleum, and benzine poisoning Chronic: Astenovegetative syndrome, irritation of eyes, skin and respiratoiy system. CARBON DISULPHIDE (CS 2 ) CHARACTERISTIC: colourless liquid, with ether-like odour APPLICATION: Manufacture of viscose fibbers, cellophane, optical glass, glue, in chemical industry, solvent, pesticide etc. WAY OF ENTRANCE: Main path is inhalatory way ELIMINATION: - Unchanged - through lungs - Through urine - Through excrement - non-organic sulphates through milk POISONING: ACUTE Slight: intoxication, headache, dizziness, exhaustion, paresthesies. Medium: narcotic effect, euphoria, irrational laughter, dizziness, headache, ataxia, hallucination, delirium Hard: loss of consciousness, tox. coma COMPLICATIONS: Ecephalom.and mental disorder CHRONIC Neurasthenia, weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite, vegetative lability, perspiration, dermographia, palm hyperhidr., weakened sensibility. Hard form: -Damage of nervous system -Encephalopathy -Encephaloneuritis -Damage of peripheral nervous system - Polyneuritis -Hard sensibility disorder up to anaesthesia, weakened tendinous reflexes -Extreme vegetative symptoms -Damage of endocr. system (adrenal gland, thyreoidea, testis) -Vascular disorders - arteriosclerosis, most frequently on cerebral and renal blood vessels TREATMENT: Symptomatic ESTIMATION OF WORK ABILITY: PREVENTION AMINO AND NITRO COMPOUNDS OF AROMATIC COLUMN APPEAR by replacement of one or more H atoms in benzol’s ring or in homologue of amino - NH 2 or nitro - NO, group. APPLICATION: Colour industiy, explosives, pharmac. industry, perfume industry, rubber, soap, shoe polish, in synthesis of pesticides, plastic mass etc. WAY OF ENTRANCE: 1. Inhalatory 2. Skin and mucous membrane 3. Gastrointestinal (rare) ELIMINATION: Unchanged through lungs Through urine in compound with H 2 SO 4 or glucuron acid. POISONING: -Irritable effect (skin, mucous membrane, respirat., gastroint. and urin. system). -Hematopoiesis damage -Parenh. organs (liver, kidneys) -CNS ETIOLOGY: -Direct toxic effect of none or metabolites -Hypoxia (met. and/or sulph. Hb) MET- Hb Normally: 1% Conditioned by enzymatic system of met Hb-reductases which require DPNH and TPNH as co-enzymes, and non-enzymatic -glutation SULPH - Hb Fe loses capacity of connection with O 2 but not CO. Met and Sulph Hb result in cyanosis. Cyanosis appears when 5 gr. Hb is reduced at 100 ml of blood. Death appears when 66 % of Hb is transformed in Met Hb. Within blood are present: -Heinz’s bodies -Hemolysis -Hypoplasia, aplasia (marrow) -Damage of liver -Damage of kidneys -CNS (palidostrial syst. n.opticus) NITRO DERIVATIVES NITROBENZENE CHARACTERISTICS: Yellow liquid with flavour of bitter almond. APPLICATION: paints, explosives, soap industry. WAY OF ENTRANCE ELIMINATION POISONING Acute -Irritable symptoms -Damage of CNS with paresthesias. epyleptiform. convulsions ---- Coma, death as a result of breath paralysis -Damage of liver Chronic -Irritation (skin, respiratory and digestive system) -MetHb -Damage of liver and CNS TREATMENT: -Take out poisoned person -Skin decontamination -Oxygen therapy -Treatment of Met Hb with ascorbic acid methylene blue -Transfusion -Hepatoprotective therapy TRINITROTOLUENE (TNT) CHARACTERISTICS: colourless or slightly yellow powder (crystals) APPLICATION: explosives WAY OF ENTRANCE: the most important - respiratory, skin, digestive ELIMINATION: urine POISONING: -Irritable (orange coloured skin, resp.,digest.) -Met Hb and Sulph. Hb -Hemolysis -Hypoplas and aplasia of bone marrow -Hepatocyte necrosis -Toxic nephrosis AMINO DERIVATIVES ANILINE CHARACTERISTICS: colourless oily liquid, characteristic smell, water insoluble APPLICATION: paint industry, explosive, industiy, rubber and pesticide industry. perfume, pharmaceutical WAY OF ENTRANCE: respiratory, skin, ELIMINATION: In human body it is oxidised in phenyl hydroxilamme and this in pam aminophenol which is conjugated with H 2 S0 4. glucuronic acid and is eliminated with urine. PATHOGENESIS: Effect of noxa itself is minimal it is effect of metabolism. CAUSES: -BPE -Hemolysis -MetHb -Heinz bodies POISONING: ACUTE: euphoria, loss of consciousness, dizziness, headache, weakness, sight disorder, skin and mucous membrane lividity, cyanosis, dark urine. CHRONIC: weakness, atonia, anaemia, BPE REFERENCES: 1. Mikov M, ed Medicina rada. Beograd: Naučna knjiga, 1991 Vidaković A, ed. Medicina rada. Beograd: Medicinski fakultet, 1996 2. Rosenstock L, Cullen M. ed: Textbook of Clinical Occupational and Environmental medicine. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1994. 3. Stacey N. ed Occupational Toxicology. Taylor&Francis, London 1995.