Factors influencing compact-extended structure equilibrium in oligomers of Aβ1–40 peptide – an ion mobility mass spectrometry study. Ewa Sitkiewicz1,*, Marcin Kłoniecki1,*, Jarosław Poznański1, Wojciech Bal1 & Michał Dadlez1,2,& Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Pol. Acad. Sci. Pawińskiego 5A, 02-106 Warszawa, 1 Poland 2 Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Biology Department, Warsaw University, Miecznikowa 1, 02-185 Warszawa, Poland 1,* Ewa Sitkiewicz: ewa@ibb.waw.pl Marcin Kłoniecki: marcinkloniecki@wp.pl 1,* Jarosław Poznański: jarek@ibb.waw.pl 1 1 Wojciech Bal: wbal@ibb.waw.pl Michał Dadlez: michald@ibb.waw.pl 1, 2, & * These authors contributed equally to this work. & Corresponding author: Michał Dadlez, Pawinskiego 5A, 02-106 Warszawa, michald@ibb.waw.pl, tel. +48 22/5923471, fax.+48 22/8237194 Running Title: Compact-extended structure of Aβ1–40 oligomers. 1 2016-02-16 Abstract Oligomers formed by amyloid beta peptide (Aβ) are widely believed to be the main neurotoxic agent in Alzheimer’s disease. Studies discovered a broad variety of oligomeric forms, which display different levels of toxicity. Some of these forms may further assemble into mature fibrils, while other might be off-pathway from conversion to fibrils and assemble into alternative forms. To better understand a relationship between the structure and toxicity of Aβ oligomers, systematic characterization and classification of all possible forms is required, facilitating rational design of the beneficial modifiers of their activity. In previous ion-mobility analysis of Aβ1–40 oligomers, we have detected the coexistence of two alternative structural forms (compact and extended) in a pool of low-order Aβ1–40 oligomers. These forms may represent two pathways of the oligomer evolution, either leading to fibrils or to off-pathway oligomers, potential candidates for the neurotoxic species. Here, we have analyzed the impact of incubation time, the presence of selected metal ions and the effect of a series of point mutations on mutual population of alternative forms. We have shown that a salt bridge D23K28 provides stabilization of the compact form whereas G25 is required for the existence of the extended form. We have found that binding of metal ions also stabilizes the compact form. These results improve our understanding of the possible molecular mechanism of the bifurcation of structural evolution of non-monomeric Aβ species into an off-fibril pathway, ultimately leading to the formation of potentially neurotoxic species. Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease; Aβ1–40 peptide; oligomer structure; ion mobility separation mass spectrometry; collisional cross-section Abbreviations used: Aβ, amyloid β peptide; AD, Alzheimer's disease; IMS, ion mobility separation; MS, mass spectrometry; Ω, collisional cross-section; tD, drift time; MON, monomer; DIM, dimer; TRI, trimer; TET, tetramer; PEN, pentamer 2 2016-02-16 Introduction Causative link between the non-monomeric forms of Aβ peptide (a product of APP protein’s proteolytic cleavage) and Alzheimer’s disease is supported by several lines of evidence,1 providing basis for amyloid cascade hypothesis.2 This theory has recently evolved, giving more recognition to soluble, non-monomeric pool of Aβ as a causative factor in AD, while previously more significance was attributed to the insoluble aggregated peptide forms.3 It was found that the correlation between the level of soluble oligomers and decreased cognitive performance is stronger than the one between aggregated Aβ burden and cognitive decline.4,5 Subsequent experiments performed in wide variety of setups, both with synthetic oligomers and samples extracted from the tissue of AD patients6–8, confirmed the neuro- and synaptotoxic properties of soluble Aβ forms. The “oligomer hypothesis” is a key theory in current AD-related research and was frequently reviewed in recent years. 9–12 Aβ oligomeric assemblies ranging from dimers to high molecular weight (HMW) aggregates9 have been identified both endogenously and in in vitro preparations. No consensus has been reached yet on the identity of the major neurotoxic species. Thus, a systematic definition, classification and characterization of all species that can be formed by oligomeric Aβ is necessary.9,13 The problem becomes more complex if we take under consideration the interaction of Aβ peptide with metal ions. The formation of Aβ1–40 aggregates is accelerated by the presence of the Cu(II) or Zn(II) ions by ca. four orders of magnitude – from hours to seconds.14,15 These aggregates, while also fibrillar, are morphologically different from those formed in the absence of metal ions. Cu(II), Zn(II) and Fe(II) ions associated with Aβ are also components of senile plaques. However, little is known about the mechanism(s) according to which metal ions affect aggregation and whether they include oligomer formation. The Cu(II)/Aβ interactions have been studied in detail for the monomeric peptide.16–20 The binding residues are recruited from the N-terminal part of the peptide. In the physiologically relevant range of pH (6.9-7.8) Aβ forms a mixture of complexes, which contain a Cu(II) ion bonded to three nitrogen (N-terminus, His-6 and either His-13 or His-14) and one or two oxygen donors. The latest dissociation constant obtained for this complex at pH 7.4 is 36 pM for the Aβ1–40 peptide.21 On the basis of EPR spectra it was concluded that the Cu(II) binding mode in the aggregates is very similar to that in the monomeric peptide.22 There is also indirect evidence for the formation of minute amounts of Cu(II) complex with two Aβ molecules in this pH range, which may be considered as dimeric species. No structural data are available for this putative complex.23 The pattern of Zn(II) coordination