The 2011 Conference for General Practice: pre

The 2011 Conference for General Practice: pre-conference day programme
(including Registrars, Research and Health Informatics)
Thursday 1 September 2011
Langham Hotel, Auckland
0730 1730
0900 0930
Registration desk open - Registrars, HINZ, Research
Plenary (Registrars)
Presentation by MAS – sponsors of Registrar’s Day
Plenary (HINZ, Research)
James McCormack and Mike Allan, Therapeutics Education Collaborative, Canada
0930 1030
Registrar Stream 1A
Registrar Stream 2A
Registrar Stream 3A
Research Stream 1A
Research Stream 2A
Health IT Update Stream 1A
Joint Injection
Minor Surgery
Ngaire Kerse (facilitator)
Clinical trial design:
please bring an idea for a
trial that you would like
to design. The session will
begin with a brief
presentation and then be
hands on small group
work, designing your trial.
Denise Taylor A randomised controlled
trial investigating the effectiveness and
cost-effectiveness of tai chi as a
community based falls prevention
Ben Hudson What do patients expect
of preventive interventions?
Bruce Arroll A case finding tool for
primary insomnia. A diagnostic validity
Joanna Broad What Use Is Made Of
Acute Hospital Beds From Aged Care
Residents In Auckland, New Zealand?
Dr Dave Parry, Auckland University of
Technology Health Informatics Its Role,
Importance and a Historical Perspective
Max numbers: 24
1030 1100
1100 1200
1200 1300
1300 1400
1400 1500
Tony Cooke –Information Strategy Group,
National Health IT Board
The Plan behind the Plan – Understanding the
logic behind the New Zealand National Health
IT Plan
Morning tea - Registrars, HINZ, Research
Plenary (strictly registrars only)
Research Stream 1B
Research Stream 2B
Health IT Update Stream 1B
James McCormack and Mike Allan, Therapeutics Education
Collaborative, Canada
Felicity Goodyear Writing
Dr Tane Taylor How the presence of
undergraduate medical students in the
general practice setting in New Zealand
impact on general practice
Dr Penny Warring Beware of the
Impact of Intravenous Vitamin C on
Renal Function
Jacqueline Swan What do the Patients
Jim Ross Dealing with diversity - an
alternative to cultural competence
Andrew Terris – Patients First: The GP2GP
Project. A case-study in practical
Panel Discussion
What should be our key health informatics
Registrar Stream 1B
Registrar Stream 1B
Registrar Stream 3B
Research Stream 1C
Health IT Update Stream 1C
Minor Surgery
Joint Injection
Tony Dowell Mental health research the old and the new
Tim Kenealy Chronic diseases research: the old and the new
Dr David Hay, Chair of HL7 New Zealand: The
emerging NZ Health IT working interoperability
reference architecture
Registrar Stream 3C
Research Stream 1D
Health IT Update Stream 1D
Lunch - Registrars, HINZ, Research
Registrar Stream 1C
Registrar Stream 2C
1500 1530
1530 1630
Joint Injection
Minor Surgery
Ruth Teh Cardiovascular risk factors and echocardiographic
measures in those living to advanced age
Veronique Gibbons A raised thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
result is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events.
Dr Chris Harnden Into the fifth dimension; A research proposal for
effective cultural competency training for GP registrars n Australia
Prof Ngaire Kerse People in advanced age: preliminary findings from
LILACS NZ – a cohort study in the Bay of Plenty
Speakers and case study presenters being
supplied by Cloud Region: Moving to the
cloud- the benefits of using cloud computing –
A theoretical perspective and case studies
Afternoon tea - Registrars, HINZ, Research
Registrar and Research Stream 1E (combined)
Health IT Update Stream 1E
Registrar presentations: 15 mins x 4 presentation
Dr Douglas Kingsford (30 mins)
Sam Jacobs - Pharmacist (30 mins)
Clinicians at the forefront of Health Informatics
Plenary wrap up (Registrars, HINZ, Research)
1700 1800
Welcome Drinks (with conference delegates) - Registrars, HINZ, Research
James McCormack and Mike Allan, Therapeutics Education Collaborative, Canada