Central Idea - Marblehead High School

5 Paragraph Essay
Central Idea
What did you learn and how did you learn it?
The construction of a 5 Paragraph Essay
I. Paragraph #1:
Must include title and author
Can include a 1 – 2 sentence summary of book
Can include character summaries
Can include definitions of special terms used in your essay
Your 3-pronged thesis statement as the last sentence
II. Paragraph #2:
Body Paragraph 1
Topic sentence
a. evidence and explanation
b. evidence and explanation
c. evidence and explanation
Summary / transitional sentence
III. Paragraph #3:
IV. Paragraph #4:
Body Paragraph 2
Topic sentence
a. evidence and explanation
b. evidence and explanation
c. evidence and explanation
Summary / transitional sentence
Body Paragraph 3
Topic sentence
a. evidence and explanation
b. evidence and explanation
c. evidence and explanation
Summary / transitional sentence
one must be a quote
with the page #
one must be a quote
with the page #
one must be a quote
with the page #
V. Conclusion:
Summary of your essay—in one or two sentences—key points
Lead to global/universal idea
State the global/universal idea
5 Paragraph Essay
Overall organizer: Write your ideas here. Use the next organizers to expand your ideas.
I. Introduction
Thesis statement:
Ideas to lead into thesis statement:
II. Body Paragraph 1
Topic Sentence:
Concluding/Transitional sentence:
III. Body Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence:
Concluding/Transitional sentence:
IV. Body Paragraph 3
Topic Sentence:
Concluding/Transitional sentence:
V. Conclusion
Summary of essay:
Global/universal insight:
5 Paragraph Essay
Organizer for Outline: Creating a Thesis Statement
and Constructing the Beginnings of each Body Paragraph
Your Central Question (if needed):
Answer your Central Question in one complete sentence (this is your Central Idea):
What 3 areas in the book support your answer to your central question?
Write your 3 prong thesis statement—combine your Central Idea and the 3 areas that support you:
You may need to wait until you build your body paragraphs before you write the topic sentences.
Topic sentence for Body Paragraph 1:
Topic sentence for Body Paragraph 2:
Topic sentence for Body Paragraph 3:
5 Paragraph Essay
Organizer for each Body Paragraph.
Body Paragraph ___ (1, 2 or 3)
Element A
Explanation of how this helps prove your point
Book Info and page number used for information
Element B
Explanation of how this helps prove your point
Book Info and page number used for information
Element C
Explanation of how this helps prove your point
Book Info and page number used for information