is thought to be similar to that of Cu(II), although the Zn(II) binding is much weaker.16,24 Nevertheless, some structural 3 2016-02-16 differences between complexes of these two metal ions must be responsible for a much lower solubility/faster aggregation, seen for Zn(II) with respect to Cu(II). It is a general feature of peptide/protein amyloid formation process that the fibril assembly undergoes a cycle of lag phase followed by nucleation and subsequent fast fibril growth phase.25–29 Lag-phase is caused by the process of a self-assembly of a “nucleus” from which fibrils can elongate fast. This leads to a characteristic sigmoidal curve of fibril growth with no fibrils present during lag phase followed by a spontaneous fast increase in fibril numbers during growth phase. This implies that an obligatory oligomeric nucleus is a transient, high free energy, low probability form. Its population is thus expected to be low, unlikely to be detected at all times of fibrilization process, similar to protein folding intermediates. On the other hand a stunning variety of oligomeric forms was detected in Aβ preparations by different methods (SEC, DLS, analytical ultracentrifugation, electron microscopy, AFM, PICUP, etc.)30, also in the absence of fibrils. These forms may represent pre-nucleation species which are on-pathway to fibrils, but also off-pathway oligomeric forms which do not evolve into fibrils.31 Indeed, recent work indicates the presence of alternative pathways of aggregation32–34 and suggests that neurotoxic oligomers can also be populated via alternate pathways.35,36 Since the mature fibrils do not seem to represent the major neurotoxic form, off-pathway oligomers gain special attention, as the potential candidates for the main neurotoxic agent or agents.30,36 In the evolution pathway from monomeric units to high molecular weight fibrillar assemblies several structurally different oligomeric forms coexist in solution. Oligomers of both classes may retain a dynamic equilibrium but it is also likely that with increasing structural complexity an interconversion of species between classes becomes less probable, and in the end their final form is defined. The studies of such a complex set of structures require tools which allow to separate signals of different oligomeric forms coexisting in solution. Recently, a limited spectrum of methods available (gel filtration, light scattering, atomic force microscopy, analytical ultracentrifugation) has been expanded by ion mobility separation (IMS) coupled with mass spectrometry (IMS-MS). It allows to resolve species not only according to their molecular mass but also according to their collisional cross section () (characteristic for each resolved form). In such a way basic structural characterization of separate species can be obtained in spite of the complexity of the starting mixture. This allows to avoid averaging of the structural information over a set of interconverting or co-existing states as characteristic for other, more classic techniques (DLS, fluorescence, CD, etc.). NMR also leads to averaging of the signal of species interconverting during the time of experiment, which is in this case much longer than 4 2016-02-16 MS measurement, though recently 19F NMR allowed to detect six coexisting oligomeric forms in Aβ preparations.37 IMS-MS, thought relatively new, became an established analytical tool especially for peptide/protein aggregation studies.38 In our previous work39, using IMS-MS we have detected structurally alternate forms of Aβ oligomers. For a given nmeric oligomer IMS drift time profiles revealed a distribution of signals of different drift times (i.e. different collisional cross-section and thus different structure), indicating the presence of more compact and more extended alternate forms. The signals were well separated and relatively narrow, indicating that the detected forms have a well-defined three dimensional structure and do not interconvert within the time of the experiment. We have also constructed molecular models of compact and extended forms that best account for the measured structural constraints. Structural conversion between compact and extended oligomers may be critical for the development of the disease directing the Aβ monomers either to relatively benign fibrils or to more aggressive off-pathway species. Understanding the factors that influence the relative population of structural forms of oligomers seems thus to be crucial for understanding the disease and modifying its progression in a therapeutically beneficial way. Small molecules selectively stabilizing the non-neurotoxic pathway of oligomer evolution (or destabilizing the intermediates on the neurotoxic pathway) may be tested by measuring IMS profiles in their absence and presence and provide the tool to select the most efficient drugs.38 Therefore, it is of importance to elucidate factors influencing the mutual population of structural forms of both classes, more compact and more extended. Here, we have studied the effects of incubation, metal binding and point mutations on relative population of compact/extended forms of Aβ oligomers. Results We have carried out the measurements of IMS-MS drift time profiles of Aβ1–40 oligomeric forms obtained from in vitro preparations and their changes upon a) incubation, b) metal binding, c) mutation. Drift time profiles are extracted from two dimensional IMS-MS spectra in which signals corresponding to different oligomeric forms observed in a typical MS spectrum of Aβ1–40 (Figure 1) are additionally resolved in the domain of an ion-mobility drift time. These profiles characterize the distribution of oligomeric forms of different collisional cross-section in a given m/z range. 5 2016-02-16 First, the dependence of the drift time profiles on the incubation time was tested. Aβ1– 40 was incubated for different times prior to Ion Mobility MS experiment. The distribution of various oligomeric forms in the domain of drift times was measured at different times of incubation, as long as 24h. Some models of amyloid formation pathways40,41 assume that the nucleation step requires a slow structural conversion of monomers or low-order oligomers. Such structural change in oligomers would be expected to change their collisional crosssection and shift the position of peaks in the domain of the drift time which could be detected during IMS-MS experiment. This is however not the case. The drift time profiles remain very well reproducible irrelevant on the length of incubation. The only difference observed upon prolonged incubation is the gradual decrease of the heights of all detected signals. Also, the drift time profiles do not differ between batches of Aβ1–40 provided that all other experiment parameters, including the spectrometer setup, remain unchanged. In conclusion, incubation and reproducibility experiments showed that low-order oligomers do not undergo long-time structural changes, any changes in the drift time profiles observed in subsequent experiments thus cannot be attributed to incubation. However, the drift time profiles of the Aβ1–40 peptide change when metal ions are added to solution. Two metal ions were studied, namely Cu(II) and Zn(II), added in molar ratio of 1:0.5 and 1:2, respectively. Figure 2 illustrates drift time profiles of selected oligomeric forms and charge states. The assignment of compact and extended form to signals in drift time domain was carried out in previous work.39 The shift towards compact state is significant for metal-bound forms of all low order oligomers, except dimers for which the changes are small. For DIM5+ signal (Figure 2a) a small decrease in the fraction of extended form was observed, both for Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions for signal groups corresponding to the form containing one metal ion per monomer (OMPM form), whereas in the signal group containing one metal ion per oligomer (OMPO form) no significant difference with control was observed. For TRI7+ (Figure 2b) a signal corresponding to the compact state, absent in apo-Aβ1–40 control, appears, stronger for Cu(II) than for Zn(II). For TRI6+ signals in control, both compact and extended forms (Figure 2c) are present in equal proportion (with drift times of 9.5 ms and 12.4 ms, respectively), and the profile contains also signals for DIM4+ (10.9 ms) and MON2+ (15.5 ms), as they have the same m/z for apo-Aβ1–40. Compact form becomes dominating upon addition of metal ions in proportion 1:0.5 of peptide/metal in OMPO form (middle panels). The effect seems to be stronger for Cu than for Zn. For OMPM form (lowest panel) the extended form becomes barely detectable. The monomeric and dimeric signals visible in these panels come from their sodium and potassium adducts. The pattern recurs for 6 2016-02-16 TET7+ (Figure 2d) and PEN8+ (Figure 2e) where the domination of extended forms in control sample is replaced by the prevalence of compact form in the presence of metal ions. The impact of Cu(II) is more pronounced than for Zn(II), especially for tetramers and pentamers. For OMPM Cu/peptide complexes (lowest panels in Figure 2d, e) even for lower proportion of metal added (peptide/metal 1:0.5) the extended form is absent, whereas for OMPO form (panels 2 in Figure 2d, e) it is barely detectable. Zn/peptide OMPO complexes retain much of the extended form (panels 3 in Figure 2d, e) even with higher proportion of metal 1:2 (panel 4 in Figure 2d), however a pentameric signal for this conditions could not be detected. A shift towards the compact forms caused by metal binding is retained in the gas phase even if metal ion dissociates from the oligomer (but not monomer) during ionization. Spectra collected in the presence of metal ions contain signals of oligomeric species corresponding to their apo forms, without metal bound. In Figure 3 drift time profiles at corresponding fragments of the spectra are compared to profiles for Cu-bound species and profiles obtained in the absence of metal ions. For monomer (Figure. 3a) apo form profile (panel 2) is identical to the spectrum collected in the absence of metal (panel 1) and does not contain the signal of the compact form, prominent in Cu-bound profile (panel 3). In the case of monomer, dissociation of metal leads to rapid equilibration and decay of compact species. In contrast, for trimers, tetramers and pentamers (Figure 3c-e) the profiles in apo form strictly retain the distribution, detected for the Cu-bound species. For these oligomers the interconversion between compact and extended species is relatively slow in the millisecond timescale of the experiment. In conclusion, strong relative stabilization of compact forms of Aβ oligomers, from trimers to pentamers, was shown based on the analysis of IMS-MS spectra collected in the presence of Cu(II) or Zn(II). The intra- and intermolecular interactions between the peptide residues are also of great interest, since they may direct the mutual population of compact and extended forms. In the present work we have studied the effect of selected point mutations in Aβ sequence on the ratio of compact/extended forms. Previously, we have constructed molecular models of compact and extended state (Figure 4 in39). In these models a fibril-like sandwich structure of the compact form is converted to extended form due to breaking of the sandwich interactions and rotation of the two β-sheet parts in the hinge region composed of turn residues 23-28. To verify this model we have introduced mutations in residues of hinge region with the expectation that these mutations will change the mutual population of compact and extended forms. Since, according to the model, the turn in compact form is stabilized by a salt bridge D23-K28 we have introduced mutation K28A. Glycine at position 25 may ensure flexibility in 7 2016-02-16 the hinge region so in the second mutant we have introduced a mutation G25P. We have measured IMS-MS spectra of these two mutated peptides and compared them with spectra obtained for wild type Aβ1–40 obtained in the same experimental conditions. Drift time profiles (Figure 4) show significant change upon mutation. The effect is similar for all oligomeric forms compared and for all signal groups analyzed, namely signals corresponding to DIM5+, TRI6+, TET7+, PEN8+ (Figure 4a-d, respectively). Attribution of signals to two alternate structural forms of given oligomer, carried out in previous work39 was in each case confirmed here by the analysis of isotopic envelopes. In G25P, the coexistence of compact and extended forms observed for WT is changed to strong preference to the compact form and in K28A to the predominance of the extended form. In case of DIM5+ (Figure 4a) in K28A (lowest panel) also a new form of intermediate value (of drift time 9.9 ms) appears, whereas in G25P (middle panel) the compact form dominates and extended form is nearly absent. Of the two TRI6+ forms (Figure 4b), equally populated in WT, again the extended form is nearly absent in G25P whereas the compact form is prominent. In K28A the compact form signal is weak whereas the visible extended form signal partially co-migrated in the drift chamber with the strong DIM4+ peak. However, its characteristic charge 6+ isotopic envelope can be detected on 2D profiles, co-migrating at nearly the same drift time as a stronger charge +4 envelope (Supporting Material Figure S1). Similarly, TET7+ and PEN8+ (Figure 4c, d, respectively) are characterized by the predominance of compact form in G25P and extended form in K28A, replacing a mixture of the two forms in WT. Amino acid K28 provides a partner for salt bridge-mediated stabilization of the compact state, removal of which leads to the extended form. On the other hand, a flexible Gly25 residues is necessary to allow for opening the compact state, rigidity of chain caused by Pro at this position leads to the strong predominance of the compact form. This experiment shows that turn residues are important determinants, shaping the equilibrium of forms in Aβ1–40 oligomers. This supports the molecular model in which the extended conformation arises from opening of the sandwich structure of the fibril-like oligomer. We have also tested the requirement for β-sheet preference within the two stretches of hydrophobic residues, namely Leu17-Ala21 and Ala31-Leu34, by introducing up to 5 βbreaking proline residues at selected positions. Figure S2 (Supporting Material) shows drift time profiles for mutants 3xPro (L17P, V18P, F19P) and 5xPro in which I32P, I34P mutations were added to 3xPro mutations. For these two mutants the equilibrium shifts strongly towards the compact form, in case of five prolines present leading to complete absence of the extended form for all oligomer forms DIM5+, TRI6+, TET7+ and PEN8+ (Figure 8 2016-02-16 S2a-d, respectively). Moreover, the drift time of the compact state signal decreases with the number of prolines introduced indicating the increased compactness of oligomeric forms, which could accommodate numerous prolines substituting hydrophobic core residues of the Aβ oligomer. These apparently counterintuitive results can be explained by molecular modeling of 5xPro compact oligomer (Supporting Material Figure S3) which shows that a parallel alignment of monomers allows to accommodate prolines into an oligomer with appropriate bending in the sheet structure decreasing the overall collisional cross section of the oligomer. Also, the hydrophobic nature of proline residue provides sufficient stability of the hydrophobic core of the oligomer. The result of this experiment is in agreement with parallel alignment of monomers in oligomer. Discussion. In our previous work39 we have shown in an Ion Mobility - Mass Spectrometry (IMS-MS) analysis the coexistence of the two major structural forms of Aβ1–40 oligomers – compact and extended. Here, we have studied several factors modifying the mutual population of compact and extended structural forms. We have shown that the binding of metal ions stabilizes the compact state and that single point mutations at several sites can drive the equilibrium either towards compact or to extended form. Similar coexistence of compact/extended forms was observed previously in the study of the differences between human IAPP amyloidogenic peptide and its non-amyloidogenic rat counterpart42, and the time-dependent evolution from more extended species to more compact forms has been noted for PrP 20-aa fragment 106-126.43 Coexistence of alternative structural variants may lead to the divergent, competing pathways leading to non-interconverting final structures of different morphology, as described for β2-microglobulin.44–47 For Aβ peptide the bifurcation into onpathway and off-pathway evolution is proposed in numerous schemes.48,49 However, no molecular details on the participating structural variants were presented in these schemes. The analysis of IMS-MS data in our previous work39 allowed us to propose a molecular model of compact and extended states that accounts best for the structural constraints in the form of collisional cross section values obtained for a large set of Aβ1–40 oligomers. According to the model, a compact state represents on-pathway protofibril-like βsheet sandwich with a turn at positions 23-28, the placement of which was confirmed in a solid state NMR-based fibril model50 and EPR study.51 Moreover, in an extended form the sandwich structure becomes open, leading to oligomers of globulomer type, as described in48. The coexistence of the two alternative forms leads to the molecular scheme of the two 9 2016-02-16 competing pathways of the Aβ1–40 oligomer evolution (Figure 5). The compact forms populate an on-pathway branch leading to protofibrils and fibrils. Low-order oligomers might undergo structural conversion to the extended form with subsequent exposure of patches of hydrophobic residues, for instance providing opportunity for the oligomer to interact with the non-polar milieu of a membrane. In the extended form the remaining C-terminal β-sheet acquires additional flexibility, leading to the possibility for higher order oligomeric species to form channel-like membrane structures which can account for some of the observed neurotoxic events52, so modeled compact-extended structural transition may represent a bifurcation point leading to the off-fibril pathway of oligomer evolution and formation of potentially neurotoxic species. IMS-MS, though relatively new, already became an established method of characterization of amyloidogenic peptides/proteins.38 Aβ was also studied before using IMSMS.39,53–56 However, in the work of Bernstein and colleagues53 and the following papers from the same group54–56 the two alternative structural forms were not identified and split drift time profiles were interpreted as indicating the coexistence of oligomers of different order (like dimers/tetramers/hexamers) and not of different compact-extended forms of an oligomer of the same order (like compact tetramer/extended tetramer). For instance a bimodal drift time distribution of the signal, centered at m/z 1731 (denoted z/n = -5/2 in54) was observed for Aβ1–40 in negative mode, and the split was interpreted as coexistence of dimers and tetramers. Measuring well resolved isotopic envelopes, we were able to show (Figure 1B in39) that in positive mode both forms of the split drift time profile for the signal at m/z 1733 correspond to a dimer, one of the smaller (compact) and the other of a larger (extended) collisional cross section, and not to the mixture of dimers and tetramers. To resolve this inconsistency, in the present work we have carried out an additional IMS-MS analysis in negative mode. Two regions of spectra obtained for Aβ1–40 in negative mode are shown in Supporting Material Figure S4. One, corresponding to the above mentioned isotopic envelope, centered at m/z 1731 and the second of the region at m/z 2164 (corresponding to region denoted z/n = -2 in54). Similarly to the results reported in54 drift time profile at m/z 1731 in the negative mode is also split into two signals (Figure S4a), however both signals are clearly characterized by the same spacing in the isotopic envelope, indicating the presence of the two structural variants of -5 charged dimer (DIM5-) and absence of tetrameric signals in this region of spectrum. Ionization mode polarity does not seem to affect the drift time distributions in case of Aβ, as it was observed before for synuclein.57 Absence of tetrameric signal in this region of spectrum does not mean the absence of tetramers in the sample. 10 2016-02-16 Oligomers are often stabilized by a network of ionic interactions, so higher order oligomers may carry less proportional charge than lower order oligomers.39,54 Thus, it may not be justified to expect that the dimeric -5 signals should be accompanied by tetrameric -10 signal. Instead, tetrameric signals bearing lower charge 5 to 8, including +8 charged tetramer were unequivocally identified in positive ion mode spectra at m/z 2164, accompanied by two trimeric, a dimeric and monomeric signal (Figure 2 in39). The analysis of the same region in negative ion mode (denoted z/n = -2, Figure 1b54) lead in the cited work to the conclusion that only dimeric and monomeric forms are represented. Moreover, lack of signals corresponding to trimers and higher order oligomer signals at m/z 2164 was interpreted as their lack in the sample. Contrary to that, negative mode spectra carried out in present work (Figure S4b), due to their higher resolution and sensitivity, clearly show the presence of trimeric signals accompanying the dimeric and monomeric signals. Thus, IMS-MS data, irrelevant of the ionization mode polarity used, do not support the hypothesis of the absence of trimers and higher order oligomers in Aβ1–40 preparations and invalidates the sequence of events in the oligomerization pathway of Aβ1–40 described in Figure 5 of ref.54. In conclusion, the assignment of a particular signal to the oligomeric form should be verified by the analysis of the isotopic envelope, and results not validated by such analysis should be treated with caution. The coexistence of compact-extended oligomeric forms overlooked in the previous work due to inferior resolution, is in our opinion an important feature of the system under study. The structural switch within the pool of Aβ peptide oligomers may be decisive for either fibril formation or off-pathway evolution of Aβ towards oligomeric forms of increased neurotoxicity. IMS allows to measure collisional cross-section of the molecules in the gas phase. This leads to the question of the correspondence of these results to in-solution situation and the issue is discussed.58 In case of proteins it has been shown that ESI can retain solution phase structures at least for some time, as ESI-MS analyses reproduce several known protein structural aspects and non-covalent complexes stoichiometries59,60, although the counterexamples exist.61,62 However, in the presented work we have noted that, in contrast to monomers, A oligomers stripped of metal during ESI do not equilibrate to apo-state distribution, retaining the metal-bound drift time profile in their metal-free form. This showed that the “structural memory” of A oligomeric structures during ESI can last longer than the time of IMS experiment. To test the oligomer structural model we have studied selected point mutants at residues which, according to the model, are expected to shape the equilibrium between the 11 2016-02-16 compact and extended form, especially in the region 23-28 of the turn providing a crucial hinge that enables compact extended form transition. In K28A mutant we have observed a strong preference for the extended form whereas in G25P to the compact form. In K28A mutant the salt bridge D23K28, stabilizing the compact form according to the model, is not possible and in G25P mutant the flexibility of the peptide chain necessary to open the sandwich structure is strongly restricted. Mutations of K28 are also known to change the morphology of A aggregates and K28D mutation in Aβ1–42 leads to spherical aggregates instead of fibrils.63 Also, a lactam bridge introduced at positions D23K28 leads to 1000 times faster fibril formation.64 Thus, these results are in full agreement with the model assuming stabilization of the compact form by D23K28 salt bridge on the pathway to fibrils. Interestingly G25P mutation strongly destabilizes fibril formation65, which indicates different requirements for turn conformation in rigid fibril structure and in more flexible oligomer structure. We have also studied the effects of mutations of selected hydrophobic residues. Since proline residues are known to be disfavored in β-sheets and easily accommodated in the disordered regions66 proline substitutions were probed at sheet positions in Aβ oligomers. However, we have found that even up to 5 proline substitutions strongly stabilize compact forms of oligomers. Proline substitution at β-sheet positions V18, F19, F20 were found to strongly destabilize fibrils.65 However, L17P mutation had only moderate effect, which indicates that proline mutation at some β-sheet positions can be accommodated even in rigid fibril structure. A polyglutamine sequence was shown to be capable of strong aggregation despite containing multiple Pro replacements at regular intervals.67 For oligomers molecular modeling (Figure S3) shows that indeed prolines at β-sheet positions can be accommodated in the model of a parallel β-sheet A oligomer. It remains unclear though why the extended form becomes relatively destabilized in proline mutants. We have also shown that binding of metal ions leads to relative stabilization of the compact state, and Cu(II) is more effective in that respect than Zn(II). These features can be tentatively explained on the basis of known similarities and differences in the interactions of these ions with Aβ monomers and oligomers. In monomers, at neutral pH range, the Cu(II) ion is coordinated as a 3N complex (i.e. with coordination to three nitrogen atoms). The major structure (component I) contains Cu(II) bound to the N-terminal amine, His 6 imidazole, and His 13 or His14 imidazole, but three imidazole donors are largely exchangeable. The minor structure (component II) involves the N-terminal amine, the neighboring peptide nitrogen, and 12 2016-02-16 one of three His imidazoles. His13/His14 residues are alternatively engaged in their binding in the monomeric state, when they have a significant conformational freedom19. Although Cu(II) ions are thought to bind to oligomeric Aβ in a fashion qualitatively similar to that studied exhaustively for the Aβ monomer22, the binding is known to be stronger in oligomeric structures than in monomer.68 This observation suggests that individual Cu(II) ions may be bound in the oligomers to nitrogen donors coming from different Aβ monomers. The coordination mode can thus be different in details also because the conformational freedom of His13/14 is lost in oligomers, as these residues are located at the beginning of the β structure, which enforces location of His13 and His14 on the opposite sides of the β-sheet. Such fixing will not have a negative effect on the efficiency of metal binding because either of these histidines will remain available for simultaneous binding with unordered N-terminus, depending on its location on either side of the β-sheet. In oligomers histidines from monomers adjacent in the sheet are kept in orientation that enables both of them to contribute simultaneously to metal binding (either Hi13+His13 or His14+His14). Molecular modeling of the possible binding modes of the metal ion to oligomer structures obtained before39 showed that the canonical 3N character of the complex can be retained in oligomers (Figure 6a-c), although in oligomeric structures the metal-binding imidazole of His-13 points upwards, and that of His-14 downwards, with respect to the location of the C-terminus in the compact structure. The structures obtained can also explain the observed stabilization of the compact state. Three different Cu(II) 3N structures consistent with both the experimental data presented above and the previous literature are shown in Figure 6. Structure A retains the N-terminal amine and His 6 imidazole pattern of component I, while the second imidazole is provided by His-6 of the neighboring Aβ molecule. Metal binding stabilizes the oligomer by keeping N-termini of Aβ monomers together. Structure B in which the complex engages two His 14 imidazoles, stabilizes β-sheet region in the oligomer. Structure C is analogous to the previous one, but involves two His 13 imidazoles. This enables participation of the C-terminal carboxylates in the equatorial and/or axial Cu(II) binding, which provides the mechanistic support to the observation that Cu(II) ions stabilize the closed structure conformers. The presence of exchangeable carboxylate(s) in the coordination spheres of Cu(II) and Zn(II) is known for the monomer. In these terms, the Cterminal carboxylate simply joins this pool in oligomers. According to this line of reasoning, Cu(II) is more effective than Zn(II) in stabilizing the compact structure, due to its higher affinity to imidazole nitrogens, and thus the higher population of His-13 in the complex. 13 2016-02-16 In the presented study we have identified several factors shaping the equilibrium between structurally different Aβ oligomeric forms, thus improving our understanding of chain of events leading to the formation of neurotoxic species in Alzheimer’s disease. This knowledge may be helpful in the engineering of a successful therapeutic strategy, since rational drug design requires sound knowledge of the target structures. Materials and Methods Aβ variants expression Aβ1–40 peptide and its variants were obtained by expression in E. coli and purified using HPLC as described previously.69 Peptide variants were obtained by Site-Directed Mutatagenesis (Stratagene Kit). Aβ peptide mutants have changed at position: a) K28A; b) G25P; c) L17P, V18P, F19P (3xPro), d) L17P, V18P, F19P, I32P, I34P (5xPro). The identity and purity of each molecule was verified using a Q-ToF Premier ESI-MS instrument (Waters). Typically, the concentration of the peptide in the stock solution was within the range of 30 - 80 μM and pH was adjusted to 7.4 with ammonia. The stocks were stored at 4 °C and used within 48 h. Experiments with metal Copper (II) acetate and zinc acetate dihydrate were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co. Metal solutions were prepared from weighted amount using analysis grade water (Baker) to attain concentrations of 9.4 mM (Cu) and 15.6 mM (Zn). Additionally, the concentration of Cu(CH3COO)2 was verified using the Lambert-Beer law (A = εlc), with a molar extinction coefficient value for Cu2+aq of 12.0 M-1 cm-1 at λ = 810 nm.70 Ion mobility separation – mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) Experiments were performed using a Synapt G2 HDMS instrument (Waters). Aβ1–40 peptide or its variants in the presence or absence of metal ions at 80 μM concentration in 10 mM CH3COONH4, pH 7.4 was infused directly (at 5l/min) to the ion source of a mass spectrometer, with a glass Hamilton syringe, through a stainless steel capillary. The mass signals were measured in the range of 400–4100 m/z at the rate of 1 s per scan. The instrument was working in electrospray positive ion mode with a capillary voltage of 2.8 kV and sample cone voltage of 38 V. The mobility T-wave cell was operated at a pressure of 3.2 mbar of nitrogen, with a wave velocity of 650 m/s and amplitude of 39 V. Data acquisition and processing were carried out with MassLynx (V4.1) and DriftScope (V2.1) software supplied 14 2016-02-16 with the instrument. Each analysis of drift time profiles in the presence of metal or in mutant was directly preceded by the experiment on WT Aβ1–40 carried out in the same experimental conditions. This excludes the possibility of changes in drift time profiles caused by instrumental irreproducibility. Since the profiles obtained for WT Aβ1–40 were highly reproducible on a batch-to-batch and day-to-day basis, in the presented figures only one control profile is shown for each experiment. Modeling of Aβ1–40 oligomers. All the molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations were performed using Yasara Structure package. The original Yasara 271 forcefield was extended with QMderived bond lengths and ESP charges, which were calculated as follows. Various topologies of possible Cu2+ coordinating centers were initially preoptimized using the semi-empirical PM3 method with methylimidazole, methylamine, acetamide and acetic acid as models for Cu coordination by Histidine, N-terminal amino group, backbone carbonyl, and C-terminal carboxyl, respectively. These systems were then optimized using the DFT B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) method implemented in Firefly 8.0 package,72 which is partially based on the GAMESS (US)73 source code. Corrections for solute-solvent interactions were also introduced by the polarizable continuum model (PCM).74 Initial protofibril-like structure of a non-covalently stabilized hexadecamer of Aβ1–40 was prepared previously39 using constraints deduced from accessible fibril structural information: intermolecular D23–K28 salt bridge; residues L17–V24 and A30–V39 kept in the extended conformation to build a β-sheet core; the twist of the backbone in the turn region; the intrachain distance constraints (2.9–8.5 Å between Cα atoms) set, in agreement with mutational data for F19–G38 and A21–V36 residue pairs to simulate their spatial proximity. For the purpose of the present work a central hexamer (peptide molecules 6-11) was extracted, placed in water box and subjected for 50 ns molecular dynamics in NTP ensemble (T = 298 K and p = 1 atm). The weights of all constraints were iteratively decreased, the last 20 ps MD was performed without any constraints. 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In the spectrum signals expected for monomeric species are accompanied by numerous signals corresponding to oligomeric species, as exemplified by the isotopic envelopes of the selected signals A-C (upper insets). For each selected m/z region a profile showing molecular species present at different drift times in the ion mobility chamber can be obtained in the IMS-MS experiment as shown for signals A-C in lower insets. Some profiles contain a single peak, indicating the presence of single species of uniform collisional cross-section, whereas other signals are split in the domain of the drift time into multiple species (see text). Figure 2. IMS-MS drift time profiles of selected signals corresponding to Aβ peptide oligomers collected in the presence of metal ions, either Cu(II) or Zn(II) and compared to the control spectra collected in the absence of metals (upper panels). (a) dimer (DIM5+) for which only a small decrease in the fraction of extended form (at 10.9-11.4 ms) as compared to compact form (at 8.1 ms) is observed in one metal per monomer (OMPM) signal group (lower panels) as contrasted to lack of change for one metal per oligomer (OMPO) spectra (panels 20 2016-02-16 2,3). Both signals, denoted “extended” and “compact”, correspond to two structurally different forms of the dimer because both are characterized by a well resolved isotopic envelope showing the 0.2 Da spacing, thus corresponding to a +5 charged species and the molecular mass expected for the dimer (Supporting material Fig. S2 and Fig. S3 in39 (b) trimer (TRI7+) present only in the extended form (at 10.5 ms) in control spectra (upper panel) in the presence of metals shows the mixture of extended and compact (at 7.7 ms) forms in OMPO spectra. OMPM signals could not be detected for this species. (c) trimer (TRI6+) signals for apo-Aβ1–40 have the same m/z values as TET8+, DIM4+ and MON2+ signals and are separated into a characteristic group of five well resolved signals only in IMS spectra (see also Fig. 2 in39). The identity of each oligomeric form, as shown in the upper panel, was assigned to IMS signals based on the analysis of well resolved isotopic envelopes as described in the cited work, with clear coexistence of the two structurally different forms of the trimer +6 (compact at 9.5 ms and extended at 12.4 ms). It is the ratio of the heights of these two signals which is under study in the present work. In control spectra both extended and compact forms are equally populated, in OMPO spectra (panels 2 and 3) compact form dominates even with low (1:0.5) peptide/metal molar ratio. In these spectra signals at 11.2 ms and 15.8 ms originate from potassium and sodium adducts of DIM4+ and MON2+ oligomers, respectively. In OMPM form (panel 4) the extended form becomes negligible. (d) tetramer (TET7+) in control coexists as a mixture of compact (at 10.1 ms) form dominated by a more abundant extended form (at 13.2 ms). The presence of metals leads to the predominance of the compact form, more pronounced in the case of Cu than for Zn (compare panels 2 and 3). Also, increased number of metal ions associated stabilized compact state (compare Cu/peptide OMPM – panel 5 and OMPO – panel 2 complex and Zn/peptide OMPO complexes in lower fraction of 1:0.5 Zn – panel 3 and higher 1:2 Zn fraction – panel 4). (e) pentamer (PEN8+) shows strong predominance of extended form in control (upper panel) exchanged into strong predominance of the compact form in the presence of metals, however with much stronger effect of Cu than Zn (compare panels 2 and 3) and absence of extended form in OMPM profile (panel 4). Figure 3. IMS-MS drift time profiles of Aβ peptide species observed in the presence of Cu(II), corresponding to apo form (panels 2) or Cu-bound form (panels 3), compared to the control spectra collected in the absence of metals (panels 1). Data for monomeric (a), dimeric (b), trimeric (c) tetrameric (d) and pentameric (e) forms are shown. Metal-induced compact 21 2016-02-16 state is retained in the timescale of the experiment after dissociation of metal in oligomers but not in monomer. Figure 4. The effect of turn region mutants G25P and K28A on relative population of compact and extended form of Aβ1–40 oligomeric species. For the dimeric (DIM5+) species (a) the compact form, observed at 8.3 ms in control, becomes weaker in the mutant K28A, instead the signal of the extended form at 11.4 ms is accompanied by a new signal at 9.9 ms, for which an isotopic envelope indicates alternative form of DIM5+. On the other hand, for G25P mutant the DIM5+ species profile becomes dominated by the compact form at 7.4 ms, whereas the extended form becomes much less populated and characterized by a shorter drift time of 10.9 ms (and thus a smaller collisional cross section) as compared to extended species in control at 11.2 ms. Of the two trimeric (TRI6+) forms (b) observed with equal signal height in control the compact form becomes barely detectable in K28A mutant and strongly dominates in G25P. Similarly, for TET7+ (c) and PEN8+ (d) a bimodal distribution of compact and extended species observed in control, upon mutation becomes unimodal, with extended form present in K28A and compact form in G25P. All analyzed drift time profiles show a shift towards extended species in K28A and to compact species in G25P. Figure 5. Oligomer evolution scheme resulting from detected coexistence of the compact and extended oligomeric forms. Compact forms represent the on-pathway protofibrillar species evolving towards fibrils (lower part of the scheme). These forms coexist with extended structures in which only the C-terminal β-sheet is retained (upper part of the scheme) opening the possibility for interaction with biological membranes and the formation of dodecameric channel-like structures. The possibility of equilibration between the compact and extended species symbolized by double arrows most probably decreases with the order of oligomer at some point leading to the bifurcation (red cross) of the on-pathway and off-pathway evolution. Figure 6. Molecular modeling of Aβ1–40 oligomer complexed with a metal ion. In structure (a) N-terminal amine and His 6 imidazole re engaged and the second imidazole is provided by His-6 of the neighboring Aβ molecule. In structure (b) the complex engages two His 14 imidazoles. Structure (c) is analogous to the previous one, but involves two His 13 imidazoles. This enables participation of the C-terminal carboxylates in the equatorial and/or 22 2016-02-16 axial Cu(II) binding, explaining the observation that Cu(II) ions stabilize the closed structure conformers. 23 2016-02-16